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GEE 1: Living in the IT Era 3.

The Electro-Mechanical Period (1840-1940)

The electromechanical age, which lasted from 1840 to 1940, marked the beginning of
Lessons 1 - Introduction to the Information and telecommunication and the emergence of crucial technologies that paved the way for
Communication Technology advances in the field of information technology. The telegraph, created in the early 1800s, was
followed by the creation of Morse code by Samuel Morse in 1835, the telephone by Alexander
Evolution of Information and Communication Technology Graham Bell in 1876, and the first radio by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894. In 1940, Harvard
University created the first large-scale automatic digital computer in the United States called
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which is the use of technology to
the Mark 1, which was programmed using punch cards and was the size of a large room. This
manipulate and communicate information, especially in modern telecommunications
machine paved the way for downsizing technology to make it more usable by businesses and
systems. ICT has evolved through different stages, including pre-mechanical, mechanical,
eventually in homes.
electromechanical, and electronic, to become what it is today. The merging of
telecommunications and computing technology has allowed for the development of the
4. The Electronic Period (1940-present)
internet as a dominant data communication system.
The Internet was also developed during the fourth generation, connecting
computers all around the world and allowing for easy sharing of information. This led to the
1. The Pre-Mechanical Period (3000 BCE-1450)
development of the World Wide Web, which was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The
The pre-mechanical age of technology, which spanned from 3000B.C. to 1450A.D.,
Web allowed for easy access to information and websites using hypertext links. Mobile devices
was the earliest known form of ICT. During this period, humans developed different ways to
also began to emerge during this time, starting with the development of mobile phones and
communicate, including language, petroglyphs, and alphabets. Writing materials such as
later the introduction of smartphones, tablets, and other portable computing devices. Cloud
clay tablets, papyrus, pens, and paper were developed, and the first books and libraries
computing also became popular, allowing users to store and access data and applications
were created to store information permanently. Numbering systems were also developed,
remotely over the Internet. The electronic age has brought about many advancements and
with the first 1-9 system created by people from India around 100A.D., and the number 0
changes to the way we live our lives and interact with technology, and it continues to evolve at
invented 775 years later. The abacus was the first calculator and sign of an information
a rapid pace.
processor during this period.
Practical Application of ICT in Everyday Life
2. The Mechanical Period (1459-1840)
The mechanical age, which occurred between 1450 and 1840, saw the development
of technologies that laid the foundation for modern-day machines. During this period, the EDUCATION
slide rule, an analog computer used for multiplying and dividing, and the Pascaline, a The use of information and communication technology (ICT) has become
popular mechanical computer invented by Blaise Pascal, were created. Charles Babbage increasingly important in education. Teachers can use computers and other digital devices to
developed the difference engine, which tabulated polynomial equations using the method of create and deliver engaging lessons and activities. Students can use ICT to access
finite differences. While the machines invented during this period were large and could information, communicate with teachers and classmates, and complete assignments.
perform only one type of calculation, they were considered significant achievements at the Researchers can use ICT to conduct and analyze studies, and school administrators can use
time. it to manage school operations and communicate with stakeholders. ICT has also opened up
opportunities for distance learning, online courses, and virtual classrooms, allowing for
education to be more accessible to a wider range of students. 4. Efficiency: ICT has improved the efficiency of banking operations. Automated
systems have reduced the need for manual intervention in many banking
BANKING processes, leading to faster and more accurate results.
Computers are crucial for the banking industry and electronic banking services. With 5. Access to information: With the use of ICT, customers can access their account
the use of computers, banks can efficiently manage and process financial transactions such information, transaction history, and other banking details easily. This helps
as deposits, withdrawals, and transfers. Computers also allow banks to monitor accounts, them make informed financial decisions and manage their money more
provide online banking services, and offer customer support through various channels such effectively.
as phone, email, and chatbots. Electronic banking services have made banking more
convenient for customers as they can access their accounts and complete transactions from Overall, the use of ICT has revolutionized the banking sector, making it more efficient,
anywhere, at any time. convenient, and secure for customers, businessmen, and bank administrators.
The services include:
● Cheque Deposit ICT is used in various ways to improve efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Some
● Automated Teller Machine (ATM) of the benefits of using ICT in the industrial sector include:
● Electronic Fund Transfer
● Direct Deposit 1. Production planning and control: Computers are used to manage and control
production processes, from scheduling and inventory control to quality control and
● Pay by phone system
maintenance management. This helps to streamline production, reduce waste,
● Personal computer banking/internet banking and ensure consistent quality.
2. Supply chain management: ICT is used to optimize supply chain management,
The usage of ICT in the banking sector has brought many benefits to customers, from tracking inventory and shipments to managing suppliers and vendors. This
businessmen, and bank administrators. Some of the benefits include: helps to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure timely delivery of goods
1. Convenience: Customers can access banking services from anywhere and at any and services.
time using online and mobile banking. This saves them time and reduces the 3. Product design and innovation: Computers are used in product design and
need for physical visits to the bank. engineering, from 3D modeling and simulation to prototyping and testing. This
2. Speed: ICT has enabled the banking sector to process transactions much faster helps to speed up product development, reduce costs, and improve product
than before. Electronic fund transfers, mobile payments, and other digital quality and innovation.
transactions are completed almost instantly, saving time for both customers and 4. Workplace communication and collaboration: Computers and ICT are used to
bankers. facilitate workplace communication and collaboration, from email and
3. Security: ICT has improved the security of banking transactions. Technologies messaging to video conferencing and collaboration tools. This helps to improve
such as encryption, biometrics, and multi-factor authentication have made it more teamwork, productivity, and innovation.
difficult for hackers to access sensitive information and carry out fraudulent
Overall, the use of computers and ICT in the industrial sector has transformed the way development of a knowledge-based society through discussion groups, mailing lists, and
businesses operate, improving efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. forums.


In e-commerce, customers benefit from the convenience of online shopping and the ICT technology has introduced the concept of a paperless environment, meaning that
ability to access a wider range of products from anywhere with an internet connection. information can be stored and retrieved digitally rather than on paper. Online communication
Suppliers benefit from the ability to reach a wider market and reduce costs associated with tools such as email, online chat, and instant messaging also contribute to reducing paper
physical storefronts. Employees benefit from the increased efficiency of online usage.
transactions and the ability to work remotely. Additionally, e-commerce can boost the
economy by creating new job opportunities and increasing revenue for businesses. BORDERLESS COMMUNICATION
The internet provides fast information retrieval, interactivity, accessibility, and
Impacts of ICT in different areas of specialization versatility, making it a borderless source of services and information. This means that
information and communication can be easily accessed from anywhere in the world without
FASTER COMMUNICATION SPEED any geographical limitations.
Advancements in ICT have led to faster communication speed, with the Internet
allowing for efficient and instant transmission of messages and news via email. With high
bandwidth, broadband and connection speed, any information can be sent and received
ICT has negative impacts on society as well. People are becoming more reliant on
quickly and inexpensively, resulting in significant time savings.
online communication and are becoming less likely to engage in face-to-face interactions.
This trend can lead to social isolation and can contribute to individualistic behavior.
The use of the Internet is cost-effective compared to other communication methods
like mailing or courier service. It provides access to a large amount of data at a low cost and
Spending long hours using a computer can cause harm to users and lead to health
basic services are often free. Additionally, the cost of connection to the Internet is relatively
problems such as bad posture, eyestrain, and physical and mental stress. To address these
issues, it is recommended to create an ergonomic environment, such as using an ergonomic
chair to reduce back strain and a screen filter to minimize eye strain.
Computers are reliable for accessing and retrieving information from anywhere at
any time, but the reliability depends on the quality of input provided by humans. If the input Current Trends and Technologies
data is faulty, the output will also be faulty, as the term "GIGO" (Garbage In Garbage Out) As technology continues to advance, it enables us to develop new technologies even faster.
implies. In general, bad input produces bad output. This leads to an exponential growth in technological progress, where advancements are made
at an ever-increasing rate. This phenomenon is known as the "law of accelerating returns", and
EFFECTIVE SHARING OF INFORMATION it suggests that we can expect to see rapid and significant technological progress in the
The advancement of ICT enables people all around the world to share and exchange coming years and decades.
information through the Internet. This allows for knowledge sharing and contributes to the
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning ● Addressing queries
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that would ● Making calculations
typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision- ● Maintaining records
making, and language translation. AI technologies are based on algorithms that can learn ● Making transactions
from and make predictions or decisions based on data inputs. AI systems can be trained
using large amounts of data, and the algorithms can improve their performance over time Edge Computing
through a process known as machine learning. The goal of AI is to create machines that can Edge computing is becoming increasingly important as more and more IoT devices
function autonomously and perform tasks without human intervention. are deployed. These devices generate massive amounts of data that need to be processed
Some of the tasks performed by AI-enabled devices include: quickly, and edge computing allows for this to happen without relying solely on cloud
computing. Edge computing is also being used in industries such as healthcare,
● Speech recognition manufacturing, and transportation to enable real-time data processing and decision-making.
● Object detection
Quantum Computing
● Solve problems and learn from the given data
Quantum computing is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize
● Plan an approach for future tests to be done
many industries, including healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity. Because quantum
computers can process vast amounts of data at lightning-fast speeds and solve complex
Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that involves the use of algorithms that problems that are beyond the capabilities of traditional computers, they are expected to have
can learn from and make predictions or decisions on data, without being explicitly a significant impact on our world in the coming years. However, despite the progress made in
programmed to do so. Machine learning models are designed to improve automatically this field, there are still many challenges that need to be overcome before quantum
based on their experience with data, and can be used in a wide range of applications, such computers become widely accessible and practical for everyday use.
as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, recommendation systems,
and fraud detection, among others. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
VR and AR have also found applications in fields such as healthcare, architecture,
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and engineering. For example, medical professionals can use VR to simulate surgeries or
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that uses software robots or bots procedures before performing them on actual patients. Architects and engineers can use VR
to automate repetitive and rules-based business processes. These bots are programmed to to visualize and test building designs before construction begins, reducing the risk of errors
perform tasks just like humans, such as logging into applications, entering data, copying and and delays. As the technology continues to develop, it is likely to find even more diverse and
pasting, and performing calculations. The bots can work 24/7 and do not require breaks, innovative applications in various industries.
making them more efficient and cost-effective than human labor. Additionally, RPA frees up
human workers to focus on higher-value tasks that require creativity, problem-solving skills, Blockchain
and decision-making abilities. Blockchain is a public, decentralized and encrypted database that records
Some of these tasks include: transactions in chronological order, which cannot be altered or controlled by a central
authority. The participants in the network maintain and approve transactions.
and mobile devices. Wired connections use a cable or wire to connect to a modem that
Internet of Thing transmits data over a transmission media to the Internet, while wireless connections use
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection of computing devices technology such as satellite or WIFI. Broadband Internet service is popular due to its fast data
embedded in everyday objects that communicate with each other via the internet, sharing and transfer speeds and always-on connection. Public locations such as malls, coffee shops, and
analyzing data. These devices can be found in consumer products like cars, appliances, and airports often have Wi-Fi hot spots which provide wireless Internet connections to mobile
medical equipment, as well as industrial machinery, shipping equipment, robots, and devices, and some require users to agree to terms of service or obtain a password to
warehouses. connect.
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
5G An ISP is a business that provides access to the Internet for individuals and
5G services are anticipated to transform our lives by enabling advanced technologies such organizations for free or a fee, offering plans based on desired speeds, bandwidth, and
as AR and VR, cloud-based gaming services, as well as being used in factories, HD services. Bandwidth refers to the network's capability to send and receive data, with high
cameras, traffic management, smart grid control, and smart retail. bandwidth connections transmitting more data than low bandwidth connections in the same
Cyber Security amount of time. Data sizes are measured in terms of megabytes (MB), approximately one
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting electronic devices and services from million characters, and gigabytes (GB), approximately one billion characters.
malicious attacks by hackers. It involves defending everything from computers and
smartphones to networks and databases from electronic threats. Offensive cybersecurity Mobile Service Provider
measures do exist, but most professionals in this field focus on defensive strategies to A mobile service provider offers wireless Internet access to devices that are equipped
prevent attacks. with wireless capabilities. The provider uses an ISP to provide the connection to the Internet
and sends signals through the airwaves to communicate with the device. This allows users to
Lesson 2 - The Web and the Internet access the Internet on their mobile devices while on the go, without the need for a wired
History of the Internet
The internet is a global network connecting businesses, individuals, and government How data travels to the Internet
agencies, providing access to goods, services, and information. It originated from a To transfer data between clients and servers, the Internet uses a protocol called the
networking project by the Pentagon's ARPA with the goal of allowing scientists to collaborate Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). This protocol breaks data into
on military and scientific projects. The network, called ARPANET, was established in 1969, packets, which are then sent across the Internet to their destination. Each packet may travel a
linking researchers across the United States. The internet is made up of various networks, different path to reach its destination, and routers are used to direct the packets along the
owned by public and private organizations, phone, cable, and satellite companies, and the way.
government. The internet is often referred to as the "information highway" and allows for the
electronic movement of ideas and information through cyberspace. Services offered through the Internet

Connecting to the Internet Some of the services provided by the internet are as follows.
The Internet can be accessed through wired or wireless connections via computers
Electronic Mail. (E-mail) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Electronic mail, commonly known as email, is a digital message sent and received
through the internet or other computer networks. It allows users to send and receive E-commerce
messages, files, images, and other types of data to and from anyone with an email address, It is the service on the Internet through which we can sell or buy goods. We can
anywhere in the world, in real-time. Email has become an essential tool for communication use it through some special websites. The web sites which provide buying and selling
and is widely used by individuals, businesses, and organizations. facilities to the users are known as electronic commerce sites.
Advantages of Email:
Electronic Fax (E-Fax)
● It is the cheapest and fastest mail service.
It is the service through which users send and receive faxes directly from one computer to
● you can send any form of data like text, image, video, etc.
another. To use Electronic Fax service, a computer should have a modem, e-fax program, and
● physical presence or recipient is not required. internet.
● It can be read anywhere in the world
Newsgroup is one of the facilities provided by the Internet through which to post notes
Telenet or Telnet or messages on various subjects.
It is a protocol used on the Internet to provide remote access to a computer or
device. Telnet allows a user to connect to a remote computer or device and perform tasks Internet Relay Chat
as if they were physically present at that location. This can be useful for system
It is also one of the most popular services of the Internet which allows people at
administrators or technical support personnel who need to manage or troubleshoot remote
different locations to send and receive instant messages. We can send voice or text
devices. However, Telnet has largely been replaced by more secure protocols such as SSH
messages through Internet Relay Chat.
(Secure Shell).

File Transferring Evolution of the World Wide Web

The Internet provides the facility of downloading and uploading large volumes of files.
We need an FTP Client program to upload or download files from a remote computer.
While the Internet was developed in the late 1960s, the World Wide Web emerged in the
early 1990s as an easier way to access online information using a browser.
Video Conference
The advanced service of the Internet through which the people of different locations Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau proposed the concept of the World Wide Web in 1989,
communicate by watching each other is known as video conference. with the goal of creating a way to link and share information using hypertext documents.
They envisioned a system where users could access and interact with these documents, or
World Wide Web (WWW) web pages, through a web browser. This led to the development of the first web server, web
This provides millions of information on various topics. There are millions of web sites browser, and HTML language. Today, the World Wide Web is a fundamental part of the
on the web which provide information. Each web site is identified by the Internet Address or internet and is used by billions of people worldwide to access and share information,
communicate, and conduct business. Overall, Web 3.0 is expected to bring about significant changes in the way we interact with
the web and use technology in our daily lives.
Web 1.0
Web 1.0 mostly focused on delivering static content to users, with limited or no Web 4.0
interaction. It was characterized by simple HTML pages, limited graphics, and a lack of Web 4 is “based on wireless communication (mobile devices or computer) connecting
multimedia content. Websites were primarily used to share information and were designed to people and objects whenever and wherever in the physical or virtual world in real time”. The
be read-only. Users could not interact with the content or modify it in any way. Examples of GPS which helps people to find their way is a good example for this type.
Web 1.0 websites include online directories, news sites, and company websites.
Web 5.0
Web 2.0 Web 5.0 is still progressing and does not complete its formation; however, it is
Web 2.0 refers to a new generation of web applications that enable user-generated defined as a linked, emotive, and symbolic web that communicates with humans. In addition,
content, collaboration, and interactivity. Some of the characteristics of Web 2.0 include social it is based on emotional association with humans. It functions like a personal assistant.
networking, blogs, wikis, podcasts, video sharing, and other user-generated content
platforms. The shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 represented a significant change in the way
people interact with the web, from passive consumption to active participation.
While the foundations for digital technology can be traced back to the 19th century, the term
Web 3.0 "Digital Age" typically refers to the period starting in the late 20th century when digital
Web 3.0 is often described as the next generation of the web, which will be more technology became widespread and began to significantly transform various aspects of
intelligent and connected than Web 2.0. One of the main characteristics of Web 3.0 is the society. This includes the widespread adoption of personal computers, the internet, and
use of semantic web technologies, which enable machines to understand and interpret mobile devices, which have fundamentally changed the way people communicate, work,
data more effectively. The semantic web is based on the idea of linking data together in a learn, and access information. The Digital Age is characterized by the increasing reliance on
structured way, which allows machines to understand the relationships between different digital technology to store, process, and transmit information, and the unprecedented access
pieces of information. to information that it provides to people all over the world.

Another important aspect of Web 3.0 is the decentralization of the web, which allows for Origins of the Digital Age (1947-1969)
greater user control and privacy. This is achieved through the use of blockchain technology Transistors and integrated chips were invented in the 1940s to the late 1960s.
and other decentralized systems, which provide a more secure and transparent way of Moore's Law predicts that the number of transistors in integrated circuits doubles every two
sharing information and conducting transactions online. years, leading to an increase in the performance and size of ICs. This prediction has been
used as a guide for digital advancements in the semiconductor and electronics industries.
Web 3.0 is also expected to enable greater automation and integration of different systems,
allowing for more efficient and streamlined workflows. This will be particularly useful in areas These electronic devices led the way to more advanced digital computers.
such as e-commerce, supply chain management, and healthcare.
Invention of the Internet and the Introduction of Personal Computers (1969-1989)
of information on the internet has also made it easier for people to educate themselves and
The development of packet-switched networks in the late 1960s to early 1970s led to the stay informed about global events.
creation of the Internet, which is a network of networks.
Social informatics is a field that focuses on the social impacts of computing, and it
The 1970s is also the time when personal computers were introduced. Personal computers encompasses various theories about the relationship between technology and society. Two
are more affordable than the computers used in business and academia, which are typically of these theories are the Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) and the Social Shaping
scientific and engineering-oriented. This means that consumers have access to affordable of Technology (SST).
computers despite not having technical knowledge in computing.
SCOT theory emphasizes that technology is not inherently deterministic, but rather, it is
To summarize, in the Digital era, technology has become more widespread and accessible, shaped by social factors such as cultural values, political power, and economic interests.
with various devices and systems being used in different industries and for personal According to this view, humans have agency in shaping technology, and they can influence
entertainment and communication. This includes ATMs and industrial robots in finance and how technology is developed and used.
fabrication, video games and electronic music in youth culture, and mobile phones and digital
cameras for communication and event recording. On the other hand, SST theory asserts that technology is not neutral and that it is shaped by
society's dominant values and beliefs. In other words, society shapes technology, and the
Invention of the World Wide Web (1989-2005) resulting technological outputs reflect the social and cultural contexts in which they are
Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989, and it became publicly developed. This theory suggests that social scientists can play an important role in shaping
accessible in 1991. The internet quickly expanded, and by 1999, almost every country had technologies that are more responsive to human needs and values.
internet connection. In the 2000s, cell phones became more widespread, and text messaging
became a cultural phenomenon. Overall, both SCOT and SST theories highlight the complex and dynamic relationship
Social Media and Web 2.0 (2005-present) between technology and society, and they offer valuable insights into how technology can be
In 2005, the internet population reached 1 billion, and as of 2020, 67% of the world's developed and used in more socially responsible ways.
population is connected to the internet. Cloud computing has also become mainstream with
many companies investing in cloud platforms. The rise of smartphones has also led to the Global Digital Development
emergence of social media.
To further elaborate, research and development of digital technologies can lead to the
ICT and its Role in Social Change creation of new solutions and innovations that can contribute to sustainable development.
For instance, the development of renewable energy technologies and smart grid systems
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has greatly influenced our society and has can help reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy consumption.
been a major driver of social change in recent decades. The widespread use of technology
has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, conduct business, and even In addition, the deployment of ICTs can also have a positive impact on various aspects of
interact with one another. The rise of social media, for example, has transformed how we society. For example, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, ICTs have been crucial in
connect with friends and family, share information, and express our opinions. The availability allowing people to work and study remotely, facilitating online healthcare services,
and enabling digital payments and e-commerce. What is Ethics?
Ethics refers to the principles or values that govern the behavior of individuals or
Overall, the advancement and utilization of digital technologies can play a significant role in groups. It involves making moral judgments about what is right or wrong, good or bad, and
promoting sustainable development and improving the quality of life for people around the just or unjust. Ethics can guide decision-making, actions, and interactions with others. It is
world. often influenced by cultural and social factors, as well as personal beliefs and values. In
professional settings, ethics can be reflected in codes of conduct, standards of practice, and
other guidelines to ensure ethical behavior.
Technological Change and Social Evolution
Technological change encompasses the entire process of creating, developing, and
Values are the things that individuals consider important or worthy. They are shaped
spreading new technologies or processes. It includes the research and development (R&D)
by a person's beliefs, and they influence judgments about what is right or desirable. People's
of new technologies, their implementation and adoption, and the impact they have on society
thinking and behavior are determined by the things they consider good or right, and this can
and the economy. Technical advancements, on the other hand, are the improvements and
have an impact on their character development. Examples of values include respect,
upgrades made to existing technologies to enhance their performance or capabilities.
honesty, personal responsibility, and kindness.
Information technology (IT) has indeed revolutionized the way we communicate, access, and
process information. Asynchronous and synchronous communication enabled by IT has
Attitude refers to a person's strong belief or feeling towards people, things, and
made communication more efficient and accessible, allowing people to communicate and
situations. It can be positive or negative and has the potential to influence the behavior of
collaborate across borders and time zones. This has resulted in new forms of social and
those around them.
economic relationships, opening up new opportunities for social empowerment and
The similarities between ethics, values, and attitudes lie in their influence on
human behavior and decision-making. They are all interconnected and have a significant
Moreover, IT has also enabled the automation of various processes and the development of
impact on how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them. Additionally,
new tools and technologies that have transformed work and industries. This has led to new
all three concepts are shaped by culture, religion, education, and personal experiences.
forms of employment, education, and healthcare, which were previously impossible or
difficult to achieve.
The main difference between ethics, values, and attitudes is their function. Ethics
provides a framework for determining right from wrong, while values are the foundation
Overall, the transformative power of IT is evident in its ability to enable new forms of social
upon which ethical principles and attitudes are built. Attitudes are more specific and refer to
and economic development, and it is important to continue to leverage its potential to create
a person's positive or negative feelings toward particular people, things, or situations.
a more inclusive and sustainable society.
In summary, ethics, values, and attitudes are all important concepts that influence
Lesson 4 - Ethics, Values, and Attitude human behavior and decision-making. While they are interconnected and shaped by similar
factors, they differ in their functions and meanings.
Ethical Principles
Ethical Theories
Ethical principles serve as the foundation for ethical analysis and decision-making. They Ethical theories are frameworks that provide guidance on how to approach and
provide recommendations and evaluations of human actions and help to justify judgments. resolve ethical conflicts. They are based on ethical principles that highlight different aspects of
These principles consider various factors in decision-making and include beneficence, least an ethical dilemma and serve as a guide to ethically correct resolutions. The choice of an
harm, respect for autonomy, and justice. ethical theory to apply in a given situation often depends on a person's experiences, beliefs,
and values. The four main categories of ethical theory are deontology, utilitarianism, rights,
Beneficence and virtue ethics. Each of these approaches has its own set of principles and rules for ethical
Beneficence refers to the ethical principle of doing good and taking actions that decision-making.
promote the well-being of others. It is the obligation to act in the best interest of others and to
provide benefits and prevent harm to them. This principle is commonly applied in medical Deontology
and healthcare settings, where healthcare professionals are expected to act in the best Deontology is an ethical theory that focuses on the inherent rightness or wrongness
interest of their patients and promote their overall health and well-being. Beneficence can of actions themselves, regardless of their consequences. It is based on the idea that certain
also be applied in other contexts, such as social work, where professionals are expected to actions are inherently good or bad, and that individuals have a duty to act in accordance with
promote the welfare of their clients. these moral rules. Positive traits of deontology include its emphasis on individual autonomy,
dignity, and the intrinsic value of certain actions. It also provides clear moral rules that can
Least Harm guide decision-making and ethical behavior. Negative traits of deontology include its rigid
Least harm is an ethical principle that requires individuals to choose actions or adherence to rules, which can lead to inflexibility in complex moral situations. It also does
interventions that minimize harm or risks to others, even if there is potential benefit. In not account for the consequences of actions, which can be problematic in situations where
general, the principle of least harm encourages individuals to act in ways that prioritize the harm could be prevented by breaking a moral rule.
safety and well-being of others, even if it may require sacrificing some potential benefits.
Respect for Autonomy Utilitarianism is a philosophical approach to ethics that emphasizes the prediction of
It refers to the principle of respecting an individual's right to make decisions about consequences of an action to determine its ethical value. The goal is to maximize the overall
their own health and well-being, based on their own values, beliefs, and preferences. good for the greatest number of people. Act utilitarianism focuses on the action that benefits
the most people regardless of personal feelings or societal constraints such as laws. Rule
Justice (Distributive Justice) utilitarianism, on the other hand, seeks to benefit the most people through the fairest and
Distributive justice is a concept in ethics and political philosophy that pertains to the most just means available, taking into account the value of justice and beneficence
fair distribution of goods, benefits, and burdens in a society. It involves the fair allocation of simultaneously.
resources and opportunities to individuals based on their needs, abilities, and contributions.
The ethical theory based on rights emphasizes the importance of rights established
Form of Ethical Theories by a society and given the highest priority and protection. If a large population endorses these
rights, they are considered valid and ethically correct. Additionally, rights can be granted to trading and advertising purposes.
others who have the ability and resources.
 Public disclosure of private facts – it refers to the publication of another person’s
Virtue private affairs with the state that it is highly offensive to a reasonable person and in
The virtue ethical theory assesses a person's character rather than a single action legitimate public concern.
that may deviate from their usual behavior. When evaluating an unethical behavior, the
person's reputation, morals, and motivation must be taken into account.  Placing a person in a false light – the act of stating information based on opinion and
may be technically truthful however indicating to that reasonable person something
Lesson 5 - Ethical Issues in Digital Age negative and/or false is true about the target. It is like defamation except that this type
of tort does not require false assertions.
Privacy is a legal right that allows individuals to make personal decisions and live Hacking
their lives in a secluded manner, away from public scrutiny. It refers to the ability of an
Hacking refers to the unauthorized access, modification, or manipulation of a computer
individual or group of people to selectively express themselves and keep information about
system or network. There are various types of hacking, including:
themselves private.
1. Black Hat Hacking: This type of hacking involves illegal activities, such as stealing
Privacy Invasion
sensitive information, disrupting systems, or causing harm to a person or
Privacy invasion refers to any unauthorized or unwarranted intrusion into someone's
private life, activities, or personal affairs, such as the disclosure of confidential information,
2. White Hat Hacking: Also known as ethical hacking, this type of hacking involves
unauthorized surveillance, or public disclosure of private facts. It is a violation of an
authorized individuals who use their knowledge and skills to find vulnerabilities in a
individual's right to privacy and can cause harm, embarrassment, or damage to their
system or network to prevent cyber attacks and improve security.
reputation. The invasion of privacy can result in legal action against the perpetrator for
3. Gray Hat Hacking: This type of hacking involves a mixture of legal and illegal
damages or other forms of relief.
activities. A gray hat hacker may exploit a vulnerability to gain access to a system
but does not intend to cause harm.
Types of Privacy Invasion:
4. Blue Hat Hacking: This type of hacking involves individuals who are hired to test the
security of a system or network. They work in collaboration with the organization's
 Intrusion into seclusion – it refers to the intrusion on another person’s private affairs
security team to identify vulnerabilities and recommend solutions.
intentionally. It also includes the act of searching private information of a confidential 5. Red Team Hacking: This type of hacking involves a team of experts who attempt to
nature despite that the information is not publicly disseminated. The legal standard in hack into a system or network to identify security weaknesses and provide
this type of tort should be intentional and highly offensive to a reasonable person. recommendations for improvement.
 Appropriation of name or likeness – it refers to the act of using the name and likeness Theft
of other person publicly without authorization for his/her own benefit such as The ethical issue of theft in the use of computers pertains to the act of stealing
personal information, also known as identity theft. It involves the fraudulent use of someone
else's information for financial gain, including unauthorized purchases and transactions. Freedom of Expression and Online Defamation
Personal information can be accessed through computer-based public records, discarded or
stolen computers, and hacking computer networks with information-gathering Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right that allows individuals to express their
software/malware. opinions, beliefs, and ideas without censorship or restraint. In the digital age, the internet
has become a major platform for exercising freedom of expression. However, freedom of
Copyright Infringement expression can also lead to online defamation, which is the publication of false and harmful
Copyright infringement is the act of violating the exclusive rights granted to the owner statements about an individual or organization through the internet. Online defamation can
of a copyrighted work. This can occur when someone reproduces, distributes, performs, include false reviews, comments, or posts on social media, blogs, and forums. It can
displays, or creates a derivative work of a copyrighted work without permission from the damage the reputation of the targeted individual or organization and lead to legal action.
copyright owner. It can also occur when someone uses a copyrighted work in a way that goes
beyond the scope of any license or permission granted by the copyright owner. Copyright Piracy
infringement is a violation of the law and can result in legal action and damages against the Piracy refers to the act of illegally copying, distributing, or using someone else's work
infringer. without permission or proper authorization. In the context of computers and the internet,
piracy often refers to the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted digital content, such as
Copyright infringement can take various forms, including: movies, music, software, and games.
Examples of Piracy includes the following:
1. Reproducing copyrighted work without permission - this involves making copies of
copyrighted work without obtaining the owner's permission. It could be ● Illegal use or interception of internet connection of other people;
photocopying, scanning, or downloading the work from the internet without proper ● Publication, reproduction, and/or use of patented or copyrighted work without
authorization. permission;
2. Public display or performance of copyrighted work without permission - This involves ● Unauthorized copying of protected software; and
showing or playing copyrighted material in a public place, like a movie theater or a ● Using protected software without license
concert, without obtaining the necessary license from the copyright owner.
3. Distribution of copyrighted material without permission - This includes sharing or Fraud
distributing copyrighted works to others, whether for free or for a fee, without the Fraud refers to the intentional deception or misrepresentation of facts, actions, or
owner's permission. intentions for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage or financial gain. It involves the use
4. Derivative works without permission - This involves creating new works based on an of deceitful or dishonest practices in order to manipulate, trick or deceive individuals,
original copyrighted work without the owner's permission. Examples include organizations, or systems.
adaptations, translations, or remixes of copyrighted music, books, or movies.
5. Using copyrighted material beyond the scope of license - When someone uses To prevent fraud, individuals and organizations need to be vigilant and take steps to protect
copyrighted material outside the terms of the license agreement, it constitutes themselves from fraudulent activities. This may include implementing strong security
copyright infringement. measures, verifying the identities of individuals and entities involved in transactions, and
being aware of common fraud schemes and warning signs.

Internet Pornography
Internet pornography refers to the use of the internet to access sexually explicit
materials, including images, videos, and audio recordings. While pornography has been
around for centuries, the widespread availability of internet pornography has led to increased
concerns about its potential harms.

One of the primary concerns about internet pornography is its impact on individuals' mental
and emotional health. Research suggests that frequent exposure to pornography can lead to
desensitization and habituation, making individuals less responsive to sexual stimuli and
more likely to seek out increasingly extreme forms of pornography. It can also lead to
addictive behaviors, affecting individuals' relationships and overall well-being.
Internet pornography can also have negative consequences for society as a whole. It can
contribute to the objectification and sexualization of individuals, particularly women and
children, leading to harmful attitudes and behaviors towards them. It can also contribute to
the normalization of non-consensual sexual behaviors, such as rape and sexual harassment.
In addition to these societal harms, there are also risks associated with the consumption of
internet pornography, including exposure to sexually transmitted infections, sexual addiction,
and relationship problems.

Overall, while the availability of internet pornography may provide some benefits, such as
increased sexual education and exploration, it is important to recognize and address the
potential harms associated with its use. This may include educating individuals on safe and
responsible consumption of pornography, promoting healthy attitudes towards sexuality and
relationships, and providing resources for individuals who may be struggling with addiction or
other related issues.

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