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Lodestone by Howard Ratcliffe

Lodestone means “Leading Stone” or “Course Stone” (Direction Stone). East is the
direction of the Rising Sun.
Magnet: Magnesia Stone; Iron or Steel that possesses the property of attracting
substances such as Iron or Steel. A compass aligns with the Earth’s North-South Axis.
The circled cross is the oldest symbol of earth measurement; it has nothing to do with
Jesus Christ.
Magnet is also: Person, Object or Place that attracts.
Magnesia: Plato’s Ideal City of 5040 people; 5040=7!. Also a location in Thessaly where
the Magnesian Stone was found leading to the discovery of the Earth’s Magnetic Field
and the Compass. Also a site on Crete where Laws were set down between an unnamed
Athenian visitor, the Spartan “Megillus” and the Cretan “Klenias”. Titus said Cretans
admitted themselves they are always “Liars, Evil Beasts and Slow Bellies”. Spartans
were an elite military unit made of Pederast fighting pairs similar to Thebans, Teutonic
and Templar Knights and Samurai.
Magnesia ad Meandrum: Site near Ephesus and the Temple of Artemis. Designed by
Hermogenes (Hermes=Toth) for Artemesia (Artemis=Diana “Goddess of Witchcraft”)
and her twin brother the Carian King Masuolus.
Magnetic Storm: Disruption of Earth’s Magnetic Field by Solar Radiation. Earth has the
magnetic field, not the Sun.
Magnetic Field: Condition of space in the vicinity of a magnetic or current carrying
substance. 2 conditions are believed to be necessary for a Magnet: Magnetic material and
Electric Current; Sun supplies the Electric Current; Earth supplies the Magnetic material.
Why is the Magnesian Stone located at the United Nations? Why did Dag
Hammerskold install the UN Meditation Room? Plato envisioned Atlantis as the 2nd best
Ideal City. America was set up to be Atlantis. Out of the ashes of this Phoenix (Phoenix
is the Arab-Egyptian Bennu Bird; its name means Pa-Hanok “House of Enoch” referring
to Cain’s Enoch not Seth’s who was taken directly to Heaven) New Atlantis ie
“Magnesia” will rise. America is “Amurru” the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god;
Amar the Canaanite god of the West; Ameru the false Dannite, Queen of Sheba/King
Solomon “Judges” and Can meaning Priest. The UN is in the US in the same “East”
location the Benben Stone was in Heliopolis; through America’s military, the world has
been “Shepherded” into the New World Order and out of America’s sacrificial fire, the
Sins of the world shall be made White and the New World Order shall rise. Why Dag
Hammerskold? Scandinavians are Norse (Cathars, Normans) who call America “Ultima
Thule” (Last Spoken Word). The Thule Society is called “Brotherhood of Death” or Skull
& Bones Society. On the Spring Equinox in 2009 Universal Health Care was made law
(it is highly unlikely the Senate will repeal this as of 4/19/2011). $3.22 is the penalty for
Skull & Bones “Bonesman” (Skull is called the Bone Box) to miss a meeting; Gen 3:22
Man becomes as one of us ie Man believes he can become a god himself. At 10:22 EST
the bill was signed to coincide with Midnight in Thule Greenland, and 3:22 Universal
Time at the Prime Meridian on 3/22.
Why Magnesia? The Earth is a Magnet “Magnesia Stone”; the Sun supplies electric
current; together a Magnetic Field forms. The Royal Society of London, set up in 1660 is
meeting now (April 2011) to “Control the atmosphere and literally play God”.
What made me update this article is this. May 21, 2011 is being promoted by Prison
Planet, Harold Camping and even network television as Judgment Day and Rapture Day.
Is it? Of course not. However, on April 17, 2011 a United 757 from LA had its autopilot
connect on its own and the crew had no control over the aircraft for a short time. Remote
flight of these type aircraft was demonstrated on 9/11/2001 and in Time LaHaye’s Left
Behind series the Rapture occurs on airliners. Is there a Rapture? Of course not John
Nelson Darby made that up, but will airliners crashing make you believe the Rapture has
happened? I pray not.
The 13,000 lb Lodestone Altar in the UN Meditation Room is the largest natural
magnet ever mined and cut; this sounds strange at first, but “lb” is a British (B’Rith
means Birthright) unit of weight; like all Matter, this block “Weighs” nothing (I’ll come
back to that). Its foundation is bedrock in order to serve as a conduit for Telluric Energy
(Solar energy magnetically conducted into the Earth). It’s alignment is East-West along
the Solar Track; the illumination is from a single shaft of light from above; God’s light is
the Holy Ghost; this is artificial sunlight. Bisecting the altar gives a “Mir” Triangle
whose 520 angle equals the angle of the Egyptian Pyramids and aligns with the Magnetic
Heading of a Great Circle as it passes New York City connecting the Pyramid of the Sun
at Teotihuacan, Mexico (Jesus was Crucified according to the law He wrote in Deut
21:23; this Temple is “Ground Zero” for the 2012 Solstice “World Crucifixion”),
America’s 1st 5 colonies (Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston),
Stonehenge (Astronomical calculator marking the northern/southern Moon rise/set points
and mid-summer/winter Sun rise points; this became known as the Templar Cross),
Sophia, Bulgaria (Sophia means Wisdom), Troy (Caanakale means Cain’s Castle) and
Baalbek (Temple of Baal). The Hellenic Greek philosopher Pythagoras coined the term
Pythagorean Right Triangle, 3=Male, 4=Female, 5=Divine Son; The King’s Chamber in
Egypt’s Great Pyramid conforms to this dimension; Knights Templar called ritual of
“Divine Union” or “Sacred Marriage” the “Black Virgin with Child”; Child being the
Alternative Messiah/Christ. Egyptians called this “Mr, Akh, Ba”; Priests of On
(Heliopolis) then marketed this to the world as “Merkabah” aka “Ezekiel’s Wheel”.
Basically it is a 3-D Hexagram “Seal of Solomon” viewed from the Sun, tilted 230 away
which forms the mathematical basis of Kabbalah. Gnostics even have chapter 23 written
to the book of Jesus’ testimony “Revelation” to be unveiled after they destroy Him;
how’s that for Vanity?
Gnostics call this “Satan’s Altar”; it sits in front of a mural having among other
hidden symbols, 72 triangles representing 10 precession of Earth’s Axis in relation to the
Zodiac. The Caduceus is the Serpent entwined around the Stauros aka World Tree to
which God was hung upon nearly 2000 years ago. It represents the Hermetic Axiom “As,
Above, So Below” and the Kabbalah concept of “Shekinah” (Flaming Sword of the
World Tree). Hitler’s Gnostic created SS were Knights of the Black Sun; the same
lightning bolts JK Rowling pedaled in the Harry Potter series. Denzel Washington’s new
movie Unstoppable featured Aleister Crowley’s representation of the Flaming Sword in
his book 777 and other Qabalistic writings of Aleister Crowley as runaway train #777. If
you see it notice the right headlight is out and that Stanton PA literally means “Stone
Settlement”. Bet you thought he was Christian? He is, just the wrong Christ. In a nutshell,
God separated the Nations; the UN is putting them back together under the current
leadership of Sun Myung Moon disciple Ban ki Moon. Sun reflects off the Moon;
Assyrian Priests called the Moon by the name Sin and marketed it to Muslims under the
name Al-Allah. Pretty slick eh?
There are 2 natural occurring magnetic materials: Pyrrhotite and Lodestone. Heat
Pyrrhotite above its “Curie Temperature” of 3200 C (6000F), and it is no longer magnetic;
heat Lodestone above 7700 C (14000F) and it too is no longer magnetic; geologists
estimate the temperature of Earth’s Core to be 54300 C (98000F). Geologists claim, the
Earth’s interior contains molten iron; if so, it’s magnetic properties would also cease, as
would Earth’s ability to support life. Admitting vast amounts of water is inside the earth
is something these Gnostic liars will not admit.
Pyrrhotite takes its name from the Greek goddess Pyrrha; Pyrrhos means “Flame”;
Pyramid means “Amid the Flames”. Ferrous means “Containing Iron”; Iron in the
presence of a Magnetic Field becomes Magnetized, and will retain this property so long
as it stays below its Curie Temperature. If the Earth’s interior contains molten iron as
most geologists claim it cannot be magnetic; if as the bible states, the Earth’s interior has
tremendous amounts of water, Earth in effect becomes a primary circuit within an
Electric Field capable of continuous and nearly unlimited amounts of power. Earth is a
negatively charged sphere; the Ionosphere surrounding it is a positively charged shell;
together this forms a Capacitor. I’m well aware Helio-physicists claim most of the solar
wind is Helium nuclei (protons/neutrons), the Sun produces a magnetic field as well as
carbon and Sun spots are magnetic storms which affect earth; they are lying. KISS:
electrons hit the earth’s magnetic field; Ionosphere and the Earth form a Capacitor; end of
story. When Earth starts to be destroyed by Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions and
Weather, and it will, blame Gnostic Man.
Nikola Tesla described Earth this way “Earth is a freely vibrating secondary circuit
of definite length (24,900 miles at the equator) with high self induction and small
resistance. One terminal directly grounded, the other with an elevated conductor.
Electrical oscillations of the primary, exciting circuit impressed upon the secondary
circuit under conditions of resonance, capable of thousands of Amps (Current flow) at
tens of millions of Volts Pressure”. Tesla calculated the potential energy at 50 volts/ft;
the Ionosphere is 50km -400km above the Earth’s surface, so a Longitudinal Standing
Wave “Scalar Wave” naturally occurs having a wavelength equal to the Earth’s
Circumference divided by the speed of Solar Radiation (current Light Speed=186,000
miles/sec; Einstein lied about it being constant to justify Big Bang/ Red Shift Theories in
his Theories of Relativity), which equals 7.86Hz (Cycles/Sec) and an Amplitude (50-
400Km) at least 7.8 million Volts. Currently, this cycle is increasing (I wouldn’t be
surprised to see Rev 8 begin the Great Tribulation when Earth Resonance is 8 Hz; my
best guess is still the 2012 Solstice, but it’s a guess. Watch for War, Famine, Economic
destruction at the start; the 3rd Temple and a world leader toward the end. Gnostic Man is
attempting to destroy God and His Creation using Scalar Radars such as HAARP,
EISCAT, SuperDarn, Sousy, Woodpecker Grid etc. The Ionosphere constantly receives
charge from the Sun and discharges the potential energy as lightning some 200
times/second; the point here is Gnostics from many nations (primarily Russia, China,
Japan, US, Great Britain, Brazil) are working together, using unbridled amounts of
energy toward a common goal of uniting all nations under one common Government.
Govern=Control; Mente=Mind.
The UN Meditation Room is a Trapezoid. An Unfinished Pyramid=Pyrrhos “Amid
the Flame”; Egyptian Priests of On (On is Osiris and Heliopolis “City of the Sun god”)
called it the “Ben-ben” Stone after the mythical Bennu bird aka Arabian Phoenix which
resurrects out of its own ashes. Sorry, but this is America’s role. The American “Ben-
ben” sits on the eastern shore of Manhattan in an 11ft X 18ft X 33ft Trapezoid shaped
Room with 11 usually empty chairs behind this 13,000lb Lodestone. 11, 18 and 33 are all
significant occult numbers; for starters just read Gen 11 “Tower of Babel”, Rev 11 “Great
Tribulation”, Rev 18 “Physical/Economic Babylon” and Gen 33 “Jacob meets Laban in
Gen 30, separated the flocks in Gen 31, becomes Israel in Gen 32 and meets Esau in Gen
33”; call this the top of Scottish Rite Masonry “Illuminati” if it helps; Jesus began His
ministry at 30 and was Crucified at 33; Sovereign “Free” Masons the world over try to
emulate and top this. Oops!
33 blocks north is Rockefeller (Stone Giant) Center with its 9ft. statue of
Prometheus, the brother of Atlas and Titan who brought fire to Man. His son Deucalion
and his wife Pyrrha, the daughter of Pandora constructed an Ark (also featured at the
UN); on the 10th day (Rosh Hashanah + 9 days=Yom Kippur “Atonement”) they
disembarked on Mt Parnassus (Heath Ledger died filming The Imaginarium of Dr
Parnassus) where Gnostic Priests of Apollo controlled most of the world using the
Delphic Oracle/Sibyl. The initiated offspring of Deucalion and Pyrrha are called
“Hellenes”; Greek Hellenism are these so-called “Free Men” aka “Free Masons”. The
modern day Delphic Sibyl is in fact the UN. Deucalion asked Zeus (god of Minoan Crete)
to renew the human race; the Hebrew phrase “Tikkun Olam” means “Repair the World”;
Deucalion became the father of the Hellenes “People of small Stones”. Hellenism means
“Free of God” it’s a Gnostic term as is the title Arabic title “Rabbi” which means “My
Great One”. Bet you thought Rabbis were Jewish eh? Wrong.
Magnetic means attractive. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; in Gen 3:5
promised Eve she would not to die, have her eyes opened, become as gods, to know good
and evil. Eve must not have liked God placing Adam over her in Gen 3:16, so in 3:22 he
too becomes as “one of us”; us meaning Father, Son, Holy Spirit; which one? Spirit of
course, he was punished by God the Father and Adam had no Son yet. Gnosis means
Knowledge; Gnostics call themselves “Pneumatics” because Pneuma means Spirit; they
are possessors of the Spirit. Which Spirit? Well, if you are Born Again of the Holy Spirit,
you know very well it is not the Spirit of God; if you are an Indian Rishi or Shaman, you
might describe this Spirit as “Om” or Kundalini “Serpent Force”. No coincidence “Ohm”
means resistance; Jesus Christ is the only resistance we have to Spirits.
The Sun is nuclear furnace converting hydrogen to helium with a small amount of
mass converted to energy and cast off as Radiation according to E=MC2. C is the current
velocity of Light; Einstein said Light has always travelled at a constant velocity (An
impossible, and unproven Lie) and “Relativity Theory” claims Light travels at the same
velocity for all observers, no matter how fast they are traveling (Another unproven
ridiculous Lie); the point is E=MC2 is simply an expression of Kinetic Energy 1/2MV2
and Light is made of particles with Mass, not Mass less Waves. Nuclear Fusion releases
charged energetic particles (electrons) as Gamma, X-Ray, UV (Ultraviolet), Visible
Light, IR (Infrared), ELF (Low Frequency/Long Wavelength ie Radio). Physicists like
Stephen Hawking claim light has a Wave/Particle Duality, but it’s a lie; Waves cannot
travel in Space unless space is a medium such as “Aether”. Scripture says Space is
nothing and it has never been proven otherwise. Nuclear Fusion is the only proven source
of energy in the Universe; the Dark Matter/Energy theory is simply an unproven lie.
Earth is a magnet; this fact is obvious and proven; the Sun is not a magnet; it has no
magnetic material, only unguided electric current. Magnetic material and electric current
are necessary for magnetism. At the temperatures necessary for nuclear fusion, all matter
is well above its “Curie Temperature”; even if Iron were present, which it is not, it would
be non-magnetic. Even theoretically, it is impossible for nuclear fusion to produce Iron;
the reaction is “Endothermic” meaning it requires more energy to initiate the reaction
than it would produce. The point here is God created Earth with natural magnetic
material and Iron for the purpose of creating a Magnetosphere and Ionosphere, with a
continuous and enormous amount of energy available for Man to do with as he desires.
God is simply illustrating the heart of Man is exceedingly Wicked; establish a
relationship with Him and this will become painfully obvious.
The Sun ejects charged particles called “Electrons”. The Earth is a Magnet with a
North and South Pole which guides these charged particles into a Torroidal (Donut)
shaped field called the “Magnetosphere”; a name coined by Cornell Astrophysicist
(Gnostic) Thomas Gold in 1959. He described it as “The region above the Ionosphere
dominated by Earth’s magnetic field extending out to a distance of 10 Earth radii”.
Professor Tom wrote a book called Deep Hot Biosphere in 2000 claiming Oil, Coal and
Natural Gas can be produced by both “Abiotic” (Non-living) as well as “Biotic”
processes. That’s a bold faced unproven lie necessary to explain how oil ends up in
pockets 6 miles below the surface; non-living things can never produce living things.
Anyway, back to the Magnetosphere.
Donuts are not spheres so it really needs to be called something else; in a 2
dimensional sense, it looks identical to Iron filings tossed over a bar magnet. Man (Plants
and Animals as well) cannot live being bombarded with Gamma, X-Rays or UV. Gamma
passes through virtually every material and X-Rays, although stopped by lead are famous
for causing cancer. Fortunately, this deadly energy is shielded from Earth and its living
inhabitants some 1000-40,000 miles away. NASA Shuttle astronauts stay well below this
1000 mile level; Gemini/Apollo astronauts are simply good at lying. UV and Visible
Light pass through the Magnetosphere and make contact with the Nitrogen, Carbon
dioxide and Oxygen “Atmosphere”. Atmosphere means “Vapor or Steam; Surrounding
influence; Mental or moral environment; To blow, inspire or spiritually arouse”. Zeus,
Thor, Typhon are examples of weather gods, but here, the point is Atoms (so named for
the Egyptian god Atum) such as Oxygen and Nitrogen are electrically neutral, having an
equal number of Protons and Electrons. UV Light is largely absorbed by the Ozone Layer
in the upper atmosphere; thank God. Visible Light strikes Oxygen and Nitrogen atoms
stripping electrons, causing them to become “Free” as well as the Atoms themselves to
become positively charged “Ions”. “Ionosphere” is a name coined by Michael Faraday in
1834; it means “I go away or we go away” because Ions move toward the electrode of
opposite charge. There are some 200 lightning strikes every second between the
Ionosphere and Earth or cumulus clouds (shear forces in rising air currents strips
electrons) to Earth to equalize this potential “Voltage” and Tesla invented ways to
harness it.
Whether Nikola Tesla was Born Again of the Holy Spirit is between him and God,
but used by God for a specific purpose and a humanist interested in peace, he most
certainly was. He reminds me of King James I; a man used by God to give Man an
uncorrupted Word, but whether he was Born Again of the Holy Spirit is between him and
God. Tesla demonstrated wireless transmission of virtually unlimited energy to any point
above, under or on the Earth’s surface using the Earth as a conductor and the distance
between the Ionosphere as a Capacitor. He envisioned and or demonstrated electric
driven, remotely guided submarines, automobiles and airplanes, high frequency, low
power vacuum tube lights without filaments, impregnable force fields for nations and
cities, universal telegraphy of voice, music, pictures, written material, discrete coding
(secrecy), remote controlled weapons immune to enemy destruction or interference,
universal time, position and velocity and much else. Tesla envisioned world power
stations sending out continuous 10,000 Horsepower at 100 Million Volts freely to
everyone, anywhere on Earth with a simple tuned antenna. An example his cited in one of
his many letters was a 50 horsepower electric driven airplane for virtually everyone
which would eliminate distance and iniquity between all people. What makes me
question his relationship with God is his writings on Alien life and his efforts to create a
viable communication device to distant planets, especially Mars. The power requirements
for interplanetary communication is astronomical, and under conditions assumed in Big
Bang Theory simply impossible. As obviously intelligent as the man was, for him to
believe Mars had the necessary conditions (Photosynthesis, Hydrologic Cycle,
Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, Ozone, Atmosphere) for life is incredulous. Ridiculous is
assuming Aliens could violate basic laws of physics to accelerate to velocities necessary
for multi-trillion mile journeys. Equally ridiculous is assuming Man or an Alien could
travel through the Magnetosphere and survive with all the Ionizing Radiation present.
Why have Tesla’s inventions been suppressed? “The love of money is the root of all
Power: Tesla offered free energy worldwide. Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum, Dam,
Atomic, Wind, and Battery corporations are 100+ year old, multi-Quadrillion dollar
industries. Oil for example is the largest; controlled by Rothschild (BP=Anglo-Iranian
Oil) and Rockefeller interests; it’s worldwide and totally based on lies. Peak Oil is myth;
ANWR has a 200 year supply of Oil and Natural Gas; the Bakken Formation in MT-SD
has an estimated 500 Billion Bbls; the Gulf of Mexico, ditto and yes Deepwater Horizon
was intentional. Oil is not a “Fossil Fuel”; fossils are rocks that look like the pre-flood
animals that died forming them. Burning Oil, Natural Gas and Coal does not cause
“Global Warming” or “Climate Change” or “Climate Disruption”; all those money
siphoning, death justifying notions are lies.
Radio and TV: Tesla offered this free. No more “Talking Heads”; what a shame.
Everyone on earth hearing the exact same message at the same time; Tesla envisioned
this as the foundation of world peace. A common education for all would mean all those
lying PhD’s would have to actually work for a living; basically a level playing field and
wireless world Internet, all envisioned 100 years ago.
Security: Tesla envisioned national borders guarded by infinitely coded EM “Force”
fields. No more militaries or their death merchant contractors.
Weather, Water and Food: Pumping, Purification, infinite desalinization of
seawater. Weather modification to extend growing seasons, reforestation, flood and
drought mitigation are all possible using free EM energy.
Space Exploration: EM energy can create “Force Fields” identical to the
Magnetosphere and attempts in the 1950’s to blow holes in it using Nuclear weapons
only strengthened them presented Gnostics a conundrum. The solution is to Lie.
Returning to the definition of “Magnetic Field”, the Space in the vicinity of a
magnet. There are 2 types of Magnets, “Permanent” and “Electro-magnet”. An Electro-
magnet uses electric current (electrons) to create a surplus (North Pole) and deficit (South
Pole) of electrons in a material capable of becoming magnetic such as Iron. As long as
the flow of electrons is sustained over an Iron bar or plate, the Magnetic Field continues,
stop the current and the field stops. A permanent magnet has this surplus and deficit of
electrons naturally such as found in Lodestone or a manufactured material such as found
in a common refrigerator magnet. Magnets are produced by taking a material capable of
being magnetized, heating it above it’s “Curie Temp” in the presence of an electric
current and cooling it. The Space in the vicinity of a magnet is the magnetic field. Earth
forms a 3-D donut shape called a “Torroid” and not surprising, the first post Flood priests
were called “Konn-Torrs” meaning Priests of the Torroid; today’s astrophysicists are no
different. English is a Phoenician/Canaanite/Egyptian language; “Elect” is derived from
the Phoenician “Elekron” and despite Niels Bohr and his followers of Atomic Theory
claiming Strong, Weak, Magnetism, Gravity “Forces”, there is simply no evidence.
KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Theory is the same as Occam’s Razor “The simplest
explanation is more likely the correct one” Electrons stream off the Sun, contact Earth’s
Magnetic Field. The Magnetosphere shields life by blocking the most energetic and
deadly Gamma and X-Rays. Visible light contacts the Ionosphere, knocking electrons off
Oxygen and Nitrogen atoms; Ions are now “Charged”, providing unlimited and
continuous free energy. The Ozone Layer blocks deadly UV (Ultraviolet) radiation. The
Atmosphere accepts light providing unlimited power, photosynthesis and the ability to
see. Light slows down according to the Refractive Index and reflects back as IR
(Infrared) providing heat as it passes through the Atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure
changes caused by alternating night and day, distribute the heat evenly. The Atmosphere
remains attached to Earth despite the vacuum (lower pressure) of space because it
expands at 32 ft/s2. Simple enough? Gnostics screw it up and Jesus will fix it. Still simple
1 Tim 6:20 and Dan 1:4 are the only KJV Scriptures to use the word “Science”
(Science is replaced by Knowledge in new bible versions based on Gnostic Nag Hamadi
texts); I’m sure Scientists do not put Paul high on their list of favorites (Women Priests
don’t either for 1 Cor 14) for calling Science “Vain Babblings”, and Daniel was surely
not the favorite among Chaldean sorcerers “Magi”; the solution? Change Scripture;
Science becomes Knowledge. Strongs: #4093 Madda: Intelligence, Consciousness,
Thought, Science, Knowledge. #1108 Gnosis: Knowing by Implication, Knowledge,
Science. Seems as though Man has 2 sources of Science and Knowledge. Why do
Scientists “Gnostics” need to claim the Sun is Magnetic? The Sun is their “Scape Goat”
and “Mother Lode” of their Knowledge. Why do they deny God given sources of
Knowledge? They have to ask God for it.
There are 2 sources of Science and Knowledge and 2 types of Light. The Light God
made on Day 1 is the Holy Spirit, the Light God made on Day 4 is Sunlight and reflected
Sunlight (Moon light). Light, Illumination, Enlightenment, Inner Light are Gnostic
buzzwords; God is the Holy Ghost; Gnosis is so dangerous because it sounds very
similar. Similarly, there are 2 types of Magnets: Natural (Lodestone and Pyrrhotite) and
Artificial (Ferrous/Conductive Metal surrounded by Electric Current ie “Electro-
magnet”). Any Born Again Christian can tell you what happened when he or she asked
Jesus Christ to forgive Sin and provide the Holy Ghost; in my case the background I had
in Science was turned upside down. Evolution became Creation; Heliocentric became
Geocentric; billions of years became 6000 years; the expanding Universe became Fixed.
Another example: Gyroscopic Stability and Gravity are easily explainable if Earth rotates
and expands; God Created the Earth and fixed it on a foundation according to His Word;
the Chaldean Gnostic alternative is a rotating Sun and orbiting Earth due the force of
Gravity; ask Jesus for the Holy Ghost and then see how Gnostics like Copernicus,
Newton, Darwin, Hubble, Einstein, Bohr and Hawking sound. In my case the
Presbyterian Church USA altered the Trinity to Rock, Redeemer, Friend and that’s the
last they saw of me 6 years ago.
How does one become an Electro-magnet, in other words, absent a real born Again of
the Holy Spirit experience, how do Gnostics obtain Pneuma “Spirit? Simple; the Sun
discharges energy which contacts the Earth’s Magnetic Field. Earth now has the 2
requirements to produce a Magnetic Field; Electric Current from the Sun surrounding
Iron. This produces the Magnetosphere “Van Allen Belts”. What would happen if you
stood in front of an X-Ray machine all day? What would happen if you tried to cross the
region of the Magnetosphere where all this high energy Solar Radiation (Electrons) are
trapped? The point is you can’t survive and NASA knows it. Jesus uses the term “Earth
Dwellers” to refer to these people.
My article Flash Forward goes into more detail; but here are a few examples of
Gnostic Scientists; they really should be called Metaphysicians or Cosmologists. Note:
Nikola Tesla is badly maligned for not joining this club. Albert Einstein’s Special and
General Theories of Relativity are mystifying garbage. Tesla said he was a beggar
dressed in purple robes and made a king using mathematically dazzling metaphysics
concepts such as space-time bending. Richard Feynman and Wolfgang Pauli were
obsessed with the 33rd Prime Number 137 which they called the DNA of Light. Stephen
Hawking and Michael Greene now say the Universe is 13.7 Billion light-years across
and 13.7 Billion years old; absolute nonsense. Edwin Hubble said Earth is at the center
of the Universe but chose to cover this truth with “Red Shift”; the expanding Universe
then became Einstein’s space-time warping in Big Bang Theory; more Gnostic nonsense.
Gnostic astrologer Nicholas Copernicus proposed “Heliocentric Theory” and Isaac
Newton, a Rosicrucian mystic invented “Gravity”, as a mysterious “Attractive Force”
operating everywhere simultaneously; this is Ubiquity, Omnipotence and Omnipresence
wrapped in Gnostic BS. Leonhard Euler and Joseph LaGrange developed dazzling
equations for objects in Newton’s “Force Fields” which resulted in the current model of
the Solar System; too bad there are no “Forces” or “Solar Systems”. Scottish farmer
Charles Lyell believed tectonic plate interactions took millions of years to raise
mountains; sorry Charlie the Flood created them in months if not weeks 4320 years ago,
that’s why there are still sea shells on Mt Everest. Niels Bohr invented the “Atomic
Theory” using a Strong Nuclear and Weak Interaction combined with Gravity and
Electro-magnetism; the only real Force here is Electro-magnetism and that exists only in
Magnetic material carrying an electrical current. Bohr postulated the Universe exists in
26 dimensions; nice try Niels that’s the number of letters in the Phoenician alphabet.
Werner Heisenberg’s “Uncertainty Principle” used 1/137 as the probability an electron
would absorb or emit a photon; new flash Werner, light is made of electrons.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz describes Gnostic Man’s path to Freedom. Lodestone
was used to make the Compass and Gnostics became Merchants of Lies. Gold is the trick
(Path), Silver (Slippers), Brass (Copper + Zinc), and Iron (Ferro-magnetic) was used to
construct the Beast/Idol described in Dan 2. Emerald means Lightning, so the end of the
journey is Solar Radiation (Electrons) guided by the Earth’s (Magnet Field) and
discharged as a weapon on what Talmudic/Kabbalist Rabbis refer to as Goyim “Soulless
Corpses”; I’m happy to be included in this group. Tesla said “Electricians will settle all
future battles” and Jesus said “Except those days were shortened, no flesh would
remain”. “Those Days” are close at hand. Gnostics may or may not believe this, but we
are all gong to die, as for me and my family, we prefer to be miry clay in the hands of the

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