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Table of contents Page

1. Activity…. 1-9
2. Justification….. 11-14
3. References……. 15
Multimedia learning environment (Canva)

- First of all, the multimedia learning environment starts with the front page which
reveals the topic towards the student. The topic selected to be applied in this
multimedia learning environment platform is ‘Amazing animal’ from year 4

English textbook. By clicking on to the button , the student will be taken to

the ‘Google Form’ link that has been provided.

- In the google form, the students are required to fill out the information needed
such as their full names, classes and also their ambition. By applying this, the
teacher can get to know the students a little bit before entering the class.
- After filling out the form, the students can watch a teaser video which explains about the
topics that are going to be learnt during the session. By analysing the content of the
video, the students may be able to comprehend the topic more effectively and become
more prepared.

- Moving on, after watching the video, the students can go to the next page where they
are able to choose their favourite animal based on their preferences. For example, they
can choose between a tiger, an elephant, a bull and also a rhinoceros. When they are
done choosing their favourite animal, they can click onto , or , or , or

thus directing them towards the interactive videos for the respective animals.


- Each of the videos here stands for different animals according to the choice of the
students. These videos will summarise every characteristic of the above animals so that
the students can acquire some knowledge before starting the class.
- In the next page, it features a mini game in which the students can interact with by

clicking the button . This button will lead them to play a guessing game where
they need to guess which animals represent certain characteristics.

- In this activity, the students are required to answer some questions in the video which
are related with the traits and species of certain animals and they need to guess the
correct answer.
- They are given five seconds to brainstorm their ideas and answers will be given directly
after each question.

- In this page, the students are given the experience as if they get to play a video game
where the main character enters a magical portal with his companion. By clicking onto
the portal , they will get to the presentation slides with narration which explain
about the habitats of wild animals.

- In these presentation slides, they will get to learn about the habitats of wild animals. This
is because different species of animals have different habitats and these slides will help
them to remember it correctly along with a good narration.

- In the next page, they are going to experience a gaming feature where they are allowed
to go back to the main menu. In this case, the students have their own camp in the video

game in order to recharge their energies. By clicking on the camp button, , it will
lead to the next page.
- In the camp, there are three magic items to be chosen
- The first item will lead to a poster.

- The second item will lead to a quiz.

- The third item will lead to an activity.

- In this page, the students have completed the whole course in the multimedia
learning environment.

- They can collect the medal (click ) to receive a special prize.

First of all, this media implements the utility of content knowledge(CK) in order to deliver the
information towards the students. Based on the research by Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009),
Teachers' subject-specific knowledge is referred to as their content knowledge (CK). From the
statement, it explains that CK is the teacher’s knowledge towards the subject content in which it
helps the learners to become more excellent in the subject. In this case, this learning media
provides various content knowledge through the use of presentation slides, interactive videos,
and also some educational videos to enlighten the students with the knowledge. For example, in
the interactive videos, it gives them a great amount of information about the characteristics of
the animals above. At the end of the activity, the students will be able to explain about animals
and their respective traits which means that they have acquired the content of the topic 8
‘Amazing animals’.

Pedagogical knowledge (PK) refers to teachers' in-depth familiarity with the procedures and
techniques used in teaching and learning. This multimedia learning environment applies the
pedagogical knowledge when it allows students to improve their knowledge from time to time.
For example, one of the techniques used in teaching and learning (TnL) is Scaffolding.
Scaffolding means that the teacher provides support towards the students until they are able to
become more independent in their learning and will be able to proceed to the next level on their
own. This activity applies Scaffolding when it introduces the students with direct information
about animals in the beginning phase. This is shown when they are exposed to the teaser video
about animals when they have zero knowledge about animals. Then, they are exposed to a lot
of interactive videos which provide further information regarding animals. During this phase,
they have gained a bit of knowledge about animals and they need to explore deeper. Next, they
are presented to slides with narration that explain about the habitats of animals. At this stage,
they already acquire most of the information and are ready to be tested. At the end of the
activity, they are being tested via quizzes to test their understanding about topic 8 ’Amazing
animals’. This shows how it guides them from having zero knowledge about animals to being
able to answer quizzes about animals on their own.
Pedagogical content knowledge is about the application of instructional methods in teaching to
teach specific content of the subject. In this case, the specific topic that is going to be taught to
the student is Year 4 topic 8 (Amazing animal). For example, the multimedia learning
environment applies the technique of scaffolding where the students are being guided step-by-
step until they are able to learn on their own. From the activity, in the beginning of the lesson,
they are just receiving information from the materials shown as in the interactive videos and also
the presentation. Later, they progress by gaining more knowledge about the animals until they
are proficient enough. Lastly, they are being tested by requiring them to answer questions in the
quizzes. At this stage, they are able to learn on their own without any support from the teacher
thus illustrating the scaffolding process.

From the research by Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009), the notion of TK employed in the
TPACK framework is similar to that of IT fluency. In other words, technology knowledge is a
measurement on how complex technology is being utilised towards certain goals. In this case,
the multimedia learning environment implements a lot of technology when it uses a lot of digital
tools to deliver the teaching to the students. For instance, the application of Canva (An app to
edit image and video) to create many learning materials proves mastery over technology. In
canva, images cannot be turned into a video without any technology knowledge. There are also
a handful of digital applications that have to be used in order to complete this project such as
Google slides, Youtube, Google forms, Filmora, and others.


Technology content knowledge can be defined as an awareness of how content and technology
interact, impact, and constrain one another. Technology impacts how content is being delivered
towards the specific audience and the manner in which it is being transferred. This is because
technology invents a new way for the content to be delivered as it provides many infinite
possibilities within the power of technology. For example, in the lesson, the information on topic
8 ‘Amazing animals’ are being delivered using digital tools such as Canva and Youtube. Without
any element of technology, it is impossible to learn about wild animals because wild animals are
dangerous and deadly. However, through the use of technology as in page 4, the students are
observing the animals through the internet via the apps, Youtube. This clearly shows the
technology content knowledge being applied in the multimedia learning environment.

Technological Pedagogical Knowledge

From the aspect of pedagogy, technology has altered many elements in pedagogy because
technology provides more advanced facilities for the teaching and learning to take place. For
example, in the multimedia learning environment, the students are receiving the knowledge from
the computer whereas in the traditional classroom, the teacher is the one giving the knowledge.
The presence of technology in the classroom has transformed the approach towards a more
student-centred learning style where the students are progressing on their own with the help of
gadgets and technology. For example, by watching the interactive videos on animals from
Youtube, they may be able to gain knowledge on their own and develop more skills along the
way. As a result, they are able to answer the questions from the quizzes which means that they
have acquired the knowledge through watching videos only.


When allowing students to occasionally advance their knowledge, this multimedia learning
environment employs pedagogical knowledge. Scaffolding is an example of a strategy used in
teaching and learning (TnL). When a pupil is being scaffolded, it indicates that the teacher is
supporting them until they are able to become more self-reliant in their learning and can move
on to the next level on their own. Scaffolding is used in this exercise when it first provides the
pupils with concrete information about animals. This is evident when they see the teaser film on
animals when they know nothing about them. Then, kids watch a ton of interactive videos that
give them further details about animals. This stage is where they gain knowledge little by little
until they are proficient enough. This is where the integration of technology takes place when
the role of the teacher is being replaced by a computer or artificial intelligence. The digital tool
like Youtube change the way they are studying because it becomes more student-centred
learning compared to being in a traditional classroom.
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge?
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1).

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