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Bahasa Inggris IX

Multiple Choice

1. “........... When she came to the mansion on the hilltop, she found the old woman in
her velvet chair, sitting and complaining, “Oh, what a pity! I have to live in such a
drafty old mansion. I should be living in the palace. Oh yes, I should be the queen
with musicians to entertain me and courtiers to bow to me.”
From the text the word mansion refers to ...
a. House
b. Forest
c. Sea
d. Room
2. “........... When she came to the mansion on the hilltop, she found the old woman in
her velvet chair, sitting and complaining, “Oh, what a pity! I have to live in such a
drafty old mansion. I should be living in the palace. Oh yes, I should be the queen
with musicians to entertain me and courtiers to bow to me.”
From the text the word courtiers refers to ...
a. Doctor
b. Employee
c. Family
d. Coleage
3. Read the following dialogue!
Ms. Renata : Congratulations on the opening of your new pharmacy!
Ms. Alya : Thank you. It is my first businness and I hope it runs well.
Ms. Renata : Wish you luck! Anyway, starting a business is hard work. Did you
quit from the hospital?
Ms. Alya : No, I still work there.
Ms. Renata : If you are still there, you must be very busy. How do you manage
your time?
Ms. Alya : I don’t run the pharmacy by myself. I run it with my cousin
Ms. Renata : I see.

What is the dialogue about?

a. Working in a pharmacy
b. Time management
c. Starting a business
d. The opening of a new pharmacy
4. Read the following dialogue!
Ms. Renata : Congratulations on the opening of your new pharmacy!
Ms. Alya : Thank you. It is my first businness and I hope it runs well.
Ms. Renata : Wish you luck! Anyway, starting a business is hard work. Did you
quit from the hospital?
Ms. Alya : No, I still work there.
Ms. Renata : If you are still there, you must be very busy. How do you manage
your time?
Ms. Alya : I don’t run the pharmacy by myself. I run it with my cousin
Ms. Renata : I see.

Who runs the pharmacy?

a. Ms. Alya
b. Ms. Renata
c. Ms. Alya and her cousin
d. Ms. Renata and her cousin
5. Read the following dialogue!
Ms. Renata : Congratulations on the opening of your new pharmacy!
Ms. Alya : Thank you. It is my first businness and I hope it runs well.
Ms. Renata : Wish you luck! Anyway, starting a business is hard work. Did you
quit from the hospital?
Ms. Alya : No, I still work there.
Ms. Renata : If you are still there, you must be very busy. How do you manage
your time?
Ms. Alya : I don’t run the pharmacy by myself. I run it with my cousin
Ms. Renata : I see.
From the dialogue, what can be concluded about Ms. Alya?
a. She works for a pharmacy and hospital.
b. She worked for a pharmacy last year.
c. Running a pharmacy is her old business.
d. She has a cousin who works for a hospital.
6. Read the following dialogue!
Ms. Renata : Congratulations on the opening of your new pharmacy!
Ms. Alya : Thank you. It is my first businness and I hope it runs well.
Ms. Renata : Wish you luck! Anyway, starting a business is hard work. Did you
quit from the hospital?
Ms. Alya : No, I still work there.
Ms. Renata : If you are still there, you must be very busy. How do you manage
your time?
Ms. Alya : I don’t run the pharmacy by myself. I run it with my cousin
Ms. Renata : I see.

Ms. Alya says, “.... I hope it runs well.”

What does ‘it’ refer to?
a. Hospital
b. The new pharmacy
c. Ms. Alya’s work place
d. Ms. Renata’s business

7. Read the following text!

We need enough time for rest, in order to keep our bodies and minds fresh all day. We
all have routines that tire us daily. No matter how many activities we do, we must
sleep at least seven or eight hours per night. After having enough sleep, we will wake
up with fresh minds. It is important that we rest our minds as well as our bodies.
What sould we do to keep our bodies and minds fresh?
a. Have enough rest
b. Sleep late at night
c. Work hard every day
d. Do many activities
8. Read the following text!
We need enough time for rest, in order to keep our bodies and minds fresh all day. We
all have routines that tire us daily. No matter how many activities we do, we must
sleep at least seven or eight hours per night. After having enough sleep, we will wake
up with fresh minds. It is important that we rest our minds as well as our bodies.
What sould we do to keep our bodies and minds fresh?
a. Have enough rest
b. Sleep late at night
c. Work hard every day
d. Do many activities
9. Read the following text!
We need enough time for rest, in order to keep our bodies and minds fresh all day. We
all have routines that tire us daily. No matter how many activities we do, we must
sleep at least seven or eight hours per night. After having enough sleep, we will wake
up with fresh minds. It is important that we rest our minds as well as our bodies.
From the text we can conclude that ....
a. Our routines will make our minds fresh
b. Having enough sleep is a healthy life-style
c. Many activities will lead us to sleep well
d. We should sleep less that seven hours per night
10. Read the following text!
We need enough time for rest, in order to keep our bodies and minds fresh all day. We
all have routines that tire us daily. No matter how many activities we do, we must
sleep at least seven or eight hours per night. After having enough sleep, we will wake
up with fresh minds. It is important that we rest our minds as well as our bodies.
How do fresh minds influence our bodies?
a. They will weaken our bodies
b. They will increase our body weight
c. They will make our bodies healthy
d. They will make our bodies easily tired
11. Read the ‘Memo’ below!

Gilang, I will (1) _______________ in a few minutes. I’m writing this message on
board while passangers (2) _____________ theirs seats. When you read this message,
I (3) _________ above the Java Sea or Sunda Strait. Please fecth me at the airport in
an hour from now. See you soon. Victoria.

The correct answer for number 1 is …

a. Takes off
b. Took off
c. Taking off
d. Take off
12. Read the ‘Massage’ below!

Gilang, I will (1) _______________ in a few minutes. I’m writing this message on
board while passangers (2) _____________ theirs seats. When you read this message,
I (3) _________ above the Java Sea or Sunda Strait. Please fecth me at the airport in
an hour from now. See you soon. Victoria.

The correct answer for number 2 is …

a. Find
b. Are finding
c. Finds
d. Will be finding
13. Read the ‘Massage’ below!

Gilang, I will (1) _______________ in a few minutes. I’m writing this message on
board while passangers (2) _____________ theirs seats. When you read this message,
I (3) _________ above the Java Sea or Sunda Strait. Please fecth me at the airport in
an hour from now. See you soon. Victoria.

The correct answer for number 3 is …

a. Will be flying
b. Flies
c. Will fly
d. fly
14. What is the correct arrangement of the following words?
a-Australia-will be-I-from-this-afternoon-welcoming-guest-Lili-at 3 p.m-and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

A. 4-12-10-3-1-9-5-2-6-7-11
B. 4-12-10-3-9-1-5-2-6-7-11
C. 10-12-4-3-1-9-5-2-6-7-11
D. 10-12-4-3-1-9-5-2-7-6-11
15. Shusi Lounge!
Buy 2 Get 1 Free. Valid from April 29-30!
Terms and condition
1. You will get 1 shusi pack with shusi rolls
2. For 1 transaction Only
3. For purchasing our shusi pack Variants

The is written .......

A. To pursuade costumers to make shusi
B. To inform of a special offer to costumers
C. To give information about the restaurant
D. To describe the menu in the restaurant
16. Shusi Lounge!
Buy 2 Get 1 Free. Valid from April 29-30!
Terms and condition
1. You will get 1 shusi pack with shusi rolls
2. For 1 transaction Only
3. For purchasing our shusi pack Variants

You will enjoy the special offer if you ..

a. Order six shusi rolls
b. Buy two kinds of shusi packs
c. Bring friends to the restaurants
d. Show the brochure at the restaurants
17. Shusi Lounge!
Buy 2 Get 1 Free. Valid from April 29-30!
Terms and condition
1. You will get 1 shusi pack with shusi rolls
2. For 1 transaction Only
3. For purchasing our shusi pack Variants
What can be inferred from the text?
a. The promotion lasts until the end of November
b. You can get any products for your free shusi pack
c. The restaurant has just been opened
d. You still get 1 pack free even if you buy 4 shusi packs
18. Ingridients:
1 ripe mango, peeled and stone
1 lime, juiced
1 tbsp light soy sauce
24 raw king prawns, peeled with tails left intact
Coriander (cilantro) leave to garnish
Fresh black pepper

1. Put mango, lime juice, and soy sauce in a liquidizer and blend until smooth. Taste
for seasoning and add a little more soy sauce if needed
2. Cook the prawns under hot grill for two minutes on each side or until they turn
completely opaque
3. Serve the prawns on a pool of mango sauce, garnish with conriader leaves and
freshly ground black pepper
What is the text about?
a. Filleting 24 prawns
b. Cooking prawn dish
c. Making delicious mago sauce
d. Picking the best prawns and mango sauce
19. Ingridients:
1 ripe mango, peeled and stone
1 lime, juiced
1 tbsp light soy sauce
24 raw king prawns, peeled with tails left intact
Coriander (cilantro) leave to garnish
Fresh black pepper

1. Put mango, lime juice, and soy sauce in a liquidizer and blend until smooth. Taste
for seasoning and add a little more soy sauce if needed
2. Cook the prawns under hot grill for two minutes on each side or until they turn
completely opaque
3. Serve the prawns on a pool of mango sauce, garnish with conriader leaves and
freshly ground black pepper

How will the food probably taste?

a. Spicy and sour
b. Bitter and sour
c. Sweet and salty
d. Spicy and salty

20. Ingridients:
1 ripe mango, peeled and stone
1 lime, juiced
1 tbsp light soy sauce
24 raw king prawns, peeled with tails left intact
Coriander (cilantro) leave to garnish
Fresh black pepper

1. Put mango, lime juice, and soy sauce in a liquidizer and blend until smooth. Taste
for seasoning and add a little more soy sauce if needed
2. Cook the prawns under hot grill for two minutes on each side or until they turn
completely opaque
3. Serve the prawns on a pool of mango sauce, garnish with conriader leaves and
freshly ground black pepper

What should you do to the prawns before dipping them into the sauce?
a. Grill it
b. Cut it tails
c. Garnish it
d. Add it with pepper
21. The correct compliment sentence is ...
a. Thank you Andy for coming.
b. Congratulation on the result of your Math Test.
c. Wish you luck on your Exam!
d. I am proud of you, you did a great job on the competition!
22. “Shake it before use!”
The statement above is a part of ...
a. Ingridients
b. Content
c. Direction to use
d. Direction of store
23. “ ........... Then, stir in sugar and water., the mixture should not be lumpy. After that,
pour over the apples. ______ , bake it at one hundred and eighty degree celcius for 1
hour or until it is syrup and golden. _______ , serve the pie warm with cream or ice

Fill the blank with the correct word ..

a. Next, finally
b. First, finally
c. Then, next
d. Finally, then
24. Complete the paragraph with the correct V2!
One day Jimmy went to the woods. Unfortunately, he (forget) 1…….. the way
home. He (get) 2 …. lost. On his way, he met Fred. Fred got (lose) 3 …. too. Then
they decided to find their homes together. They (talk) 4……. and (walk) 5 ……. for
hours. Finally Jimmy they are home. From then on they become a good friends.

The correct answer for number 1 is ..

a. Forget
b. Forgot
c. Forgotten
d. Being forget

25. Complete the paragraph with the correct V2!

One day Jimmy went to the woods. Unfortunately, he (forget) 1…….. the way
home. He (get) 2 …. lost. On his way, he met Fred. Fred got (lose) 3 …. too. Then
they decided to find their homes together. They (talk) 4……. and (walk) 5 ……. for
hours. Finally Jimmy they are home. From then on they become a good friends.

The correct answer for number 2 is ..

a. Get
b. Gets
c. Got
d. Getting
26. Complete the paragraph with the correct V2!
One day Jimmy went to the woods. Unfortunately, he (forget) 1…….. the way
home. He (get) 2 …. lost. On his way, he met Fred. Fred got (lose) 3 …. too. Then
they decided to find their homes together. They (talk) 4……. and (walk) 5 ……. for
hours. Finally Jimmy they are home. From then on they become a good friends.

The correct answer for number 3 is ..

a. Lost
b. Lose
c. Losing
d. Loser

27. Complete the paragraph with the correct V2!

One day Jimmy went to the woods. Unfortunately, he (forget) 1…….. the way
home. He (get) 2 …. lost. On his way, he met Fred. Fred got (lose) 3 …. too. Then
they decided to find their homes together. They (talk) 4……. and (walk) 5 ……. for
hours. Finally Jimmy they are home. From then on they become a good friends.

The correct answer for number 4 is ..

a. Talk
b. Talking
c. Talks
d. Talked

28. Complete the paragraph with the correct V2!

One day Jimmy went to the woods. Unfortunately, he (forget) 1…….. the way
home. He (get) 2 …. lost. On his way, he met Fred. Fred got (lose) 3 …. too. Then
they decided to find their homes together. They (talk) 4……. and (walk) 5 ……. for
hours. Finally Jimmy they are home. From then on they become a good friends.

The correct answer for number 5 is ..

a. Walked
b. Walks
c. Walking
d. Walk

29. Books, Magazines, Novels, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, CD’s, Etc. Old and New.
Local and Imported. Toko Buku Cerdas, Jl Dwima 6B Blitar.

From the advertisements we got information that they are promoting ...
a. Goods
b. Service
c. Courses
d. Food
30. Books, Magazines, Novels, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, CD’s, Etc. Old and New.
Local and Imported. Toko Buku Cerdas, Jl Dwima 6B Blitar.

What is the selling point that they have mentioned from the advertisements?
a. Toko Buku Cerdas
b. Jl. Dwima 6B Blitar
c. Kinds of books and CD’s
d. Selling old and new book, etc. Local and import.

31. Complete the sentence with a correct “Modal”!

“I … sing very well”
a. Shall
b. Can
c. May
d. Must
32. Complete the sentence with a correct “Preposition”!
“I was born ….. 1998.”
a. In
b. On
c. At
d. By
33. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun!
“This book is belong to me, this book is ………”
a. His
b. Mine
c. Ours
d. Hers

34. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun!

“This bag is belong Karin, This bag is …..”
a. His
b. Mine
c. Karin’s
d. Yours
35. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun!
The scarf belong to my Aunt Tina. This scarf is .........
a. Theirs
b. His
c. Hers
d. Yours
36. I am sure that Andy can get the bob easily ____ he is very capable. (conjunction)
a. And
b. But
c. Or
d. Because
37. I have no money ....... I can’t go to the concert. (conjunction)
a. After that
b. Before that
c. Therefore
d. Not only
38. I have been living ____ Bandung for five years. (preposition)
a. In
b. On
c. At
d. From
39. Please come to my house _____ 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Don’t be late.
a. In
b. On
c. At
d. From
40. “ ........! Good Job, son! You always make us proud.”
What is the right intercjection to fill the blank to express a surprised felling of
something good?
a. Ummm
b. Hufft
c. Wow
d. Oh no
41. Complete with adverb!
“How .............. do you go there?”
a. Never
b. Seldom
c. Often
d. Sometimes
42. Complete with adverb!
“Please speak ........ , I can not hear you it is too fast”
a. Slowly
b. Loudly
c. Gently
d. Quickly
43. The sentence that indicates ‘Past Continues tense’ is ..
a. He had broken his leg
b. They are going to make a drama
c. We will have finnished reading a book by the end of this week
d. The children were watching TV all morning yesterday
44. The sentence that indicates ‘Present Perfec tense’ is ...
a. She has just finnished her homework
b. Our uncle will visit us next Sunday
c. Tomy cooked some food yesterday
d. Rani reads the novel every week
45. My father want to live a health life. That’s why he Quitted …. since two years
ago. (gerund)

a. Smoke
b. Smoked
c. Smoking
d. To smoke

46. My mother suggests me …. into business after seeing my father’s success.


a. Go
b. Went
c. Going
d. to go

47. We have .... time to play. We must study to prepare ourselves for final test.
(quantifying determiners)
a. A lot of
b. Few
c. Little
d. Much
48. There ..... a little milk in the bottle. (quantifying determiners)
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. Be

49. From our theme song entitled “I need Jesus” what is the main theme from that song?
a. Wee need Jesus everyday
b. We need Jesus in the sunshine hour
c. We don’t need Jesus
d. We need Jesus only when the storm-clouds
50. From our theme song entitled “I need Jesus”. The word sunshine hour means?
a. Happy time
b. Sad time
c. Struggle time
d. Suffer time

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