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University of Greenwich ID Number: 001342872

Module Code: BUSI 1714

Module Assessment Title: International Entrepreuneurship Project

Lecturer Name: Le Duc Thuy

Submission Date: 1/12/2023

– Module: 1714 – International Entrepreuneurship Project
– Business Pitch – Phuong Hoang Camping
– Pham Gia Trang – 001342872
– Module leader: Le Duc Thuy
– Please find below the link to my video presentation:

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Index of comments

1.1 What you did well in this assignment:

- The way you presented the value proposition and its origins was clear and straightforward for understanding.
- You provided some valuable information concerning the trends of the vietnamese tourism industry.
- The comprehensive and effective analysis you performed on your key competitors significantly contributed to
the potential success of your future business.
- You conducted a thorough analysis and effectively presented the four factors of the Marketing mix for your
future business. But you should use some photos to illustrate well the product/services of your company.
- You discovered valuable information that enabled you to conduct some aspects of tourism market and
competitor analysis.
- Including the seasonal factor in the cash sales projection of your business was a wise decision.
- Your presented well your businesses' cash flow projections that cover a 12-month period
- You detailed well different types of cost that you must pay each month.
- You correctly computed the necessary number of employees for your organization.
- You exhibited a comprehensive understanding of HRM by addressing key areas such as recruitment,
training, and compensation in your analysis.
- You paid attention to the central subject while responding to the inquiries
- For Q&A session, your answers were accurate and relevant
- You have clearly communicated your emotions regarding your project at this point.
- You articulated well your various valuable attributes and knowledge pertaining to your future business.

What you could improve in this assignment:

- Further exploration and in-depth analysis of your idea for the proposed product/service are recommended.
- Although you speak at a slower pace, it would be beneficial to present with a regular speed of voice for
clearer communication.
- Your body language lacks confidence and appears unsure or hesitant.
- You used the value proposition canvas to present better your idea. But you should analysed more deeply
different aspects in this model.
- You need to find more data around your target customer.
- It would be beneficial to conduct a more detailed analysis of your customer behavior.
- Your coverage of the SWOT analysis is incomplete, as you have failed to highlight the crucial SO combination
within the matrix to devise a strategic approach that suits your future business.
- From my perspective, implementing a cost-leadership strategy for your new business is challenging due to
the requirement to meet the demands of the entire Vietnamese tourism market to achieve economies of scale.
- You should analyze in more detail nine different components of your business model of Canvas.
- The project's value proposition, selling points, and competitive advantage are unclear, diminishing its
feasibility and potential for long-term sustainability
- You showcased a limited entrepreneurship mindset with a lack of diversity in revenue sources.

What you can take forward to your next assignment:

- Taking extra time for better preparation of your presentation and any upcoming reports is recommended.
- You ought to look for more data, with a focus on secondary sources, to substantiate your claims.
- Ensure meticulous financial planning in your future projects, because this aspect play an important role for
successful entrepreneurial endeavors.
- The structure of your presentation could be more logic and clear.

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