Day 6 Passage 3 Questions

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Questions 1-8
Reading Passage 3 has six paragraphs, A-H.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-H in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1 accusations again Sotheby's
2 the result of Mr Thwaytes's court case
3 a widespread belief about Caravaggio's practice
4 an area in which legal professionals have limited knowledge
5 an explanation of the way a painting is credited to a certain artist affects its value
6 language used to convey any doubts about who a painting is attributed to
7 whether conclusions can be drawn from changes which were made to Mr
Thwaytes's painting
8 evidence of sales of painting by other artists which are similar to Caravaggio's work

Questions 9 and 10
Which TWO of these beliefs are expressed by the writer?
A It is possible that Mr Thwaytes might not accept the court's verdict.
B The painting which belonged to Mr Thwates is probably a genuine Caravaggio
C When Sir Dennis Mahon was purchasing the painting, he already knew it was by
D Judges frequently make decisions about whether paintings are by particular known
E Greater certainty is required when attributing work to artists than would be needed in
other civil cases

Questions 11-16
Complete the summary below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
It can be very difficult who an old painting is by, especially when there is little information
as to its previous 11 …………………., or when the artist worked in a 12
It is important that vendors accurately state in their 13 …………………… what is or isn’t
known about who the artist was.
Sotheby’s said that Mr Thwaytes’s picture was by a 14 …………………. of Caravaggio.
The judge believed that the 15 …………………. of Mr Thwayte’s painting was not that
which would be expected of Caravaggio.
The judge drew particular attention to the way a 16 ……………………. had been portrayed
in the picture and argued that Caravaggio could and would have painted it differently.
Question 17
What would be the best title for the article?
A Sotheby's wins case over 'Caravaggio'
B Caravaggio forgery discovered by art collector
C Many great artworks are actually fakes, claims expert
D Judge clarifies misunderstood law on attribution of artworks

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