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POWER PROJECTS powering the future Home Services» Projects ~ —_ Blo Home » LV RELEASE CO-ORDINATION Categories > Case Studies > Equipments > Battery > Cable > Capacitor > Circuit Breaker > Generator > Motor 1.Introduction > Solar Generally, Protection coordination is a bottom-up approach. For inverters any network, if protection device coordination is need to be performed, should start from the end equipment/bottom-most > Starter feeder, g In the example SLD, the LV side of the Trafo2 rust be coordi > Transformer first, and particularly MCC has to be enabled with the LV release settings. Then the MV side of the Trafo 2 needs tobe cc ated POWER PROJECTS Powering the future Home Services v Projects v Blo: > Power System + Thermal Magnetic trip units Studies * Solid state or Electronic trip units > Are Thermal magnetic trip units come with a fixed value of settings. It Flash can not be modified according to the changing conditions at the Study site. Whereas the Electronic trip units have adjustable settings, It could be adjusted at any time according to the changes in the site. > Load So it suggested using Electronic trip units for the LV Circuit Flow Breakers. Study . . ., 2. Electronic Trip units > Relay Coordination study > Short Circuit study > Traction Power The electronic trip unit uses a microprocessor to process the System current signal and operate the circuit breaker opening in case of fault. > Uncategorized The letters LSIG signify the type of protection and available adjustments on certain trip units. + L=Long Time (Overload protection) + S= Short Time (Short circuit protection of low-level faults) + |= Instantaneous (Short circuit protection of high-level faults ) + G= Ground Fault (Equipment ground fault protection) 2.1 Long Time (LT) setting LT gives over-current protection. It reacts to overload conditions and determines how much current the circuit breaker A arry @® PoweER PROJECTS powering The fatare Home Services» — Projects » ~——=Blo: Long Tine = szo0Anps 2-14) erage @3mpos UTPickup! Step:001 Mutiles ES Shep: + LT pickup — At the current above which the release picks up. * LT band —At the time when release trips after the LT pickup. 24.1 LT pickup Ir Pick wy i read x Overload Marginx Safety Margin ‘atest antes (ac ara wotiage Winwal Taelaass. Min. TeT@REN TEE ‘Overload Margin 10-30 % OF FLA 11 Safety Margin 0-5% OF FLA 705 Min.UV margin 10% 09 Tolerance (-ve/miny Varies wrt release LV releases have tolerance factor in LT pickup setting For Example from the Figure 1, 3200 was given as a LT pickup. LT pickup have some error band. It varies with respect to the manufacturers. For example TCC curve in the figure shows the LT setting of the ABB’s MCCB with the release of PRII2. Though the LT pickup is set at 3200A, the release operates in the range of 2880A to 3520A. This means this release have the tolerance of -10% to +10%. Its clear that this release pickup at 2880A itself though the setting is for 3200A. Even though it picks up at 2880A it is not necessarily have to trip at the same value. it may endure for infinite time. But if the release encounters >3520A, it trips according to the LT band value. @® PoweER PROJECTS powering the future Home Discrete © Continuous Mutipier| Sensor Services v Projects v ~—_Blo Display Low High Steps Steps Unit Multiples 04 ad 001 Mutiples =] —_ 10 0 Min Tolerance Value It defines the minimum pickup current value - the minimum. current at which the release pickup There is a possibility that release pickup at 2880A If the minimum tolerance is negative value, it reduces the effective rating of the Circuit breaker itself. That means CB rated for 3200A but it may pickup at 2880A with -10% min. tolerance Max. Tolerance Value It defines the maximum holding current value - the maximum current up to which the release holds. There is also another possibility that release may not pickup upto 3520A Maximum tolerance always in the positive side. This known as maximum holding current. NOTE: In order to utilize the breaker up to its full rating. The min pickup tolerance is fixed at +ve side by manufacturers POWER PROJECTS powering the future Home Services v _Projects v GMAW Max. Tolerance value S0UA72:Maximum Clearing Time SOAOR 3x3200R at 6 s €@00AV3Minimum Clearing Time ‘Amps X 1000_ POG (Nom. kV=04,PlotRet. KV=0.4) ‘Amps (Plot Ret. kV=33) Figure 1: TCC Graph of L Setting 21.2 LT - Band It should be selected to provide clear discrimination with downstream protection. Say example for motors, It should be above the starting characteristics and below the damage curves. (Hot and cold start curves).Because protection should not mal-operate during the starting and it should isol motor before the damage. ‘spuoses Blo Function of LT band varies with the manufacturer's design. In the example TCC cure, SACE PRI1I2 is shown. For SACE PRI oand is 1 POWER PROJECTS Home Services» Projects lo seconds. Like LT pick of the release this LT band too have an error band. LT Band Label LT Band GB TrackPickup a Slope [-2 Obine QODiscrete © Continuous pete _] O Curve Multiple 3 Calibration Average Low High Steps NovClsingTing 36 128 3 ineeengrme «= MB 1152 (Max Limit 0 Multiple ()MinDelay 0 0 sec Min Max Smoothing Radus © _° NY This particular release have error band of +20% for max. clearing time and -20% for min mum clearing that. Itis clear from the Figure 1 that LT setting pickup the 9600A at anytime between 4.8s to 7.2s. LT band should be adjusted to protect equipment in such a way that above starting characteristics and below damage curves. And it should maintain clear discrimination between downstream protection device's setting. 2.2 Short Time (ST) setting: delay and it acts as the backup protection for the downstrea ST provides the protection against short circuit faults with -S) protection devices. @® PoweR PROJECTS Home Sewices » Projects » Blo powering the future For the ST setting three inputs are required for the release. + ST pickup: The minimum current at which the realease pickup * ST band- The minimum time delay at which the release trips after the pickup + I*t- the intentional Time delay 2.2.1 ST pickup __ ((Continuous ewrrent X Overload Margin) Safety Nergin ST Pky = (eT ghaststerting current) )* OtiTiterstage oval rae Fa LT ST Inst Ovenide Gnd Maint BshortTime ST Pickup Label STPickup Maxime CDiserete Ocontinuous _—Milipler Sensor_ enim Display * Low High Steps Steps Unit Seemed Mutipes 06 10 01 Mutpies IL sma rme sane = Bod Eilace ST pickup also have an error band as LT pickup. 2.2.2 ST band/Short Time delay (tsd): ST Bard Label ST Band Olin: Sens (Tack Pickup Dose Discrete QContinuous gry Min | Max | (xt | (Cat | Min( abel | Clearing| Clearing| Type |Multples Clee J a ca aT 0 - 006 (0.043 (0.072 lin... |10 0.048 007 [0.055 [oss [ity Add Delete It should be coordinated to maintain the clear space with the downstream. Value of the ST band depends ontheset _ f @® PoweR PROJECTS Home Sewices » Projects » Blo powering the future Assume downstream set value for ST band is 50ms and it has 20% maximum tolerance so it has the maximum operating time of 60ms and so ST band setting value should be adjusted to operate at >60ms including the minimum tolerance. Similarly have to ensure that this maximum tolerance is not overlapping with the upstream setting 2.2.3 Pt ; i 5760 A,0.04 s. = . ‘Amps X 1000_POG (Nom kV=04, PlotRef kV=0.4) Amps (Piet Ret £V=3.3) For Example in the casel, the release trips the CB at 0.04s for the fault current of S760A, when Mt is set at OUT. In the ca qe @® PoweR PROJECTS Home Services» Projects ~ —_ Blo powering the future ernie gE Ce Se ee re ee without any intentional time delay, unless the curve overlaps with the downstream protection ST could be setted with or without intentional time delay. If Mt is set at IN, the release takes more time to trip the CB and If Pt is set at OUT the release takes lesser time than the IN case. IN refers to the inverse characteristics of curve and OUT refers to the definite time curve. ‘Amps X 1000 PCC (Nom. KV=0.4, PlotRef KV=0.4) [ABB SACE PRII2 1200, spumag Amps (Plot Ref V3.3) Figure 3: Case 2 @® PoweER PROJECTS fat A sel aA SI ES Home Services» Projects v Blo powering the future protection. Strictly it is applicable only for bus which can not have further down stream. and strictly not applicable for the upstream protection. When ST is enabled it is recommended that not to enable the | protection UT ST mst Overide Grd Maint Birstantaneous ~ Display ‘ren ‘Opening Tere OritMaximuminst Pickup Instantaneous Pickup _ = current X (Safety Margin X Max. Overvoltage allowed)or (Asymmetrical pat = Tolerance Factor Unlike LT and ST settings, “I” don't have a time delay. It trips the CB instantaneously, as quick as possible, as the name refers. But it has the error band in the pickup setting as similar to LT and ST pickup. Asymmetrical factor is considered for the "I" protection of motor feeders only. Because when CB closes for the motor starting, all the three phases may not draw a current in pure sinusoidal wave, so the asymmetrical factor is considered for the motor feeders. When asymmetrical factor is considered, we could neglect the Safety margin and max. over voltage factors. 2.4 Ground Setting (G) “G" provides the protection against the unbalance currents, leakage current and earth fault. G setting is similar to the ST settings. }S POWER PROJECTS Home Services » Projects » Blo powering the future “GioundBand! so Step: 0.05 oF owt v 2.4.1 Ground Pickup Since the LV system is mostly unbalanced, it is suggested to set the Ground pickup as the 20% of the rating. And most of the LV releases have the minimum set value 20% only, so we cannot set below the 20%. Pick up = 0.2 x Fullload Amps LT ST st Overide, Gnd Main Bons CiAtow Pickup Above 1290 Amps Gromd Pekup Label Ground Pickup Opiserte © Coninuous __Mupher Sensor Display Low High Sips Steps Unt es Muitles 02 1 002 Wutpes 2.4.2 Ground Band Minimum available setiing is recommended for the motor/Capacitor feeders (i.e) end equipment feeders. And for the upstream feeder’s setting minimum discrimination should be ensured as similar to the ST settings. 2.4.3 *t - Needs to be selected as per the ST settings. Important Points: Max & Min pickup LT Max. & Min clearance time tolerance @® PoweR PROJECTS Home Sewices » Projects » Blo powering the future tolerance Max & Min pickup G Max. & Min clearance time tolerance Each setting have its own tolerance. For example L may have +5% tolerance for pickup value but ST may have #20% tolerance. And it is applicable for the tolerances of the clearance time as well. As per IEEE242, to ensure correct selective operation and to avoid mal operation there should be proper coordination between curves of different protective devices. Upstream, Downstream Electro- Low-voltage 5 Fuse Sake Static relay Fuse cst cs 012s Low-voltage circuit breaker cs cs 012s Electromechanical relay (5 cycles) | 0.208 0.20 0.205 Static relay (5 cycles) 0.208 0.208 0.208 CS® — clear space between curves with upstream minimum- melting curve adjusted for pre-load. CS°-— some manufacturers may also recommend a safety factor. 3. LV RELEASE COORDINATION Generally, Protection coordination is a bottom-up approach. For any network, if protection device coordination is need to be performed, should start from the end equipment/bottom-most feeder. In the example SLD, the LV side of the Trafo2 must be coordinated first, and particularly MCC has to be enabled with the LV rel settings. Then the MV side of the Trafo 2 needs to be coordi with the LV side. After these MV relay coordination need to be performed. POWER PROJECTS Saeritp te yen Home Services v _Projects v One-Line Diagram - OLV1 (Edit Mode) DOWNLOAD EXAMPLE ETAP SLD 3.1 Calculations for LSG settings of SDB Feeder Blo [SDB Protection Calculations “1 settings not applicable as SDB is a feeder = Futttoad ampe -_ FLA, ‘over load margin safely Margin Win. UV margin Asymmetrical factor 1 Release min. Tol for L (+5%%) : 1.05, Release min. Tol for $(-108%) 09 UTP «ck up 144.341171.05, +105 (Continuous carseat XOvertoed Margin Safety Margin =( “Tigbest ating creat) )* iis Unaervalage lowed X Tolerance Face) 144 3°1 151.05 POS [Sipe 1518 pickup (0.21F ut Lood Amps 7445 [epicwap 2886 “Shion G Rake jaws Dian acitay of SOW US tating, Kicoubd nat beret POWER PROJECTS Home Services» — Projects» ~—=Blo: powering the future cones syc630 TCC GRAPH FOR PHASE PROTECTION 4 1 ep X00 SDU(Ner AWD, Pate RYDE) 3.2 Calculations for LIG settings of ee @® PoweER PROJECTS fat A sel aA SI ES Home Services» Projects v Blo powering the future cover ded margin "1 safety Margin ‘05 iin: UV margin 09 Asymmetrical fector 16 Rolaasa min. Tol for L(-10%): 09 Release min. Tol for | (158%) | 0.85 LT Pick up 338.4°1.1"1.05 09709 ET Pik up TDA 1 [Siri arent (Safety Margin ex vereteg loner Anymimctrcl acter) 2os0.4°4 6 085 peep eT G pickup 02x Load Amps 23384 Spckp 67 68 *Since G Ralease have minimum sefing of 209% Gf rating, it could not be set bolow 0 2x800=160A 3.3 Calculations for LSG settings of MCC feeder (CB7 & CB8) [GBT and CBE: LSG caluinione =ettngs not appleabe or feders Serene eae a=) FA FLaaies) - 3384 LRG (6008): 20804 (road marin FLA (Lumps 800 Saiyan Fusoadt) 1423 i. OV margin 1 FLATorl: $827 Deymmettel ator te Réease mn TolfarL (10%) 09 Fuleace min TolfarS (10%) - 09 UrPeKe m1 Trae a (FLAa(tumps)sFLALaadt) over ad margin feoosr44 419 CContnous Amps onthe feeder 70873, ices! Staring Curereinfeee- 20804 (709.73:2000 4.05, STRET ae pickup 024Fut Load Amps O20 7 (Saas on “See CTSRSSS RAE HVAT Seng TCU FEU not be et lw 0-620 3.4 Calculations for LSG settings of PCC I/C (CB5): POWER PROJECTS Home Services v Projects Blo. powering the future Stele be Ser as = (Operant a cortncurampsenthefeeser = 2129.49 steers a bigest saingcunantintende: 20304 ndevorogemagns 63 umasiayas pete oxrulveadames Sin REE RS Tae Tom sting Tang WUT ot be slow 2000-008 LT band and ST bands were set in way to maintain a clear discrimination between all the protection and damage curves. Ajithkumar Sivaprakasam — Power System Engineer December 10th, 2022 | 0 Comments Share This Article ) &) (in) ©) () @) © POWER PROJECTS powering the future Home Services» Projects ~ —_ Blo Name (required) Email (required) Website OSave my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time | comment. CONNECT WITH US f oo © in © Copyright 2012 - 2024 | Power Projects India | All Rights Reserved

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