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Name: Churchill Garry P.

Galvez Grade and Section: 7 Sapphire

My Experiences in Math

1st Quarter

When our math teacher informed us that we will have an Alternative Assessment and we are all excited to do it because
our math teacher told us that we are going to make a mv (music video) about our second quarter math topic/s. And our
math teacher divided us into five groups.

Bennet (excited): Hii guys!!

Yanfei (excited): OMG!! I’m so excited!

Xiao (excited inside): We all are.

Hu Tao (excited, shouting): SLAYYYY!!!

Sucrose (excited, shy): So.... Yuri, when are we going to do it?

Yuri (excited): Umm I don’t know, I'm going to ask Bennet she/he is the leader.

Asks Bennet*

Bennet: OH, don’t worry I asked ma’am when the deadline is and it’s like next month and besides, we have to make a

Yuri: Oh ok!

Bennet: Remember guys we have to work together.

Yuri: Right!

Hu Tao (excited): guys! On three.

Everyone (excited): ONE, TWO THREE! Everyone howls*

2nd Quarter

I don’t really have the best performance in math so I'm just going to like create something even if it’s not my best
performance in math :3

On the day of midterms, I was panicking because I didn’t pass the past midterm and I’m not that good at math so... I was
hopeless but still confident at the same time

Yuri (sad, hopeless, and also confident): Guys I think I'm not going to pass again, but I don’t know why I’m also confident.

Yanfei (encouraging Yuri): Don’t say that, and see, even your heart is encouraging you, you can do this just trust yourself.

So... I confidently answered the test paper and confident on my answers and my score, but I didn’t pass 3rd Quarter

On the day of the Quiz, I was so confident because I studied so hard, I barely slept

Yuri (confident): I’m so going to have a passing score

Yanfei: Oh, look who’s very confident today, It’s the first time I saw you being confident at Quiz Day giggles*

Yuri: You’re right! This is my first time being confident

Yanfei and Yuri laughed*

After checking the answers*


Yuri (proud): OMG! FINALLY!

Yanfei: Congrats!!

Ma’am Divine (A.K.A. Ma’am Raiden): Yuri, you are smart but there's one problem, you are clumsy, but you also
improved your scores, Keep It Up!!

The End :>

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