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( Target 65-70)

PHUONG HOANG CAMPING ......................................................................................................................... 1
Business Background .................................................................................................................................... 2
Value proposition .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Vision, Mission .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Market research ............................................................................................................................................ 4
SWOT ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Business strategy .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Business Model canvas ................................................................................................................................. 7
Marketing mix ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Human resources ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Business Background
- Origin: My business idea was formed in August 2022 when I and my friends went
mountain climbing and came to this location, an area with potential to develop into
a tourist area and no one had yet exploited it.
- Background: This is an area with convenient transportation and easy roads. Although
it is a mountainous area, it is not too high so the climate is not too harsh, suitable for
many ages. The area belongs to Quang Ninh province, a province famous for many
tourist destinations, attracting many domestic and foreign tourists every year.
- Description: With the desire to bring tourists, especially those who are worried
because they do not have camping experience, or do not want to prepare themselves
when camping, Phuong Hoang camping will prepare tents and BBQ parties. ,
breakfast, shuttle bus,... for the trip.
- Logo: The logo is designed to include tents and pine forests, with the main purpose
of clarifying the outstanding feature of the business form which is camping and
accompanied by a prominent image of the area being the pine forest.
Value proposition


: Phuong Hoang Camping helps customers reduce worries when camping to have a
perfect vacation with family and relatives.

Customer jobs: Finding the best price, planning their travel, suitable, cost-effective

Pains: time- consuming, lack of knowledge, stressful, anxiety

Gains: a wide range of options, excellent customer services, extensive knowledge,


Gains creator: personalized travel recommendations and guides, exclusive deals,

discounts, customer support, Value-Add services, cost-saving,

Pains Reliever: Assisting Customer, Providing 24/7 Customer support

Product and services: Providing tours, tents, transportation, and essential supplies
Vision, Mission
Vision: Together develop local tourism, aiming to build and contribute to
attracting tourists to the province.
Mission: Bring the best experiences to customers.
( Phần này em cần phải sửa lại nên em xin phép note đỏ)

Market research

- Market trend: The number of domestic tourists in January 2023 is

estimated to reach 13 million, the highest ever. In January this year, there
is the Lunar New Year holiday, creating favorable conditions for domestic
tourism to boom. During the 6 days of Tet holidays, there were 9 million
domestic tourists nationwide (an increase of 47.5% compared to Lunar
New Year 2022). ( Phần này em cần bổ sung thêm secondary research,
kèm theo đó, em sẽ làm thêm survey để khảo sát để bổ sung về tệp khách
Về phần nội dung cần nghiên cứu: độ tuổi khách hàng, xu hướng du lịch
trong những năm gần đây, số tiền khách hàng sẵn sàng chi trả.

- Customer/ target customer: People residing in the province and

neighboring provinces, within a radius of about 150 kilometers.
- People with average income want interesting experiences while also
having to save money.
- Tourists aged 18-35, unmarried or with small families.
- Competitor: There are two main competitors of the business that have
been analyzed in terms of price, location, strengths, and weaknesses.
From there, it helps the company have realistic assessments to make
recommendations suitable for business.

- Phần đối thủ em sẽ áp dụng những lợi thế để có thể cạnh tranh với đối
S: It is the first unit to deploy a new form of tourism at this location
Indigenous people have a lot of knowledge about the area, such as traffic, terrain,
and weather.
Get the consent and support of local authorities in promoting new forms of
W: Don't have much experience in business establishment and management.
New business form, little experience from previous businesses to learn.
The business's weakness is that it has not applied technology to have the most
accurate weather forecasts.
O: The new form of tourism should attract many people's interest
Large number of potential customers 6.1

T: Tourist destinations in the mountains can cause many problems such as

environmental problems and accidents.

Business strategy
Building a competitive Cost – Leadership strategy
Tent services often have high prices. To organize a camping trip on their own,
most customers will have to spend a large amount of money to prepare
equipment. Phuong Hoang camping will be a support unit for tourists, with the
best prices and a full range of services from tents to necessities. The price offered
is about $25 - $30 per person including full services and support. To achieve price
competitiveness, consider other costs.
A business that chooses to pursue a cost leadership strategy is protected from
industry competitors by its cost advantage. Reasonable costs make businesses
less affected if suppliers increase prices or customers force prices based on the
power of buyers.
Then, as competition in the industry increases and companies begin competing as
leaders and costs, they will be able to withstand the competition better than
other competitors because of their lower costs.
Phần này ban đầu em làm theo Cost-leadership, tuy nhiên sau khi được gợi ý từ
cô, em nghĩ sẽ thay đổi theo xu hướng Differentiation Strategy như đưa ra giá
buffet cho đồ ăn, mời ca sĩ về vào cuối tuần, kèm theo đó là việc áp dụng công
nghệ để có thể dự báo chính xác về thời tiết cho khách hàng7.2( vì đây là dịch vụ
ngoài trời)

Business Model canvas


At this stage, we had a good general understanding of the business and its
position within the tourism industry, we returned to the Business Model Canvas
to visualize the impact of these new strategies as a foundation for our
implementation planning. With this visual understanding, it's easy to see the
areas where we need to work with our customers to build implementation plans,
metrics and metrics for success, while supporting their implementation towards
Key partner: Food supplier, The unit provides tents and equipment, local tourist
Activities: Organize and arrange tour schedules, Set up tents and food, Take
customers to campsite, Introduce visitors to the location
Resour: Tent, dining utensils, stationery, shuttle bus, Staff are experienced and
knowledgeable, Customer management software, Social network sites
Value: Suitable travel packages, dedicated customer service, good prices, shuttle
Customer Relationship: Personal, one-on-one relationship with customers, Online
customer service, Direct interactions between customers and tour guides
Channel: Social media, Website, Advertising, Multi- level affiliate marketing
Segment: Visitors aged 18-35, Tourists are looking for new forms of tourism,
Families and groups of friends love camping
Cost: Staff salaries, premises and equipment, marketing and advertising costs,
maintenance costs
Revenue: Customers book tours and rent retail services.

Marketing mix
The business's products include goods such as food, tents, baking tools and
services including tent setup and customer shuttle service.
Prices given to customers include tour prices and retail prices for services. This
meets customer needs in many cases. Services provided include two types:
Package tours and other personal services. The package tour has two prices for
day tour and night tour. Day tour costs from $25 for adults, night tour costs $30
for an adult, in addition, children under 4 years old will be free.
Social networks are the main tool for businesses to promote to tourists. Especially
Facebook and Tiktok are two social networks with many users and high
Customers will receive incentives such as free services for the next time they come
back or when they refer their friends to use the service. There is also a free tent
decoration and set-up service upon request when guests need to organize special
Cash flow

Revenue has an unstable increase and decrease because the business model
depends heavily on weather factors. In months like February and March, the
weather is still rainy so the number of visitors will also decrease. The months of
June, July, and August are the summer months when the weather is often hot, less
suitable for outdoor activities. Monthly revenue ranges from 9,000 USD to about
13,000 USD.

Human resources
There are a total of about 14 employees divided into each position to best serve
and meet customer needs. ( con số này sẽ được giải thích là không cố định vì mô
hình hoạt đọng theo mùa, theo gợi ý của cô về các nhân sự với mô hình kinh
doanh, với các vị trí như kế toán, em dự định sẽ giải thích theo hướng thuê part-
Phần này em dự định sẽ trình bày thêm về phần Your team do trong bài power
point chưa có đề cập đến.

Knowledge gap
11.2 This is my first time doing a project, so I don't really have much experience in
planning, and my presentation skills are poor.Due to not being able to arrange
time properly, leading to no clear planning before implementation, many tasks are
not done well.


Through the research project, I developed my knowledge and gained new skills,
especially in management and planning, I realized that I am still quite suitable to
become an entrepreneur.

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Index of comments

2.1 source of origin ổn nhưng cách diễn đạt không đem lại cảm xúc, cần xem lại cách viết để thể hiện sự nhiệt tình,
đam mê, yêu thích ý tưởng này.

3.1 Hơi sơ sài so với cách tiếp cận của cô. Cô cần mối quan hệ 1-1 giữa từng yếu tố Ví dụ: Pains em có time-
consuming và lack of knowledge thì pain relieve phải có giải pháp với từng điểm này thay vì chung chung assist
customer hay 24/7 --> em xem lại cuốn Value Proposition Canva nhé

4.1 nên cân nhắc Passport và Mintel nhé! Báo cáo tourism khá cập nhật - 9/23 mà

5.1 combine secondary and primary??? --> trao đổi cụ thể sau

5.2 Đây mới thiên về direct, cân nhắc thêm indirect và future để có điểm cao hơn

6.1 Phải liên kết với phần research mấy trang trước chứ, sao lại chuyển tông thế này --> bám theo hướng dẫn môn
1633 để làm chuẩn chỉnh nhé

6.2 Cô vẫn khuyên cân nhắc là Focus hoặc Hybrid là đủ rồi ---> cân nhắc nhé!

7.1 bình luận trên

7.2 okie, thời buổi này gì đến mức công nghệ cho đao to búa lớn, em cứ dùng app đt bình thường là okie, quan trọng là
có phương án dự phòng (tạo bạt, quây phông, ...) Có thể trao đổi cụ thể thêm sau

7.3 Cô thấy vẫn hơi sơ sài, chắc phải bóc tách lại từng yếu tố ở đây cho mục tiêu điểm cao

8.1 nên có overview chiến lược rồi cụ thể. ví dụ, giá bao gồm giá thường và giá có khách mời, ...

10.1 vẫn còn sơ sài nhỉ

11.1 Cô vẫn thấy thiếu cái gì đó, để làm xong Business model quay lại điểm này sau

11.2 Bài mẫu có đoạn này à? Cô tưởng trong self-reflect?

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