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Experiment file

Engineering Analysis and Design



1 Simulink operation on series RLC circuit with AC voltage supply

2 To study the properties of half wave rectifier

3 To study the properties of Full wave rectifier

4 To study mass dump springs using Simulink

5 To construct PID model

6 Find root of the Quadratic Equation and determine its nature

7 Summation of three sinusoidal waveform

8 To build Inverting and non-inverting amplifier

9 To study the Properties of PID Controller

10 Euler’s theorem cos^2(theta)+sin^2(theta)=1

11 Question 11

12 Question 12

13 NAR network time series

Experiment – 1

Aim – Simulink operation on series RLC circuit with AC voltage supply

Software used - MATLAB R2023a , Simulink

Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system,
x64-based processor

Theory –
In an RLC circuit, the most fundamental elements of a resistor, inductor, and capacitor are
connected across a voltage supply. These elements are linear and passive, meaning they
consume energy rather than produce it. There are many ways of connecting these elements
across voltage supply, but the most common method is to connect these elements in series or
parallel. When a resistor, inductor, and capacitor are connected in series with the voltage
supply, the circuit so formed is called a series RLC circuit. The current in each element
remains the same, and the total voltage in the RLC circuit is not equal to the algebraic sum of
voltages across the resistor, the inductor, and the capacitor. Still, it is a vector sum because in
the case of the resistor, the voltage is in phase with the current, for the inductor the voltage
leads the current by 90°, and for the capacitor, the voltage lags behind the current by 90°. The
impedance Z of a series RLC circuit is defined as opposition to the flow of current due to
circuit resistance R, inductive reactance X_L, and capacitive reactance X_C.
Circuit Diagram –
ONLY R Circuit -

Simulink Result –

Circuit Diagram –
ONLY RL Circuit –
Simulink Result –

Circuit Diagram –
Simulink Result –

Circuit Diagram –
1. AC voltage source
2. Current Measurement
3. Display
4. Scope
5. Voltage Measurement
6. Product
7. Series RLC circuit
8. Continuous Power Gui
Experiment 2

Aim – To study the properties of half wave rectifier

Software Used –
MATLAB R2023a ,Simulink

Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating
system, x64-based processor

Theory –
An easy way to convert AC to pulsating DC is to simply allow half of the AC cycle to
pass while blocking the current to prevent it from flowing during the other half cycle.
The figure to the right shows the resulting output. Such circuits are known as half-
wave rectifiers because they only work on half of the incoming AC wave.

Circuit Diagram –
Simulink Result –

1. AC voltage source
2. Current Measurement
3. Scope
4. Voltage Measurement
5. Pulse generator
6. Thyristor
7. Continuous Power Gui
Experiment – 3

Aim- To study Full wave rectifier

Software Used –
MATLAB R2023a ,Simulink

Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system,
x64-based processor
Theory –
The more common approach is to manipulate the incoming ac wave so that both halves are
used to cause output current to flow in the same direction. The resulting waveform is shown
to the right. Because these circuits operate on the entire incoming ac wave, they are known as
full-wave rectifiers.
Circuit diagram –

Simulink Result –
1. AC voltage source
2. Scope
3. Voltage Measurement
4. diode
5. Continuous Power Gui

Experiment -4

Aim –
To study mass dump springs using Simulink

Software used –
MATLAB R2023a , Simulink

Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating
system, x64-based processor

Theory –
Circuit Diagram –

Simulink Result –
Description –
1. Scope
2. Gain
3. Sum
4. Integrator
5. Constant

Experiment – 5
AIM- To construct PID model

Software Used – MATLAB R2023a ,Simulink

Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating
system, x64-based processor


PID control stands for proportional-integral-derivative control. PID control is a

feedback mechanism used in a control system. By calculating and controlling three
parameters - the proportional, integral and derivative of how much a process variable
deviates from the desired set point value - we can achieve different control actions for
specific work. Some control actions can be achieved by using any of the two
parameters of the PID controller. Two parameters can work while keeping the third
one to zero. So PID controller sometimes becomes Pl (proportion-integral), PD
(proportional-derivative), or even P or 1. The derivative term D is responsible for
noise measurement while the integral term is meant for reaching the targeted value of
the system. The proportional, derivative and integral parameters can be expressed as -
Kp, Kd and Ki. All these three parameters have an effect on the closed-loop control
system. It affects rise time, settling time and overshoot, and also the steady-state error.

Control Rise time Settling time Overshoot Steady-

Response state
Kp decrease Small change increase decrease

Kd Small decrease decrease No

change change

Ki decrease increase increase eliminate

Proportional Control: Here actuating signal for the control action in a control system
is proportional to the error signal. The error signal is the difference between the
reference input signal and the feedback signal obtained from the input.

Derivative Control: The actuating signal consists of a proportional error signal added
with a derivative of the error signal. Therefore, the actuating signal for derivative
control action is given by.

Integral Control: For integral control action the actuating signal consists of a
proportional error signal added with the integral of the error signal. Therefore, the
actuating signal for integral control action is given by

The transfer function of a PID controller can be written as,

Controller Kp Ti Td
P 0.5 Kcr inf 0
PI 0.45Kcr Pcr/1.2 0
PID 0.6Kcr Pcr/2 0.125Pcr

Circuit Diagram –

Simulink Result –
Description –
1. Step
2. Sum
3. PID controller
4. Gain
5. Scope
6. Transfer fcn

Aim - Find root of the Quadratic Equation and determine its nature
Software Used-
Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system, x64-
based processor
For any given quadratic equation ax^{2}+bx+c=0 , the roots of the equation are given by the
following formula:

The nature of the roots of a quadratic equation is determined by finding the value of the
discriminant D.

For the quadratic equation ax^{2}+bx+c=0

Discriminant Nature of root

D>0 Real and Distinct
D=0 Real and Equal
D<0 Imaginary

Code written –
Result –


syms x
a= x+2;
b= x^2+ 4*x+8;

c =


a = 12


b = 13


c = 14

if d<0
disp("Roots are img")
elseif d==0
disp("Roots are real and equal")
elseif d>0
disp("Roots are real and unequal")

Roots are img

disp("Roots are:")

Roots are:


root1 = -13.0000 + 0.9345i

Aim- Summation of three sinusoidal waveform

Software Used –
MATLAB R2023a ,Simulink

Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system, x64-
based processor

Circuit diagram –

Simulink Result –
Description –
1. Sine Wave
2. Sum
3. Periodogram
4. Spectrum Analyzer
Aim- To build Inverting and non-inverting amplifier
Software used –
Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system, x64-
based processor
Theory –
In the inverting operational amplifier circuit, the signal is applied at the inverting input and
the non-inverting input is connected to the ground. In this type of amplifier, the output is 180⁰
out of phase to the input, i.e. when the positive signal is applied to the circuit, the output of
the circuit will be negative. By assuming the Op-Amp is ideal, then the concept of virtual
short can be applied at the input terminals of the Op-Amp. So the voltage at the inverting
terminal is equal to the voltage at the non-inverting terminal.

Applying KCL at the inverting node of Op-Amp



When the signal is applied at the non-inverting input, the resulting circuit is known as Non-
Inverting Op-Amp. In this amplifier the output is exactly in phase with the input i.e. when a
positive voltage is applied to the circuit, the output will also be positive. By assuming the Op-
Amp is ideal, then concept of virtual short can be applied i.e. the voltage at the inverting and
non-inverting terminal is equal.

Applying KCL at the inverting node



Circuit Diagram –

Inverting Amplifier –

Result –
Circuit Diagram –

Non Inverting Amplifier –

Result –
Description –

1. Resistor
2. Operational Amplifier
3. Independent Voltage Source
4. Voltage source
Experiment – 9
Aim – To study the Properties of PID Controller
Software Used –
MATLAB R2023a ,Simulink
Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system, x64-
based processor
Theory –
PID control stands for proportional-integral-derivative control. PID control is a
feedback mechanism used in a control system. By calculating and controlling three
parameters - the proportional, integral and derivative of how much a process
variable deviates from the desired set point value - we can achieve different control
actions for specific work. Some control actions can be achieved by using any of the
two parameters of the PID controller. Two parameters can work while keeping the
third one to zero. So PID controller sometimes becomes Pl (proportion-integral), PD
(proportional-derivative), or even P or 1. The derivative term D is responsible for
noise measurement while the integral term is meant for reaching the targeted value
of the system. The proportional, derivative and integral parameters can be expressed
as - Kp, Kd and Ki. All these three parameters have an effect on the closed-loop
control system. It affects rise time, settling time and overshoot, and also the steady-
state error.
Circuit Diagram –
Result –

Description –
1. Constant
2. Sum
3. PID controller
4. Scope
Experiment – 10
Aim- Euler’s theorem cos^2(theta)+sin^2(theta)=1
Software Used –
Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system, x64-
based processor
Circuit Diagram –

Result –
Description –
1. Sum
2. Sine wave
3. Derivate
4. Scope
5. product
Experiment – 11
Question –
Bob fires a cannon horizontally off a hill. The following data is the height of the cannonball
above the
ground at different times. The sensor used to measure the height of the cannon above the
ground is
buggy. Write a function that removes any data point that is greater than the previous data
point. Fit a
second-order polynomial to this data. Plot the cleaned data as data points and the fitted line
on the
same graph and add a legend, axis labels, and a title. Calculate the derivative of the data (the
speed of
the ball in the y direction) using the data from the line of best fit. On a second plot, plot the
derivative as
points. Publish the script as a pdf.
Software Used –
Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system, x64-
based processor
Answer –
Output –
Experiment – 12

Question –
Let us plot projectile trajectories using equations for the ideal projectile motion: where y(t)
is the vertical distance x(t) is the horizontal distance traveled by the projectile in meters is
the acceleration due to Earth’s gravity (9.8 m/s2) and t is time in seconds. Let us assume that
the initial velocity of the projectile is 50.75 m/s and the projectile’s launching angle is 5π/12
radians. The initial vertical and horizontal positions of the projectile are 0 m. Let us now plot
y vs. t and x vs. t in two separate graphs with the vectors = 0:0.1:10 representing time in
seconds. Give appropriate titles to the graphs and label the axes. Make sure the grid lines
are visible.

Software Used –
Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system, x64-
based processor
Experiment – 13
Aim- Using NAR network time series
Software used –
Apparatus Used -
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz, RAM-16.0 GB,64-bit operating system, x64-
based processor
Data used –
Underwater Surface Temperature Dataset (

Circuit –
Result –

Training slot –
Response –

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