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# tactiq.

io free youtube transcript


00:00:01.320 [Music]
00:00:21.600 hi
00:00:22.080 good day everyone so in this video you
00:00:25.039 will learn something
00:00:26.640 you will learn about the topic
00:00:28.560 government peace treaties with muslim
00:00:30.560 filipinos
00:00:31.519 but before that let me introduce to you
00:00:33.840 the group
00:00:34.559 number six
00:00:44.270 [Music]
00:00:56.840 yes
00:00:59.760 government peace treaties with muslim
00:01:01.920 filipinos
00:01:03.199 the struggle for peace in mindanao the
00:01:05.280 philippines was a great conflict
00:01:07.520 and to understand why this is such a big
00:01:09.760 live for peace
00:01:10.880 mark batak who is the regional program
00:01:13.280 coordinator
00:01:14.320 was being interviewed by iid initiatives
00:01:17.520 for international dialogue in the
00:01:19.280 philippines
00:01:20.560 iid has been involved in the peace
00:01:22.720 process in mindanao for
00:01:24.159 almost 20 years the southern philippines
00:01:27.600 has known a long history of armed
00:01:29.439 conflict
00:01:30.560 among those regions is mindanao where in
00:01:33.600 february 2019
00:01:35.280 the bang samara people voted to ratify
00:01:37.680 the banks of more organic law
00:01:39.600 bol this law is a big leap towards peace
00:01:43.119 in the southern philippines to give us
00:01:45.119 an overview of the conflict in mindanao
00:01:47.680 how did the conflict come about what are
00:01:50.560 the root causes
00:01:52.000 the main actors and what is it all about
00:01:55.360 so it involves struggle for the right to
00:01:57.960 self-determination so the people of
00:01:59.920 mindanao have this struggle
00:02:01.840 create a conflict in mindanao a struggle
00:02:05.040 that involves an assertion of their
00:02:06.960 identity and demand
00:02:08.720 for meaningful governance in the face of
00:02:11.440 the national government
00:02:13.360 failure to realize genuine social
00:02:16.000 progress
00:02:17.040 and peace and development in the
00:02:18.800 southern philippines
00:02:20.480 also a response to historical injustices
00:02:23.920 and grave human rights violations
00:02:27.200 committed against the people of mindanao
00:02:30.239 so unsummating right to
00:02:32.360 self-determination
00:02:33.760 ganahimung struggles the people in
00:02:35.920 mindanao
00:02:37.040 so the right to self-determination is
00:02:39.200 the collective right of a people to
00:02:40.959 determine
00:02:41.760 its own future free of any outside
00:02:44.560 interference or coercion
00:02:46.560 it includes the right to determine these
00:02:48.800 people's political status
00:02:50.720 and to freely pursue its economic social
00:02:53.840 spiritual and cultural development
00:02:56.400 in the exercise of that right people at
00:02:59.440 one end can demand and pursue within the
00:03:01.920 nation-state more political power active
00:03:05.360 participation in the decision making and
00:03:07.599 administration of government affairs
00:03:09.840 equitable redistribution of economic
00:03:12.080 benefits
00:03:12.959 and appropriate ways of dis of
00:03:15.280 preserving and
00:03:16.319 protecting their culture and a way of
00:03:18.400 life on the other end
00:03:20.400 they have the right to organize their
00:03:22.720 own sovereign and independent state
00:03:24.879 with the right to international
00:03:27.440 recognition
00:03:28.400 so what happened is um struggle i mean
00:03:31.760 the now is a right to self-determination
00:03:33.920 because
00:03:34.799 they don't have the right to speak up
00:03:37.280 based upon
00:03:38.319 the sabbath and they don't have the
00:03:40.319 power to speak
00:03:41.360 up because of this failure of the
00:03:43.519 government the people
00:03:44.799 in mindanao just want to have
00:03:46.799 involvement ghani in the
00:03:48.319 in the making process or improve
00:03:51.280 develops uh
00:03:52.560 mindanao but it's sad to say the
00:03:55.360 government was not
00:03:56.560 able to listen
00:04:06.720 all people have the right to
00:04:08.360 self-determination
00:04:09.760 right by the virtue of that right
00:04:12.959 they freely determine their political
00:04:14.799 status and freely pursue their economic
00:04:17.040 social
00:04:17.680 and cultural development with the clamor
00:04:21.279 to correct this historical injustices
00:04:23.199 and to recognize their inherent right
00:04:25.520 to chart their own political and
00:04:27.360 cultural path
00:04:28.800 the bank samara people together with
00:04:30.800 their non-moral allies
00:04:32.160 have struggled to get their calls heared
00:04:34.400 and acted upon by the central government
00:04:36.800 so the
00:04:37.919 people in mindanao was not being or not
00:04:41.120 able to be heard by the government and
00:04:43.520 because of this
00:04:44.639 a huge number of the victims of the
00:04:46.720 conflict in mindanao
00:04:48.160 have been ordinary civilians women and
00:04:51.280 men
00:04:51.840 young and old who were either displaced
00:04:54.560 from their communities are killed
00:04:56.080 in the crossfire by bullets and bombs
00:04:58.800 that recognize no
00:05:00.080 gender religion creed or stature
00:05:03.199 there are two opposing views when it
00:05:05.199 comes to the armed struggle in the bank
00:05:06.880 samara region
00:05:08.320 so the first is while the central
00:05:10.160 government had earlier
00:05:11.600 viewed that armed struggle as an act of
00:05:14.000 rebellions against the state
00:05:15.680 so anot the other party believed that
00:05:19.039 the the struggle was all about
00:05:22.479 the rebellions against the state which
00:05:24.639 is they believe that mindanao people
00:05:27.039 wants to rebel with that government i
00:05:30.080 guess
00:05:30.800 and the other party has always claimed
00:05:32.800 it as a legitimate exercise
00:05:35.120 of the right to self-determination so
00:05:38.240 the other party which is for me the
00:05:41.680 mindanao people just want to have this
00:05:44.639 right
00:05:45.120 to self-determination the impact and the
00:05:48.240 social cost of the decades-old worthy
00:05:50.400 the people in the entire nation have
00:05:52.080 been vicious and coastly
00:05:54.320 the infographics and the cost of war in
00:05:56.240 mindanao which can be seen
00:05:58.560 seen in the screen explain previous
00:06:01.120 philippines governments
00:06:02.880 huge spending on wars in midana which
00:06:04.880 clearly talks about lives lost
00:06:08.160 rather than lives improved finding peace
00:06:10.800 solutions to the causes of the armed
00:06:12.479 conflict in mini now is never easy as
00:06:14.639 the tool has affected not just me
00:06:16.400 now but the entire country this has
00:06:19.680 discouraged foreign and local investment
00:06:21.680 and ultimately
00:06:22.560 bleeding the nation covers with the
00:06:24.960 previous government spending more on war
00:06:26.720 than on basic social services
00:06:28.560 so as what we can see or we can heard it
00:06:30.639 can
00:06:32.080 therefore we conclude that the conflicts
00:06:33.919 really affect the country not just
00:06:36.479 not just the mindanao but the whole
00:06:39.280 country
00:06:40.479 while previous governments tried to
00:06:42.080 resolve this conflicts
00:06:43.759 the root cause is the failure to address
00:06:45.600 the mindanao's people legitimate
00:06:47.280 struggle for the right to
00:06:48.319 self-determination
00:06:49.759 dignity and governance and is a major
00:06:52.240 challenge
00:06:52.880 to achieving sustainable peace in the
00:06:54.720 region the conflict between the
00:06:56.560 government of the philippines and the
00:06:58.000 armed groups in mindanao
00:06:59.280 particularly the moral islamic
00:07:01.120 liberation front milf
00:07:03.120 is not the only conflict affecting the
00:07:05.039 whole region
00:07:06.479 the conflict in mindanao is multifaceted
00:07:08.800 involving numerous armed groups
00:07:10.720 as well as clans criminal gangs and
00:07:12.960 political elites
00:07:14.400 main actors to this decade's old
00:07:16.160 conflict are the moral islamic
00:07:18.400 liberation front milf
00:07:20.319 moral national liberation front mnlf and
00:07:23.199 other groups such as the bank samara
00:07:24.880 islamic freedom fighters the biff
00:07:27.520 abu sayyab which is considered a bandit
00:07:30.240 group
00:07:30.800 engaged in various criminal activities
00:07:32.720 like kidnapping and bombing
00:07:34.319 as well as other armed non-state actors
00:07:36.880 who are consistently in conflict
00:07:38.720 with the central government so therefore
00:07:41.759 the gun involved ending a conflict not
00:07:44.560 just
00:07:45.039 the government but all the people in
00:07:47.599 mindanao
00:07:48.560 including the the clans the organization
00:07:51.759 and emerald gangs and violations so
00:07:54.479 that's why a lot good of life
00:07:58.160 i'm not lost because of this conflict
00:08:02.100 [Music]
00:08:03.599 the cost of war in mindanao the conflict
00:08:06.879 in mindanao is one of the biggest
00:08:08.879 issue in the country where in most
00:08:11.039 muslims live in this place
00:08:13.599 who want to fight for peaceful and
00:08:15.840 progressive region
00:08:17.360 and this war has been marked in the
00:08:19.440 country
00:08:20.800 the agreement of bangsamor organic law
00:08:23.360 last january 25
00:08:24.879 2018 was the latest procurement to
00:08:28.080 attain peace in mindanao
00:08:30.720 banks and moro people have the right of
00:08:33.240 self-determination
00:08:34.958 which means right to achieve their
00:08:37.760 political
00:08:39.039 cultural and economic privilege
00:08:43.279 the bol or bangsamoro organic law
00:08:46.480 was made to establish a new autonomous
00:08:49.760 political entity in the bangsamoro
00:08:52.240 autonomous region or bar
00:08:54.959 this aims to bring peace by addressing
00:08:58.480 the grievances
00:09:00.320 sentiments and demands of muslims
00:09:04.080 so what has civil society particularly
00:09:07.120 the initiatives for international
00:09:09.120 dialogue
00:09:10.000 done for this peace building process
00:09:13.040 so iid or the initiatives for
00:09:15.360 international dialogue
00:09:17.040 take a big part in building peace in
00:09:19.360 mindanao
00:09:20.640 as the war in midnight happened iid's
00:09:23.600 moral and mindanao helps to galvanize
00:09:26.080 for the entire piece
00:09:28.720 eventually iid together with its partner
00:09:32.240 communities
00:09:33.440 were able to go through consensus
00:09:35.680 building
00:09:36.560 and lobbied in congress a civil society
00:09:39.279 agenda on crucial provisions in the
00:09:41.440 draft
00:09:42.080 bbl conducted public advocacy activities
00:09:45.760 and engaged lawmakers and the media
00:09:49.240 gppac initiated and helped establish
00:09:52.640 networks
00:09:53.680 for peace in the country from the
00:09:56.080 unending cycle
00:09:57.680 people witnessed savagery of armed
00:09:59.920 conflict
00:10:00.880 and stepping forward of the bol finally
00:10:03.440 opens a smooth
00:10:04.560 path towards peace development
00:10:07.600 and social progress in mindanao the
00:10:10.720 peace process
00:10:11.600 in mindanao the philippines the
00:10:13.920 enactment of bangsamoro organic law
00:10:16.320 is a major step forward in achieving a
00:10:18.800 just
00:10:19.440 and sustainable peace in mindanao the
00:10:21.760 bangsamoro organic law if implemented
00:10:24.399 according to its intent and purpose
00:10:26.399 could finally open a smooth
00:10:28.160 path towards peace development and
00:10:30.640 social progress
00:10:31.839 in the south of the philippines so are
00:10:34.560 you hopeful that this
00:10:36.079 change will be sustainable for a more
00:10:38.000 peaceful mindanao
00:10:39.920 in a historic move president rodrigo
00:10:42.320 duterte
00:10:43.279 signed the bangsamoon organic law on
00:10:45.519 july 26 2018
00:10:47.839 creating the bangsamoro autonomous
00:10:50.000 region in muslim mindanao
00:10:52.160 home to minority muslims fighting for
00:10:54.680 self-determination
00:10:56.000 in the predominantly roman catholic
00:10:58.160 philippines
00:10:59.360 the bangsamoro organic law now called
00:11:01.680 the organic law for the bangsamoro
00:11:03.600 autonomous region in muslim mindanao
00:11:06.000 is made to establish a new autonomous
00:11:08.560 political entity
00:11:09.839 in the bangsamoro autonomous region
00:11:13.360 the war and conflict in mindanao is one
00:11:16.320 of the country's biggest issues
00:11:18.079 that roots back with their disputes over
00:11:20.240 ancestral land and religion
00:11:22.480 many lives of filipinos was
00:11:24.399 unfortunately taken away
00:11:26.160 during this war the lives of ordinary
00:11:28.880 civilians
00:11:30.000 such as women and men young and old
00:11:33.760 but the change has come bangsamor
00:11:36.720 organic law is the latest
00:11:38.560 procurement of the administration to
00:11:40.640 attain peace in mindanao
00:11:42.480 and end their long time struggle for
00:11:44.640 indep independence
00:11:47.120 here are the hopeful benefits of
00:11:49.440 bangsamor organic law
00:11:51.360 that will lead to a peaceful mindanao
00:11:55.600 first is bangsamore organic law aims to
00:11:58.639 bring peace
00:11:59.680 by addressing the grievances sentiments
00:12:02.880 and demands of muslims
00:12:04.720 in the region then the ratification of
00:12:08.800 bangsamor organic law
00:12:10.399 and the eventual establishment of the
00:12:12.320 bangsamoro government
00:12:14.000 are significant political milestone
00:12:16.079 towards realizing just
00:12:17.920 peace and social progress not only for
00:12:20.160 mindanao
00:12:21.040 but for the whole country muslims who
00:12:24.399 mostly lived in mindanao sulu and
00:12:26.560 basilan
00:12:27.440 have retained some or all of their own
00:12:30.079 social
00:12:30.880 economic cultural and political beliefs
00:12:33.519 and has the right to identify themselves
00:12:36.000 by ascription or self-ascription
00:12:39.279 lastly bonsamura people will also have
00:12:41.839 the right of self-determination
00:12:43.920 which is basically their collective
00:12:45.760 right to achieve their own political
00:12:48.160 cultural and economic privilege
00:12:52.959 but there are still difficult issues to
00:12:55.120 be addressed around governance
00:12:57.279 inclusion land distribution in question
00:13:00.000 of foreign aid
00:13:01.120 dealing with shadow economies and
00:13:03.279 violent extremism
00:13:04.800 is a in a fragile peace process so what
00:13:08.240 needs to be done now
00:13:09.920 the civil society has to develop what is
00:13:12.320 now a post-conflict peace building
00:13:14.480 paradigm wherein we have to locate our
00:13:17.120 rule and added value during political
00:13:19.279 transition
00:13:20.320 around hard and intractable issues
00:13:22.480 around land
00:13:23.440 governance transitional justice and
00:13:25.680 security
00:13:27.040 peace monitoring will continue to be a
00:13:29.120 staple strategy fulfilling civil
00:13:31.440 society rule as a third party in the
00:13:34.160 peace process
00:13:36.000 the civil society scorecard should be
00:13:38.240 designed by critically monitored
00:13:40.320 the following first is realizing
00:13:43.360 meaningful autonomy and right self-rule
00:13:46.160 of the bangsamoro and the inhabitants of
00:13:48.720 the region
00:13:49.600 based on their distinct cultural
00:13:51.279 cultural identities
00:13:52.720 historical struggle
00:13:56.160 heritage and traditions second
00:13:59.440 grand genuine and efficient fiscal
00:14:01.519 autonomy for the bank samurai
00:14:03.680 third provide the bansamoro effective
00:14:06.079 management and
00:14:07.440 control over and benefits of the natural
00:14:10.079 resources in the bank samurai
00:14:11.920 territory fourth
00:14:15.040 full inclusion of the indigenous people
00:14:17.199 rights is
00:14:18.560 in the bangsamoro governance to ensure
00:14:21.040 the recognition and protection of their
00:14:23.040 rights
00:14:23.680 and to correct historical
00:14:25.519 marginalization and inclusion
00:14:27.600 and lastly realizing a transitional
00:14:30.160 justice and reconciliation program
00:14:32.480 for the bangsamoro he had previous
00:14:35.279 recommendations to establish
00:14:37.199 a transitional justice and
00:14:38.639 reconciliation commission for the
00:14:40.720 bangsamoro that shall
00:14:42.240 among others ensure and promote justice
00:14:45.279 healing and reconciliation historical
00:14:48.240 roots
00:14:49.040 in this part you will learn the
00:14:50.480 historical roots of moral problem
00:14:52.880 in mindanao it all started when spain
00:14:55.360 and america colonize the philippines
00:14:57.760 history says that islam had arrived in
00:15:00.000 sulu in the last quarter of the 13th
00:15:02.000 century
00:15:02.880 earlier than spanish period in 1565.
00:15:06.560 since the spanish people was marked by
00:15:08.480 bitter spanish moral wars
00:15:10.320 the so-called mortal wars fought in six
00:15:12.800 stages spanning four centuries
00:15:15.040 after they got here in the philippines
00:15:17.199 the colonialists called the muslim
00:15:19.120 natives
00:15:19.839 as moros after their hated enemy the
00:15:22.959 moors
00:15:23.600 who had previously ruled spain for eight
00:15:25.760 centuries
00:15:26.880 since spaniards hated morris they
00:15:29.040 fostered christianized india
00:15:30.800 and prejudiced against moros through
00:15:33.600 such
00:15:34.000 cultural institutions as a moral moral
00:15:36.560 play
00:15:37.600 during american period in 1903 christian
00:15:40.639 and muslim filipinos were by force of
00:15:42.720 arms under a single government and
00:15:44.639 sovereignty
00:15:46.000 so literally morals were forced by the
00:15:48.639 american government
00:15:49.839 to join wars these are the summary of
00:15:52.800 the historical roots of the moral
00:15:54.399 problem
00:15:56.240 first the foreseeable or illegal
00:15:58.560 annexation of moral land to the
00:16:00.399 philippines
00:16:01.040 under the treaty of paris in 1898 second
00:16:04.720 military pacification third imposition
00:16:08.320 of confiscatory land laws
00:16:10.880 one in the unionization of public
00:16:13.360 administration in moral land
00:16:15.440 and the destruction of traditional
00:16:17.279 political institutions
00:16:19.120 fifth government finance or induced land
00:16:21.920 settlement and migration tomorrowland
00:16:24.480 sixth land grabbing or conflicts
00:16:27.519 seven cultural inroads against tomorrows
00:16:30.800 and the contemporary causes of the
00:16:32.639 morocc problem
00:16:34.000 are the jabita massacre in 1968
00:16:37.680 in laga or christian vigilant and
00:16:39.600 military atrocities in 1970 or 1972
00:16:44.320 government neglect and inaction moral
00:16:46.880 protest and grievances
00:16:49.199 and lastly the triggering event of the
00:16:51.040 contemporary moral armed struggle
00:16:53.680 was president ferdinand e marcos
00:16:55.920 declaration of martial law
00:16:57.759 on september 21 1972.
00:17:01.040 the moral struggle armed groups
00:17:03.680 representing their predominantly muslim
00:17:06.160 morals
00:17:06.959 have been struggling for greater
00:17:08.640 autonomy from the philippine government
00:17:10.880 since the late 1960s although narratives
00:17:14.160 of the spanish and american colonial
00:17:16.000 periods often overplay the extent of
00:17:18.799 conflict between islamic and
00:17:20.799 christian communities moral groups
00:17:23.199 nevertheless share
00:17:24.559 a strong sense of historic injustice
00:17:27.760 for many conflict-affected moral
00:17:29.679 communities
00:17:30.880 the state is perceived as politically
00:17:34.000 and economically intrusive and predatory
00:17:36.960 embodying a religious and cultural
00:17:39.039 majority
00:17:39.760 banned on forced assimilation of muslim
00:17:42.000 minorities
00:17:43.440 moral in grievances on manila sponsored
00:17:47.600 internal polarization including trans
00:17:49.919 migration of large numbers of christian
00:17:52.160 philippines
00:17:53.120 to the southern philippines
00:17:56.320 originally deloitte and other entities
00:18:01.679 a troubled peace presence the 1976
00:18:05.520 tripoli agreement between the government
00:18:07.919 and the moro national liberation front
00:18:10.320 or mnlf was not properly implemented
00:18:14.080 these led to a new round of insurgency
00:18:16.799 by the 12 to 15
00:18:18.320 000 strong milf which adopted a more
00:18:21.679 overly islamic identity
00:18:24.000 a 2008 pact with gloria macapagal
00:18:28.000 administration focused on more rights to
00:18:30.799 their traditional
00:18:32.240 lands this could have been an important
00:18:35.039 breakthrough
00:18:36.000 but was struck down as unconstitutional
00:18:39.280 by the supreme court
00:18:41.200 since 2012 the milf had undertaken
00:18:44.960 concerted and systematic efforts to
00:18:47.679 engage with seville
00:18:49.440 society actors in the peace process
00:18:52.120 [Music]
00:18:54.000 the armed forces of the philippines
00:18:56.240 launched a major offensive against the
00:18:58.400 milf
00:18:59.360 in 2008 displacing hundreds of thousands
00:19:02.960 of civilians
00:19:04.400 the peace process has been in progress
00:19:07.600 since 2012. it is hoped that this will
00:19:10.880 help bring an
00:19:11.840 end to the conflict in mindanao and this
00:19:14.720 will be more category
00:19:16.559 the importance of extensive consultation
00:19:19.200 with civil society actors to ensure
00:19:21.679 long-term
00:19:22.320 buy-in from local stakeholders is a
00:19:25.120 crucial lesson
00:19:26.400 from the southern philippines for other
00:19:29.840 peace processes this is partially
00:19:32.640 critical
00:19:33.280 in light of dangers of widespread
00:19:35.440 lawlessness
00:19:37.520 in the post-conflict era as
00:19:40.559 government and non-state armed groups
00:19:43.840 relinquish control on the ground
00:19:53.330 [Music]
00:20:32.720 you

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