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1A doctors age 8 yours ao 8 motets Insage 19 years hence. 2.wo year ago, ther was ou tras ‘2 lS son In year, the fathot ‘tony bo tee tee a ld a hear ow ld waste fader when ssn was {3 Emer 38 years ol and his daughior 's Bears oi In how many yoars wal Emer’ age be ‘ice is daughters age? “4Alan 6 28 yoars od when his son ks Senn ay ut wt a be ‘he quotent of he age of mother ‘nd ho caught is 2 wi rmainaee 5 Five yeors ago, tna mother was vce 36 ‘id as her daughter ten At precot, Gitar ago 6 30% of his fathers age. Thirty years from now Giterts go wi bo 60% of he ators age. ow otis Giver now? wo yoars ago, he ratio ofthe apes of ‘boy anda gwar is fo4.In8 yoo {hor ages ibe nthe rast. Fins th sum other 9908 om 8. Richard is 5 years oder than Paul The prosuctot met agesis 21 years ss nan {tenes entra atom tect bona samen come etm nt a 10. Noole 8 yar ler han Dennis an 10 year younger than Hla. In years. tha combed ages wil bo (5: How oe Now? 1, boys one-raltas oasis boner and you younger than hs estar. Tha Sim othr aos i 38. How ois th boy? 12, Twentytwo years ago, Shay was twice as old as Pry and eight tenes os fs Roy. Tht same year, te sum of thar ages nas 26 How dis Py now? 19. Ae 60% older than and 40% Ying’ tn Cw wan tar oe “4. The sum ofthe parents ages iste tho sum of the cheers ages. Four Yrs ago, tho sum of tho parents apes tra the the sum ofthe chides apee Int yours, the sum of th apes of To Pavers anderen vil be oe How many cero aro there? 1. The sum of tho apes of to paronts Sand the tree ehiren is 9 decades vert {he conury Te fathers we a das the eldest ea. When the eldest chid tas bom, te tum ofthe pares ages teas 54 When the youngest was bom, the sum ofthe parts was 70. [a 38 years, the oumot te parents ages wilbe {huale the su of the chasers ages, ow od fete scan cit? 16. A man ved nis te for yoars Wem he as at his mit, is reid (This fe his second chi was bor en te man se, te sum oo ages ‘rh chien 16 60. How long a he ‘man ive? 17. Diophantus i one of the baant Cook mathomatlane torn sround 250, XO°'rom bith antl oat may be {eteminearom an eptaphreveing he fact at he passed a sth of his Me ‘Sushcod 9 two in adcessance and Seaventhmore asa bachotor Fe years 2 ‘son was boro fim, who dod four yoars bolo Dophants st one-hal he aher's fr How ole Diophanus when his 800 was bom? 18, Poors 36 yours old. Peto is twice ‘hana, How oi fun? 49. When John wos 28 old a8 Paul now, the sum of ei ages was 51, When Paul wie as oda John now tbe sum ofthe ages willbe 103 John ie oer than Paul by how many years? 20. In an organization, tnere are ‘engineers accountants ad doco ‘The sum of te ages is 2160; the sverag ape 36. ‘The average age ofthe engineers and accountant e 3 ofthe accountants ae ocors, 32.8 8/1; the engineers and foctor, 36 8.23, tach anginaer were 1 year alder, sceountant Is years older, and’ eae for 7 year older, thr average 890 ‘would be eterna ne number of engineer, Be EPL ae oa EE ot aie meatahiee Rote es Beers sare Rereere sae sovacere Sis aenee BIEan ore spagemeceass 1 Howe wate must be eerie fot 1 eae of Ag Pc a ae oageeei op Sree oe wine se Sere See mae inenpteaah oe tour le errand of 28h core areas S55 to saogn. ae 108 mre ie. The Seon srs of 2 oars spgeau 08 tw sgraan ‘a tohe rr Mw fd ran 0% core gras ‘5 to soegat ae 40% maa fa, The votre creation ote fombras moras ae sos Sts Sin coone sopone. 35 tre Sareont, ond "2X mins er Ho (Bpeedcethe date sons? 10 Acorns te wih 20 glen ot fom no ear and ropes Oy $ ton fpr os en ah fous Araer5 gor an fot the mii ans epead aonn Oy 3 plone o pre 20 pose ‘ar no cara oer e009 Pe

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