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Pag-asa St., Brgy. Caniogan, Pasig City
SY: 2023- 2024 Score:


Lesson 7: Sound Waves

How do humans and other Organisms Produce Sound?

Place your forefinger on your throat and say

Drop a coin on the floor. Knock on the door. What is “Sounds” three times. What vibrates when humans speak? It
produced? SOUND! is the voicebox or larynx.

Sound is produced because of the vibration of the

particles of the coin & the door. These two objects were used
as a medium to produce sound. .Therefore, sound is a
mechanical wave and a longitudinal wave.

Sound travels fastest in solid because the particles of

solid are close to each other. Sound cannot travel in a


1. PITCH - It refers to the highness or lowness of

sound. The frequency of a wave dictates the pitch of
a sound. The higher the frequency the higher the Everytime you talk, shout, sing or hum, certain
pitch of the sound. muscles get stretched, which makes the opening between
your vocal cords narrower.
Which picture shows a high pitch sound?
The vocal cords vibrate as air passes in the narrow slit. This
vibration is what you hear as the sound of your voice.

Why do the voices of children differ than those of adult males

and females?
This is due to the different lengths of their vocal
cords. Men have a vocal cord length of 20 mm, whereas
A B women have shorter vocal cord of 15 mm. Children have the
shortest vocal cords in comparison to adults.
Answer: Letter A has a higher frequency therefore it has a
high pitch sound. How Do We Perceived Sound?

2. QUALITY – this allows the ear to recognize one Have you ever wondered how you could hear all the noise
sound from other even if they have the same pitch around you? It is possible due to the auditory system that is
and loudness. You can differentiate the sound of a comprised of your ears and the brain
piano from that of guitar because of its different
quality. The ears job is to convert the sound energy into a
neutral signal which later is received by your brain through
3. LOUDNESS - It refers to how soft or how intense the THREE PARTS OF THE EAR
sound. It can also be determined by the amplitude of
the sound waves.
How does it works?

It all start with the sound waves falling on the outer part of your ear known as the pinna that acts as a funnel and sends the
sound into the ear canal (another part of your outer ear) and heads toward the middle part of your ear hitting the eardrum (a very
delicate piece of tightly stretched skin) making it vibrate like the head of an actual drum. This vibrating eardrum shakes a tiny chain of
three bones called the ossicle, hat starts with the hammer or malleus, and passes through the anvil or incus and moves the third bone
known as stapes or stirrup.

But it’s not over yet, once the sound passes the middle ear through the ossicle, it travels into the cochlea, a small circular tube
filled with liquid situated in the inner ear. The vibration cause by the ossicles create waves in the cochlear fluid converting the sound
vibration into liquid vibration. The cochlea is consist of many hairs and when the fluid in cochlea moves, it moves these tiny hairs
creating nerve signals that gets send through the auditory nerve into the brain. The brains process this signals as sound, and so you
Humans can hear sounds with frequencies between the range of 20 Hz up to 20,000 Hz. This is what you call the range of
audible sound.

Some forms of sound are inaudible. These includes infrasonic & ultrasonic.
INFRASONIC SOUND is a form of low frequency sound (20 Hz below) that human ears cannot detect.
ULTRASONIC SOUND is an inaudible sound with a higher frequency which is more than 20,000 Hz.

An echo is a repeated sound because the sound wave is reflected back to the source as it hits a surface.

A. Encircle the term that will best complete each sentence.
1. Loud sounds transfer greater energy; so they have bigger (amplitude, pitch, wavelength).
2. The (loudness, pitch, trough) tells the highness or lowness of the sound.
3. The property of a sound that gives its distinguishable feature is referred to as (amplitude, crest, quality).
4. Sound is best transmitted in (solid, liquid, gas).
5. If the frequency of sound waves increases, the (loudness, pitch, quality) increases as well.
6. Humans do not have the ability to hear (audible sound, infrasound, megasound).
7. You cannot hear sound in (the classroom, the garden, outer space).
8. A rocket launch will produce a very high (amplitude, pitch, quality) because of its loud sound.
9. When the sound bounces off an object, an (amplitude, echo, infrasound) occurs.
10. Human sound is produced by the vibration of the (epiglottis, pharynx, vocal cords).
11. A/an (echo, reflection, vibration) occurs when an object moves back and forth
12. Infrasound is a sound with a low (amplitude, pitch, quality).

B. Write True if the statement is correct. If false, change the underlined word to make it correct.
______1. In liquids, particles are farther from one another compared to those in solid objects.
______2. Sound waves travel faster in water than in air.
______3. Solid molecules are very close to one another, which makes solid objects vibrate quickly.
______4. A person sounds differently from one person to another because of the structure of their pharynx.
______5. Vocal length differs among people. This diversifies the highness or lowness of their voices.
______6. Lightning comes first before thunder.
______7. Light is an electromagnetic wave, which travels faster than sound.
______8. Infrasonic sound and ultrasonic sound cannot be detected by humans
Direction: Encircle the word or phrase that will best complete each sentence.

1. Light has both a wave nature and (an atom, a particle, a molecular) nature.
2. Light travels faster in a (glass, plastic, vacuum).
3. A glass window is a (translucent, transparent, opaque) material, which is why you can clearly see what is inside a
4. An umbrella is (an oscillating, an original, an opaque) material that lessens our exposure to too much sunlight.
5. A (fog, tint, shadow) is formed when an opaque material blocks the source of light.
6. Light acts as a wave when it (moves through space, moves with matter, interacts with matter).
7. Light acts as a particle when it (moves through space, moves with matter, interacts with matter).
8–9. The sun is (a natural, a luminous, an artificial) source of light whereas the light bulb is (a natural, a luminous, an
artificial) source of light.

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