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Both the poems "Little Boy Crying" by Mervyn Morris and My Parents" by Stephen Spender has similar

childhood experience I'll be describing the pain experienced by one individual in both poems, I'll be
explaining the poem that would be mention and lastly analyze how one literacy device is used to portray
the theme of childhood experiences.

One painful experienced in "Little Boy Crying" is when the boy received a quick slap from his father for
playing in the rain when his father told him not too. He felt it mentally because his father didn't comfort
him so that turn into anger. Which turn into him not having his own way.

Another painful experienced in "My Parents" is when his parents doesn't want the child to interact with
the rough children. Reason being is that they didn’t want their child to pick up the ways the children
have like throwing words like stones meaning saying indecent language, his parents doesn't want him
running in the streets meaning roaming the streets and also his parents doesn’t want him to have torn
clothes meaning his shouldn't be seen in clothes that has holes n look dirty on him. He also felt it
mentally because now he is more disobedient because he fid the complete opposite as what his parents
told him to do he still try to hang out with the boys although they tease him about his list tongue he still
try to forgave them for what they have done to him.

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