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My Alien Threesome

Amy Redwood

Space pilot Kyra fears that sleeping with her partner is a bad idea. She’s right.

When a wedding takes her to planet Dezra, she’s soon pursued by a sexy alien
male. Someone should have told her not to drink the local aphrodisiac. It creates
an internal inferno that has her panting for sex. Luckily, there’s that sexy alien to
ease her sensual ache. Unluckily, there’s also her former partner, who broke her
heart. But he wants her back, at all costs. Even if he has to share her with another
male first.

Publisher’s Note: To read Jana and Qay’s story, check out Alien Best Man.
Ellora’s Cave Publishing

My Alien Threesome

ISBN 9781419933622


My Alien Threesome Copyright © 2011 Amy Redwood

Edited by Mary Moran Cover art by Syneca

Electronic book publication March 2011

The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or
places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of
the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Chapter One
Earth, Year 2217

“Is the room okay?” The greasy-haired punk moonlighting as a porter at the
harbor docking motel threw open a door. “It’s our last one.”

I made a turn around the shoebox-sized room, checking for possible death traps
but really just trying to be blasé about the only piece of furniture inside the place
—a narrow, single bed.

“We’ll take it,” Garrett said, quickly completing the checkin process.

My throat grew tight. Twelve weeks of keeping my feelings close to my chest

and I was still hoping that my crush on Garrett would eventually evaporate into
nothingness. Would evaporate into thin air like the toxic fumes my space glider
emitted at each start and landing. And now this.

Bar noise wafted up to our room—music and slurred voices from travelers and
other pilots stuck in this hole for tonight. The punk left, but not before taking a
final look at Garrett, his face twisting to a ratlike grin as if he had just spotted a
juicy corpse.

“You sure it’s safe to stay overnight?” I asked, switching on the bathroom light.

“Got a better idea, Kyra?”

“We could stay on board,” I said, knowing that this would violate the
harbormaster’s law, and the penalty could include grounding my ship for days.
All ships needed to be vacated at night—security reasons.

“It’s only for a few hours.” Garrett adjusted the screen that blocked the window
view. Outside, the docking station was brightly illuminated, and somewhere out
of view was my girl, my space glider, held captive for the night. “I’ve secured us
the first starting permit next morning.”

I nodded, watching a ship taking off as another touched down. The floor beneath
my feet vibrated lightly. I cursed anyone who held a special permit that allowed
them to ignore the nightly curfew.

Garrett pulled a rolled-up mat from his bag, spread it out on the floor in front of
the window.

I met his gaze. “You can have the bed. I actually don’t mind—”

“Drop it.” He disappeared into the bathroom, leaving me to wonder why the
room with the single bed made me so jumpy. When he came back, his dark hair
was slick with water, his face glistening with it. He’d taken off his shirt and vest,
taken off his communicator and earpiece. “All yours,” he said, stretching out on
his mat below the window.

All yours, I thought, looking at his lean, muscled torso. If only.

I escaped with my bag into the bath, washed, changed into fresh clothes for the
night. The bedroom was dark after I switched off the bathroom light. Dark
except for a patch of light underneath the window where the glare of the security
lights filtered through the screen. Beams of light hit him, illuminating his bare
chest, the stretched-out legs, the muscled arms folded behind his head.

And standing hidden in the dark, I let my guard slip like a coat too heavy with

I soaked in the sight of him, allowed my longing to be naked and unrestrained.

I’d feel better come morning, when we returned to business as usual. But for
tonight, our routine broken, I longed for something more with this man. More
than sharing flight plans, job contracts, gains, losses and the next lunch. I felt a
hot flush warming my face just thinking about how it would feel if he would
touch me, not casually, but with intent.

My hands balled to fists. Work and love didn’t mix—it was a rule I didn’t dare
break. I wondered if I should get up and get a couple of drinks downstairs. Get
laid. Something to take off the edge.
Instead, I slipped between the sheets, closed my eyes and tortured myself by
imagining how he’d look above me, naked, thrusting.

“Kyra, I think we have to talk.”

I tensed, feeling caught, then relaxed. He had many skills, but even he couldn’t
read minds.

“Can’t it wait ’til morning?”

“Did you know that as a child, I was nearsighted?”

“So what?”

“So before I turned sixteen, I went and had that fixed.”

“Fascinating,” I said. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to catch some sleep.“

“I upgraded the procedure to get night vision as well.”

“Well, good for you.” It was a costly procedure, but pilots went to great length to
be the best at their profession. I’d considered it myself, but so far, the risks
outweighed the benefits. But his dark eyes hadn’t suffered, hadn’t lost their
spark or turned lifeless. Thank the stars. “That all?”

“No,” he said, sounding amused for reasons beyond me.

I pushed the sheets away from me, got up. “I’m not tired after all. I’ll grab a
drink downstairs.” I slipped into my boots, not planning to return before morning
broke. I’d go crazy with unfulfilled lust otherwise.


I fumbled around in the dark, snapped my belt closed and pocketed my weapon.
He said my name again, and I spun around, taking a deep breath before I calmly
said, “Yes?”

“You’re not going downstairs to get laid, are you?”

“None of your fucking business,” I said, my heart pounding in my throat, then
laughed to take the sting out of my words. I was already at the door when he
closed his hands around my shoulders. I hadn’t even heard him move.

“I can’t let you do that,” he said, his breath warm at my neck. “It’s too
dangerous downstairs.”

“I’ve been in worse places,” I said. “Simply imagine that I’m a guy, Garrett, if
that makes you feel better.” I shook off his hands. “Don’t treat me like I’m a
little girl.”

“That’s the last thing I want to do,” he said in a matter-of-fact voice.

“Remember, night vision? I saw how you looked at me.”

I blinked, puzzled, turned around but couldn’t make out the look on his face in
the dark. “What are you talking— Oh,” I said, my mind scrambling for a witty
line that would bring us back to the comfortable level of communication we
usually shared.

“There’s something I wanted to do for a while,” he said, his fingers sneaking

around my neck, pulling me close, brushing his mouth across mine.

“Don’t,” I whispered, thinking about my stupid rule as he snapped open my belt.

“It will fuck up everything.”
Chapter Three

When we arrived on Dezra, a flock of Dezrian women led us from Dezra’s docks
to a large, glasslike dome. Something I appreciated because I wouldn’t want to
spend the day beneath the planet’s harsh sun. Inside the dome, a small city. I was
probably as wide-eyed as Jana, and it was the giggling and laughter and general
upbeatness from everyone around us that made me smile in turn. Dezra was
preparing for a wedding, not for an attack on two human women. I finally

I was shown separate quarters, not even on the same floor as Jana’s. The rooms
were worthy for a queen, but unfortunately, I wasn’t alone. With me, half a
dozen women, offering me drinks and food and clothes. While we didn’t share
the same language, we nevertheless had fun. Until I was literally forced into a
bathroom to clean up, and had to raise my voice to shoo away the girl who’d
wanted to wash my hair for me. I gave up the fight when they pulled a dress over
my head, not letting me wear any of my own clothes. An elderly woman told me
with a stern voice about “tradition”, seemingly the only word she knew in my
language. The last thing I wanted to do was upset their customs.

So I let them trick me out until I couldn’t recognize myself in the mirror
anymore. I looked like a girl, complete with a long, flowing dress and high
heels. If any of my pilot collegues saw me like this, they’d die laughing. I started
to wrap my belt holding my phaser around my waist but was given another
lecture about “tradition”. Apparently, it wasn’t okay to bring weapons to a
wedding party.

There was a knock at the door and the younger women around me started
giggling again.

“Should I get that?” I asked.

“Tradition,” the elderly woman said, nodding her head.

I threw open the door, hoping it would be Jana.

“Oh,” I said, taking in the Dezrian male standing there. He gave me a grin, sharp
canines showing, dark eyes sparkling. “Oh,” I said again, blushing because this
male was so damn easy on the eyes, and the giggling behind me proved that the
other women thought so as well.

“This is Slyte,” the elderly woman said, stepping next to me and giving me a
push against the small of my back. “Go now.”

“Okay,” I said, grinning, “but only because it’s tradition.” Despite the long trip
from Earth to Dezra, I was wide-awake and a rush of adrenaline surged through
my blood. Easy to guess why I was so excited. I was one of the first human
visitors on this planet.

But the Dezrian bowing to me while locking eyes with me was an even bigger

Slyte still eyed me with dark, hot eyes and hand-fed me fruit dripping with
sticky juice. And he had done so tirelessly for at least the last hour.

I couldn’t complain.

Who knew what his official role was though. He was either my protector or a
guard to make sure I kept my human toes in line. I’d probably never know.

“You don’t talk much, do you?” I asked him, but it was a rhetorical question.

He hadn’t said a word throughout the evening, not that it bothered me. I fully
intended to take a big bite out of him later. He was all coppery skin and bulky
muscles. It had been too long since I’d taken a bite out of anyone.

Screw the bruises on my heart, they’d heal some day.

I closed my eyes and listened to the voices all around me. The Dezrian language
sounded brusque if melodious, especially when hundreds of wedding guests
chattered all at once. Due to some local tradition, Jana wasn’t attending the
festivities, but I’d been told I’d see her tomorrow. So, I was the odd one out at
this party—pale, short, human—but I didn’t feel awkward, thanks to Slyte. I
tipped my head back, stared up at the giant transparent dome, thankful for the
shield it provided against the sun’s rays. But daylight had long faded anyway,
the dome a dark tint of blue.

“Fancy a tour of my space glider?” I sought his gaze and winked, seeking
nothing more than mutual pleasure—love need not apply.

A soft, cool breeze caressed my forehead, and there was the faintest noise inside
my head but no actual words. So, the rumors that some Dezrians were able to
communicate with their thoughts were probably true, but even so, my brain was

“Sorry, it’s not working on me,” I said. “But we’ll get along just as fine.”

He flashed me a wicked smile, making me certain that he sensed where my

intentions lay. Maybe he was an empath. Or lust was written too plainly on my
face. But before I tried my hand at seducing an alien, a sip of liquid courage
wouldn’t hurt. Reaching to my right, I grasped one of the many long-stemmed
glasses that were arranged in a neat circle on top of the table.

I raised my glass. “To a world without rules, the vastness of space and to your
hard body.” Chiding myself for being a sexist, I took a sip.

It ran smoothly down my throat, oily in texture, definitely not the light and
bubbly mixture I’d expected. A piquant, peppery essence coated my tongue. I
swirled the drink around in the glass. There was a fine shimmer to the clear
liquid as if it were dusted with glitter. If I were a romantic, I’d have called it
Starlight. I lifted the drink to knock back the rest and drank deeply.

Someone hit the glass out of my hands. “That stuff isn’t good for you, Kyra.”

My heart stopped, stuttered and then raced. Garrett. What on earth was he doing
on Dezra? My vision wavered suddenly, and I grasped the edge of the table for a
hold. I’d managed to down half the drink and it burned its way down my throat,
hitting my stomach. It was as if fire spread through me, radiating in pulsing heat
waves. I looked at the broken shards of glass on the floor before I lifted my head.
My breath hitched as I met the gaze of my former business partner. He hadn’t
changed much. Tall with a set of wide shoulders, his nose slightly crooked,
matching his personality. If he had smiled, I’d have seen the dimple in his cheek.
His dark hair was shorter, his face narrower and he needed a shave. He looked
hardened, as if carved from iron. Except for his skin. He’d always had this
golden glow, coupled with a certain air, a certain charm.

I’d fallen for that charm, for that dimpled smile, for the bad-boy crooked nose.
Fallen right into that narrow, single bed with him that night.

“How are you?” Garrett asked, his voice gentle.

“How I am,” I repeated quietly, unable to answer. I wanted to ask him why he’d
left me, why he’d just disappeared after we spent the night together, but my
throat was too tight.

“Kyra, do you feel sick? Answer me.”

“’Course I’m not feeling sick,” I said, which was a lie. I felt sick to my stomach.

He gave a sigh, as if my answer had been important. “Could we talk somewhere


Before I could reply, pain seared through my left hand. I winced, dragged my
fingernails across an itch on my wrist. My veins stood out oddly, as if my blood
was too thick. A sliver of heat shot into my core, drawing a yelp from me.

I tugged at my dress, knowing that this wasn’t the right place to strip naked, but
couldn’t stop myself. Being naked seemed so called for. My hands flew of their
own accord between my legs and bunched the fabric there. When my knuckles
rasped across my mound, I inhaled sharply. My body ached with a deep desire
only a male could satisfy.

That drink…

I froze, realizing that I was having an alien reaction to the ingredients of


Garrett cursed—proving he knew a thing or two about what was happening to

me—and held out his hand. “Let me take care of you.”

I shook my head no so hard it sent my hair flying. He’d already bruised my heart
once and only a fool would allow him to do so again. I looked at Slyte, focusing.
Big, hard, silent. Damn, yes. I wanted him, needed sex. Now.

Garrett’s dark eyes locked on to mine, held me captive, threw me for a loop. By
the stars, I wanted him too.

I was so fucked.

I reached across the table, grabbed Slyte’s hand. “Get me out of here and into
your room. Right now.”

Since he didn’t seem inclined to honor my admittingly forward request, I

climbed with my knees on the table, crossed over to his side to give him a better
idea about what I wanted from him. He exclaimed something in Dezrian,
probably voicing his astonishment that I had climbed into his lap.

Twining my arms around his neck, I pressed against all that hardness, inhaling
the unfamiliar but irresistible scent of his skin. My entire body hurt with an
aching emptiness. I’d give him anything if he would thrust his cock into my
pussy and make it all better. I rocked my hips, feeling how his arms closed
around me. It was wonderful to be touched and—

Slyte rose from his seat, with me clinging to him as if he were my source of
oxygen. He forced me gently back on my own two feet. His brows were drawn
together as if he couldn’t figure out my crazed behavior—so much for being an

“He doesn’t know that the drink affects your body that severely,” Garrett said
softly from somewhere behind my back. “Come to me, Chiara. I’ll take care that
no one takes advantage of you.”

I’d heard everything he’d said, but there was one word that gnawed at my brain.
Chiara. I pressed my eyes shut but couldn’t shut out the memories. He’d called
me that name before, whispered it lovingly in my ear, and just like then, my
flesh pebbled in response and my insides turned to a tight ball.
And to my absolute horror, tears pricked at the back of my eyes. I swallowed the
hurt, the tightness in my throat. I’d stripped everything for him—my clothes, my
pride, my soul. And I couldn’t undo the night we’d spent together, I couldn’t.

I heard Garrett talking, but not to me and not in a language I understood. I made
myself look at him, saw him standing next to Slyte, a smidge shorter than the
towering Dezrian, and Garrett’s hand rested on his shoulder as if they were best

“You speak Dezrian?” I asked, surprise coloring my words.

Garrett ignored my outburst, but both males turned to me, their gazes running
over me from my feet up to the roots of my hair. I feared both knew how damp
my panties were, how sweaty my thighs. Slyte’s forehead was creased with
lines. They looked at me as if they expected me to sprout wings any second.

There was a hard beat, a pulse within me. As if I’d swallowed a greasy engine
that roared its way through my bloodstream. And when I gazed into Garrett’s
eyes, he fueled that engine with nitro. Ignited it too.

Wrapping my arms around my middle, I shuddered, heat flaring up inside my

chest. The hard, hot pulse kept thumping and thumping, as if my heart were
growing bigger, stronger. Inside me, a feeling like an implosion tore me apart. I
yelled out, more in panic than pain—even though it did hurt. My legs gave way
from under me.

When I moved experimentally—why was I lying on the floor?—my thighs

rubbed together, creating bliss. I held my breath, but the pain remained gone. In
its wake, a searing need for release was pooling between my legs. My skin
tingled and I itched with the desire to be touched.

I arched up, heard myself begging, pleading for sex. When someone stroked my
cheek, the touch raced up my spine. The soft contact had to be the best foreplay
I’d ever received.

And then I was hauled up, and if I wasn’t mistaken, thrown over a shoulder. To
keep me there, a large hand settled on my ass. The sensual overload made me
cry out. Unbidden, images sprang up in my mind. Images of giving and taking,
lips parting, muscles flexing, of flesh against flesh, and the taste of skin, the
spurt of semen on my tongue.

Someone was carrying me—Slyte?—and the rocking motion was nothing less
than cruelty. With each step, my breasts beneath my dress brushed against a
muscled back. Why couldn’t he take off my dress and soothe my tender nipples
with a kiss and a lick? And there was still his hand on my ass, all five fingers
giving me a slight squeeze. I stifled a groan and my mind jumped to an image of
a cock thrusting deep into my pussy. I came hard, my orgasm so intense a flash
of brilliant white lit up behind my eyelids before my world went black.

I woke to the feeling of fingers moving between my legs. Keeping my eyes shut,
I became aware of three things simultaneously. Slyte had taken the hint and
gotten me somewhere private—the quiet told me I was alone with him. I was
lying on top of a bed, the softness of a mattress and sheets beneath my butt a
dead giveaway. And I wasn’t wearing my dress anymore.

A sigh escaped me at the pleasure of being naked, even if Slyte’s gentle touch
was more torture than relief. His fingers were cool and slippery, as if he were
using some kind of massage oil that had a cooling effect. He massaged my inner
thigh, occasionally brushing against my pussy with the edge of his hand. I
moved my hips with the rhythm of his touch, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy my

As if sensing my frustration, he touched my clit with the rough pad of his finger,
sending more than just a sliver of awareness through my center. Another
firework of stars erupted behind my closed eyes. I bucked against his hand and
climaxed helplessly in short, violent bursts.

I felt greedy and ungrateful because the climax left me wanting. I moved my
hips but found nothing to grind against. Trying to reach with my hand between
my legs to pleasure myself, I bit back a cry of surprise.

Slyte had tied me spread eagle to the bed.

I’d been too distracted with getting off that this tiny detail had escaped me. How
stupid could I be? How crazed and out of my mind for sex that I hadn’t noticed
someone tying me up? Mumbling a curse, I craned my neck. The room was
dimly lit, but I saw enough to know that I’d never get the ropes off myself. But
how was I to touch myself? I needed to slip my fingers inside my pussy. It
would feel so good.

“Slyte,” I said, “you’d better untie me this second.”

“We thought it better to protect you from yourself.” Garrett’s face entered my
vision, an unseen light source creating shadows and odd angles on his face.

I stared up at him, struggling to find an appropriate reply. “Tell me it wasn’t

your hand between my legs.”

“Not my hand.” His expression was one of concern, amusement and lust. “I
thought you might disapprove. I was only watching.”

Only watching—dirtier words were never spoken. Lifting my head, I spotted

Slyte at the end of the bed, his shirt off to reveal a broad, smooth chest. His
coppery skin looked absolutely lickable. As our eyes locked, he wrapped his
hand around my foot, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I couldn’t fail to notice that
his fingers were wet from my juices. Or, I hastily adjusted my mental image,
from the massage oil.

Drawing in a shaky breath, I tried to gather my wits. It shouldn’t be that hard,

keeping a straight thought, but it was. Hard to hold on to a thought that didn’t
involve some form of sexual activity. I was naked, tied to a bedframe and there
were two gorgeous males at my side… Garrett was talking to me, pulling me out
of my red-hot thoughts of them touching and kissing me all over.

“Judging from the frown on your forehead,” Garrett said, “I gather you’re trying
to figure out what happened.”

“The drink…” I said, my mind hazy, my hips rotating in small circles as if they
had a will of their own. Damn, I wanted nothing more than a good, no-nonsense
fuck, why was I talking about a drink? My gaze fixed on Slyte at the end of the

Why was he half-naked? I wanted to see him stripped of all clothes, wanted his
cock down my throat, wanted to feel him buried deep within me. I let out a series
of curses as I noticed that my thoughts had drifted to red-hot again. “Where am

“Well, you’re in Slyte’s bed, as you’d wanted to be.”

“Tell him to make me come again.”


“You do it. Fuck me.” I almost choked on my words. Had I said that out loud?
Was I insane? Then I remembered the drink’s alien effect on my body and
relaxed. Yes, I wasn’t sane, so I shouldn’t be too hard on myself.

“Tempting, sweetheart. But I think we should wait—”

“Forget it,” I said quickly. “Take off the restraints.” My clit was begging to be
touched, and if both men wouldn’t take care of me, I would make myself come
until I was soothed and fully sated.

Then it hit me.

Garrett was in the same room with me. And I was naked, bound and so
desperate for sex I was panting. My first reflex was to cover myself, my second
to pull him close. Both reflexes were rendered useless by a couple inches of

“Get the fuck out of here,” I yelled, trying to arch away from the bed. I didn’t
come far. I wondered if my pussy muscles would soon stop working. I hoped so.
The constant clench and unclench drove me to distraction.

“I’m not leaving your side until you are better,” Garrett said, settling next to me
on the bed, gifting me with that dimpled smile I loved.

I sure wasn’t well. Why Garrett cared though, I had no idea. His presence made
my skin tingle, but I had no business lusting after him.

“I wouldn’t know why you’d want to stay,” I scoffed. “You’re good at leaving
I didn’t expect that my words would make an impact on him, but there it was,
the ghost of a flinch running over his features, as if I had hurt his feelings. He
rubbed his forehead, a tired gesture that had me wondering what went on in his

“I’m hoping to get a chance to talk to you,” he said, “but right now you’re not up
to it.”

“Garrett, just leave,” I said, sounding more vulnerable than I wished for.

His eyes lit up as if he had picked up on my weakness. “Now, you don’t want to
lose your interpreter, do you?”

“What do I need a translator for? Slyte knows what I want from him,” I said,
trying to remain calm.

It wasn’t as if Garrett hadn’t seen me naked before, but still. Flustered, I sought
Slyte’s calm gaze. As hungry for sex as I was, I wasn’t so starved yet that I
would beg Garrett to fuck me. Wait, I had already done that. And he hadn’t
jumped at the chance. How flattering.

Slyte gave me a quick smile and a gentle breeze touched my face, creating a
faint roar in my mind. I still didn’t understand him, but I appreciated his gesture.
He grasped my foot tighter, his fingers rubbing up and down my heel as if he
was trying to console me. His touch should have tickled, but instead it sent
tingles of sensation up my legs. He took something off a table—a small glass
bottle—and poured more of that oil into the palm of his hand. I tipped my head
back to enjoy the sudden slick glide of his hands. I let out a whimper as he
moved up to my calf, his fingers gently kneading.

Garrett cleared his throat. “I’ve heard the bride is from Earth. Friend of yours?”

I nodded, taking well-measured breaths. Slyte was concentrating on oiling up my

other leg, starting at my feet, and his attention was killing me. “Yes, I flew her to
her wedding.”

“The wedding, yes,” he said, sounding less than enthusiastic. “I all but crashed
my ship here three days ago. I’m still trying to find someone to repair it.”
“Sorry if I don’t care right now,” I gritted out. “I need to get laid. Goodbye.”
And good luck with finding someone for the repairs, I thought. Jana had told me
that absolutely no one was working on Dezra during the wedding celebration
because the entire city was celebrating for an entire week.

“I’m not leaving you alone with him,” Garrett said. “I prefer you alive.”

“What are you talking about? Slyte wouldn’t hurt me.” No, he didn’t hurt me,
instead he massaged me to the brink of another orgasm. Slyte had moved up on
the bed to sit next to my waist. Garrett sat on the other side of the bed, which
placed me smack in the middle between the two males.

“You do understand that Slyte was ordered to watch over you while you’re on
Dezra,” Garrett asked. “He is honor-bound to fulfill your every wish.”

I couldn’t believe I was having a conversation with Garrett, as if nothing had

happened between us. And to top it, a conversation about the guy whose cock I
desperately needed in me, a guy who was currently drawing oily circles on my

“Garrett, please go. I don’t trust myself around you. And I don’t trust you.”

“I didn’t mean to leave you after we spent the night together.”

“I’m not referring to that,” I said, not entirely truthfully. “But you betrayed the
trust of your partner when you disappeared without a proper word of

He worked his hand through his hair. “I know, sweetheart, I know.”

I cringed at the look in his eyes. Did he know I had fallen in love with him? I
didn’t need his pity. “I learned a lesson. Next time, I’ll be more careful who I
pick as my partner, both for my bed and for my ship.”

“I understand,” he said quietly. “Give me a chance to explain—”

He stopped talking, probably because I had moaned loud enough to drown out
his words. I couldn’t help it. Slyte didn’t tire of touching me, and even though
his fingers worked my flesh slowly, he had just palmed my breast with one of his
oil-slicked hands. And the combination of the cool oil against my hot nipple sent
me spinning.

“I’ve waited ten weeks to see you again,” Garrett said eventually. “I guess my
explanation can wait a day longer.”

It wasn’t that my curiosity wasn’t spiked by his words, but another wave of
arousal raked through my body, made me bow away from the bed. My heart was
thumping in my throat. I closed my eyes, clenched my fists, working through the
onslaught of sensations with steady breathes. “Garrett, I know you speak
Dezrian. Would you please tell Slyte to cut to the chase. I want… I need him.
But you can’t stay to watch, you just can’t.”

When I sought Garrett’s gaze, he had a determined look in his eyes that was all
too familiar. He’d been my partner for almost three months. I knew when he
wouldn’t budge.

“Damn, Kyra,” he said, impatience lacing his voice. “You don’t understand. He
would fuck you without holding back, without denying you. And you would
demand more and more. He would simply indulge you.”

My eyes had closed sometime midspeech and I moaned, wishing he wouldn’t

torture me like this. “Then let him,” I whispered. “It’s exactly what I want him to

“It’s not that easy really.”

I licked my lips, the ache inside my pussy unbearable in its intensity. How could
it not be easy? Cock in pussy, it couldn’t get any simpler.

Garrett reached out, stroked along my cheek. “The drink you had, it makes you
crave sex and release as badly as oxygen. Without sex, you’d die.”

“What do you mean? Like, literally die?” I willed him to touch me again, but he
folded his hand across his chest as if to prevent himself from doing that.

“If we don’t restrain you, you’d jump him,” he jerked his head to Slyte, “or you
would make yourself come. And one orgasm wouldn’t be enough, right?”
As questions went, this was an easy one. I shook my head no.

“See, you need to pace yourself, otherwise you’ll get too excited too quickly.
But if you don’t get release, you’ll suffer as well. But bound, we can take care of
you slowly but thoroughly.”

“I don’t want slow.” Slyte’s hand moved between my legs, the knuckles of his
fingers smoothly gliding up and down my thigh. Didn’t this male know where
my pussy was? Yes, he did know actually, as he had proven before, I
remembered. Why was he mucking around now?

I fixed Garrett with a stare. “Untie me. Please.”

“I love you too much,” Garrett said, “to grant you that wish.”

It was enough to pull me out of my sexual misery, but I had difficulty focusing
on the meaning of his words. “You do what?”

“Too much sex, too many orgasms in rapid succession,” he said, his quiet words
sending goose bumps down my spine, “and your heart would fail.”

Words such as “How do you know” and “I don’t fucking care, someone fuck me
already” jumped through my mind. My heart was beating so fast I was afraid I
couldn’t handle my need without dying of unfulfilled lust. My vision blurred, as
did my mind, and I heard myself begging for Slyte’s sure touch, for his cock, for
anyone to soothe the ache between my legs.

I heard Garrett talking, Slyte answering. I moaned out in pleasure as a hand—

Slyte’s?—moved up my thigh and cupped my pussy. A harsh, growling sound
came from Slyte, and it took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. My
eyes flew open, locked on to his. Thank you, I thought, and Oh yes as he touched
my clit.

I licked my lips, wishing he would climb on top of me. He would push himself
into my tight, wet pussy. He would fuck me hard and deep and kiss my mouth
swollen. And when he’d brought me to orgasm, he’d take off the restraints, flip
me over and force himself into my ass to spill his come.

Caught in my own dirty fantasy, I let my eyelids flutter shut as he circled my clit
with unhurried motions. In the back of my mind, I knew Garrett was watching
me, watching how a finger slipped into my pussy. Blood roared in my ears as the
finger slid out of me, spreading my juices. He touched my clit, not teasingly but
in light strokes that made me grow still, all my muscles tensed. I gave in to the
lure of his hand, my orgasm a ripple of waves from my core to the soles of my
feet. My own cry mingled with a hoarse exclamation in Dezrian.

The last spasms of my orgasm left my body and I took a measured breath,
sharing a smile with Slyte. I knew with absolute certainty that I wouldn’t survive
the night on small orgasms like that. I needed more, a long hard ride. The
thickness of a cock filling me. The stretch, the exquisite invasion of a male
entering my body.

I didn’t dare imagine how it would feel if two males would fuck me. I’d
probably die of bliss.
Chapter Four

While my last orgasm hadn’t given me the ultimate satisfaction I craved, it had
given me a spell of clarity. Until the next wave of painful need would roll along,
I wanted answers. And they had to come from Garrett.

“That drink, bad side-effects?”

“Beside the unnaturally high libido, nothing I’m aware of.”

I nodded, glad. “For how long?”

“Until you’ve worked it off.”

“How come you knew how it affected me?”

“Someone I don’t call my friend anymore was selling the drink. It’s an illegal
drug on Earth. Usually, the drink loses its potency quickly after it’s exposed to
oxygen. But I’ve seen once what it does to a woman. It’s a mild aphrodisiac for
Dezrians, but you are human, and Slyte didn’t know what you got yourself into.”

“How come you speak Dezrian?”

“Easy enough to learn.”


He smiled that killer smile that had undoubtedly made many women fall into his
bed. Hah! I knew him too well to underestimate him. And I knew without a
doubt that if he wanted something from me, anything, he’d find a way to get it.
And he wanted something from me, of that I was sure.

But if he wouldn’t leave the room, I might as well turn it to my advantage.

“Okay,” I said, fixing him with a defiant stare, “I prefer to stay alive. You can
stay as a translator, if Slyte doesn’t mind that you hang around.”

“On Dezra, the perfect number is three,” he said. “That translates into the

“Do you also think that?”

“I don’t share the woman I love, I’m selfish like that.”

“And the women you don’t love? What about them?” Anger boiled its way to the
surface, which was easy because I’d been pissed at him for the last ten weeks.
“How was it for you, Garrett? How was it to fuck your partner and leave without
an explanation but with a sorry-ass note? I trusted you.”

“I know, sweetheart.” He took off his shirt while muttering about how hot the
room was. “We’ll talk about it when you can think straight again. Deal?”

I gazed at the toned muscles of his stomach as they flexed and moved. He’d
asked me something but it had already escaped my limited attention span. There
was a nasty gnarl of scar tissue on his chest, which I had never seen before on

“What happened,” I said, “did someone try to give you a heart?”

He grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I have one already, Chiara, and it
belongs to you.” He sat beside me on the bed, touching me only with his gaze.

I’d be a fool to trust him again. But I instinctively knew that he spoke the truth
when it came to the effect Starlight had on me. If I had my hands free, I’d make
myself come and come and come until I dropped dead.

My gaze flickered back and forth between the two men. Both similar in looks yet
so different in temperament. Slyte possessed a quiet strength, his high brow
spoke of a sharp intellect. And Garrett, damn, he was all muscles and strength,
quick as lithium. And his mind worked relentlessly until he had what he wanted.
And judging from his refusal to leave my side and his seductive words of love
for me, he wanted an encore to our one-nighter.
Egoistic as it might be, it would feel heavenly to be touched by two pairs of
hands, two sets of lips, the possibility of two cocks entering me, the scent of
male all around me. And I was sure, self-servingly so, that it would banish the
effect Starlight had on my body. It would give me the ultimate satisfaction I

“I want you,” I said, holding Garrett’s gaze. A rush of heat touched my checks,
my pride suffering a full blow. He shouldn’t think that I was begging for his
love. “I mean your body,” I added hastily. “Just sex.”

“Understandable,” he said, placing his hand over his chest. “I’ll try not to feel
depressed that you want to use me for sex only. But it breaks my heart a little.”

“Not funny.” How dare he mention heartbreak? Did he have any idea how much
I’d cried my eyes out after he dumped me? “I’ve changed my mind again.”

“Just as well,” he said with a grin. “I bet you’ll have another change of heart

“You’re on.” I’d never been able to resist a challenge he threw in my way, but I
could almost feel his arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace. My memory
worked too well.

I swallowed a groan as the ache within me grew stronger, the need to be touched
and filled rising with a power I couldn’t deny. My thoughts grew hazy and I
found myself not caring about anything but the next orgasm that would put my
body at ease again. My heart pounded in an alarmingly fast beat as my pussy
gave twitch after needy twitch. “Please,” I heard myself moan. “Ask Slyte if
he’d like to make me come.”

“It’s too soon,” Garrett said. “I want you alive and well, Chiara. When this night
is over, believe me, I won’t allow another man to touch you ever again.”

“As if I’d give you any say in that matter,” I said. “He tries to read my thoughts
sometimes, I think. Or talk to me that way. Is that possible?”

“Sure,” Garrett said. “But it’s considered rude to inquire after one’s special skills
here on Dezra. Some can read emotions, thoughts, intentions. It would make him
a brilliant fighter if he sensed in advance what an opponent planed to do next.”
It would make him a great lover as well. My lips parted, my breath came harder.
My gaze locked on Slyte’s face. The image of me sucking his cock came easily,
and I concentrated, sending him my best come-hither look. Come on, Slyte, take
off those pants, let me make you come, I thought, willing the Dezrian on to catch
my intention.

Come on, Slyte, take me, let me taste you.

If Garrett wanted to be in the same room while I was with another man, fine. I’d
crossed the line of modesty a while back and flew at full speed toward all loss of

“What are you doing?” Garrett said, a laugh in his voice. “You’re frowning so
hard, it looks like your brain’s overheating.”

“Tell him,” I said, my voice hoarse, too impatient to wait until Slyte had picked
up on my wish, “that I want to suck him off.”

Garrett said something that sounded like “Fuck” but I was distracted as the
mattress moved beneath me and Slyte pushed himself to his feet. Lifting my
head, I saw him taking off his pants, freeing his erect cock.

Garrett was watching, I could feel his gaze on us.

Slyte had stripped naked and climbed on top of me. There was a mean part in me
that hoped Garrett wished he were the one kneeling in front of my face, cock in
fist. It gave me an odd satisfaction, making him see me with another man.
Payback for leaving me, maybe, but I couldn’t be sure.

My feelings were knotted and impossible to unfurl, and the nudge of Slyte’s
cock against my closed lips made my thoughts spiral away. My hips rolled in a
constant motion, and I was sure that my eyes were glazed over with a feverish

Slyte stroked himself, the thickness of his cock intimidating. I parted my lips,
flicked my tongue to sample a taste, licking at the drops of come glistening at the
slit in the head of his cock. I wanted him in my mouth. My hands fisted and
unfisted in an attempt to grasp him. But I was still tied up, and all I could do was
lift my head to bring myself closer to Slyte’s cock.

He obliged me and shoved his hips forward. When I gagged, he pulled back,
giving me just enough of him that I could swirl my tongue around the tip of his
cock. He was big, both in length and in girth, and he controlled his movements,
careful that he didn’t push in too far down my throat.

I sucked him harder, lifting my head to take him deeper. I wanted him to fuck
my mouth less gently, wanted a raw, brutal act that would pacify the sex-crazed
monster within me. Or, oh please, if he would only push his thick cock inside
my pussy. The image was vivid enough to make me groan out. I tried to bring
my thighs together but was once more reminded that I was tied up.

Slyte’s breath came faster, his thrusts grew deeper, ragged. No wonder he was
close, I was sucking him as if my life depended on it. Slyte trembled as he pulled
his cock out of my mouth. He spoke to me, words I didn’t understand, but
Garrett would.

“What did he say?” I opened my eyes, turned my head, caught Garrett’s gaze
while Slyte adjusted his position to trace his cock along my breasts.

“He said that you have the sweetest mouth he’s ever fucked.” Garrett stood next
to the bed, his posture rigid, thunder in his dark eyes.

“Does that bother you?” I whispered as Slyte moved down the length of my
body, his lips closing around my nipple. “Do you wish it were you with me?”

“Yes,” he said, “to both questions. I get that you need to have sex with someone
you trust though. And right now, that someone isn’t me.” He disappeared from
my view as if he didn’t want me to look at him. But I’d seen the longing in his
eyes, recognized it because I’d seen it before.

I’d tried to make Garrett come with my mouth that night we shared together. But
I’d sucked slowly and taken my time, drawn it out. When I’d finally teased him
close, he’d repaid me in kind before he’d spread my legs and pushed himself in
The next morning, he was gone. I’d lost my partner and my lover of one night—
and all he’d had to say was I’m sorry written on a note, proving that he was just
another commitment-phobic guy and no better than all the other losers I’d ever
met. But I had felt loved that night. I had felt at one with him. He’d made me
feel treasured and cherished—and that had been his worst crime. I couldn’t
forgive his pretending that he loved me back.

I shut my eyes, banishing the memory.

Slyte had worked his way up my body again, his knees on either side of my
torso, his cock brushing my mouth as he leaned over me. I opened for him, took
him between my lips. He began to thrust in steady strokes, not too deep but
enough to make me groan out in pleasure of being used in an act so sexual.

I knew Garrett was still in the room, even though I couldn’t see him, but I let out
a muffled yelp when he touched me. My thighs were spread, my pussy probably
glistening with my juices, and he had just cupped me there. I hadn’t asked him to
touch me, hadn’t begged, so I guess I’d sort of won our bet.

I loved Slyte’s cock in my mouth, but I didn’t love Slyte. Knowing that Garrett
couldn’t keep his hands off me lifted my heart. I wanted all he was willing to
give. For this moment, my hurt feelings weren’t an issue. And my mind tipped
just this side of insanity when I sensed that he’d moved between my legs.

Anyone walking in on us would get the wrong impression. A naked woman tied
up on all four limbs to the bed, one male fucking her mouth while another
kneeled between her spread thighs.

Garrett ran his fingertips up my bare thighs, shattering my concerns for

propriety. His touch made the skin on my legs pebble. I could feel the shift in the
mattress as he leaned forward and put his tongue to my center. He licked my clit.
The effect it had was immediate and violent. I bowed away from the bed, but my
yell was stifled by Slyte’s cock.

When he slid two fingers inside my pussy, my internal muscles grasped him. My
heart beat a mile a minute, making cardiac arrest a distinct possibility. Licking
me again, long and slow and with apparent delight, he sent me into another
orgasm. I vaguely remembered that he’d told me that I mustn’t get too excited,
but I didn’t want him to stop.

The air was filled with the sound of Slyte’s hard breath. He pulled out of my
mouth, jerked his cock in his fist before he pushed between my lips again. I
could feel him thicken and twitch against my tongue. He pumped his hips, gave
a rough shout as his come jetted down my throat. I swallowed, had no choice in
the matter, and was too needy to be bothered that the man I loved witnessed how
I sucked off another man. Slyte pulled out, lowered himself to give me a deep
kiss, whispering sweet little nothings—at least that was my best guess.

I surely had a sated smile plastered on my face, and again my mind was clear,
not crazed with lust. If I understood the drink’s effects correctly, then my
orgasms worked in my favor. The more I came, the faster I’d shed the drink’s
arousing qualities.

Slyte stretched out beside me, his hands wandering lazily along the curves of my
body. It was nice, having his constant attention. And it gave me a good view of
Garrett sitting at the end of the bed. His chest wasn’t as smooth as Slyte’s but
showed a dusting of hair. But his skin glowed in almost the same coloring, if on
the lighter shade of copper. I’d just figured out why Garrett spoke Slyte’s

“You are half Dezrian, aren’t you?”

He nodded, offering no other explanation.

It shouldn’t hurt that he had kept that from me. Was there anything that I hadn’t
told him about me? No, there wasn’t. But if I remembered correctly, he’d been
the one asking me question after question during the long hours of flight on
board my ship.

Before I’d met him, I was an independent contractor for the confederation, flying
the odd mission, when my space glider went kaput after a rough landing.
Without the cash flow for replacement parts, I needed a new loan—or a partner.

No one answered my call for a partner who would be willing to chip into the
repairs except Garrett. And I had taken one long, hard look at the seasoned pilot,
heard about his connections to the private sector, which meant higher-paying
contracts, to know that I’d found the perfect business partner.

In hindsight, I should have wondered why he thought I would be a good partner

for him. He had money, a reputation as a badass and, as I later found out, friends
in high places.

I was broke, had no connections to speak of and was always a little less
articulate when I was around him. But he’d said he wanted a break from high-
risk jobs, wanted a steadier life, so I hadn’t questioned my stroke of luck. And,
true to his word, he got us easy but lucrative contracts.

And after three months and one hot night, he’d left me, only to turn up ten weeks
later here on Dezra.

“Can you read my thoughts?”

He shook his head.

I was relieved. It was unsettling that he might be able to spy how much I still
loved him. Slyte would know, I thought, but it didn’t seem as if he’d rat me out
any time soon.

“Untie me please,” I said. “I’m feeling much better.”

“We’ll see for how long,” Garrett answered, but surprising me, he began to untie
me. When he was done, I rolled to my side as Slyte pulled me close.

“Want me to leave you alone with him?” Garrett asked. “I’ll leave if you ask me
to because it tears me apart that you are in his arms and I can only watch.”

I looked at him, not trusting my voice. “No,” I said finally, “please stay.”

He nodded, opened his belt, stripped naked in front of my eyes and, foolishly, it
made me blush. He slipped onto the bed with me, as I had wished for him to do.

I stared straight into his eyes, so familiar with their small flecks of gold inside
the dark irises. Slyte moved behind me, his arms firmly wrapped around my
middle, reminding me that I was trapped between two men. One spooned behind
me, the other in front of me. Emotions rushed over me so fast I had no chance to
catch or study any of them.

“Hey,” Garrett said, his lips moving against mine in a whisper-soft kiss. The
slightest smile crossed his face, as if afraid he would spook me if he expressed
too much interest. “So you’re feeling better?”

“A bit,” I answered with the truth. “But there’s still that urge within me to jump
you. And that’s the drink messing with me.”

“You sure?” There was a twinkle in his eyes, the daredevil smile I’d loved so

And still loved, who was I kidding?

“Why, Garrett?” The question I’d longed to ask him every day for the last ten
weeks. I’d pictured myself screaming this question, throwing my hurt feelings at
his feet. I never imagined I’d ask while lying nose to nose in bed with him as
another man was holding one of my breasts cradled in his palm. My heart was so
full of pain and longing, I could hardly breathe.

“Tell me. I need to know now.”

Chapter Five

My body was stirring again, demanding attention, sex and release. But I fought
my need, didn’t want to give in, turning over and over what Garrett had told me.

“I don’t expect you to believe me,” Garrett said softly, his breath tickling my
lips, his words little kisses on my mouth. “But it’s the truth.” He cupped my jaw
and feathered a kiss down my neck. He skimmed his fingertips along my throat,
pausing when I turned in to his touch.

“I want to believe you,” I said, but doubt lingered, why, I couldn’t say. Maybe
I’d been burnt one time too many. “When you agreed to be my partner, you only
wanted to keep a low profile, right?”

“Yes,” he said. “That was the plan.”

“You used me.”

“I fell for you, sweetheart.”

I hrumpfed but brought my face closer to him, loving the scrape of his beard
stubble against my chin. And greedy me, I curled tighter against the hard, hot
cock pressing against my butt cheeks. Garrett carressed my front—throat,
breasts, my belly—while Slyte took care of my back, tracing my spine with a
single finger, his hand slick with oil.

I sensed that Garrett avoided touching Slyte while it was apparent that the
Dezrian couldn’t care less about the other naked male in the bed. But it made me
feel as if there were an invisible line drawn along the side of my body. Still, line
or no line, the feeling of two pairs of hands traveling along my body was
intensely satisfying.

Slyte’s hand settled around my breasts from behind to tease my nipples into hard
buds and his knuckles rasped across Garrett’s chest. Oh, oh, I thought with a
smile, he’d just crossed the border.

Garrett backed slightly away from me, or rather, from Slyte’s hand, proving that
my assumption had been right.

“Show me the thing on your chest once more,” I said to distract him before he
changed his mind about sharing the bed with Slyte and me.

He raised his brow and gave me a look, as if he guessed my intentions, and I

traced my finger across the scars on his chest. There, above his heart, was
something spiky like barbed wire beneath the scar tissue.

“And you can’t remove it by yourself?” I asked.

“As archaic as it is to put it in place, it’s a sophisticated device.”

I was silent, closing my eyes, partly because Slyte’s caressing touch made me
shiver, partly because I was sick to my stomach. “If only you had told me—”

“And have you come after me? You wouldn’t have stood a chance. I’d rather
have you hate me than risk your life. And I was sorry,” he said quietly. “It
wasn’t a lie.”

“You should have told me when you entered our partnership that you had
unfinished business with this guy.” And not any guy, no, it had to be someone so
high up and with a reputation so clean you knew he was bone rotten.

“When I got wind of his illegal activities, I wanted out of my pilot contract. You
could say a long-time friendship was over. I offered to pay a penalty for the
outstanding time, which he didn’t accept. I left anyway, threatening that I’d
report him to the confederation.”

“Now that wasn’t smart,” I said. “He probably has half of the officials in his

“I know,” Garrett said. “It wasn’t smart and it backfired. His thugs came looking
for me when he couldn’t find someone stupid enough to replace me. But I wasn’t
easy to find. Until we checked into that motel. The kid who showed us the room,
he must have recognized me, knew that there was reward on my head.”

I’d heard of slaves being imprisoned by explosives beneath their skin. But I
hadn’t seen it before. “What triggers it?” I asked, my throat tight.

“If they don’t replace it every three days, it starts releasing poison into my blood.
They made damn sure that I stick around this time. I had to fly missions under
the radar, violating confederation regulations left and right. But, hey, in his own
twisted way, he has honor. My contract with him is now up, so I’m soon free

“Just like that?”

He nodded. “I was on my way to debrief when my ship crashed. After the

debrief, they’ll take out the device and my life is my own again.”

“You’re not letting them get away with what they did to you, right?”

“I might know a thing or two to bring him down, but that needs planning,” he
said quietly. “And right now, I don’t want to think about it. Not when I have you
finally back in my arms.”

I was still trying to come to terms with his story. Something else nudged at my
brain, but I couldn’t pinpoint what was bothering me. But I knew better than to
expect that the confederation would come to the rescue of an independent pilot
who’d gotten himself into trouble. By the time the paperwork with the complaint
was filed, he’d have been dead.

Tears pricked at my eyes, tears of fury and the pain of a broken heart. “Damn
you, Garrett. Why didn’t you tell me, contact me?”

“I couldn’t,” he said. “Not without putting you in danger. I left the room after
you fell asleep to get something to drink. They’d been already waiting. I
promised to go quietly if they let me pack my stuff. I managed to scribble the
note before they dragged me away. I feared you’d wake up, attack them, do
something heroic. Feared they would take you along if they realized how much
you meant to me. He’s a dangerous guy, I don’t want him to know you exist. I
wrote you the note so you wouldn’t come looking for me.”
“And now you’ve found me.”

“Yes, and a few days sooner than I’d hoped for too. Imagine my surprise
spotting you across the room. And the next thing I see is you drinking that stuff.”

My thoughts blurred for a second as Slyte pulled me into him, his cock slipping
between my legs. My slick pussy coated his length, making it impossible to keep
my hips still. I rocked against him, his cock teasing my clit. I slid my hand
between my thighs, touching him, touching myself.

Garrett lifted his arm, touched my cheeks with his finger. “You’re all flushed
and heated.”

I gazed into Garrett’s dark eyes, my emotions impossible to sort out. Anger and
love, sadness and lust, all mixed up in one. When I let out a long moan, my
stomach a tight knot of tension, my fingers working my clit faster, Garrett spoke
up. While I didn’t understand his words, I thought I detected an exasperated tone
to it.

Slyte gathered my arms behind my back and clamped one big hand around my
wrists. I struggled against my sudden loss of freedom. Both moved closer until I
was trapped between their bodies. All that hardness pressing against me did
nothing to calm my too fast breath.

“Relax,” Garrett said, “you’re still a hot mess, but we’ll take care of you.” He
brought his nose closer to mine, his tongue teasing me to part my lips. “My
love,” he whispered before he deepened his kiss.

He tasted hot and dangerous and with the promise of future heartbreak. I
wrapped one leg around his calf, arching upward. But he was lying to me, wasn’t
he? No way was his story true. It couldn’t be. It would mean that he hadn’t really
dumped me. That he’d planned to come back to me. It would mean that he loved
me—and that was certainly too difficult a concept to grasp right now. All I did
was feel and take and wish for more.

I kissed Garrett, duelling with his tongue for dominance because we were both
eager to explore each other. I let him win, softened against him. His kisses were
long and deep, lazy in his delight to explore my mouth and tongue and the edge
of my teeth.

Slyte still held my arms behind my back, making touching myself impossible. I
forgave him this cruelty because he thrust his cock between my folded hands. It
surprised me how turned-on it made me, giving him an involuntarily handjob.
He was slick with oil, and I gave him a tighter grip, his cock moving smoothly
between the palms of my hands.

Playfully, Garrett nipped into my bottom lip, moved lower, closed his mouth
around a nipple and sucked while Slyte’s oil-slicked cock pumped into my
hands. I came, stunning myself, but the pull at my breast gave me a sharp
orgasm that left me breathless for a second. It wasn’t enough, though for once,
my heart didn’t feel as if it would explode. I wanted, needed to be fucked. No
more fooling around.

“Garrett,” I said. “I’m feeling a whole lot better.”

“That’s great, Chiara,” he said, clearly not believing any of it. “You just came
because I sucked on your nipple.”

“No, I didn’t,” I said, lying through my teeth. “But I want you inside me now.”

He searched my face, placed his hand on my chest, evidently checking my

heartbeat. But I could see it in his dilated pupils. He wanted me as much as I
him. And Slyte behind me was making me crazy, even though he’d stopped
thrusting into my hands and he loosened the hold on my wrists. My lower back
was slippery from the oil and my ass rubbed sensually against the hardness of his
cock. The Dezrian wouldn’t deny me, I was sure. Arching my back, I pressed
tighter against his cock, hoping that my movement spoke for itself. I lusted for
one male and I was in love with the other. Both were in bed with me, naked and

And I knew exactly what it would take to get the drink out of my system.

“Garrett,” I said, my voice husky. “Do you remember how you made love to

“Thought about it for every damn night in the last weeks,” he answered roughly.
“But we have to take it slow.” His hand rested on my waist and he gripped me
painfully tight, telling me better than anything else how much he wanted me in

“Feel how wet I am for you,” I whispered, and moaned when he did. His hand
cupped my mound, too gently. “Slip a finger inside me, please.” Curse me if I
couldn’t seduce him.

While I watched Garrett’s struggle with his needs and his apprehension, I
grasped Slyte’s cock and directed him between my legs. I remembered how
good his thick cock had felt inside my mouth. I shivered to think how intense it
would be if he fucked my ass. I held on to that thought, hoping that the Dezrian
would pick up on it.

I closed my eyes, swallowing a moan. He had picked up on it. Concentrating on

the invading feel of a finger slippery with oil against my anus, I felt my eyes pop
open as he pushed smoothly in, his grunt one of satisfaction. The thick head of a
cock replaced the finger. He pushed slowly in and I pushed back, a cry on my
lips as he stretched me. His hand grasped around my hip, steadying me as he
thrust his oiled cock deeper in my ass. His breath came hard against my neck. I
reveled in this raw act, in the carnal connection to him. It satisfied me in a primal

I directed my gaze at Garrett, who undoubtedly knew that I had encouraged

Slyte into giving me what I wanted.

“I need this,” I said, pleading, hoping he’d understand. “But I need you too.”

“I understand,” Garrett said, but a muscle in his jaw twitched. “I want you to
have all you need, from whoever can give it to you.” His mouth pressed to a thin
line, but his chest rose and fell with a quickened breath. “But it’s not easy to
watch you with him. As I said, I don’t like to share the woman I love.”

“I want you both,” I whispered, my breathing ragged. “I want to feel you both
inside me. Do it, Garrett, do it, please. I need you.” I closed my hand around his
cock, hot and heavy against my palm. At that moment, making love with him
was worth dying for.

“Angle your hips,” Garrett said and clasped his hand around my thigh, lifted my
leg, showed me what he meant. He moved so close to me his breath blew strands
of hair across my forehead.

Doubts rose in me as the thick head of his cock nudged against my pussy. How
could I possibly fit both in me? Both were large, Slyte already stretched me
wide. I bit my lip as Garrett clamped his hand around my butt cheek, arched me
farther toward him. Slyte pulled slightly out of me, wrapped his hand around my
thigh to lift it and spread me for Garrett. My pussy was slick and welcoming,
drenched with my juices, but he didn’t slide in slowly. He thrust hard up, drove
his cock deep into my core.

My breath left my body in a whosh and I convulsed around him, my pussy

clamping down on his cock. When I’d stopped shaking, Slyte moved his hips,
thrusting deeper into my ass again. Our legs were tangled, all lines were crossed.
And Garrett did this for me, gave me what I begged of him. Thanking him
seemed such a silly thing to do. When both men began moving, fucking me in
slow strokes, I heard Garrett whisper that I was so tight, that I felt so fucking
good. It made me sure that thanks weren’t necessary, but I was damn grateful

I clung to his shoulder, the feeling of both men buried so deep within me driving
away my last rational thought. Slyte moved smoothly in and out, each thrust of
him making my eyes widen at the intensity. And Garrett fucked my pussy in
long strokes, each thrust stretching me further. It was a dance of giving and
taking and soon I was lost in the sound of flesh meeting flesh, our breath and my
own moans.

Slyte’s slammed his cock into my ass and I took each stroke greedily. Knowing
both males could feel each other within me sent my own lust to a new level of
arousal. I clenched around Garrett’s cock, relishing how unsteady his breath
came. “Do it harder,” I whispered. “Don’t hold back.”

I stopped moving, let myself be moved by the two men, their hands intertwined
on my hip, until Slyte’s cock thickened as he spilled his come, but it was
Garrett’s hoarse cry that did me in. He slammed into me, hard and deep, and I
could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing in my pussy, his climax sent me
hurling over the edge. I thought my pussy wouldn’t stop convulsing, wouldn’t
stop sending these shockwaves through my entire body. I feared I’d simply not
stop climaxing while both men were so tightly connected to me.

When I finally, thankfully, stopped shaking, they still held me in their arms.

Too sated for words, the temptation of sleep was luring me, but instead of giving
in, I forced myself to stay awake, feeling selfish for my demand of the dual
attention I’d received.

Resting my cheek against Garrett’s chest, I listened to the drum of his heart. It
was a steady beat, but the ragged scar on his chest felt terrible against my skin.

“Garrett,” I said, keeping my cheek pressed close to his chest, “when you said
Slyte would do anything I demand, was that the truth?”

“Yes, but he isn’t stupid. Once I told him how the drink affected you, you were
perfectly safe with him.”

“So you just wanted to stay with me?”

“You figured that one out,” he said, his chest vibrating with a chuckle. “That’s a
good sign. Well, I didn’t like the idea of you alone with him. Forgive me?”

I was quiet, not because of his question, but because I was dead sure that my
libido wasn’t out of control anymore. Slyte moved behind me, pressing a kiss
against the nape of my neck, but it was just that, a kiss. It didn’t set my heart
racing. I felt relaxed and sticky yet exhausted—a hot shower sounded more
tempting than another round of sex. And I could juggle several thoughts at once
in my head. And I’d just figured out what had troubled me since he’d told me
why he’d left me that note.

“For how long have you been on Dezra waiting for your ship to be repaired?”

There was a quickening to his heartbeat, I could clearly hear it.

“After this night, four days.”

Four. And the device had to be replaced after three days. It might already be
affecting him. His life depended on getting off Dezra. And he knew I had the
means to help him. But he couldn’t ask, knowing that he’d wronged me in the
past. Knowing I might even hate him.

“You need my ship,” I said, curiously relieved that I’d finally figured out what
he wanted from me. “You need my ride.”

“Yes,” he said dryly. “It crossed my mind.”

How was I to know that he hadn’t used our chance meeting to his advantage?
How was I to know that he hadn’t fooled me? Maybe he had used my
defenselessness to get close to me again, to make me believe he still loved me.
To make me fall in love with him again.

He would have known that I’d figure out that his life was in danger—he’d given
me all the clues, the timeline, the story about how the device would kill him.
He’d known I would put two and two together. He knew I wasn’t stupid—but

What kind of woman wouldn’t want to save the man she loved? But it would
mean trusting him with my most prized possession—my space glider. It was my
life, my income, my means to support myself. How was I to know that he
wouldn’t steal my ship, along with my heart, and never come back again?

“How am I to trust you?”

“I promise, I’ll be back in time for your friend’s wedding. But I’d understand
why you wouldn’t give me a second chance.”

A second chance. My throat grew tighter. He was so close, his scent filling my
senses, the warmth of his skin, his cock still inside my pussy. Hadn’t he shown
me that he loved me when he’d given in to my wish to share with another man?
Had his apprehension been real, his jealousy, his love? Or was I just his ticket to
get off Dezra?

“What am I supposed to do?” Though, if I were honest with myself, I already

knew the answer.

Two days later

How big a fool was I?

After I’d told Garrett the ship’s access codes, he’d whispered promises back, his
face so open, so honest. When he had finally slipped out of the bed and left, I’d
wondered how many times I’d watched him convince people into giving him
what he wanted, wearing the same honest and open expression. Too many times
to count. Refusing to cry, I’d curled into Slyte’s warm embrace and slept ’til
morning broke. We shared breakfast, but that was where our intimacy had
ended. I was free of the drink’s effect and nothing remained but the memory of
the carnal night with both men.

Yesterday, I’d seen Jana from afar but hadn’t talked to her. Even though I could
use a friend, I knew better than to trouble a happy bride with my sappy story of
heartbreak and tears. I wouldn’t ruin her wedding with my worries. I spent the
evening at Slyte’s side, but the Dezrian hadn’t even tried to kiss me, as if he was
aware that my heart ached for Garrett, which, come to think of it, Slyte most
certainly knew.

Garrett hadn’t returned. Yet. And I was struck with loneliness, longing and a
sense of doom that he wouldn’t keep his word.

And today was Jana’s official wedding ceremony.

I’d spent the morning in my own quarters, making myself ready for Jana’s big
day. I half hoped to find Garrett in my rooms. Then later, I’d hoped to spot him
among the waiting wedding guests.

But there was no sign of him anywhere and nothing could chase away the bitter
taste in my mouth that he’d fooled me.

The wedding ceremony started, even though there wasn’t a glimpse of Jana or
her groom yet. Speech after important-sounding speech—I didn’t understand a
word but was sure it was significant—while music was being played in the
background. I had no idea how anyone could comprehend a word with the music
playing and guests chattering. Looked as if Dezrians were big on multitasking
their senses.
It also looked as though I would have to attend the ceremony standing up. The
formal room wasn’t furnished with seats. But Slyte was at my side, holding my
hand. I shot a glance at him, squeezed his hand. He felt like a friend, someone to
rely on instead of a lover to desire. Anyway, I was glad I wasn’t attending Jana’s
wedding alone. For a second, I envied my friend, who was so sure of her love
that she’d given up her life on Earth to follow her fiancé to his home planet.

Not that I regretted the night with both men. But my ship…giving Garrett my
ship was something altogether different.

Had I learned nothing?

I almost crushed Slyte’s hand when I sensed someone stepping behind me, a set
of arms wrapping around my middle. I caught Slyte’s gaze, who gave me a wink
before he let go of my hand, giving me space. I rose up to my toes, gave Slyte a
quick kiss on his cheek, thanking him for, I guess, everything.

“Have I missed anything?” Garrett whispered, beard stubble on his chin brushing
against my neck as he placed a kiss there. “Wedding hasn’t started yet?”

I shook my head, my throat too tight to speak.

“Told you I’d be back in time.”

Yes, he had, I thought, my knees weak. He’d also told me that he loved me. I
closed my eyes, my mouth curling up to a stupid grin. “I’m looking for a new
business partner,” I said. “I can tell you’d be the perfect guy for the job. Strictly
professional, of course.” I leaned against his chest. “What do you think?”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Garrett said, pulling me around to face him. I
expected a kiss, but instead he pressed a glass into my hands. “Let’s drink to
second chances.”

I curled my fingers around the slender, long-stemmed flute. “That better not be
what I think it is.”

“Only one way to find out, Chiara,” he said, bringing his glass against mine in a
toast. “You trust me?”
I searched his face, the gold-flecked dark eyes, his wicked grin. Damn, yes, I
trusted him. “To second chances,” I said and knocked back my drink.
About the Author

Amy Redwood lives in Vancouver, Canada. This wasn’t always the case. She
grew up in Europe, moved to New Zealand and then explored China before
settling down on the west coast of Canada. She likes nothing better than dark
chocolate, autumn rain and curling up on the couch reading a great story. But
what she loves is writing about smart heroines and sexy heroes enjoying hot
nights, hotter days and a happily ever after. After all, nothing beats a happy end.

Amy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email
address on her author bio page at
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Also by Amy Redwood

Alien Best Man

His She-Wolf

Jaguar’s Claim

Midsummer Charm

Sinful Intentions

To Catch a Thief

Print books by Amy Redwood

Sinful Intentions
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