KEY - Writing Test 11

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Part 1.

1. woman/ while
A woman is taking pictures while going to work.
A woman is taking pictures while waiting for her friends.
A woman is taking pictures while travelling.

2. gather / because
Many people have gathered because they want to see the performance.
The people have gathered around in a circle because they want to watch a
3. woman / in
A woman is standing in front of a white bus.
A woman is welcoming passengers in front of a bus.

4. flower / outside
There are a lot of flowers on display outside.
There are a lot of flowers displayed outside.
5. child / look
Some children are looking at the fish.

Part 2.
Question 6.
Dear Jeff,

My name is Amy, and I am the hiring manager. Thank you for your interest in the part-time
The SKY Institute is famous for English and Japanese classes, and we hold many classes
for students of all levels. As most of our students hold full-time jobs, they are busy working
and are often absent from their classes. Therefore, we also offer supplementary courses
online. Currently, we are looking for someone to help manage our classes, and we are
seeking someone who is fluent in both English and Japanese. If you would like to apply for
the position, please submit your résumé to us in person. If you are available, we would like
to proceed with the interview process as soon as possible. Our institute is located close to
the subway station, so it will not be difficult to find.
Should you have any difficulty finding it, please contact us at 010-9892-2164.
I hope this information will help you. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have
any more concerns.


Question 7.

Hi, Luis.

Thank you for your e-mail. I've been great and hope you have also been well.
I stayed at the SKY Hotel during my business trip last year and thought the room was quite
nice. The hotel has an indoor gym and a swimming pool, which are perfect for relaxing after
work. However, since the hotel isn't located in the city, there aren't a lot of shops or nearby
entertainment areas. In addition, the hotel is located quite far from the subway and bus
stops, so transportation to and from the hotel is somewhat inconvenient. Finally, the hotel
doesn't offer a complimentary breakfast, so you have to eat breakfast at one of the cafés or
restaurants located near the lobby.
I hope your business trip goes well, and please let me know if you have any more questions.


Question 8.
"Praising is the best way to motivate employees."
Do you agree or disagree with the statement above?

Employee productivity determines the success of a business. Therefore, it is extremely

important for employers to keep their employees motivated. In my opinion, compliments,
defined as verbal expressions of praise or admiration, are the best way to promote employee
satisfaction. The reason is that this free method of employee encouragement not only
increases employees' self- confidence but also creates a sense of closeness between
employer and employee.
First, compliments motivate employees by increasing their self- confidence. When
employees are praised after completing a task, they feel as if they are directly contributing to
the company's success. This feeling of importance to the company promotes self-
satisfaction, which then encourages employees to work even harder and to be even more
productive. For example, when I worked as a marketing intern at KOLON SPORT, I had to
prepare a product proposal and present it to my manager. Since my manager praised me as
I finished each part of my proposal, I gained self-confidence and was motivated to perform
an even more outstanding job on the remaining parts of my proposal. In the end, thanks to
my manager's consistent encouragement, I was able to present an outstanding proposal.

Second, praise contributes to a closer employer-employee relationship. Therefore,

employees feel as if their manager truly cares about them as a person and not as a revenue-
generating machine. To many employees, this feeling is enough to promote ethics in the
workplace. For example, while I was preparing my proposal for KOLON SPORT, my
manager would give me compliments both one- on-one as well as in front of others. These
public compliments in front of others especially made me feel as if my manager was truly
proud of my achievements and, as a result, greatly increased my dedication to KOLON

To conclude, praising is the most effective method of increasing employee motivation

because it provides employees with a sense of purpose and nurtures the bond between
employer and employee. If employers do not incorporate praising into the workplace,
employees will feel underappreciated, which will in turn decrease their productivity. In the
long run, this decrease in productivity will lead to severe company losses and ultimately
cause the company to shut down. Hence, in order to maintain a flourishing business,
employers should actively and sincerely compliment their employees.

Employee productivity determines the success of a business. Therefore, it is extremely
important for employers to keep their employees motivated. Although compliments may
boost an employee's morale, the effect is temporary. Instead, I believe that incentives such
as bonuses are the best way to promote employee satisfaction because employees can
directly see their gains.

To start with, the effects of compliments on employees' morale are temporary because
although employees may feel a sense of satisfaction when complimented by their manager,
the satisfaction will fade without continual effort on the manager's part. On the other hand, if
a manager excessively compliments his/her employees, employees will begin to doubt their
manager's sincerity. For example, when I worked as a marketing intern at KOLON SPORT, I
had to prepare a product proposal and present it to my manager. Since my manager praised
me every day no matter how little progress I had made, I began to question his motives and
felt as if he was using me just to make a profit. In the end, I felt like a revenue-generating
machine and not like a sincerely appreciated employee. Thus, as can be seen, the
compliments did not increase my motivation but rather decreased it.

On the other hand, since tangible incentives such as monetary bonuses provide employees
with direct gains, they are more effective at motivating employees. For example, my current
job as a marketing analyst provides me with a bonus each time I finish a project ahead of
schedule. Additionally, each time I finish five projects in a row ahead of schedule, I am given
one week of vacation. Since I look forward to these rewards, I am motivated to be more
productive. As a result, my company can make greater profits and be more successful.

To conclude, incentives that provide employees with physical gains are more effective than
compliments in increasing employee motivation. If employers do not incorporate such their
incentives into the workplace, employees may begin to doubt manager's motives, which will
in turn decrease their productivity. In the long run, this decrease in productivity will lead to
severe company losses and ultimately cause the company to shut down. Hence, in order to
maintain a flourishing business, employers should actively provide tangible rewards to
their employees.

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