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Part 1.

1. Passengers are waiting in line to go through customs.

2. Shoppers are browsing the shelves at the grocery store.
3. Many shoes in different colors are displayed on shelves.
4. Two beds are placed next to each other in a hotel room.
5. Customers are buying souvenirs sold at an outdoor store.
Part 2.
Question 6.

Hi George,

I got your message about the Social Committee meeting next Friday.

I am sorry but I will be unable to attend because I have a dentist

appointment at that time. I would like to suggest that you ask all the
committee members when they are free for a meeting and then choose a
new meeting time based on that information. Also, I think that Conference
Room B is a better place for a meeting because it is a larger and more
comfortable room.

I am looking forward to working on the plans for the year end party.



Question 7.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I received your email regarding the internet subscription. I would like to take
this opportunity to describe two problems I have with your service that made
me want to cancel the subscription.
To begin with, when accessing video streaming sites, the speed is really
slow. It takes a long time for videos to load and start playing. Furthermore,
my connection to the Internet is always stopping and restarting. It seems
to be particularly bad weekends. The problem does not appear to be coming
from my router, which was installed by a professional. One further point that I
would like to say is that I think your firm should spend less money on
advertising and more money on providing a decent service to your
I am at home all day today, so if you wish to discuss any of the points that I
have made, kindly get in touch with me at 555-2543.
Tony Sands.

Question 8.
When it comes to finding a job with lots of travelling, people have different
opinions. Personally, I think it’s a good idea for employees to work in a
company that offers them to go on business trips often. It can broaden
their horizons and raise their profile.

Firstly, travelling a lot helps employees broaden their horizons,

especially when they travel for work. If they stay in the same location all
the time, they only see the same people every day. However, if they travel
around, they can meet lots of new people from diverse backgrounds, which
contributes to broadening their perspectives. Seeing new faces and talking to
them allow people to see things from different points of view, which not only
makes them gain new knowledge but also reflect on themselves. In addition,
working in new places means they have chances to get exposed to new
environments and different kinds of work, resulting in knowing various ways of
getting work done. Staying in one city, in contrast, limits them to the same,
repetitive work process day by day. Clearly, travelling provides them with
more benefits.
Secondly, they can raise their profile by going on work trips frequently.
Instead of getting to know only colleagues at their office, they have chances to
meet many more people across the country or overseas, leading to their
talents being recognized by many more people, which means more new
career opportunities. My friend is an example. She used to work as a sales
representative at a domestic company. Due to the nature of her work, she
traveled often to meet customers. Thanks to those trips, she built a wide
network and made herself stand out in the job market. Finally, she got head-
hunted by a large oversea company, which offered her much better benefits
than the old one.
In conclusion, working at a job that requires a lot of travelling is a good
idea. Employees not only can broaden their horizons but also upgrade
their profile. For these reasons, people should find a job like that if they have

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