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Learning Delivery Modality Face to face (Learners-Led Modality)


School Grade Level 12
Teacher RHEALYN MARQUEZ Learning Area
R Teaching Date October 4, 2023 Quarter 1st Quarter
Teaching Time 12:45-1:45 No. of Days 4 days
(see PIVOT 4A BOW for the number of days)

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Define research questions;
2. Differentiate types of research questions;
3. Write research questions for the given titles;
4. Realize the importance of questions in research writing and in real life

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:

1. the range of research topics in the area of inquiry
2. the value of research in the area of interest
3. the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed

B. Performance Standards The learner is able to: formulate clearly the statement of research problem.

C. Most Essential Learning States research questions

Competencies (MELC) Presents written statement of the problem
(If available, write the indicated MELC)
D. Enabling Competencies none
(If available, write the attached enabling
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages 1. Practical Research 2 by Esther Baraceros

2.Pivot4A-BOW page 403
2. Learner’s Material pages Learning Activity Sheets

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
B. List of Learning Resources
for Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction What I need to know?
How will you present the lesson to all types of The students will be able to write research questions.
 Students need to present research questions/ statement of the problem.
 Students need to realize the significance of research questions in writing research and in real life.

What’s new?
 Students are asked to get their mirror and look at it.
The students will be asked:
 Do you know yourself?
 How much do you know yourself?
 What are your strengths?
 What are your weaknesses?

 When you are curious on something

what do you do?
 How do you ask questions?
 How do you formulate questions?

B. Development What I know?

How will you develop the content as part of the  The learners will answer 5-item pre-test.
enabling and foundation skills? How will you
develop learners’ mastery of the given Choose the letter of the correct answer.
competency? 1. These are the specific questions which are to be answered by the study.
A. Research queries C. Research quality
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B. Research questions D. Research quantity
2. Type of questions which ask the kind, qualifications, and categories of the subjects or participants.
A. Descriptive questions C. Causal questions
B. Relation questions D. Effective questions
3. Type of questions which shows the reasons behind the effects of the independent variable on the
dependent variable is the focus of these types of research questions
A. Descriptive questions C. Causal questions
B. Relation questions D. Effective questions
4. Type of questions which ask about the nature and manner of connection between or among variables.
A. Descriptive questions C. Causal questions
B. Relation questions D. Effective questions
5. These are the characteristics of research questions EXCEPT:
A. Specific C. Time-bound
B. Measurable D. Irrelevant

What’s in?
 The teacher will elaborate the Research Questions and Types of Quantitative Research
 Students are asked to look and analyze the picture then answer the following questions:
o What does the picture shows?
o How is it related to research question?
o How can you make a descriptive, relation and causal research questions?
 Through this activity, they will be able explain the Types of Quantitative Research Questions.

1. Descriptive
2. Relation
3. Causal
(Applied teaching strategy that develops critical and creative thinking)

 Students are asked to explain the type of quantitative research questions used in the given
 Example 1. What is the level of employee’s satisfaction?
 Example 2. What are the effects of anxiety to the self-esteem of a student?
 Example 3. Is there a significant relationship between parenting styles and student’s behavior?
What is it?
 Students are asked to formulate a title out of the given situation. Then, they are also asked to
create the three types of research questions based on the formulated title. In today’s politics,
social media is being used.
C. Engagement What’s more?
What appropriate pedagogical or real-world tasks  Class will be grouped into 6. Each group shall be given research titles then they will be asked to
and learning opportunities will be presented and
implemented for all learners to learn? write their assigned type of research questions depending on the title that their group has.

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Group 1: The Role of Project-Based Learning in Enhancing Problem-Solving Abilities of ABM
Students in Cuenca Senior High School
Group 2: Exploring the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Access to
Healthcare Services in Cuenca
Group 3: Factors affecting Career Aspirations and Choices of HUMSS Students in Cuenca
Senior High School
Group 4: Factors Affecting HUMSS Students’ Attitudes towards Political and Social Issues
Group 5: Assessing the Preparedness of Senior High School Graduates in Corporate Industry
Group 6: Evaluating the Level of Speaking Fluency of HUMSS Students in Oral

What can I do?

Students will present their research questions or written statement of the problem.
Processing Questions:
 What are the research questions you formulated based on your title?
 What are the types of quantitative research questions used?
 How did you formulate your research questions?
 Why did you choose to write those type of research questions?

What other enrichment activities can I engage in? (Additional Activities)

 To further enrich learners’ knowledge, students will be given activity sheets. The activity sheets
have the crossword puzzle which the students need to accomplish. The words in the puzzle are
discussed in the lesson.

E 2.Q

3.S E
T 5.C I
1. R L T N
4.O C
6. D L

1. Type of research question which shows relationship of variables
2. This is sought to be answered in a research study.
3. Research question should be clear and concise to show this characteristic of research question.
4. This characteristic of research question refers to be based on facts and evidences.
5. Type of questions which shows cause and effect relationship
6. Type of question which shows the kind and character of a category

D. Assimilation The students will be given a sample research abstract with research questions. Then they will be asked to
What are the ideas or contexts that will be assessed analyze the research questions.
and processed so that learners can assimilate and
refine their knowledge, skills and attitude/ values?
Lipa City Colleges Academic Exchange Students' Adaptation in the Social, Academic and
Cultural Dynamics: Basis for Averting Culture and Future Shocks



This study focused on the challenges of Lipa City Colleges Academic Exchange
Students' in the Social, Academic and Cultural Dynamics and their adaptive strategies applied to
cope with these challenges. The researchers used Mixed method and Total enumeration
sampling as the methods of the study. Data were collected by means of survey questionnaire
that comprises the demographic profile of the international exchange students, common
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academic, social and cultural challenges encountered by the international exchange students
and the adaptive strategies utilized the international exchange student respondents to cope with
the aforesaid challenges.
The study revealed that the respondents rarely encountered academic, social, and
cultural challenges. In academics, the most difficult part was reading and listening to foreign texts
and conversations. For the social, they found inadequate time interacting with foreign students.
They also feel embarrassed when meeting new people for the first time.
In continuation, the cultural difficulty of the respondents was on having conversations
with students of a different race/country’ and on “adjusting to new social/cultural customs, norms
and regulations.
In addition, this study attested that there is a need to further enhance the current
international exchange program for the student’s better adaptability and lesser shocks
concerning the academic, social and cultural dynamics that was stated herein can be given
adequate consideration and may be included in the reprogramming of the institutions
international exchange program.
Furthermore, the study aims to enhance knowledge in quantitative and qualitative
research methods and issues related to education, school marketing, and programs on
internationalization. It is also relevant to individual to gain more knowledge, ideas and skills under
the supervision of the institution.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to assess the Lipa City Colleges academic exchange students'
adaptation in the social, academic and cultural dynamics. The said assessment will be used as
basis for averting culture and future shocks and at the same an enhanced programming of its
internationalization efforts.
Specifically, the study will answer the following research questions:
1. What is the profile of the international exchange students in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Course
1.3 Gender
1.4 Language Spoken
1:5 Length of Stay
2. What are the common academic, social and cultural challenges encountered by the
international exchange students?
3. What are the effects of adaptive strategies do the international exchange student-respondents
applied to cope with academic, social and cultural challenges?
4. Is there a significant relationship in student participation in the international exchange program
lead to substantive gains or changes in the students’ academic, social, and cultural perspective?
5. What enhancement to current international exchange program should be made for the
student’s better adaptability and lesser shocks concerning the academic, social and cultural

 What are the research questions of the abstract?

 What type of research questions were used?
 How does author formulate the research questions?
 If you will be given the chance to add or revise the research question, what research question will
you give?

(Applied teaching strategy that develops critical and creative thinking)

What can I do? (Assessment)
The students will answer 5 item quiz:
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Medina asks the descriptions of categories in her research study. What type of question is used?
A. Descriptive questions C. Causal questions
B. Relation questions D. Effective questions
2. Andrei asks the cause and effect of motivation to student’s academic performance.
A. Descriptive questions C. Causal questions
B. Relation questions D. Effective questions
3. Which of the following is the characteristic of research questions? A. Irrelevant
C. Vague
B. Broad D. Specific
4. These are the specific questions which are to be answered by the study.
A. Research queries C. Research quality
B. Research questions D. Research quantity
5. Andie asks questions about the of connection between motivation and absenteeism among Senior High
School students. What type of question is used?
A. Descriptive questions C. Causal questions
B. Relation questions D. Effective questions
V. REFLECTION  The learners are asked to answer the reflective questions.
After all the texts and visuals, you have seen, and in preparation for another performance task,
it is about time for another reflection. Answer the following questions briefly and honestly.
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1. Why is it important to ask questions?
2. How can you make your research questions effective?
3. How can research questions affect your study?
4. Why are research questions important to research writing and to our lives?

Prepared by:

Teacher II

Checked by:

Master Teacher II

Noted by:


Principal II

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