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POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal.

98 - 111

DOI: 10.26418/positron.v12i2.56880

Integration of Topex Satellite Gravity and Digital Elevation Model

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (DEM SRTM) Imagery for
Subsurface Structure Identification at Tiris Geothermal Area
Salman Hamja Siombonea*, Adi Susilob, Sukir Maryantob
aDepartment of Mathematics and Natural Science Education, STKIP Gotong-Royong Masohi, Masohi
97514, Indonesia
bGeophysical Engineering, Department of Physics, Brawijaya University, Indonesia Veteran Street, Malang,

East Java, Indonesia

*Email :
(Diterima 6 Agustus 2022; Disetujui 29 September 2022; Dipublikasikan 30 November 2022)


Tiris area is one area that has geothermal prospects. Tiris area is located in the Tiris sub-district,
Probolinggo regency, East Java. This study aims to identify the subsurface structure of the Tiris
geothermal area using Topex gravity and DEM SRTM imagery data. The Topex gravity data obtained is
still in Free Air Anomali (FAA) form, so it is necessary to make Bouguer and terrain corrections to get a
complete Bouguer anomaly. A residual Bouguer anomaly is needed to study shallow subsurface
structures. This anomaly is obtained by separating the residual and regional anomalies from the complete
Bouguer anomaly using the moving average method. The study area has residual Bouguer anomaly values
ranging from -0.5 to 2.9 mGal. The low residual Bouguer anomalies are seen in the body of the Lamongan
volcano (LV) and the Tiris geothermal area (TGA). The study of subsurface structures is focused on the LV
and the TGA through Forward 2D modeling. The A-A' cross-section illustrates the subsurface of LV, while
the B-B' cross-section illustrates the subsurface of TGA. Cross-section A-A' modeling results show that the
source of the low anomaly is in the second layer D2 = 1.24 g/cm3 at a depth of 4.0 to 0.6 km below sea
level and is suspected to be magma because it has a low density. Cross-section B-B' modeling obtained a
low anomaly source at the second layer D2 = 2.03 g/cm3 at a depth of 4.0 to 2.8 km below sea level and is
suspected to be intrusive rock. The lineament display on the 2D of DEM SRTM map for the 45o and 135o
azimuths shows that the TGA region has a high lineament density, and the orientation of the surface
geological structure in the study area is dominant in a northwest-southeast direction.
Keywords: Tiris Geothermal Area, Topex Gravity, Residual Bouguer Anomaly, DEM SRTM, Surface
Geological Structure.
along the Tancak river route, are debatable. These
1. Introduction
hot springs have surface temperatures that vary
Tiris area is located in the Tiris sub-district, from 38𝑜 C to 45𝑜 C [2;3].
Probolinggo regency, East Java province. The Tiris The purpose of further study and research is
area is located in the northeastern area of the to determine the orientation of the surface
Lamongan Volcano complex [1;2]. The Tiris area of geological structure and predict subsurface forms
the Lamongan volcano complex is unique in terms on the targets of the investigation, namely the Tiris
of its natural appearance. The uniqueness of the geothermal area of the Lamongan volcano
most prominent natural appearance is in terms of complex. Generally, many earth science methods
its surface geological structure. The geological (i.e., geophysics, geochemistry, and geology) can
structures around the Lamongan volcano are identify and investigate a prospective area's
maars, maar lakes, cinder cones (volcanic cones), subsurface structure, whether for geothermal,
and various topographic undulations such as mineral, or disaster [6]. However, in choosing a
valleys and small hills [3;4;5]. The existence of method, there are various main reasons behind the
geothermal manifestations with unique surface choice of these methods. Some underlying causes
geological structures in the Tiris area of the are the terrain of the study area, research time,
Lamongan volcano complex is interesting to study and funding (cost) for research.
and investigate further. However, its
manifestations due to hot springs and hot soils

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

Figure 1. Lamongan Volcano from Tiris Village

Figure 2. Study Area of Tiris Geothermal Area in the Lamongan Volcano complex

The Tiris area and the area around Lamongan obtained with a regular grid for a wide area.
volcano has topographical terrain which is Meanwhile, DEM SRTM imagery can be used for
characterized by topographic undulations, such as topographical modeling and to study the
many steep valleys, maars, maar lakes, and orientation of surface geological structures [3;7]
volcanic hills cones [3;5]. Complex field conditions This study was conducted in the Tiris area of
certainly significantly affect the time of direct field the Lamongan volcanic complex, with an area of
data acquisition. On the other hand, field 161.48 km2 (13.80 km × 11.70 km). This study has
acquisition with a wide coverage area would a coverage area starting from the Tiris area and
require a lengthy research time, ample the areas around the Lamongan volcanic complex.
accommodation, and mobilization, which would Geographically, the research area is in zone 49 in
have a significant funding impact. Given the the southern hemisphere, with Easting position:
complex terrain conditions and significant funding, 752296.00 mE – 765856.00 mE and Northing
one of the best alternatives to reach this research's position: 9124768.00 mS – 9113078.00 mS. This
objectives is using Topex gravity data and imagery research is focused on two main locations, namely
DEM SRTM. Topex gravity data from satellite Tiris Geothermal Area (TGA) and Lamongan
images is free to use to interpret subsurface Volcanic Field (LV). The research location is shown
structures. In addition, Topex gravity data can be in Figure 2.

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

2. Geological Setting colors have younger rocks formed during the

The Tiris area is an area that is geologically eruption of Mount Lamongan. The order of
still influenced by the results of the Lamongan Lamongan volcano product units from oldest to
volcano activity in the past. The Lamongan Volcano youngest is as follows: Argopuro volcano (Av),
Complex is an area that is unique in terms of its Tarub pyroclastic deposits (Tp), Tarub sandstone
geomorphological conditions. This condition is deposits (Tbps), Parang lava (Pl), Lava outside the
indicated by several maars and maar lakes around center of Tarub (Tel), Young lava Tarub (Tlm),
Tiris Village and Segaran Village [3]. The existence Lamongan pyroclastic deposits (Lp), Lamongan
of these maars was confirmed by the research of young lava deposits (Llm), and Lamongan maar
Matahelumual [4], who stated that 27 maars and deposits (Lma) [9]. Argopuro (Av) volcanic rock
37 volcanic cones were scattered around the consists of andesite-basalt lava, volcanic breccia
Lamongan volcanic complex. This maar and the and tuff. Young lava deposits (Tlm and Llm) are
volcanic cone are the centers of a parasitic weak to strong combined lahar deposits,
eruption around the Lamongan volcanic complex. consisting of boulders of basalt lava and tuffaceous
Several maars in the Lamongan volcanic complex silt-sand bottom mass [8]. Meanwhile, under
are oriented NW-SE, compared to a strike from the Mount Lamongan, there are products of Mount
Tiris fault [4]. Tarub and Mount Argopuro. Lamongan volcanic
Mount Lamongan is a volcano with a height of products ranging from (Llt) and (Llm) generally
1671 m (above sea level) and is of the Strato type. consist of olivine basalt lava. On the other hand,
This volcano consists of three holes (magma exit Parang lava (Pl) consists of pyroxima basalt lava.
openings): Tarub, Tjupu, and Lamongan. Meanwhile, Lamongan pyroclastic deposits (Lp)
Lamongan volcano is a young volcano from Mount consist of pyroclastic material composed of altered
Tarub whose position is in the east. Mount Tarub basaltic andesite and scoria basalt [8; 9].
is the oldest cone and collapsed from the young 3. Material and Method
Strato cone of Lamongan due to faulting or NW-SE
This study uses two types of satellite data:
depression activity that occurred in the past [5].
free air anomaly (FAA) gravity data from the
The Lamongan volcano Complex is a volcanic area
Topex gravity satellite and DEM STRM (Digital
surrounded by many maar lakes and parasitic
Elevation Model, the Shuttle Radar Topography
cones (epigones). Lamongan volcano and the
Mission) imagery. Topex satellite gravity data is
parasitic cone are located in the depression of the
obtained via:
anticline axis of Java Island [4;8]. The fissure
bin/get_data.cgi (Topex 2022). Meanwhile, the
system is also found in open east-northeast (ENE)
DEM SRTM data was obtained through the USGS
to west-southwest (WSW) orientation for 4 km
(United States Geological Survey) website, namely
between the Klakah Zone and the Peak Zone of FAA gravity from
Mount Lamongan, and several local earthquakes
Topex data is a combination of old Geosat and ERS-
were recorded. The area of the Lamongan volcano
1 data (V18) and new gravity model data (V21)
complex often experiences earthquakes which
based on all available altimeter data, namely
result in new fractures. The presence of many
CryoSat-2, Envisat Satellite, and Satellite Jason-1.
maars, lava hills, and pyroclastics in the Lamongan
The gravitational field derived from the altimeter
area in the past may be closely related to the
is approximately twice as accurate as ship gravity
structural patterns developed in this area [8].
collected by academic institutions, i.e., the
Referring to the stratigraphy of the Lamongan
accuracy of better than 1.7 mGal for latitudes less
volcano area, the surface rocks in the area are
than 72o and somewhat lower accuracy (2-3 mGal)
volcanic product rocks from the eruptions that
at higher latitudes depending on the ice sheet [10].
occurred both from the main craters of Mount
Although thick sediments bury topography, this
Lamongan and Mount Tarub, as well as from
gravity model is a powerful tool for mapping
parasitic cones around them [5]. Some areas have
tectonic structures, such as faults and deep-sea
volcanic rocks resulting from the eruption of
basins [11]. Meanwhile, the DEM SRTM imagery
Mount Tarub, indicated by pink, purple, yellow,
can use to study the orientation pattern of surface
and brown colored rocks in Figure 3. Meanwhile,
geological structures (as fault and fracture), which
other areas with white, green, and yellow corn
can display in the form of a rosette diagram [3;7].

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

Figure 3. Geological Map of Lamongan Volcano Sheet (Modified from [8;9])

FFA gravity data downloaded are 56 data After the CBA data was obtained, the
with a distance between data points of 1.8 km. regional and residual Bouguer anomalies were
FAA gravity data from the Topex satellite has separated using the moving average method. In
been automatically corrected with drift the gravity method survey, the residual
correction, Tidal correction, and latitude Bouguer anomaly becomes the main target in
correction [12]. In addition, the data has also the qualitative interpretation because it is
been equipped with topographic information associated with rock structure anomalies in the
(Altitude of the measurement location). The shallow zone. The moving average method is
obtained FAA gravity data is then processed by applied through spectrum analysis. Spectrum
performing Bouguer correction ( ∆g 𝐵 ) and analysis was carried out on several digital data
Terrain Correction (∆g 𝑇 ) to obtain the Complete in the form of line slices on the CBA map
Bouguer Anomaly (CBA). The following equation through the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)
to obtain the CBA from gravity FAA data: process [2]. The digitized data on the line slice
FAA = (g 𝑜𝑏𝑠 − g 𝜑 ) + ∆g 𝐹𝐴 (1) contains the complete Bouguer data anomaly,
∆g 𝐵𝐴 = (FAA − ∆g 𝐵 ) + ∆g 𝑇 which is then converted into a frequency
∆g 𝐵𝐴 = SBA + ∆g 𝑇 (2) domain using the FFT process. The FFT
where FAA is the free-air gravity anomaly anomaly of gravity of the vertical component
(mGal), g 𝑜𝑏𝑠 is the gravity value of field
F[g 𝑧 ] on each slice line is calculated by the
observations recorded by the Topex satellite
(mGal), g 𝜑 latitude correction (mGal). Whereas following equation [13]:
∆g 𝐵𝐴 is a Complete Bouguer Anomaly (CBA) ℱ[g 𝑧 ] = 2𝜋G𝜇 𝑒 |𝑘|(𝑧0−𝑧 ) ; 𝑧 , > 𝑧0 (3)
(mGal), SBA is a simple Bouguer anomaly, ∆g 𝐵 where g 𝑧 is the vertical component of where the
is a Bouguer correction, and ∆g 𝑇 is a field gravitational anomaly is, k is the wave number;

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

𝑧0 is the elevation of the gravity gain point at the After the sifting process is carried out, a regional
surface, and z', is the depth of the subsurface Bouguer anomaly will be obtained. At the same
anomaly. The next step is to log the results of time, the residual Bouguer anomaly is obtained
the FFT gravity anomaly on the vertical by reducing the reduction of the CBA to the
component so that the relationship between regional Bouguer anomaly [2].
amplitude (A) with wave number (k) and depth Subsurface structure identification in this
(𝑧0 − 𝑧 , ) is obtained to get: study was made through 2D interpretation. 2D
Ln A = Ln ℱ[g 𝑧 ] = |k|(𝑧0 − 𝑧 , ) (4) modeling is carried out by forward modeling on
Furthermore, the spectrum analysis results the Gm-Sys feature in the Oasis Montaj
will obtain the cut-off value wave number application. 2D modeling is done by creating a
(k cut−off ) of each slice line. The value of k cut−off , 2D subsurface cross-section on the Residual
together with the value of the sample distance Bouguer anomaly map according to the target
∆x from the gravity data, will be used to area. This study's target area of interpretation is
calculate the window width (N) through the the Tiris Geothermal Area and the body of the
following equation: Lamongan volcano. The 2-dimensional (2D)
2𝜋 (5) forward modeling in this study is used to
𝑘[cut−off] ∙ ∆𝑥 illustrate the subsurface conditions of the study
The window width value (N) will be used for target by using geophysical data and
the filtering process in the Oasis Montaj considering the local geological information.
application through a moving average filter.

Figure 4. Workflow of Research Design

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

The next step for the qualitative regression graph as in Figure 5. The straight-line
interpretation of geological structures on shallow gradient on the graph shows the surface density in
surfaces is to make an anomaly map of the Second the study area.
Vertical Derivative (SVD). The SVD map is derived
from the residual Bouguer anomaly by utilizing the
Fourier transform operator, namely the Elkins
Ordo 5×5 matrix filter [2]. Making SVD maps is the
best solution for interpreting gravity data because
it can help resolve the boundaries of gravity
anomaly sources at shallow sources [13].
Meanwhile, the interpretation of the
geological structure orientation at the study area is
carried out by utilizing DEM SRTM imagery. The
DEM SRTM data is processed using the Vertical
Option Feature on the Global Mapper Application
through the Azimut angle setting. The selected Figure 5. Local density estimation at the study
azimuths are 45𝑜 and 135𝑜 . This azimuth angle area
selection makes drawing lineaments on the 2D Figure 5 indicates that the study area's rock
DEM SRTM map easy. This lineament draw is density is high, which is 2.84 g/cm3. The condition
oriented to the straight-line pattern of the valley. of the density value corresponds to the existing
The data generated from the activation of the rock formations in the study area, namely volcanic
lineament is then inputted into the Dips 7.0 rocks. Generally, volcanic rocks have a high density.
Application and then displayed in the form of a The volcanic rocks in question include lava rock,
Rosette diagram. The display of the Rosette andesite-basalt lava, volcanic breccia, and tuff,
diagram is then used to interpret the direction of which are products of Mount Tarub, Mount
the orientation pattern on the surface geological Lamongan, and Mount Argopuro. On the other
structure in the study area [7]. Figure 4 shows the hand, this high density has been informed by
workflow of research design for Topex gravity and previous research [2], which found many massive
DEM SRTM data rock outcrops in the form of bolder (igneous rock
from volcanic material) in the study area.
4. Results and Discussion b. Complete Bouguer Anomaly
4.1. Topex Gravity Satellite Data Complete Bouguer Anomaly (CBA) is a
gravitational anomaly obtained from the FFA
The Topex Satellite Gravity data obtained has
gravity data, which has been processed in such a
been processed into several important sub-topics:
way through a series of gravity data corrections.
local density estimation, Complete Bouguer
The CBA value obtained is a combination of
anomaly, spectrum analysis of gravity anomaly,
various sources and the anomaly's depth below
Regional Bouguer anomaly, residual Bouguer
the measurement point's surface (satellite
anomaly, 2D-Forward Modelling of gravity
coverage). These various sources combine regional
anomaly, and anomaly Seconds Vertical Derivative.
anomalies (deep zone) and residual anomalies
The sub-topics are discussed as follows:
(shallow zones).
a. Local Density Estimation
Figure 6 shows that the CBA value ranges
The surface density in the study area was
from -51.6 mGal to 19.2 mGal. The CBA data still
determined from the FAA gravity data, the
describes the gravity anomaly in the topography,
Bouguer correction data, and the Terrain
which is influenced by various anomalies below
correction data using the Parasnis method. This
the surface, a combination of regional and residual
surface density shows the average density value of
anomalies, so this anomaly data cannot be used for
the subsurface constituent rocks in the study area
further interpretation. In this case, the CBA data
[14]. Data such as FAA gravity and the difference of
needs to be reduced to regional Bouguer
Bouguer correction data against terrain correction
anomalies and residual anomalies using the
data are divided by the earth's crust's average
moving average method through spectrum
density value and then plotted into a linear
analysis stages.

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

Figure 7 shows the spectrum analysis process

of the gravity data anomaly on slice lines 1 and 2 in
graphical form. The two graphs represent the
spectrum analysis process from several other slice
lines. The graphs directly indicate the location of
the discontinuity of the regional anomaly depth
and residual anomaly depth. In addition, in both
graphs, the cut-off value of the wave number
(k cut−off ) can be estimated without having to use
calculations through mathematical equations.
The data obtained in Table 1 shows that the
regional anomaly depth discontinuity value in the
study area ranges from 847.62 m to 3321.00 m
below the measurement point, with an average of
Figure 6. Complete Bouguer Anomaly (CBA) Map
1655 m below the measurement point of satellite
of the Study Area
coverage. The residual anomaly depth
c. Separation of Regional and Residual Anomali
discontinuity value in the study area ranges from
The separation of the regional Bouguer
100.08 m to 168.40 m below the measurement
anomaly and the residual Bouguer anomaly is
point, with an average of 118 m below the
carried out using the moving average method
measurement point of satellite coverage. The
through digitizing data on 8-slice lines on the CBA
regional anomaly discontinuity value indicates the
map. This slice line was created according to the
presence of an anomaly in the deep zone, which
needs and scope of the CBA map. Sample distance
can be assumed as the depth of the pre-quaternary
∆x of the gravity data in this digitization is 100 m.
layer of basalt rock. Meanwhile, the value of
After obtaining digitized data from the 8-slice line,
residual anomaly discontinuity indicates the
spectrum analysis was carried out using a fast
presence of an anomaly in the shallow zone, which
Fourier transform (FFT) on each digitized gravity
is a quaternary sedimentary layer composed of
data. The digitized data is then plotted into a graph
alluvial, tuffaceous breccia, lava deposits, and
of the relationship between the wave number (k)
pyroclastic deposits [15]. Once the cut-off value of
and the natural logarithm of the amplitude (ln A).
the wave number (k cut−off ) is known, and the
These data are to determine the discontinuity of
single window width value can also be determined.
the depth of the regional anomaly, the residual
The single window width value due to rounding in
anomaly, and the cut-off value of the wave number
the spectrum analysis process is 26 m (see Table
(k cut−off ) of each slice line. The graph plot of the
1). This single window width value is then used in
relationship between wave number (k) and the
the filtering process in the Oasis Montaj app using
natural logarithm of amplitude (ln A) is shown in
a moving average filter to obtain regional Bouguer
Figure 6. Meanwhile, the data analysis results from
each graph (slice line) are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Results of spectrum analysis on each slice line on the CBA map.
Num. Regional Depth Residual Depth Wave number k Window width n
(Line of slice) Discontinuity Discontinuity cut-off (m) (m)
(m) (m)
1 -1267.70 -118.42 0.002 26.54
2 -2287.50 -123.10 0.002 33.56
3 -1024.20 -104.20 0.003 22.06
4 -847.62 -100.08 0.003 19.38
5 -980.14 -104.20 0.003 21.67
6 -1891.00 -115.75 0.002 29.83
7 -3321.00 -168.40 0.002 32.12
8 -1617.80 -108.22 0.002 25.19
Average -1654.62 -117.80 26.29
Rounding Value -1655 -118 26

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

Figure 7. Graph plotting the relationship between wavenumber (k) and the natural logarithm of
amplitude (ln A) on slice lines 1 and 2

d. Regional Bouguer and Residual Bouguer Lamongan volcanoes. The presence of high
anomaly anomalies around the Lamongan volcano is
The regional Bouger anomaly essentially estimated to be at shallow depths. It is supported
describes the condition of the subsurface structure by the absence of high anomalies on the sides near
in the deepest zone and is related to the regional Lamongan volcano on the regional Bouguer
structure of the basement layer. Based on Figure 8 anomaly map. To see the boundaries of geological
(a), the regional Bouguer anomaly values in the features and fault continuity zones in the Tiris
study area range from -44.8 mGal to 17.7 mGal. Geothermal Area, more shallow subsurface data is
The regional Bouguer anomaly map shows that the needed, namely the anomaly second vertical
low anomaly is in the body of the Lamongan derivative (SVD). Meanwhile, the interpretation
volcano. Meanwhile, the height anomaly is more and estimation of subsurface structures will be
dominant in the southeast of the study area and a discussed in the 2D-Forward Modeling of the
small portion in the southwest of the study area. gravity anomaly on the residual Bouguer anomaly
Regional Bouguer anomalies cannot be used as map.
targets for shallow zone investigations, so residual e. 2D-Forward Modeling
Bouguer anomalies are needed for further In forward modeling from gravity data, a
qualitative interpretation. model will be sought that produces a response that
Figure 8(b) shows that the residual Bouguer fits the field data. In order to obtain a match
anomaly in the study area ranges from -5.0 mGal to between the theoretical data (response model) and
2.9 mGal. The low anomaly (-5 mGal to -0.1 mGal) field data, a trial and error process is carried out
is dominant in the body of the Lamongan volcano, by varying the value of the model parameters so
and there are small closures in the southeast (SE), that later a model gives a response that matches
southwest (SW), and northwest (NW), and the field data [16]. The trial and error process is
northeast (NE) directions. Low anomalies in the carried out manually using geological and relevant
body of the Lamongan volcano indicate the geophysical information. Forward 2D modeling in
presence of active magma in the body of the the interpretation of gravity data generally uses
Lamongan volcano. On the other hand, there is a residual Bouguer anomaly data because the
low anomaly in the northeast direction of the anomaly is related to the subsurface structure of
Lamongan volcano, which indicates the presence the shallow zone. In Figure 9(a), there are two
of the Tiris fault lane. On the Tiris fault lane, cross-sections on the residual Bouguer anomaly
several hot springs appear around the Tancak Tiris map, namely A-A' cross-section and B-B' cross-
watershed, precisely in the flood plane area. section. Cross-section A-A' crosses over the body
Meanwhile, the high anomaly (0.1 mGal to 2.9 of Lamongan Volcano (LV) in a north-to-south
mGal) spreads around the body of the Lamongan direction. Meanwhile, Cross-section n B-B' crosses
volcano, namely on the south, west, north, and east the Tiris fault lane in the Tancak River watershed
sides. The high anomaly shows past lava deposits in West-East.
and volcanic material from the Tarub and

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

Figure 8. (a) Regional Bouguer Anomaly of the Study Area, (b) Residual Bouguer Anomaly of the Study

Figure 9(b) shows an illustrative subsurface area because the magma reservoir is assumed to
structure of cross-section A-A' with an incision be the heat source [17]. The third layer (light blue)
length of 6.10 km and a depth of 4 km below sea has a density of D3 = 3.14 g/cm3 . This layer is at a
level. This 2D model is formed in five main rock depth of 2 km to 0.80 km. This layer is thought to
layers with a forward modeling error value of be a quaternary rock consisting of andesite-
3.23%. The five layers are ordered from the basaltic rock. The fourth layer (in gray) has a
bottom (oldest bedrock) to the top (topography). density of D4 = 2.84 g/cm3 to 2.83 g/cm3 . This
The first rock layer (in orange) has a density of D1 layer is located at a depth of 0.80 km below sea
= 3.29 g/cm3 . This layer is located at 4.0 km to 2.0 level to 0.6 km above sea level. This fourth layer is
km below sea level and is estimated to be pre- a volcanic breccia. This volcanic breccia results
quaternary rock with basalt constituents. The from andesite-basaltic weathering from Mount
second layer (in pink) has a density of D2 = 1.24 Tarub and Mount Lamongan. This breccia consists
g/cm3 , and the second layer intersects the middle of andesite, basalt, and a little pumice [2;19]. The
of layer 1. This layer is located at a 4.0 km to 0.6 fifth layer (in light green) has a density D5 ranging
km depth below sea level. The low-density layer in from 1.34 g/cm3 to 0.79 g/cm3 . This layer is
the middle of this high-density layer is thought to located at a depth of 0.65 km below sea level to
be an active magma reservoir from the Lamongan 1.671 km above sea level and is a topographic
volcano. The existence of this low density can be layer. This topographic layer generally consists of
seen in the graph of calculated data which has an material from the eruptions of Mount Tarub and
anomaly trend of increasing. In contrast, the Mount Lamongan. The topographic material in the
observed data graph drops right on the body of the lowest layer is the result of the eruption of Mount
Lamongan volcano. The increasing trend anomaly Tarub in the past, such as Tarub pyroclastic
in this calculated data graph indicates the presence deposits, Tarub sandstone deposits, and Tarub
of a low-density body that must fill the subsurface lava. At the same time, the topography of the
of the Lamongan volcanic body. This low-density uppermost layer is composed of material from the
magma reservoir is thought to consist of light Lamongan volcanic eruption, which is the
material (partially melted and gaseous) in heavier youngest, such as Lamongan pyroclastic deposits
material (phenocryst) [17;18]. This low-density and Lamongan young lava deposits.
structure is related to the thermal structure in this

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

Figure 9 (a) View of A-A' and B-B' cross-sections on the residual Bouguer anomaly map. (b)
Representation subsurface model of the A-A' cross-section of the Lamongan Volcano, and (c)
Representation subsurface model of the B-B' cross-section of Tiris geothermal Area (TGA).

Figure 9(c) illustrates the subsurface third rock layer (in light blue) has a density of D3 =
structure of the B-B' cross-section with an incision 2.99 g/cm3 , at a depth of 2.6 km to 0.6 km below
path length of 6.94 km and a depth of 4 km below sea level. This third layer is considered a
sea level. This 2D modeling in this cross-section is quaternary rock consisting of andesite-basaltic
made in the form of 5 rock layers and has an error rock. In this third layer, fault in the rock layers
value of the forward modeling is 1.25%. The five becomes the way for the heat source to go up to
rock layers are sorted from the lowest (oldest the shallower surface, namely the fourth layer and
bedrock) to the topmost layer (topography). The the topographic layer. The fourth layer (in gray)
first rock layer (in orange) has a density of D1 = has a density of D4 = 2.83 g/cm3 to 2.84 g/cm3 , at
3.14 g/cm3 , located at 4.0 km to 2.0 km depth a depth of 1.6 km below sea level to 0.4 km above
below sea level and is estimated to be pre- sea level. Based on its density value, this fourth
quaternary (tertiary) rock with basalt as its layer is assumed to be volcanic breccia. Given the
constituent. The second rock layer (in pink) has a high porosity of volcanic breccia rocks, this fourth
density of D2 = 2.03 g/cm3 , located at 4.0 km to 2.8 layer is estimated as reservoir rock in the
km below sea level. This second layer has a lower geothermal system in the Tiris geothermal area
density than the first rock layer. The low density of [20;2]. This volcanic breccia is estimated to be the
this layer is shown by the calculated data in the result of weathering of Argopuro Volcano basalt,
graph, which has a slight increase in the anomaly and this rock is composed of andesite, basalt, and a
trend while the observed one decreases. This little pumice [2;19]. The fifth layer, or the
condition indicates a low-density body below the topography, has a density of D5 = 2.58 g/cm3 . This
surface of the TGA area. This second layer is layer varies in depth from 1.0 km below sea level
considered an intrusive rock with a relationship to 0.6 km above sea level. This layer combines
with sub-magmatic activity and is a source of heat sedimentation, rock weathering, lava deposits, and
for hot springs and hot soil around the Tancak materials from the Lamongan volcanic eruption,
river fault in the Tiris geothermal area [2;18]. The such as tuffaceous breccia and lapilli [2].

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

by the eruption of Mount Tarub in the past.

Meanwhile, the high anomaly around the body of
the Lamongan volcano shows volcanic material.
4.2. DEM SRTM Data
Surface geological structures such as faults or
fractures can be analyzed using the pattern of
lineament features. The lineament pattern
describes the orientation of the surface geological
structure in the study area [21]. The lineament
feature in this study was carried out by manually
drawing the lineament lane following the valley
lane of the SRTM DEM map, which determined the
azimuth angle. The summary of the results of the
lineament draw is plotted on a rosette diagram
map which is used to see the direction (orientation)
of the lineament distribution, which describes the
surface geological structure as the presence of
faults or fractures [22; 7]. The analysis result of the
Figure. 10 Second Vertical Derivative (SVD)
lineament orientation on the DEM SRTM map and
anomaly map.
rosette diagram will be compared with the results
f. Second Vertical Derivative
of the qualitative interpretation on the SVD map of
The second Vertical Derivative (SVD) is the best
gravity data.
first step in interpreting gravity data because it can
The lineament analysis on the DEM SRTM
highlight shallow sources (structures). In addition,
map focused on the lineament of the valleys with
SVD can resolve the boundary of the source of the
azimuths of 45º and 135º. The azimuth angle in
gravitational anomaly [13]. The SVD method in
this analysis is made differently to compare the
this study is used to determine the discontinuity of
orientation of the surface geological structure on
subsurface structure, especially the presence of
the two maps with different azimuths when
faults in the study area [16]. The SVD anomaly map
plotted on a rosette diagram. The lineament
is the second derivative of the residual Bouguer
pattern with azimuth angles of 45º and 135º on the
anomaly by utilizing the SVD filter operator,
2D SRTM DEM map and rosette diagram is shown
namely the Elkins 5x5 matrix filter coefficient.
in Figure 11 and Figure 12.
Figure 10 shows the SVD anomalies that are
Figure 11(a) shows the lineament pattern of
classified into low and high zones. These
the valley (blue line) formed on the DEM SRTM
anomalies are used to analyze geological structure
boundaries. Low SVD anomalies (in blue to green) map with an azimuth of 45º. The lineaments that
range from -1.2 mGal/m2 to -0.0 mGal/m2. The can be drawn based on the valley pattern on this
high anomaly (orange to hot pink) goes from 0.1 map are 81-lane with varying lengths and
directions. The rosette diagram in Figure 11(b)
mGal/m2 to 1.2 mGal/m2. The results of qualitative
analysis of the contact boundary between high shows that the lineament with an azimuth angle of
anomaly and low anomaly rock bodies show a low 45º in the study area has a dominant orientation in
anomaly continuity to the northeast of Lamongan the southwest-southeast direction. Figure 12(a)
volcano. This low anomaly continuity has a shows the lineament pattern of the valley (blue
northwest-southeast orientation and is thought to line) formed on the DEM SRTM map with an
be a fault line in the Tiris geothermal area. In azimuth of 135º. The lineaments that can be drawn
addition, the results of the qualitative analysis also based on the valley pattern on this map are 62-
show that in the body of the Lamongan volcano, lane with varying lengths and directions. The
there is a low anomaly opening path that is rosette diagram in Figure 12(b) shows that the
trending northwest to southeast. The low anomaly lineament with an azimuth angle of 135º in the
opening pattern on the body of Lamongan volcano study area has a dominant orientation in the
is estimated to be a lineament (fractures) caused southwest-southeast direction

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

Figure 11. (a) Lineament map with 45° azimuth angle and (b) Rosette diagram for lineament with 45°

Figure 12. (a) Lineament map with 135° azimuth angle and (b) Rosette diagram for lineament with 135°
Figures 11(a) and 12(a) show that some lava compared to pyroclastics [21]. In addition,
existing lineament segments overlap. This areas with high lineament density typically have
condition is caused by the distance between the good permeability and tend to have many weak
lineaments being close to each other. Based on this zones where geothermal manifestations come out
map, it appears that in the area in the northeast [22]. If appropriately traced, there is a mutually
and southeast of the Lamongan volcano, there are reinforcing relationship on the two maps where
many very dense lineament segments. The rough the lineament density is relatively high in the
morphology influences the density of the northeastern area of the Lamongan volcano,
lineament segments in these areas. The areas with precisely in the Tiris geothermal area.
high-density lineament are generally located in The Rosette diagrams in Figures 11(b) and
formations with a dominant rock composition of 12(b) show that the direction of the lineaments in

POSITRON Vol. 12, No. 2 (2022), Hal. 98 - 111

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