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Title: Navigating the Challenges of a Down's Syndrome Dissertation: A Comprehensive Guide

Embarking on the journey of writing a dissertation is undoubtedly a formidable task, and when the
subject matter revolves around Down's Syndrome, the challenges become even more pronounced.
Tackling a Down's Syndrome dissertation requires a deep understanding of the complexities
surrounding this condition, as well as the ability to conduct thorough research and present findings in
a coherent and insightful manner.

The difficulties in composing a Down's Syndrome dissertation stem from the need to address
sensitive topics with utmost care and precision. Researchers must delve into the medical,
psychological, and social aspects of Down's Syndrome, considering both the individual experiences
and broader societal implications. Navigating through a vast sea of literature, studies, and evolving
research is a demanding endeavor, and crafting an original, well-informed piece requires both time
and expertise.

Moreover, the emotional weight of the subject matter adds an extra layer of complexity to the
writing process. Individuals working on a Down's Syndrome dissertation often find themselves
grappling with the responsibility of accurately representing the experiences of those with Down's
Syndrome and their families. Balancing empathy and objectivity becomes crucial, demanding a
delicate touch to ensure the dissertation is respectful, inclusive, and contributes meaningfully to the
existing body of knowledge.

In light of these challenges, many individuals undertaking a Down's Syndrome dissertation find
valuable support in professional writing services. One such reputable platform is ⇒
⇔, where experienced writers with a background in relevant fields can assist in navigating the
intricacies of crafting a comprehensive and well-researched dissertation. By seeking professional
guidance, individuals can alleviate the burden associated with the challenging task of writing a
Down's Syndrome dissertation and ensure that their work meets the highest academic standards.

For those on this arduous academic journey, consider ⇒ ⇔ as a reliable partner in
navigating the complexities of a Down's Syndrome dissertation. With a team of skilled writers
dedicated to delivering quality content, this platform offers the support needed to transform a
challenging task into a well-executed, impactful piece of academic work.
The least common cause is when part of chromosome 21 attaches to another chromosome during the
development of reproductive cells. Children with Down syndrome are also prone to developing
other health problems. But sometimes during cell division, a chromosome will not detach and it will
stay with its pair chromosome. Most children with Down Syndrome have mild to moderate
impairments, but they are more like other children than people know or think. In addition, they
should be given the chance to communicate independently about things they can do and have the
time to do them; the child should be exposed to more and longer interactions with people.
Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use a-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders
and Their Herbal Remedies. However, researchers have found a very strong association between
having a family member who has a compulsive hoarder and coming a hoarder yourself Mayo Clinic,
2014. It occurs when there is an error in cell division and the baby ends up with three copies of
chromosome 21 instead of two. Besides the rate of weight increase at the DS newborns is slower
than the normal newborns. For both Down syndrome and normal samples, individual differences on
measures of distress intensity, latency, and recovery remained highly consistent throughout the
Strange Situation, indicating coherent individual patterns of responding. Research has established
that short term memory is delayed in individuals with Down Syndrome beyond developmental level
and intelligence expectations (Deckers 2013). Dr. Jerome Lejeune and Patricia Jacobs, in 1959,
identified the link between DS and the presence of an extra chromosome (Bowman-Kruhm 12).
Although some of these problems can be quite serious, medical treatments have improved so much
that today the vast majority of babies with Down Syndrome can grow up healthy and active.
According to the National Down Syndrome Society (2009), Down Syndrome is most common
single cause of human birth defects and the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition. The
most dramatic changes in how people with Down Syndrome are treated have not been medical, but
social. Another academic characteristic is that she has a teacher who comes into the classroom and
really focuses on helping her understand the problem. The studys findings were published today in
Current Biology. When you have this type, it means that every single cell in your body has an extra
chromosome attached to it. These chromosomes undergo different type of abnormalities during the
genesis of human beings. When a baby is diagnosed with down syndrome from the characteristics
listed or some other type of testing, they will have it for the rest of their life. If you want a unique
paper, order it from our professional writers. Another fact about Down’s Syndrome is older mothers
are more likely to have a kid with Down’s Syndrome and the chances of having a baby with Down’s
Syndrome gets bigger as the mothers get older. Many people with Down syndrome benefit from
different types of therapies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral therapy, and
physical therapy in order to help with their developmental and physical delays. In addition, we
examined the range of emotional reactions for each episode of the Strange Situation and emotional
liability for the entire procedure. In other words a part of chromosome is exchanged with another
part of another chromosome. When a sperm or egg carries two copies of chromosome 2.
Chromosomes are units which are transferred from parent to offspring through different processes.
These life in South Africa opportunities present individuals with many more challenging life in South
Africa events than experienced by those of previous decades. From the cognitive perspective, if the
efficiency of information-processing capabilities in Down syndrome infants is impaired, these infants
should require a longer period to react emotionally to a change in social circumstances signaling an
end to stress (i.e., mother's return) and show a prolonged recovery time. The most common form of
Down syndrome is known as Trisomy 21. I may have poor judgement when it comes to judging
things and I have a short attention period.
Ultrasound: - A process known as ultrasound is carried out to see the baby inside the fetus which
helps in seeing any physical problems that the fetus may be suffering from. It has been reported that
only 20-7% of the mothers in his series were 35 years of age or older (Adeyokunnu). DS patients
suffer from moderate mental retardation. Both of these tests carry their own pros and cons if
analyzed from a rational perspective. Behavioral therapy and counseling also helps in improving their
skills which they previously lacked. (Medline Plus 2010). I also notice that their mom comes in
sometimes and takes her to do a reading test in the library. Around 40% of the patients have the
problem of congenital heart disease and are susceptible to defects in the endocardial cushions of
ostium primum. The sonographer does this by scanning the mother’s abdomen so that the baby’s
nuchal translucency shows up on the monitor and measures the thickness of it on the screen using
calipers. The incidence of Down syndrome is estimated at one per 800 to one per 1000 births. The
condition could not be recognized in those times until finally in 1866 when Doctor John Langdon
Down found about it. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that
is cheating. Also you. History of Down syndrome Although much has become known about Down
syndrome in the recent centuries it is analyzed that the syndrome dates back to the 16th century. John
Langdon Down, the British physician who first described the syndrome in 1866, writes that “when
placed side by side”, those with DS appear to be “members of the same family” (qt. Impairment
approach is the one where the speech and language therapist assesses clients to determine whether
the individual has deficits in speech, language, communication, which in turn become targets for
intervention. (Deckers 2016) Intervention may require a focus on enhancing children’s speech and
language skills as well as addressing barriers to participation, facilitating opportunities for
participation, and addressing negative attitudes. Although, there’s no way to 100% guarantee this
due to how many different defects Down syndrome carries. Down syndrome is the most common
genetic disorder, and it occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. There are also some
health concerns that you need to worry about. In 2018, the National Institute of Health initiative was
launched. Adults should have a hearing assessment conducted every five years, ideally with pure
tone audiometry testing and an additional word test Snashall, Susan. This has now been credited for
a while to develop reading skills in children with down syndrome. Translocation is not linked to
maternal age, unlike nondisjunction. Heart problems American Accreditation HealthCare
Commission, 2009 The Cleveland Clinic reports that individuals with Down syndrome have different
experiences in terms of the problems with health than those experienced by the normal population
and these problems include a weakened immune system and premature aging. Language skills are
also taught through these different forms of behavioral therapy. It also helps to know that most
people who have Down syndrome can flourish and live healthy, happy, and productive lives. The
average life expectancy of a person with Down syndrome is 60 years old which even though that
seems like a relatively young age, that number has more than doubled over the last 30 years with the
help of medical advances, breakthrough in research and speech, language and physical therapy
services. Gradually with time the awareness about disabled children increased. Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry, 23, 145-158. Of course, both cognitive and organismic factors are likely
to interact in affecting the socio-emotional responses of Down syndrome infants. Although most of
the latter hypotheses are, of course, consistent with those proposed by the cognitive-appraisal
formulation described above, there is one important difference in the predictions offered by the two
formulations, which has to do with the speed of recovery from distress. Increased understanding of
Down syndrome and early interventions make a big difference in the lives of both children and
adults with Down syndrome.
These limitations can show up in multiple different ways. Due to the fact that expressive language
develops slowly, difficulty with this skill becomes more challenging with age. This information is not
intended to replace the advice of a doctor. People that have down syndrome have a level of
intellectual disability, a change in physical characteristics, health problems, and development
problems. Although, research says that age plays a part in the increased chance of a child being born
with Down syndrome. What is the current research for Down syndrome. 15 hours agoPaper
Citations. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. One of them is
the age a woman conceives, older women have a higher risk of having a child with Down syndrome.
The children with Down Syndrome also have low muscle tone (which cause feedinb problems) and
loose joints. It was also found that mothers with an age over 35 were more prone to the problem than
the mothers who were below that age. The research concludes that early oral reading skill as a
measure of phonological awareness does indeed improve verbal communication among children with
Down syndrome. This is what we call nondisjunction and can also happens during mitosis
(duplication of somatic cells). The commonality between these congenital diseases is that they are all
present at birth. This research led to the publication of important papers on best practices for
delivering a Down syndrome diagnosis prenatally and postnatally. Children who have trisomy 21 are
at the risk of developing acute leukemias. A Speech Pathologists can help them develop the early
skills necessary for communication. (Patterson 2013). Learning to communicate is an ongoing
process, therefore, individuals with down syndrome can essentially benefit from speech therapy in
school as well as later in life. Increased understanding of Down syndrome and early interventions
make a big difference in the lives of both children and adults with Down syndrome. The one
important difference to emerge concerns the stronger association between distress intensity and
mother-directed resistance in the Down syndrome sample and suggests that high-intensity distress
may have an added (and somewhat more negative) effect on the attachment behaviors of the
ordinarily more subdued Down syndrome infants. Unfortunately, the reasons for this abnormalities
are not found, but there is a connection between Trisomy 2. Mosaic Down’s Syndrome is when only
some cells have an extra Chromosome and the rest of the cells in your body don’t have an extra
chromosome. There are many things people might not know and should know about people with
Down’s Syndrome. The studys findings were published today in Current Biology. Similarly,
Freudenberg, Driscoll, and Stern (2006) found that the distress cries of Down syndrome infants were
rated as less imperative than those of normal infants. Sometimes if the focus student has been having
a good day, they are allowed to sing a song from YouTube in front of the class as a “performance” of
sorts. It is the most common genetic cause of learning difficulties. Aneuploidy, Chromosome, Down
syndrome 1140 Words 4 Pages produce a disease known as Down's syndrome also referred to as
trisomy 21. Consistent with this, Keele, Richards, Brown, and Marshall (1999) have reported that
Down syndrome children excreted significantly less urinary epinephrine than normal children,
suggesting a decreased release of epinephrine from the adrenal glands. The syndrome gets its name
from John Langdon Down, an English Physician. Most teachers I have observed are good about not
drawing to much attention to a student who may have a disability and they treat the student the
same as a normal student. Symptoms Those suffering from DS exhibit both physical abnormalities as
well as health complications.
There are also some health concerns that you need to worry about. These abnormalities occur due to
different reasons such as radiations or chemicals. After that age, most children have access to
interventions and treatment through their local school district. With Translocation there are still 46
chromosomes in all. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. We will write a custom
Research Paper on Down Syndrome specifically for you. 769 Words 4 Pages. NIHs research portfolio
on Down syndrome includes efforts to understand all aspects of the condition including related
health problems and health outcomes. Integrated Screen: - In this type of test results are taken from
the first trimester along with blood tests of the second trimester with a quadrup screen. Babies with
more fluid in the back of the neck during the first trimester will suggest abnormalities in the
developing fetus. A variety of therapists can be used in early intervention programs and throughout a
person’s life to promote greatest possible development, independence, and productivity. When they
are in this classroom, it gives them an opportunity to interact with “normal” students and builds their
communication skills. Down syndrome can be caused by one of three types of abnormal cell division
involving chromosom 21. One thing I did see wasn’t really a teaching strategy, but a reward. Till
date, the prevalence of Down syndrome in African populations is not clearly known. The present
study of the socio-emotional behaviors of Down syndrome infants in the Strange Situation was
designed to extend this work in two ways. It seems that when a parent has a translocated part of
chromosome 2. Down. Down Syndrome Prenatal Diagnosis. It has been found that in women less
than 20 years of age the incidence of Down syndrome is 1 in 1550 births whereas in women over the
age of 45 years the incidence is 1 in 25 live births. Gilbert's Syndrome was first described in 1901 as
a syndrome of chronic, benign, intermittent jaundice in the absence of. These verbal short-term
memory problems make it more difficult to learn new words and sentences. Down syndrome occurs
frequently in that 1 out of 800 babies are born with this disorder. Down syndrome children also
often have behavioral problems and delayed development. There is Mosaic Down Syndrome, T21
which can also be known as nondisjunction Down’s Syndrome, or Translocation Down Syndrome.
Around the age of fifty individuals with Down syndrome often experience a decrease in their
thinking ability. In addition, we examined the range of emotional reactions for each episode of the
Strange Situation and emotional liability for the entire procedure. He described these children as
Mongoloids as they had. The authors imply that this study arose as a result of the mainstream
integration of children with Down syndrome in the school system, and propose the examination of
peer relationships as an appropriate measurement of the success of the integration project. Most often
to test for Down syndrome they will do it with a blood sample. The diagnostic tests used to check
the patients are the following Chorionic Villus Sampling: - This test involves the drawing of
placental fluid by passing a needle in the placenta through cervix or abdomen. The results can lead to
developmental delays in the child, disability or health problems, different facial appearances, and
congenital heart disease. The feet are compact with a gap between the first and second toe, and their
hair is soft and sleek. I like to do many things that other kids also enjoy doing.

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