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Shortcut rules of Modifier

Modify শব্দের মাব্দে হব্দ া বিব্দশষাবিত করা। এিং Modify শে

থেব্দকই Modifier শেটি এব্দেব্দে।

Modifer ২ প্রকার। যোাঃ

১) Pre-Modifier
২) Post-Modifier.

1. Pre-modifier = noun
থযমোঃ He is a--- (use an adjective) boy
Ans: Honest
2. Post-modifier = noun
থযমোঃ I saw a blind man-----(use a participle).
He is a (use an adjective to pre modify the noun) man.
1. Determiner: (the/one)

Jamuna is ---- (use a determiner to pre-modify the noun)

longest river in our country.
Ans: the

2. Adjectiver : (থ াষ, গুে, অিস্থা,

I saw a ----(use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) car.
Ans: broken

3. Intensifier : (very / much)

Shakib Al Hasan is a ----( pre modify the Adjective with an

intensifier) good player.
Ans: very
4.Posessive: (my, our, your, his, her, their,
They completed-----(use a possesive to pre-modify noun)
Ans: their
Subject Object Possessive
I me my
We us our
They them their
He him his
She her her

5. Demonstrative (this/that/these/those)

*Singular subject এর োব্দে this/that

*Plural subject এর োব্দে these/those

---(use a demonstrative to pre modify the noun) mobile
works well.
-(use a demonstrative to pre modify the noun) mobiles works
6. Article :- ( a, an, the)

a, an, the এর িযিহারাঃ

Consonant এর োব্দে a

Vowel এর োব্দে an থকাব্দো word থক বেব ি ষ্ট কব্দর িুঝাব্দত the

They bought---(use a article) football from the market.
I have----(use a article to pre modify noun) pen.
I have----(use a article to pre modify noun) red pen.

7. Quantifier:- (many, more )

There are --------(use a quantifier to pre-modify

the noun) flowers in my garden.

8.Apositive = Subject এর অবতবরক্ত
Kazi Najrul Islam---(use an Apositive) wrote many poems.
Dhaka ---(use an Apositive) is a big city.
Mr. Rahim ---(use an Apositive) is a kind person.

Infinitive = to + verb1

I went to market------(use an infinitive) shirt.

Present Participle Verb+ing

বিাঃদ্রাঃ অিশযই Verb+ing টি noun এর অিস্থা প্রকাশ করব্দি।

I saw a ------(use a present participle) bird.

Past Participle= Verb3

বিাঃদ্রাঃ অিশযই Verb টি noun এর অিস্থা প্রকাশ করব্দি।

Break broke – broken

There was a ------(use a past participle) bird.

Noun adjective = noun

I saw a ---- -(use a noun adjective) tree.

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