Three Kobolds in A Trenchcoat v1.1

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Three Kobolds In A

Setup Kobolds Have a Name
One person is the Game Master What is yours?
(GM) and narrates the scene, makes
decisions about when to roll skill Kobolds Have Pronouns
checks, and describes how the chaos
What are yours?
Kobolds Have 3 Stats
Everyone else is a kobold! Each
kobold will need a 12 sided die (d12). Trenchcoat represents a kobold's
A sheet of paper or other way to keep physical skills. That includes
some simple notes is recommended strength, agility, body language,
too. anything else that's mostly about
using your muscles and bones.
Sunglasses is a kobold's social
You are three (or more) kobolds in a ability. Persuasion and lying,
trenchcoat. Working together, you communication, and personality
are trying to pass off as human. stem from here.
You have a specific thing you're Fedora is a kobold's mental
trying to do. strength. Solving puzzles,
understanding complex ideas
You win if you do it. You lose if you
get caught being kobolds. Split 16 points into these 3 stats
however you choose, with a
If you want some help coming up with the
thing you're trying to do, check out minimum score of 2 for each skill.
Possible Goals at the end of the rules! Lower is better for each stat.
Character Creation 5 Trenchcoat, 5 Sunglasses, and 6 Fedora
Kobold Players: Decide all these would make you pretty average in
things (and write them down)
2 Trenchcoat, 4 Sunglasses, 10 Fedora
GM: Help the players as needed; you would mean you're *very* good at
can veto something if you need to. Trenchcoat and *very* bad at Fedora.
Keep track of everyone's quirks and
Kobolds Have a Specialty get you in trouble! Be creative but
choose carefully.
Pick a specialty you have that
qualifies you to act human. Be If you're having trouble thinking one
creative, this is an open-ended up, you can roll your d12 and take the
opportunity. Try to avoid game- quirk listed here:
breaking ideas like "pretending to be 1. afraid of spiders
a human" because that's not going to
2. can't talk without burping
be as much fun!
3. obsessed with the color purple
If you're having trouble thinking one 4. thinks they cuss like a sailor but the
up, you can roll your d12 and take the word they think is a cuss is "pancake"
specialty listed here: 5. has no sense of smell
1. picking locks 6. always gets left and right mixed up
2. using bird calls to send signals 7. must enthusiastically greet every dog
3. an incredibly refined sense of taste 8. has a crippling caffeine addiction
4. accomplished tap dancer 9. really into Crossfit and won't shut up
5. freestyle rapper about it

6. scuba certified 10. bees

7. fluent in German 11. always eating candy; where did they

even get it?
8. really good at parkour
12. so unsettlingly normal that everyone
9. professional oil painter assumes they're hiding something
10. knows all the lyrics to Bohemian
Playing the Game
11. definitely a vampire
12. definitely not a vampire Starting Out
Kobolds Have a Quirk Introduce yourselves to one another.
Talk a little bit about how you came
Pick something weird about you. It together and why your current goal
should be something that might get is important to you! Agree on a goal -
in the way of your goal of convincing the group can decide together, or the
humans that you are also a human GM can tell you.
and not a kobold in a trenchcoat.
This is also open-ended, and might The GM will set the scene. Then
you're ready to begin! • These rolls become the new
action order - but you're next, no
If no one is around: you don't need matter what you rolled!
to follow turn order - just describe
what you're doing, and the GM will • Starting with you, action resumes
tell you what happens, and when you on the new order
need to roll for something. Kobolds like some semblance of order, so a
kobold will never Take Charge unless the
If there are people around: use current Kobold In Charge has had the job
turn order to determine how things for at least one round.
Turns Pick a Role and do something that
First: roll Fedora for action order. Role can do.
Take your dice result and subtract
Roles are parts of the body of the
you Fedora score. Kobolds act in this
person you're pretending to be.
order for now. The kobold who
rolled the best result is In Charge. • Head - speak, look
From then on, starting with the • Legs - movement, stealth
Kobold In Charge, each player • Arms - interaction, fighting
• Body - posture, body language
• Takes one Action on their turn Only one Kobold can do any Role per
• Takes Charge Round, but it’s chaotic in the
trenchcoat, so you don’t have to pick
Talking back and forth is always a
the same role every Round! If you’re
free action.
getting the same Role every time
because you’re last in the order,
Taking Charge that’s a great time to Take Charge!
You're tired of what the current
If there are more than four Kobolds,
Kobold In Charge is doing! You're
extra Kobolds all take the Body role.
going to get things back under
control. An Action is anything you can do in a few
seconds - this includes speaking, so choose
• Pick a stat your words carefully!
• Everyone rolls a d12 on that stat
Once you declare your action, the
GM picks a stat you need to roll. Roll
a d12 and compare it to your score in
that stat.

If it relates to your Specialty (make a

compelling argument), roll two d12s
and take the higher number.

If it relates to your Quirk, roll two

d12s and take the lower number.

If you roll equal to or above your
stat, you succeed! Describe how you
accomplish the action you chose.

If you roll below your stat, you fail.
The GM describes the consequences.

Ending the Game

The game ends when you either
achieve your stated goal, or mess up
so bad that people figure out you're

Nothing bad happens to you if

people figure out you're kobolds -
they just know you're not a human.
Possible Goals tell players what happens, ask them
how their kobolds react, and tell
A good goal is something that them what happens when they fail
wouldn't take a human long to do, rolls.
but takes some planning and a little
Here's the most important tip:
bit of effort. The goal’s job is to give
Failing rolls in tabletop games is
your kobolds an excuse for hijinks!
should be fun! Yes, a failure means
To create your own goal, start with it didn't go the player's way, but it
location: are you in a city? A park? A also means the story can develop in
store? That should help decide what an unexpected way.
you're trying to accomplish.
The only strict rule for failing is that
If you're stuck, or feel adventurous, the kobolds fail if they get
you can roll a d12 for the goal: discovered. Beyond that, the
1. make a cup of coffee in the company consequences of failure and the
break room options for recovering are up to you!
2. sneak into an R rated movie Play how you like. Here are some
3. go to the zoo and steal a chimpanzee suggestions: feel free to ignore or
4. win a dance battle in the park change them, they're just meant to
5. ride a horse get you thinking!
6. win a dating game • Avoid making a failure too
7. order a pumpkin spice latte without costly. Offer a way for another
getting called basic player to roll another check to
8. search for buried treasure on the beach help out!
9. go skiing on the bunny slope • Use group rolls for big
10. steal a hot dog from a hot dog cart moments. In the pivotal
11. steal the whole hot dog cart
moment in a heist, or a roll that
will lose the game, have some or
12. high five the pope
all players roll, and let multiple
successes mean better results.
Suggestions for the GM
• Let the players decide what
As the GM, you decide the stakes for happens on a success. You're
the game, set the scene, and choose directing the show, but let the
when people roll skill checks. You other players shape it too; when
they do well on a roll, reward it!
• When in doubt, be silly.
No matter what you do, if you’re
trying to make the game fun for the
players, and encouraging them to
make the game fun for each other,
you’re playing the game correctly!
Have a great time!

© 2020 Andrew Fallows, @kaldrenon

Writing and design by Andrew Fallows, art
by Kev @eldritchsmite.
Special thanks to:
Shiny, DrunkPhyto, and Scout, for
inspiring the game concept
Kev, for the incredible art
Nano, Sam, and Leap, for playtesting
Sarah, for existing
You, for reading this

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