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Lesson 9
Family members
Activity 1
Read the paragraph and talking about what do you understand about Hector´s family.
Hector´s family
My name´s Hector, this is my family, that is my father Julio and that is my mother, Delia. I have
two sisters their names are Francis and Elisa, I have one brother, his name is Daniel. I have a happy
family and I love it.

Activity 2
Comprehension reading
Write in your notebook and finish the sentences about the reading, then present it to the class.
1. His father´s name is?
2. His mother´s name is?
3. Hector has two…
4. His brother´s name is…

Activity 3
Talk about your family, take your turn with a classmate.
Do you have brothers?
Yes, I have two brothers?
Do you have sisters?
Yes, I have 2 sisters

Activity 4
Write a paragraph talking about your family, your dad, your mom, your brother or sister if you

My uncle´s family
This is my uncle Mario and that is his wife, Lucia, they have two children, Mirna is their daughter,
and Fabio is their son. They are my cousins; my mother is their aunt. She is Mario´s sister, and I
love to be with my family.

Activity 5
Reading comprehension, answer these questions.
1. Who is Rosalina?
2. Who is Elisa?
3. Who is Mario
4. Who is Fabio?
5. Who is Francis?
6. who is Delia?

Activity 6
Now it is your turn, talk about your family tree and share your family members to your classmate
about your family members.
Lesson 10
Popular jobs in my town

Activity 1
Reading comprehension, answer true or false, using the pictures.
1. Susan is a hairdresser ___
2. Pedro is a builder ___
3. Patricia is a teacher ___
4. Raul is a mechanic ____
5. Camilo is a driver ___
6. Celia is a dentist ___
Activity 2
Ask and answer questions about the people of the picture

Activity 3
Take a turn with your classmate, ask and answer about the job’s pictures

Activity 4
Ask and answer about the job´s picture with a classmate, follow the examples.
Cheek it, please, grammar verb to be present tense.

Activity 5
Answer with the correct occupations, write these in your notebook.

Activity 6
It´s your turn, answer with your personal information.
Grammar I have

Activity 1
Write a composition in your notebook using present tense and use grammar have.

Activity 2
Definity article
1. Use the for singular and plural.
2. Example, the girl, the girls.

Activity 3
Write in your notebook and complete with have or has.

My daily routines
Activity 4
Complete with your information
Activity 5

Activity 6
Read the questions and then answer in your notebook.
Activity 7
Let´s practice simple present.

Activity 8
Ask and answer question about reading, answer the questions in your notebook, please.
Activity 9
Let´s practice pronunciation

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