Topic 1 Summary

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aC AMER AND ALGERRA 1 TOPIC 1: NUMBER AND ALGEBRA SCIENTIFIC NOTATION (STANDARD FORM) A number isin selentifte notatton ifit is writen in the form a x 10% where 1 1 the series is divergent. Compound interest “The value ofa compound intarostinvostment afta » time periode it Up = und +8)" Where uo is the intial value ofthe investment and isthe interest rate per compounding period ‘To fad the value ofthe invesinent, we divide by dhe ination plies each yea Depreciation Depreciation ste loss in value ofan tem overtime ‘The value vf an item after 1 yoats is thy — g(a) where up is the initial value oF the item ‘and d_ is the rate of depreciation per year 12.__onic |. NUIMRER AND A GERRA, EXPONENTIALS AND LOGARITHMS If uaF then 4 — A. Soy ifthe base numbers ave the same, we can equate indices, Wat b, a2 1, a,b D, we say that ris the lagarithe afin hase a, and that & ra lgyh 2 =log,(a*) and 2 = al provided x > 0 ‘The natural logarithm isthe logarithm in base c, Inx = loge. ee, 29 = be + 9 toe, (2) = tog, 2 — log, v ‘To change the base of a logarithm, use the rile log, 2 — es PROOF ‘A mathematical proof isa correct argument which establishes the truth of a mathematical statement. Iva deduetive proof, we stat with» hypothesis, and then perform a series oF implica 1 to aeFive a the eanelusion To prove that two statements 4 and B ave eg that A and 2 are equivalent valent, we must show that A> B and BoA. Wewtite A+B w indicate ‘We can disprove a statement by finding a single counter example fo the statement Iva prootby coutrapusitive, we prove the implication A» D by proving its eomtapusitive D> Ina proof by contradiction, we st by assuming the negation ofthe conclusion, and prove that this leads toa contradiction, We therefore deduce the assumption was false, so the conclusion must be tre. Mathematical induction Suppoce P,, ica proporition which ie dofined for every integer n> a, a € Z, To construct a formal proof by mathematical induction: + Prove the initial ease Py is tue Prove that if Py, ict then Py ietme © Ste your eonclusi clearly. COUNTING AND THE BINOMIAL THEOREM, Counting principles Iahere ave 1 different ways of perfor ‘an operation and we diffe ways of performing a second independent operation, there fare mn ways of performing the Wve oper In counting processes, the word: © umd sugyests nultplying the uunber of possibilities or suggests ling the TOPIC 1: NUMBER AND ALGERRA 13 Factorial notation nl = n(n —1)(m—2) on 8 2% 1 forall ntegers 2 > 1 =a Pormutations and combinations A permutation of a group of objects is any arrangement of those object in a definite order, {he number of permutations on n distinct objects taken at atime is A combination ica lection of objets without rae to omer or arangment ‘The numberof combinations on n distinct objects taken r ata time is *C', = (") = The binomial theorem # Forme S!. (a+ by" =a" + (Slab + me + (Cla + a tO - Een oF where (°) = isthe binomial coefficient for n 4, FEN, P< Loy + For 20, (obey n(n $2)" = am where (2) — 22 Ee Bhan 11 ig he binomial concent for n €Q, re Zt, and (3) — ‘The interval of convergence for which the expansion converges is PARTIAL FRACTIONS ‘To decompose rational Raelion into dhe su of partial Fractions, we: ‘© Factorise the denominator, ‘© Write the rational unction as a sum of partial fractions withthe factors as denominators and unknown numeratrs, ‘+ Multiply both sides by the denominetor lly the 7eras of the denominators, to find the unknown numeral 4 Substitute values fr the varie, COMPLEX NUMBERS: Any number ofthe form «+i where a and bare real and i — /=T is called a complex number, If == a+ br where a and bare real then: ‘© isthe real part of 2, written e(=) = hie ths imaginary part of =, suritton Jma(>) ‘Two complex numbers are equal if thei real pars are equal and their imaginary parts are equal e and bd. atbinctdi oe The complex conjugate of 2 = a+ bi is 2° =a— In ates and (4-2 sax ant ( for ne Zt 14 TonIc |: NUIMRER AND A GERRA, The complex plane (Argand plane) (On the complex plane, the z-axis is called the real axls and the y-axis is called the imaginary axis, The complex number = 0-4 i is represented by the vector OF = (3): ‘Modulus and argument The mada ssa the complex number 2 = n+ bi is the length of the veetar (Gi) which is | 2| = Va TE © If > isrepresented by P(a, h) om the Cart n plane, the argument of = isthe angle @, where — << is mensured anticlockwise between the positive real axis and OP. Properties of modulus nnd argument and arg(w 18a a(2) =a and arg( OP} and z» = OP, the distance berween Py and Po is Polar and Euler form The complex number dae gaeut o an be written in polar form 2 = |2| cis \(cos@ + sin@) or Euler form 2 clad ced = ch(0-+8) Set — (o—2) co(? | Hn) = cind forall kc Z. De Moivre’s theorem (2 |es0) eisne ‘The nth roots of a complex number c are the solutions to (ere are exactly ruth rots ofc, and the sum of the roots i 0 ‘The nth roots of unity are the solutions of 2" — 1. If yg wT, and Lb +0 + wb at ME = 0, the root with the smallest positive argument, the roots are 1, w, w2, ‘SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS ‘You should be able to solve systems of linear equations, up to three equations in three unknowns, using algebra and technology. Using algebra, we write the system in augmented matrix farm, then use elementary raw operations to reduce the system to ‘row echelon form. The three legitimate row operations are to: + interchange roms replace any row hy a non-zero multiple of itself + replace any row by itself, plas a muliple of another 10. ‘We can then determine whether there are no solutions (the system is inconsistent), a unique solution, or infinitely many

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