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School ESNCHS Grade Level 7


GRADE 7-12 Teaching Dates and Time January 31, 2024- February 1, Quarter THIRD
DAILY 2023
LESSON LOG 7:00 – 8:00 – G7- Sunflower
8:00 – 9:00 – G7- Petunia
12:30 – 1:30 – G7- Camia
2:30 – 3:30 – G7 - Dhalia

I. OBJECTIVES Session 1 Session2 Session3 Session 4

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types
for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.
B. Performance The learner transfer learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity, comprehending informative texts using schema and
Standards appropriate listening and viewing strategies, expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats, and enriching
written and spoken communication using analogy, direct/reported speech,active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect and
connectors correctly and appropriately.
C. Learning
Competencies / EN7OL-IV-e-3.10 EN7V-IV-c-23.1
(Write the LC code for  Identify the different  Give the importance Supply words or expressions Analyze the relationships
each) readily multimedia of their use and that complete analogy; between words used in analogy.
resources. functions
 Give the importance Write an example of analogy;
of their use and and

A. References English 7 Quarter 1-Module
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material Pg. 1-14
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Videos, ppt presentation
A. Reviewing previous The teacher will ask the Ask the students about the Say YES if you agree with the Start the lesson by reviewing
lesson or presenting a students to recall the previous lesson about oral statement; Say NO if you the concept of analogies. Ask
new lesson previous lesson about language and its different disagree. the students to define what an
multimedia and the different characteristics 1. Applying the analogy is and provide
types of multimedia communication tools will examples of analogies. Review
resources. make the speaker’s message the different types of analogies
more understandable. such as synonym, antonym, part
2. If you are crossing your to whole, and cause and effect.
arms, it makes you look
3. If you put your hands at
the back, it seems that you are
hiding something.
4. If your hands are in your
pocket, you are confident.
5. It is alright to sway your
body when you are talking in
front of others.
B. Establishing a The teacher will tell the The teacher will emphasizes Share examples of effective Present them with a riddle that
purpose for the lesson students Multimedia the purpose that determines and ineffective involves an analogy. For
resources help in retaining the kind of speech that will communication in various example: "I am to cat as bark is
the interest and attention of give on a particular occasion. situations. Discuss how oral to _____." Allow students time
the audience. They can be language, stance, and to think and discuss their
effective tools to use in behavior play a crucial role in answers with a partner. Share
making your talk lively and communication and discuss their responses as a
interesting in various class.
communication situations.
C. Presenting The teacher will present an The teacher will emphasize Let the students explain the Divide the students into pairs or
examples/instances of illustration of a simple the purpose that determines various situations about small groups. Provide each
the new lesson communication. They will the kind of speech that communication. group with a set of analogy
identify the symbols used in requires in a given particular cards. Each card will have a pair
communicating each other. situation. Discuss the of words with a missing analogy
Present the class the communication stations in word. Instruct the students to
definition of oral language. giving instructions, making complete the analogy by filling
explantions, and narrating in the missing word. Encourage
events them to discuss and explain
their choices. Afterward, have
each group share their
completed analogies with the
D. Discussing new Discuss the different The class will be divided into Guide a class discussion on the
concepts and practicing characteristics of effective small groups and each group different types of relationships
new skills # 1 oral language will assign one between words in analogies.
a. Clarity communication situation. Provide examples and ask
b. Directness They create and perform a students to identify the
c. Appropriateness short role play demonstrating relationship between the words
d. Vivid the assigned situation. in each analogy. Discuss the
importance of understanding
these relationships to
comprehend analogies better.
E. Discussing new Ask the students the question Have each group present Introduce the concept of
concepts and practicing Have you observed that a their role plays. The teacher creating analogies. Explain that
new skills # 2 person’s body language is wil facilitate a discussion on students will now learn how to
opposite to what he/she is the strengths and areas of create their own analogies.
saying? improvement for each Provide examples and guide
Introduce some examples of presentation. them through the process of
postures and bodily gestures identifying the relationship
that influence how your between words and applying it
listeners understand your to create a new analogy.
message when you are
F. Developing mastery Identify Me! Picture Says! Let the students have an Provide the following multiple-
(leads to Formative The teacher will show impromptu speaking activity. choice questions to assess
Assessment 3) illustrations of different The teacher will illustrate Say something positive and students' understanding of
posture and bodily gesture pictures. They will Identify negative about the given analogies:
they will Identify and write what communication pictures.
the meaning of each act. situation is being presented.

G. Finding practical Let the students discuss how Ask students to reflect Divide the class into teams.
application of concepts the tools learned can be individually on the role play Provide each team with a set of
and skills in daily applied in personal and activity. analogy cards. One student from
living professional settings. each team runs to the board,
reads an analogy card, and
writes the missing word. They
then pass the marker to the next
student, who does the same. The
team that completes the most
analogies correctly wins.
H. Making The teacher will ask the Fill in the blanks to complete
generalizations and students , What are the the short sentences below.
abstraction about the things that you have to
lesson consider for effective oral There are three
language? communication tools that are
used for communication.
These are ____________,
______________ and
_____________. They
_______the meaning of the
____________ conveyed by
the ________________ in the
different communication
I. Evaluating learning The students will have 15 Do What I Have Learned
items assessment. Task 5. Complete Me
Read the following paragraph
and fill the blanks with the
correct answer.
J. Additional activities
for application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
used which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Reviewed:


Subject Teacher Department Head

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