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r1,is se ct io n
co nr ai ns 9 M
u lt ip le C h o ic
1A1. /B/. /Cl an
d /D/. _o e Q u es ti o n s
ur o,f ,d1ich O nu m be r 1 to
N L Y ONE is 9 . E ac h qu es
correct. tio n h
What should co . f h
1. me in place o stion m ark (?) in the as 4 choices
2, 3, 8, 27 , 11 2, t e que following num
? ber series?
(A) 226
(6 )3 3 9
(C) 452
(0 ) 56 5
2. Find the missing
7 9 8
8 9 ?
4 9 6
60 90 70

-3 /) 8
(8 )7
3. A dot is placed (0 )9
in the figure m
(A), (8), (C) an arked as (X).,
d (0). One ou this figure is fo
triangle simila t of these four \\owed by fo ur
r to that of mar options contai alternatives m
ked by dot in ns the comm arked as
figure (X). Sel on region to ci
ect th at option. rcle, squares

4. Find out the an (8)
swer figure w
Problem Figu hich completes the (D)
re problem figur
e matrix.
Answer Figure
0 @)
L ?

5. (A)
Count the num (8)
(A) 8 ber of square (C )
s in the given
(8~12 •
(9 ) 15
(D) 18

6. Which of the f
. -- 0 II • g d'
owm ,agram repres
ents the relationship be
tween Judge,
T hi ef and Crim


(C ) (D

P ag e N o. 2
DRONACHARYA-2024-T2-C-VIll-(Paper-1 )-IQ

7. Among P, ~, R, Sand T, each having a different weight, R is heavier than only P. Sis lighter than
heavier than T. Who among them is the heaviest?
(C) S (B) P
(D) T

8. 21 boys turn out for an NCC parade. Of these 19 are wearing NCC caps and 11 are wearing NCC
shoes. There are no boys without one or the other. How many boys are wearing the full uniform?
(A) 2 (B) 6
_¢9 (0)10
9. On 8 Dec, 2007 Saturday falls. What day of the w~k was it on 8th Dec, 2006?
(A) Thursday ~) Friday
(C) Saturday (D) Sunday

This section contains TWO (02) comprehensions. Based on each comprehension, there are
THREE (03) questions of Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (AJ, (BJ, (CJ
and (DJ, out of which ONLY ONE is co1Tect.

Comprehension-I for Q. No. 10 to 12

A cube having a side of 6 cm is painted red on all the faces and then cut into smaller cubes of 1 cm

10. Find the total number of smaller cubes so obtain~o/

(A) 208 JS) 216
(C) 212 (D) 220

11. How many cubes will have three faces painted?

(A) 2 (~½
(C)6 ~8

12. How many cubes will have only two faces painted?
(B) 46
J9148 (0)50
Comprehension-2 for Q. No. 13 to 15
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and Hare sitting around a circular table facing the centre not necessarily in the same
order. F is fourth to the left of A and second to the right of C. B is second to the left of A and A is to the
immediate right of G. E, who is not an immediate neighbour of Bis fourth to the left of D.

13. Which of the following is correct?

(ALF is third to the left of B is third to the left of D
. (C) C is third to the left of B .J}1) Eis third to the left of F

14. What is H's position with respect to G?

(A) Fifth to the right (~~hird to the left
(C) Third to the right Fourth to the left

15. Who are the neighbours of E?

_(bcfCA (B) CH
(C)BF (D) BC

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016 (website:

Page No. 3
DRON ACHA RYA-2 024~T 2-C-VI ll-(Pap er-l)-IQ

This section contain s 9 Multip le Choice Questi ons numbe
r 16 to 24. Each questio n has
choices (A). /BJ, (CJ and (DJ. out of w~ich ONLY ONE is correct. 4
- -
16. Of the seven members of a panel sitting in a row, M Is to the left of P, but
on the right of a. is
on the right of S, but is on the left of N who is to the left of R. Which
member is sitting in0the
~~Mo ro
.zy;JSorR (8)0o rN
(D)Po rO
__ _ __
17. Kaya, Kiara, Ka~ini_, Seema, Sarita and Suma_n _are standing in a row.
Kiara is between Suman
and Seema. Santa 1s between Kaya and Kamm1. Kaya does not stand
next to either Suman or
Seema. Kamini does not stand next to Seema. Suman is between which
persons? of the following pairs of
jpef'Kamini and _Kiara (8) Kaya and Kamini
(C) Kaya and Kiara (D) Seema and Kamini 'i..iJ...
r , 'i~l"r'
18. In a class of 45 students, a boy is ranked 20th _ When two boys joined, his -..., .....
~,, \:., =,...)

one. What is his new rank from the end? rank was dropped by
(A) 25 th (B) 25th
.li) 27 (D) 2ath
19. Three men start together to travel the same way around a circular track
of 11 km. Their speed are
4, 5.5 and 8 kmph respectively. When will they meet at the starting point
for the first time?
(A) After 11 hours (B) After 21 hours
(C) After 22 hours (D) After 33 hours
20. From the positions of a cube are shown below, which letter will be on
with 'A'? the face opposite to face
B ,; \
F C C <b"' 0
Y~Q,;. p . ·1

(JX) D (8) B (C) C

(D) F
21. In the Venn diagram given below, circle represents sportspersons, square,
represents unmarried
persons, triangle represents women and rectangle represents educated
persons. Each section is
numbered. Study this diagram to answer the following question.
r olt7
'7~ {\
6 7
_,.__.....; :5;..___-+ ---t-"""'7 9

Which sections are represented by the region numbered 11?
(A) Married educated sportswomen
(8) Unmarried uneducated women sportspersons '
~~~ar ried educated sportsmen
. SPJ unmarried educated sportswomen
22. Shikha told Aarushi, "The girl I met, yesterday at the beach was youngest
daughter of the brother-
in-jaw of my friend's mother." How is the girl related to Shikha's friend?
~) Cousin (B) D~ughter
(C) Niece (D) Fnend
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapr iya
Vihar, New Delhi -110016 (website : www.fiitj

Page No. 6

i•Jil•@GlhiMiiMJif&lff Rl4,@iilt•1
anoth . .
A villager went to meet his uncle in to er villa~e situa te? 5 km away in the North-east dire
e he cam e
of his own village. From ther th a village situated 4 km in
far a meet hi~ fa er-,~-law living in
the south of his uncle's village. How nd now ?
way a .~ri;vhat ~irection is he
(A) 3 km in the North $) 3 km m the East
(C) 4 km in the East (D) 4 km in the West
es can b f
How many number of identical piec e onned out of a large cube using 37
24, A) 2366 (8) 2197
4 i!iiii ii ~ - (D) 2940
(C) 2s B
eac h com preh ens ion, ther e
tion con tain s 1·w o (02 ) com preh ens ions . Bas ed on
• sec 4 cho ices (AJ, (BJ, (CJ
stions of Mu ltip le Cho ice Questions. Eac h que stio n has

:! fht~ E (03) que

(D), out of whi ch ON LY ON E is

to 27
. . . Com pre hen sion -I for Q. No. 25 h foll
fully and answer the questions whic
the following mforr:nat,on care ' ow.
R. ead 'A - B' mean 'A Is father of B'.

_ r..J (J\-.c.f
(!J) 'A+ B' means 'A is daughter of B'.
(II 'A • f 8' - \,.. :\
'A + B means 1s son o .
-~, <fY' ·. <,~P _;), \k

,;~) 'Ax B' means 'A is wife of B'.
dson of S? • i--,;,
Which of the following means P is gran
2. (8) p + Q X S
+Q - s
(D) p X Q + s
j9J t-' + Q + s --
Ho ~s P related to Tin the express
ion 'P + s _ T'? -- y\

26_ (B) Wife T

-{b<1 Sister (D) Daughter Q·, c,. t.,,..::n.., ., .
(C) Son p ; <;;. Je;,. .u.
T related to P? /
27. In the expression 'P + Q x T', how is {81"Father
(A) Mother (D) Brother
(C) Son p i'S 0-Cl
to 30
Com pre hen sion -2 for Q. No. 28 w:
and answer the questions given belo
Read the following information carefully at som e dista nce from eac h other in a parking area.
I were located
Nine cars - A, 8, C, D, E, F, G, H and 12 m # of that of A. G was 8 m @ of that
c was 16 m $ to that of B. Athat was 6 m % of that of B and H was situa ted just in the mid dle of B
and F was 12 m % of that of G. I was
of of G
of H while D was 24 m $ ns South, § means Eas t
E was just in the mid dle of H and D. Here, % means North, # mea
and C while
and@means West
Note: If two symbols are given simu
ltaneously then both the directions
will be considered.
"" 1 ').,- /y lY

North-East of X
For example, X%$Y means Y is to the I: '½ )
Y%$X means X is to the North-East
is/ar e
of Y

true abo ut B? 'rJ \l r r ,e:,

,, ,· f" ,c.. r P· t - h. r--J /7 L
,. ,,\ \
1 CL
28. Which of the following • '- c::- - -__,,
I. I@8%@F 'l "- - - H D .v /
1..( -t
I ,,

11. B#@G s I -

f I~ 1ji b t)
111. B#SD
(B Both I and II 0
(A) All are true (D Both II and Ill w~-1. ~·

(C) Only l
ction of D with resp ect to F? I- A fa..A°'t \.\
29. What is the dire
(8) South - west S 1-\.-.

(A) South Sou th - eas t

(C) North - east
10m B -- -- -
(A)1 2m D) 11 m 16
(C) 9 m
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Page No. 7

DRONACHARYA-2024-T2-C-Vlll-(Paper-1 )-IQ

This section contains 9 Multiple Choice Questions numlJcr 31 to 39. Each question lws 4
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
-- - - ---- ---- - -- --- - - - - -- - -

31. There are two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I, II. You have to take the given
statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then
decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding
commonly known facts.
All mobile are laptop.
Some mobile are watch. r,>D'o~ µ
I. All mobile are watch.
v- ~"
II. Some watch are laptop.
(A) If only conclusion I follows ~ f only conclusion II follows
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows (0) If neither conclusion I nor II follow

32. What will be the day of the week 15th August, 201 O?
(A) Sunday (B) Monday
(C)Tuesday (O)Wednesday

33. The reflex angle between the hands of a clock at 10.25 is. 1 I')_ I


(A) 193.5 (8) 198

(C) 196 (0) 197.5 'S7{,~"

34. Ramu walks 2 km towards North and turn to his right and walks 4 km more. He then turns to his
right and walks 4 km more. He then turns to his right and walks 4 km. Which direction is Ramu
facing now?
(A) East (~)JJorth
(C) South ~~est \ ~ L\

35. A person can walk a certain distance and drive back in six hours. He c~ also walk both ways in
10 hours. How much time will he take to drive both ways? -v-.-\ b , 1 0
(A) Two hours (B) Two and a half hours -v'- 1-" 4 " (,,
(C) Five and a half hours (D) Four hours b ----

36. How many times are the hands of a clock in opposite direction (straight line) between 3 o'clock
and 10 o'clock?
(A)S (8)6
(C)7 (0)8

37. Seven men, A, B, C, 0, E, F and G are standing in a queue in that order. Each one is wearing a
cap of different colour like violet, indigo, blue green, yellow, orange and red. 0 is able to see in
front of him green and blue, but not violet. E can see violet and yellow, but not red. G can see
caps of all colours other than orange. If E wearing an indigo coloured cap, then the colour of the
cap worn by F is F\ 'I
(A) Blue (8) Violet b 6
Red (0) Orange
C. G-
38. If CAT is coded as 120, DOG is coded as 130, What will be code of RAT? D v
~f190 (8)188 E I
(C)195 (0)198 R r
G, 0

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Page No. 10
: 1;c•j
tailor had a number of shirt pieces to cut from ,
t 1 pieces. He cut at the rate of 45 c ts a roll _of fabnc. He cut each roll of equal length
~ °minutes ? u a minute. How many rolls would be cut in
(A) 105 ~,-;, l ~08 "' , -,.
(C) 114 1
) (D) 120 , ,.
. _;,:,;
• n contains TWO (0 ) comprehensions. Ba.5ed on each comprehension, there are
• sectlO • .
7'/1tS 03) quest ions of Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (AJ, /BJ,
1I1JlEE ( t0 r which ONLY ONE is_~orr~ct~-- -~ __ _
ond (D), ou 'J _ - - -- - -- -~ - - - - - - - - -

. Comp~ehension-1 for Q. No. 40 to 42

olid cube is painted red. on two adJacent faces a~d black on the faces opposite to those painted red.
remaining faces are painted green and th e cube Is then cut into 64 smaller cubes of equal size.

How many smaller cubes are their with only red and green color?
40. (B))f)
(C) 12 JP'J None of these
HoJtmany smaller cubes are their with only one color?
24 (8) 26
(C) 28 (D) None of these

How many cubes are their with red and black colo_ry
W4 ~a
(C) 6 (D) None of these

Comprehension-2 for Q. No. 43 to 45

study the following infonnation and answer the questions.
seven friends, namely L, M, N, 0, X, Q and R, have different car, namely Audi, Toyota, Renault, Ford,
Maruti, Honda and Skoda, but not necessarily in the same order. Each car is of different colour, namely
Red, Blue, White, Brown, Black, Grey and Yellow but not necessarily in the same order.
The colour of Q's car is Red and he has neither Renault nor Ford car. The Audi car is of Blue colour. L
has Toyota car and the colour of his car is neither Brown nor Black. The Skoda car is of Yellow colour.
The colour of M's car is Grey. M does not have Ford car. Ford car is not of black colour. 0 has Maruti car.
The colour of R's car is not Blue. R does not have Ford car. X does not have Ford car.

43. The colour of X's car is ?

(A) Black (8) White
(C) Yellow (D) Other than those given as options

44. Four of the following five fonn a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the following does
not belong to that group?
(A) R- Skoda (8) Q- Honda
(C) N - Ford (D) X- Toyota

45. Which of the following combinations is definitely correct?

(A) L-White ',( I l'-..l
(B) R- Blue
(C) N - Black L- 1"j"-Lo. - / Bi'ld
(D) All the given combinations are definitely correct ,,1
~tor,&P- I<, 7 St.o~ - JJou->

Page No. 11
360 0

4t h Fe br ua ry 20 24
for Stud ents pres entl y in Class VIII

Pa pe r 1 - IQ f1032'2_i3
Durat ion : BO minu tes Maxim um Mark s: 735
Please read the instructions and guidelines carefully
the top of th is sheet
the details for the Class and ·Paper No. as indicated at
~mportant Note: Please ensure to accurately input
paper. Incorre ctly filled inform ation
sheet before pro~eeding with the
anto the corresponding colum ns/ fields on the OMR
outcomes or results.
regard ing the class or paper may result in inaccurate

evalua te your poten tial - manif ested

"This paper has been scient ifically design ed to
oned in variou s sectio ns of the paper .
•a nd hidde n for the targe t exami nation s menti
l in the evalua tion of the same "
Thus, your adher ence to the instru ctions is critica

F 111
1. This Question paper consists of 3 sections.
was me2
. If a section is easy, then it is easy for everyo ne &
2. Stude nt should devote allotte d time for each section
find the sectio n to be easy. If
over to anothe r section if you
to be like that. with a goal in mind. Do not switch
-I, 30 Minute s. ~n
You are advised to spend 20 Minutes on Section
a section is tough, then it is tough for everyone. ial.
is essent
the required time to finish each section successfully
Section-II and 30 Minutes on Section-Ill. Dedicating
time for the preceding section is not permit ted. This
Opening the next section before completing the allotted
to evalua te your potent ial for !he
section is meticulously crafted
is crucial for assessing your true potential, as each
correspon"ding competitive examinations.
-Ill is to be
devoting _20 minutes on Section-I and Seal for Section
"3. Candidate should open the se~I of Section-II only after
opened only after devoting 30 minutes on Section-II..
the same--
Candidate must fill all details on the rough sheet and submit
4. Sheets wiU be given to each candidate for rough work.
n the Question No. while doing the rough work in the
to invigilator along with OMR sheet. candidate must mentio
, mobile
ted items into the exam hall such as electronic devices
5. Please note candidates are not allowed to bring any prohibi
notes, formula sheets, and bags.
phones, smart watch, earphones, calculators, books,

6, Marking scheme is given in table below:

Question no.
.. . . -
Section Subject
e I •

1 to 9 +3 -1
10 to 15 +3 -1
Time Allotted: 20 Minutes
16 to 24 +3 -1
Time Allotted: 30 Minutes
25 to 30 +3 -1
31 to 39 +3 -1
SECTION - Ill (JEE Advanced) IQ
Time Allotted: 30 Minutes 40 to 45 +3 1

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