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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University Polangui

Polangui, Albay


NAME: May Castroverde Morco


1. List the characteristics that make an effective team player. Rank it from top to least and explain
each why it is ranked that way.

1. Communication Skills: Effective communication is paramount in team dynamics as it

ensures clarity, promotes collaboration, and minimizes misunderstandings. Clear and
concise communication fosters trust among team members and facilitates the exchange of
ideas and feedback, leading to better problem-solving and decision-making. It's ranked
highest because without effective communication, other qualities become less impactful.

2. Collaboration: Collaborative team players actively engage with others, share

responsibilities, and work towards common goals. Collaboration promotes synergy,
harnessing the diverse skills and perspectives of team members to achieve greater results
than individual efforts alone. It's ranked second because it complements communication by
enabling the effective utilization of shared knowledge and resources.

3. Problem-solving Skills: Effective team players possess strong problem-solving abilities,

enabling them to analyze situations, identify root causes, and propose viable solutions. By
actively contributing to problem-solving efforts, team members can overcome obstacles and
drive progress towards shared objectives. It's ranked third because while crucial, problem-
solving often requires collaboration and communication to be fully effective.

4. Empathy: Empathy involves understanding and considering the perspectives, emotions,

and needs of others. Team players who demonstrate empathy can build rapport, resolve
conflicts constructively, and foster a supportive and inclusive team environment. It's ranked
fourth because while valuable for team cohesion, empathy may not always directly impact
task completion or project outcomes. However, it significantly contributes to team morale
and well-being.

5. Leadership: Leadership qualities such as initiative, decisiveness, and delegation can

enhance team effectiveness by guiding and inspiring others towards common goals. While
leadership is important, not all team members need to possess formal leadership roles to be
effective contributors. It's ranked last because while beneficial, leadership qualities are
often situational and may not always be required for every team member.
Republic of the Philippines
Bicol University Polangui
Polangui, Albay

2. What are the qualities should possess as a team

As a team, there are several qualities that contribute to effectiveness and success:
1. Communication: Talk clearly and listen well.
2. Teamwork: Work together to solve challenges.
3. Adaptability: Be ready to change plans quickly.
4. Problem-solving: Figure out puzzles and tasks efficiently.
5. Physical Fitness: Stay strong and keep moving.
6. Resilience: Stay positive and keep going, even when it's tough.
7. Strategy: Plan smart moves to stay ahead.
8. Resourcefulness: Use what you have to get things done.
9. Team Spirit: Support each other and stay positive.

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