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Sample Cover Page

Comment [SY1]: All margins: top, bottom, left

and right should be 1 inch.

NORTHERN CARIBBEAN UNIVERSITY Comment [U2]: 2 inches from top of page

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION Comment [m3]: Insert the college and
department that is offering the class for which you
are submitting the assignment, AND NOT THE

TITLE OF ASSIGNMENT Comment [U4]: 4 inches from top of page

Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the Course: Comment [U5]: 6 inches from top of page
COURSE CODE – COURSE TITLE Comment [SY6]: Place the Course Code and the
Course Title for the course you are taking in this

By: Comment [U7]: 7 inches from top of page.

Peter Parker - 34173273
Pat Pringle - 34173645
Susan Sampson - 34173133

To: Comment [U8]: 9 inches from top of page

Teacher’s Name Comment [SY9]: Place the Name and Title of
Date your course facilitator/lecturer in this line.

The following handout is designed to provide students with a guideline for proper APA referencing
in their assignments. The handout carries two sections: A and B. Section A provides examples for
making in-text references. That is, it provides examples of how to give due credit to an author for
information or ideas that are cited directly or indirectly from his or her work. Section B provides
examples of how to create a comprehensive reference list for work(s) cited within the body of your
assignment. Please note the examples carefully and pay special attention to the use of punctuations.
You may also refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association which is available in
the Library and online for more detailed instructions.


In-text Referencing

1) Follow the author-date method of in-text citation when summarising or paraphrasing an

idea from another work so that the author’s last name and the year of publication appear in
the text. For example:
Jones (1998) reports that the APA style is a difficult citation format for first time learners. Comment [U10]: Please note that no punctuation
or is used here.

APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998). Comment [U11]: Please note that unlike above
the bracket precedes the author’s name and closes
after the date. Also, a comma separates the author’s
2) When making a short quotation from another work you will need to include the author, name from the publication date.
year of publication, and the page number for the reference. For example:
According to Jones (1998), “students often have difficulty using the APA style, especially
when it is their first time” (p. 199).

3) When making a long quotation – more than 40 words – the following format is used:
Jones’ (1998) tells us that:

Students often have difficulty using APA styles, especially when it is their first time
citing sources. This difficulty could be attributed to the fact that many students failed
to purchase a style manual or to ask their teacher for help. (p. 199) Comment [U12]: Free-standing block with 0.5
Continue quote here if necessary... indentation on the left and right margins. No
quotation marks are used to open or close the quote
as is done in example #2
Please note that no quotation marks are used in this example as against example 2 Comment [U13]: If the quote is more than one
above. You will also note that (a) the long quote is placed in a free-standing block of paragraph the new paragraph would begin here and
the page number in brackets would be placed at the
type written lines which starts on a new line; (b) the quote is justified with a 0.5 end of the last paragraph after the full stop.
indentation on the left and right margins; and (c) the page number follows the
closing punctuation mark. Any subsequent paragraphs within the quotation should
begin five spaces from the new margin.

4) If the work cited has two authors then a similar format is used bearing the last names
of both authors. For example:
According to Jones and Vernon (1999)... or
The use of APA referencing style allows for the easy verification of ideas in papers
(Jones and Vernon, 1999).

5) If the work carries three or more authors then a similar format is used giving the last
name of all the authors, but only the first time the work is cited. For example:
According to Jones, Vernon, James and Brown (2000)... or
The use of APA referencing style helps students to carefully organize their academic
papers (Jones, Vernon, James and Brown, 2000).

All additional citations are made as follows:

According to Jones et al (2000)... or
The use of APA referencing style helps students to carefully organize their academic
papers (Jones et al, 2000).


Reference List

How to write a reference for a book:

Single Author:
Creswell, J. W. (2005). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research. [Rev. 2nd ed.] Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Merrill Prentice Hall.
More than one author:
Bar-On, R. and Parker, J. D. A. (2000). The Emotional Quotient Inventory: Comment [EF14]: Authors
Youth Version (EQ-i:YV): Technical Manual. Toronto, Canada: Multi-Health Systems, Comment [EF15]: Date of Publication
Inc. Comment [EF16]: Title of Book
Comment [EF17]: Place of Publication
Comment [EF18]: Publishing Company

How to write a reference for a journal article:

Single Author:
Blackburn, R. (1996). Emotional intelligence. Personnel Psychology, 49(3): 711- Comment [EF19]: Author
714. Comment [EF20]: Date of Publication
Comment [EF21]: Title of Article
More than one author: Comment [EF22]: Title of Journal
Winters, J., Clift, R. J. W., & Dutton, D. G. (2004). An exploratory study
Comment [EF23]: Volume of Journal
of emotional intelligence and domestic abuse. Journal of Family Violence. 19(5): 255 –
Comment [EF24]: Journal Issue
Comment [EF25]: Page number for the article.

How to write a reference for an article from the Internet:

Dickan, J. and Schipper, J. (1997, March). Emotional intelligence gets better Comment [EF26]: Author and Date of
with age. Multi-Health Systems, Inc. Retrieved December 3, 2006 from Publication Comment [EF27]: Title of Article

Comment [EF28]: Publishing Company
Comment [EF29]: Date retrieved and complete

How to write a reference for a reference without an author:
Economic and Social Survey 2004, Jamaica. [2005]. Kingston, Jamaica: Comment [EF30]: Title of reference
Planning Institute of Jamaica. Comment [EF31]: Date
Comment [EF32]: Place of Publication
Comment [EF33]: Publishing Company.

How to write a reference from an online newspaper or magazine:

Manning, G. [2006, June 4]. PREDATORS! More 12 and 13-yr-olds being Comment [EF34]: Author
impregnated and Jamaican women's advocates want tougher laws. The Jamaica Comment [EF35]: Publication Date
Gleaner. Retrieved June 23, 2006 from Comment [EF36]: Title of Article
Comment [EF37]: Title of Newspaper or
Comment [EF38]: Date Retrieved and complete
How to write a reference for an unpublished manuscript: URL.
Nigli, R. (1998). Executive Summary - LEAP Program: YWCA of Metropolitan Comment [EF39]: Author
Toronto. (Program Review). Unpublished manuscript. Comment [EF40]: Date
Comment [EF41]: Title of reference
Comment [EF42]: Indicate that the Manuscript is
How to write a reference for a published report from an organization:
Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation (2003). Annual Report. Jamaica: Ministry Comment [EF43]: Name of Organization.
of Local Government, Community Development and Sports. Comment [EF44]: Date of Publication
Comment [EF45]: Title of Reference
Comment [EF46]: Place of Publication
Comment [EF47]: Publishing Company.
How to write a reference for a government document:
Statistical Institute of Jamaica [STATIN] (2006). Population Census. Kingston, Comment [U48]: Government agency, publisher.
Jamaica: Author. Comment [U49]: Date of publication
Comment [U50]: Title of publication
Comment [U51]: Place and Country of
Comment [U52]: Author. If same as publisher
just re-write the word “Author”.

Additional Writing Specifications

 Font Style: Times New Roman

 Font Size: 12
 Line spacing: Double-spaced
 Paragraph Indentation: 0.5 inch indentation i.e. indent until new paragraph begins under
the 5th character or letter in the line above
 Number pages of actual work i.e. Do not number cover page

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