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Module: Assisting with Medications

1) Medication to be given after a meal will use the abbreviation:

a) po
b) ob
c) ac
d) pc

2) Which of the following is used to relax sore muscles, relieve joint pain and increase blood
a) heat application
b) bed rest
c) cold application
d) suppository

3) Which one of the following identifies the five ‘rights’ in administering medications?
a) right dose, label, client, day, medication
b) right person, colour, amount, day, route
c) right dose, client, medication, time, route
d) right person, time, dose, amount, temperature

4) What abbreviation is used when a medication is to be taken at bedtime?

a) p.c.
b) h.s.
c) q.d
d) b.t.

5) A drug allergy releases chemicals in the body called:

a) antigens
b) antibodies
c) antivirals
d) anti-emetics

6) You are working in a long-term care residence. You notice that your elderly client doesn’t
always swallow his pills and will spit them out after the nurse has left. You should:
a) give him some applesauce and insist he swallow them
b) not interfere as it isn’t your responsibility
c) tell the nurse who is administering the medication
d) report that he hasn’t swallowed the medication on his chart

7) Medications suspended in a liquid that should be shaken or stirred before use are:
a) suspensions
b) elixirs
c) capsules
d) tablets

8) Propriety name means:

a) trade name of a drug
b) name that client is assigned
c) another name of the PSW
d) official name of the drug

9) Where would you safely store a bottle of Aspirin in a client’s home?

a) refrigerator
b) dresser drawer
c) sealed plastic bag
d) In a locked cabinet or high cupboard

10) When administering eye drops, it is best to position the client:

a) forward
b) to the left
c) slightly back
d) to the right

Module: Safety and Mobility

11) Mrs. Smith is to be transferred from the bed to the wheelchair. She should wear firm non-
skid shoes to:
a) Provide a good base of support
b) Make her more steady on her feet
c) Prevent slipping or sliding on the floor
d) Provide strength on her weak side

12) A multipurpose fire extinguisher can be used on:

a) Class A and B fires
b) Class B and C fires
c) Class A and C fires
d) Class A, B, and C fires

13) Skeletal muscles are:

a) Under voluntary control
b) Under involuntary control
c) Smooth in appearance
d) Striped and smooth

14) The largest bones in the arm and leg are the:
a) Ulna/fibula
b) Radius/fibula
c) Radius/tibia
d) Humerus/femur

15) What is the first responsibility of the PSW when fire is detected?
a) Alert the fire department
b) Contain the fire
c) Remove the client
d) Extinguish the fire

16) Healthcare associated infections (HCI) or Nosocomial infections are:

a) Caused by eating contaminated food
b) Insignificant and do not need to be treated
c) A type of sinus infection
d) Acquired after admission to a hospital or long-term health care facility

17) Which one of the following is not considered a physical restraint?

a) Seat belts
b) Side rails
c) Walker
d) Geri chair

18) When using proper hand washing technique, the PSW should:
a) Rinse with water
b) Rinse with the finger tips pointing down
c) Use hot water
d) Turn off faucets with a gloved hand
19) Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa are all forms of:
a) Infection control measures
b) Foot fungi
c) Plaque or tartar
d) Microorganisms

20) Which one of the following is not a mode of bacterial transmission?

a) direct
b) indirect
c) vector
d) sterilization

21) Fowler’s position is:

a) Used to relax tense abdominal muscles allowing for improves breathing in clients
b) The back lying position
c) Used for people with respiratory and heart disorders
d) Both a and c

22) When using a cane, it should be:

a) Positioned on the affected or weaker side
b) Positioned on the unaffected or strong side
c) Alternated, first on one side, then the other
d) Held on the side the resident prefers

23) When microbes have been reduced in numbers, which one of the following has occurred?
a) Sterilization
b) Disinfection
c) Contamination
d) Out break

24) Mrs. Ford has a belt restraint. How often should she be checked for the position of the
a) every 10 – 15 minutes
b) every 30 minutes
c) every hour
d) every two hours

25) Personal protective equipment includes:

a) Gloves, gowns, masks, goggles
b) Aprons, booties, gloves
c) Eye shields, aprons, masks
d) All of the above

26) Muscles are attached to bones by:

a) ligaments
b) fascia
c) other muscles
d) tendons

27) Fall are most likely to occur:

a) During the daytime
b) During the evening
c) When bedside care is given
d) When family members are present

28) When using hazardous cleaning products, which one of the following precautions is used?
a) mix with detergent to ensure washability
b) store on the bottom shelf
c) dilute the product so it lasts longer
d) use the correct personal protective equipment

29) A container that is labeled ‘biohazard’ contains materials that are:

a) sterile
b) clean
c) contaminated
d) disinfected

30) The following is incorrect regarding the use of a cane:

a) a cane is held on the weak side of the body
b) four point canes provide more support than single tip
c) the grip of the cane should be level with the hip
d) the weak leg is moved forward with the cane

31) Geriatric chairs can be a form of:

a) restraint
b) confinement
c) freedom
d) both a and b

32) We can see microorganisms with the:

a) human eye
b) microscope
c) telescope
d) ophthalmoscope

33) Laws designed to protect employees from injuries and accidents in the workplace are
covered under the:
a) Health Disciplines Act
b) Regulated Health Professions Act
c) Occupational Health and Safety Act
d) Substitute Decision Makers Act

34) The side-lying position refers to the:

a) Fowler’s position
b) lateral position
c) supine position
d) prone position

35) A lift sheet will extend from the:

a) head to above the knees
b) shoulders to below the knees
c) head to below the ankles
d) waist to the ankles

36) The most effective infection control technique used in long-term health care is:
a) wearing latex treatment gloves
b) utilization of a treatment mask
c) sterilization of disposable items
d) effective hand washing

37) Isolation precautions:

a) prevent all infections
b) destroy pathogens
c) prevent the spread of communicable diseases
d) destroy pathogens and non-pathogens

38) Which one of the following is not a long bone of the body?
a) femur
b) tibia
c) humerus
d) patella

39) Contractures are serious. A PSW can assist with preventing them by:
a) forcing daily exercises
b) providing passive range of motion exercises
c) providing assistance with grooming
d) encouraging the client to participate in daily exercises

40) Two people should logroll a client when:

a) the client has an arthritic spine or knees
b) the client is recovering from hip fractures
c) positioning any client in bed
d) both a and b

41) The term body mechanics refers to:

a) reducing injury
b) the movement of the body in an efficient and careful way
c) how strong the PSW is
d) using the transfer bed

42) When lifting, pulling, pushing, or bending:

a) always call for assistance
b) use good body mechanics
c) use the strong muscles of the back
d) employ a mechanical lift

43) A semi-sitting position in which the head is raised 45 to 60 degrees refers to the :
a) Fowler’s position
b) lateral position
c) supine position
d) prone position
44) Safety measures are needed to ensure Mrs. Ford, a resident in a long-term care facility,
does not fall. Which one of the following is unsafe?
a) non-glare, waxed floors
b) one-colour floor coverings
c) safety rails in the bathroom
d) non-skid shoes

45) If a wrist restraint is used it should be:

a) tied tightly so it won’t slip off
b) checked once a shift for circulation problem
c) left in place because the resident might pull out a feeding tube
d) released every two hours and the wrist massaged

Module: Assisting with Personal Hygiene

46) When caring for a resident’s hair, what should the PSW try first if the hair is very tangled?
a) wet the tangled hair with alcohol before combing
b) cut out the tangles
c) comb one small section of hair at a time
d) call the nurse in charge

47) Which one of the following best helps reduce pressure on bony prominences?
a) sheepskin
b) an alternating pressure air mattress
c) repositioning every six hours
d) both a and b

48) Which one of the following is not a purpose of bathing?

a) increase circulation
b) promote the drying of the skin
c) exercise body parts
d) refresh and relax the resident

49) When making an occupied bed:

a) soiled linens should be placed on the floor
b) the linens should be shaken vigorously
c) all top sheets should be tucked under both ends of the mattress
d) none of the above
50) Hair loss is known as:
a) vertigo
b) hirsutism
c) alopecia
d) dyspnea

51) How would you give oral care to someone who cannot swallow?
a) position the person in the supine position for easier swallowing
b) use toothpaste and water to allow for easier swallowing
c) use moistened mouth swabs
d) if they cannot swallow, they cannot receive oral care

52) When dressing a resident who has an IV in place, the PSW should:
a) discontinue the IV
b) cut the shoulder area of the resident’s clothing
c) turn the IV pump off
d) keep the IV bag above the needle site

53) Care of dentures include:

a) cleaning the dentures once a week
b) soaking the dentures as directed
c) labelling the dentures with the name of the LTC facility
d) boiling the dentures to disinfect them

54) The temperature of the water when showering a resident should be approximately:
a) 35 °C
b) 40.5 °C
c) 75 °C
d) 100 °C

55) Mr. Eaton has an area on his coccyx that is reddened, with blisters and a shallow open area
on the skin. What is the pressure sore?
a) stage 1
b) stage 2
c) stage 3
d) stage 4

56) Decubitus ulcers are also known as:

a) incontinence sores
b) pressure sores
c) two-layer sores
d) immobility sores

57) The PSW’s best action to take when a resident of a long-term care facility feels weak in the
shower is to:
a) turn on cold water to stimulate circulation
b) use the call bell to get assistance
c) quickly complete the shower
d) go and get help

58) Which one of the following will help to prevent decubitus ulcers?
a) repositioning a client every two hours
b) applying alcohol to dry skin
c) massaging the skin vigorously
d) all of the above

59) Shearing can be prevented by:

a) using a lift sheet
b) encouraging fluids
c) using a safety razor
d) tucking sheets in tightly

60) Soiled linens are placed:

a) on the floor
b) on the chair
c) on the bedside table
d) in a marked linen bag or hamper

Module: Body Systems

61) Which of the following is not a temperature site?

a) Tympanic membrane
b) Oral cavity
c) Occipital lobe
d) Axilla

62) The anatomical name for the shin bone is the:

a) ulna
b) tibia
c) clavicle
d) phalanges

63) Short bones:

a) Bear the weight of the body
b) Allow skill and ease in movement
c) Protect the organs
d) Are the vertebrae in the spinal column

64) The medical term for the breast bone is:

a) Femur
b) Sternum
c) Humerus
d) Patella

65) Which keeps the skin soft, and shiny, with the secretion of oil?
a) Sebaceous glands
b) Nail beds
c) Hair shafts
d) Sweat ducts

66) The malleus, incus and stapes are the three ossicles of the:
a) Eye
b) Ear
c) Nose
d) Throat

67) The basic working unit of the kidney is the:

a) Villi
b) Glomerulus
c) Nephron
d) Bowman’s capsule

68) The female gonads are:

a) cervix
b) ovaries
c) vagina
d) fallopian tubes

69) The male gonads are:

a) Penis
b) Testicles
c) Vas deferens
d) Scrotum

70) The space between two nerves is a:

a) neuron
b) nephron
c) synapse
d) axon

71) There are paired chromosomes in a cell?

a) 12
b) 23
c) 46
d) 206

72) This type of tissue anchors, connects and supports other body tissues:
a) Muscle
b) Nerve
c) Epithelial
d) Connective

73) The brain and the spinal cord are part of the:
a) central nervous system
b) peripheral nervous system
c) sensory system
d) meninges

74) Which of the following is correct for recording blood pressure:

a) 120/80 BPM
b) 120/80 RPM
c) 120/80 mmHg
d) 120/80 Celsius
75) The wasting of an organ, tissue or muscle refers to:
a) atrophy
b) contractures
c) sprains
d) dislocation

76) Toxins and waste products stay in the kidneys and form:
a) urine
b) kidney stones
c) bile ducts
d) bile stones

77) Which has oxygen deprived blood?

a) aorta
b) radial artery
c) brachial artery
d) inferior vena cava

78) The basic working unit of the kidney is the:

a) villi
b) glomerulus
c) nephron
d) Bowman’s capsule

79) The middle layer of the heart is the:

a) pericardium
b) myocardium
c) endocardium
d) bicuspid valve

80) The bones in the wrist are:

a) tarsals
b) metatarsals
c) phalanges
d) carpals

81) White blood cells are called:

a) hemoglobin
b) leukocytes
c) platelets
d) erythrocytes

82) is a series of wave-like muscle contractions that moves food in the digestive
a) Peristalsis
b) Villi
c) Chyme
d) Gastric juices

83) The pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, the pancreas, are all part of the:
a) reproductive system
b) endocrine system
c) circulatory system
d) respiratory system

Module: Assisting the Dying Person

84) Self-awareness is important because:

a) you need to tell people what to do based on your experience
b) personal beliefs may impact the care you provide
c) being culturally sensitive requires being aware of your own stereotypes
d) both b and c

85) As a PSW you may have to assist with post-mortem care. You should do all of the following
a) discard hearing aids and/or glasses
b) gather the resident’s belongings
c) brush hair if necessary
d) place a disposable bed protector under the buttocks

86) Comfort strategies to use when a person is experiencing dyspnea include which of the
a) close the window to ensure that the air is warm
b) position the person in the prone position
c) encourage the individual to remain active to increase blood circulation
d) use a fan to increase air flow
87) Of the list below, who pronounces the person dead?
a) doctor or nurse
b) PSW
c) social worker
d) respiratory therapist

88) When you ask someone to rate their pain on a numerical scale:
a) 0 = NO PAIN and 10 = the WORST imaginable PAIN
b) 1 = NO PAIN and 10 = the WORST imaginable PAIN
c) 0 = worst pain management and 10 = the best pain management
d) 1 = worst pain management and 10 = the best pain management

89) Hospice palliative care is characterized by care that:

a) provides relief from suffering and cures the disease
b) promotes quality of life
c) shortens the suffering of the family by providing a quick death for the patient
d) takes place in a hospital setting for a long period of time

90) Non-verbal indicators that a person is experiencing pain include:

a) change in usual behaviour
b) decreased functioning
c) resisting care
d) all of the above

91) When a client is in late stage dementia:

a) attempting CPR is effective
b) attempting CPR and inserting a gastric tube are not helpful
c) transferring to the hospital for IV antibiotics is effective
d) inserting a gastric tube is helpful

92) As death approaches it appears that the last sense to be lost is:
a) vision
b) hearing
c) touch
d) smell

93) Palliative care:

a) hastens death
b) improves quality of life
c) results in fewer symptoms
d) both a and c

94) When death is imminent, it is important to:

a) know how to call when death occurs
b) know whether or not to call 911
c) offer the family nourishment, space and privacy
d) all of the above

95) Immediately following the death, the PSW should:

a) clean the room of all of the deceased person’s belongings
b) perform the PSW’s favourite personal ritual to support the family
c) position the body in a natural flat lying position, with the head on the pillow
and the sheets arranged neatly
d) never leave the family alone with the deceased

96) When a client has difficulty breathing:

a) open the window or turn on a fan, remain calm, reposition, loosen tight clothing
b) close the window, remain calm, reposition, loosen tight clothing
c) encourage the person to walk outside
d) turn on a fan and distract the person by telling stories and talking

97) When a dying client is grieving:

a) it is helpful to empathize, leave room for silence, individualize care and ensure
that the person accepts their losses
b) it is helpful to empathize, leave room for silence, individualize care and report
when someone needs extra support
c) it is helpful to empathize, and avoid silence
d) it is helpful to encourage them and tell them that they will feel better in a few

98) The severity of pain is measured:

a) on a numerical scale of 0 to 10
b) on a numerical scale of 1 to 100
c) by how many different opioids the dying person is taking
d) by how much food the dying person is able to eat at one sitting
Module: Household Management, Nutrition & Hydration

99) When the body does not get the amount of water it requires, the major concern is:
a) edema
b) dehydration
c) expiration
d) output

100) In preparing a meal for a client with a heart condition, you would include:
a) skim milk, lean meat, vegetables
b) cottage cheese, liver, croissants
c) pasta, fruit, eggs, ice cream
d) shellfish, homogenized milk, rice

101) Difficulty and/or discomfort in swallowing is referred to as:

a) aphasia
b) dysphagia
c) paraplegia
d) quadriplegia

102) An item commonly found in the home that can be substituted for a non-abrasive cleaner
a) vinegar
b) baking powder
c) table salt
d) rubbing alcohol

103) When the number of calories ingested is insufficient for the client’s basal metabolic
rate, the client will:
a) gain weight
b) develop anorexia
c) sleep more
d) lose weight

104) When facing a client that is at risk for aspirating, how would you position the client?
a) supine
b) prone
c) High Fowler’s
d) Sim’s

105) To ensure safe storage and handling of food the caregiver should:
a) store all foods at room temperature
b) wipe counter tops with cold water after use
c) leave pork on counter to thaw
d) wash their hands before handling the client’s food

106) Vitamin A:
a) regulates body processes
b) builds body tissue
c) maintains healthy nerves
d) is necessary for vision

107) An example of a carbohydrate is:

a) rice
b) peanut butter
c) yogurt
d) cheese

108) Calcium is necessary for:

a) energy
b) normal red blood cells
c) healthy bones and teeth
d) none of the above

109) After a meal, residents with swallowing problems and that need to be fed are:
a) kept in the semi Fowler’s position for 20 – 30 minutes
b) encouraged to exercise
c) returned to bed
d) given bath

110) The G.I. system is also known as the:

a) alimentary canal
b) bile
c) trachea
d) peristalsis
111) Good nutrition is needed for:
a) preventing disease, decreasing heartburn
b) growth, healing and maintenance of body functions
c) maintaining body temperature, sleep/relaxation
d) maintaining body functions, decreasing peristalsis

112) A medical device used to measure fluids is called a:

a) spirometer
b) stethoscope
c) graduate
d) sphygmomanometer

113) When preparing a meal for a client with an allergy to wheat you would avoid serving:
a) ham and bean soup
b) eggs and bacon
c) cottage cheese and peaches
d) toast and butter

Module: Care Planning/Restorative Care/Documentation/Working in the Community

114) Passive range of motion exercises primarily prevent:

a) Joint contractures
b) Pressure ulcers
c) Muscle atrophy
d) Muscle spasms

115) Which one of the following terms refers to no control of bladder and bowels?
a) Incontinent
b) Inconsistent
c) Incompetence
d) Incomplete

116) Which one of the following makes an excellent support for hand while in the sitting?
a) Pillow
b) Washcloth
c) Sheet
d) Sling

117) A pulse that skips every fourth beat is called:

a) Normal
b) Irregular
c) Bounding
d) Consistent

118) When feeding a client, which one of the following is the correct procedure?
a) The caregiver should feed the client as rapidly as possible so the food doesn’t get
b) A spoon is used to feed the dependent resident
c) The resident’s food should be mixed together to enhance the taste
d) Engage the resident in a conversation while eating

119) When measuring urine output from a drainage bag, the PSW should:
a) Rest the bag on the floor and remove the clamp
b) Empty the drainage bag into a graduate and then measure the output
c) Use the markings on the side of the bag to measure he output
d) Drain the bag directly into the toilet and flush it immediately

120) The benefits of exercise to the older person include:

a) Improved digestion
b) Increases muscle mass
c) Improved sleep
d) All of the above

121) Footboards are places at the foot of the mattress to prevent:

a) Plantar extension
b) Plantar flexion
c) Normal alignment
d) Pain

122) The process of rehabilitation emphasizes the:

a) disability
b) limitations
c) abilities
d) new activities

123) Collection and recording of client-specific information is:

a) assessment
b) diagnosis
c) prognosis
d) charting

124) An external urinary drainage catheter can be left on for:

a) 20 minutes
b) 2 hours
c) 8 hours
d) 24 hours or longer

125) You have just told your client that you will be back in 15 minutes to take their
temperature. Why have you decide to wait?
a) They are listening to a favorite CD
b) They are having foot care done
c) They have just finished a cigarette
d) They have just gone to bed

126) Drainage is another term for:

a) A discharge from the body
b) An infection of the body
c) A suctioning device
d) An arch in the oral cavity

127) The amount of fluid a resident may have will be recorded over which period of time?
a) 2 hours
b) 6 hours
c) 24 hours
d) 1 week

128) The purpose of a care plan is to ensure:

a) the same routines are carried out for all residents
b) consistent care is given as required to individual clients
c) this is a place to record all lab results
d) the doctor has a document to record related orders

129) Common emotions experienced by a person going through rehabilitation are:

a) optimism and cheerfulness
b) frustration and depression
c) satisfaction and increased self-esteem
d) humiliation and despair

130) The restoration of a body part to its original position after displacement is called:
a) conduction
b) reduction
c) immobilization
d) splinting

131) Rehabilitation helps a client:

a) reduce stress and anxiety
b) be able to function as an adult
c) receive rest after an accident
d) relearn how to do things for himself/herself

132) Syncope refers to:

a) a sudden state of excitement
b) loss of consciousness or fainting
c) dizziness
d) hypertension

133) A state of illness that comes on suddenly and may be of short duration is:
a) chronic
b) acute
c) overt
d) congenital

134) When breathing stops but the heart still pumps blood, it is called:
a) respiratory arrest
b) shock
c) aspirations
d) seizure disorder

135) A resident has two loose, foul-smelling stools. The PSW should:
a) report the stools to the nurse in charge immediately
b) ask the oncoming shift to observe for further stools
c) take the resident to the community are for a break
d) ignore the situation unless it continues for over 24 hours
136) A trapeze can be used to:
a) lift the trunk off the bed
b) move up or turn the resident
c) strengthen the arm muscles
d) all of the above

137) Body fluids include:

a) vaginal secretions
b) semen
c) blood
d) all of the above

138) The best time to take a resident’s vital signs is:

a) during their recreation program
b) while the resident is in the bathtub
c) after the resident has returned from a walk
d) when the resident has just rested

139) The arms and legs are:

a) skin appendages
b) paralysis
c) extremities
d) edema

Module: Assisting the Family, Growth & Development

140) When holding a newborn infant you should:

a) Hold him securely
b) Cuddle him
c) Handle with gentle smooth movements
d) All of the above

141) An inflammation of the clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye and lines
of the inner surface of the eyelids and is commonly referred to as pink eye is called:
a) Otitis media
b) Gastroenteritis
c) Conjunctivitis
d) Reye’s syndrome
142) Severe problems with social interaction, parental bonding, attachment, and general lack
of reasoning ability area all associated with:
a) Spina bifida
b) Autism
c) Cerebral palsy
d) Epilepsy

143) To respect your client’s sexuality, you need to do all of the following except one:
a) Accept the client’s sexual relationship
b) Allow your client to have privacy
c) Encourage them to refrain from displaying public affection
d) Respect your client’s clothes and grooming routines

144) Developmental abilities:

a) occur prior to birth
b) can result in problems with learning
c) occur in adulthood
d) both a and b

145) You arrive at the client’s home at the scheduled time and she won’t let you in. She says
the last support worker was too slow, so she doesn’t want any help. What should you do?
a) Call your supervisor from the nearest phone
b) Explain to her that you would like to discuss what she would like done and
c) Go to your next client and document the situation
d) Tell her to call you when she is ready to let you in

146) Which is not a developmental task of adolescence

a) accepting change in appearance
b) becoming independent from parents and adults
c) developing leisure time activities
d) developing morals, values, and attitudes needed to function in society

147) All of the following are physical changes of the Nervous System that occur with aging
except one:
a) Senses of taste and smell may become dull
b) Brain cells shrink and blood flow to the brain is reduced
c) Sleep patterns may change with age
d) There is less strength to cough

148) Which is not a developmental task of adolescence?

a) Accepting change in appearance
b) Becoming independent from parents and adults
c) Developing leisure time activities
d) Developing moral values, and attitudes needed to function in society

149) To help prevent a baby from dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), you
a) put the baby to sleep on its back
b) put the baby to sleep on its stomach
c) make sure the baby sleeps in its own bed
d) cover the baby well to keep it warm

150) You are to bottle feed an infant. You should:

a) use the bottle directly from the refrigerator
b) allow the bottle to warm to room temperature on the counter
c) microwave the bottle for 10 minutes
d) heat the bottle until the formula feels slightly warm on the inner side of your

151) Mom, Dad, and your siblings are all part of your:
a) nuclear family
b) extended family
c) single parent family
d) descendant family

152) Aging begins at:

a) birth
b) adolescence
c) 40 years old
d) 50 years old

153) Late childhood years are:

a) age 7
b) age 12
c) age 6
d) age 13

154) Hormonal changes during menopause result in all of the following except for one:
a) thinning and dryness of vagina wall
b) an end to menstruation
c) a loss of sexual needs and desires
d) atrophy of reproductive organs

155) Signs and symptoms of postpartum complications include:

a) chills, fatigue and vomiting
b) breast engorgement
c) severe abdominal pain or leg pain
d) bot a and c

156) A disorder affecting muscle control and is caused by an injury or abnormality in the
motor regions of the brain is called:
a) cystic fibrosis
b) Pick’s disease
c) cerebral palsy
d) Down’s syndrome

157) Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, your siblings, your aunts and uncles are all part of your:
a) nuclear family
b) single parent family
c) ascendant family
d) extended family

158) The following are from the top five reasons children miss school except for one:
a) colds
b) pink eye
c) sore throat
d) falls

159) The average newborn baby weighs:

a) 4 and a half pounds
b) 7 and a half pounds
c) 10 pounds
d) 12 pounds

Module: Health Conditions

160) Signs and symptoms of fractures include:

a) limb looks bent or out of position
b) swelling
c) bleeding
d) all of the above

161) The function of insulin is to help the body;

a) fight infection
b) use glucose
c) grow in height
d) clot blood

162) Mr. Smith has had his larynx removed due to cancer. What will he be unable to do?
a) cough
b) swallow
c) speak
d) sneeze

163) Approximately how many muscles from the human body?

a) 200
b) 350
c) 500
d) 650

164) A complication of vomiting is:

a) myocardial infraction
b) fluid retention
c) duodenal ulcer
d) aspiration

165) Structures in the respiratory system include:

a) heart, lungs, and teeth
b) nose, trachea, and alveoli
c) mouth, esophagus, and lungs
d) larynx, heart, and sinuses
166) Osteoarthritis will most often affect:
a) young children
b) teenagers
c) young adults
d) people over the age of 40

167) Mr. Peters has a condom catheter. Elastic tape is applied:

a) around the penis in an overlapping, tightly applied fashion
b) around the testicles
c) to the abdomen and inner thigh
d) using a spiral wrapping fashion

168) Which one of the following is not a measure used in the prevention of bed sores?
a) a bed cradle
b) an autoclave
c) a flotation pad
d) an egg crate mattress

169) A respiratory tract infection, also referred to as the flu, is called:

a) hypertension
b) hepatitis
c) influenza
d) strep throat

170) A resident’s wife asks the PSW when her husband was last seen by the doctor. The PSW
should tell her:
a) to speak with the nurse in charge
b) to call the doctor
c) that the doctor visits her husband often
d) that her husband has been doing fine and does not need a doctor

171) Your resident is on NPO. You should:

a) provide a variety of fluids
b) offer fluids in small amounts
c) remove all liquids from the bedside
d) prevent the resident from having oral hygiene
172) A condition associated with aching, stiffness, and fatigue in muscles, ligaments, and
tendons refers to:
a) tuberculosis
b) diverticulosis
c) fibromyalgia
d) osteoporosis

173) Which organ produces bile?

a) pancreas
b) liver
c) small intestine
d) large intestine

174) The condition of having small pouches on the colon that bulge outward refers to:
a) tuberculosis
b) diverticulosis
c) fibromyalgia
d) gangrene

175) The three subdivision of the small intestine are:

a) sternum, clavicle, cranium
b) pericardium, endocardium, myocardium
c) duodenum, jejunum, ileum
d) trachea, esophageal, larynx

176) The digestive system is responsible for:

a) protection from infection
b) regulation of body temperature
c) moving fluids and nutrients to body cells
d) changing food into a form that can be absorbed into the bloodstream

177) Which one of the following conditions is characterised by the bone becoming porous
and brittle?
a) rheumatoid arthritis
b) osteoporosis
c) kyphosis
d) Ewing’s sarcoma
178) The small intestine is located in the:
a) abdominal cavity
b) pelvic cavity
c) spinal cavity
d) thoracic cavity

179) When permanent damage is done to the spinal cord in the area of the neck resulting in
paralysis of all four limbs and the trunk, it is called:
a) quadriplegia
b) hemiplegia
c) paraplegia
d) diplegia

180) What is the abbreviation for the word ‘immediately’?

a) s.o.s.
b) stat
c) p.r.n.
d) a.s.a.p.

181) Change in bowel or bladder habits, a sore that doesn’t heal, unusual bleeding or
discharge, thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere, indigestion or difficulty
swallowing, obvious change in a wart or mole, or a nagging cough or hoarseness are all
warning signs of:
a) cancer
b) arthritis
c) cardiac arrest
d) angina

182) Loss of hair is referred to as:

a) stomatitis
b) glossitis
c) alopecia
d) alectasis

Module: Abuse and Neglect

183) Poor skin condition, poor skin hygiene, and malnutrition are possible indicators of:
a) neglect
b) psychological abuse
c) sexual abuse
d) financial abuse

184) “Failure to thrive” is a term that describes infants, babies, or children (and sometimes
adults) who are below the norms except for which pf the following:
a) body weight
b) food intake
c) growth
d) cognitive development

185) Which is the first phase of the ”cycle of abuse”?

a) honeymoon phase
b) abusive phase
c) tension building phase
d) irritation phase

186) Nancy Smith’s photo is made public without her consent. This is called:
a) assault
b) battery
c) invasion of privacy
d) neglect

187) Neglect is defined as:

a) failure to provide basic necessities of life
b) treating a person like a child
c) inappropriate use of financial resources
d) pushing, shaking, or hitting a person

188) You suspect a resident is being abused, what should you do?
a) call the police
b) discuss the situation with a trusted friend
c) ask the client directly
d) report your concerns to your supervisor

189) In spousal abuse, the abuser is which of the following?

a) caregiver
b) family member
c) neighbour
d) partner

190) Which is the correct term for physical or mental harm done to another person:
a) assault
b) defamation
c) ageism
d) abuse

Module: PSW Foundations

191) Which one of the following actions would help meet a client’s self-esteem needs?
a) encouraging the client to perform self care when able
b) anticipating the needs before the client requests help
c) assisting the client with performance of all activities of daily living
d) suggesting that a family member perform the care

192) A Registered Nurse with advanced education and who can prescribe medication is a:
a) dietician
b) nurse practitioner
c) registered nurse
d) registered practical nurse

193) Mrs. Hillside is discharged from the long-term healthcare facility. Her medical record is:
a) sent home with her as it is her property
b) permanent and stored in keeping with provincial legislation
c) destroyed, to ensure her confidentiality
d) retained by her family

194) Critical thinking is best described as:

a) a supervisory note
b) a management style
c) an inventory control
d) a creative problem-solving technique

195) A Medical Doctor who prescribe medications and leads the health care team is a:
a) physician
b) surgeon
c) pathologist
d) cardiologist
196) One of the differences between an RN and a PSW is that only RNs can:
a) upgrade their skills with continuing education courses
b) provide direct patient care
c) assess, plan, and evaluate nursing care
d) make important observations about their client

197) Knocking and requesting to enter a client’s room supports the client’s right to:
a) confidentiality
b) privacy
c) assistance
d) services

198) During an exchange of information, a message is sent:

a) from the speaker to the receiver
b) from the receiver to the speaker
c) from a speaker to another speaker
d) without feedback

199) The resident’s unit:

a) is arranged for staff convenience
b) should always have dim lighting
c) should be as personal and homelike as possible
d) is kept clean by the resident

200) Family and friends help meet the need for:

a) self-actualization
b) self-esteem
c) safety and security
d) love and belonging

201) The Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms applies to:

a) only adults living in the community
b) everyone except frail elderly on long-term care institutions
c) every Canadian
d) only clients with AIDS

202) Looking at things from another’s point of view is called:

a) courtesy
b) empathy
c) work ethic
d) politeness

203) A PSW’s work is concerned primarily with:

a) assessment
b) documentation
c) care planning
d) implementation

204) To maintain a professional image at work, a PSW should:

a) wear a clean, pressed uniform each day
b) use lightly scented perfume to cover body odour
c) wear fashionable jewelry
d) have their fingernails professionally manicured

205) Messages are sent through:

a) facial expression and body posture
b) verbal communication
c) touch
d) all of the above

206) Detailed rules that describe how requirements are met under legislation are:
a) authorities
b) regulations
c) self determination
d) torts

207) If a person is responsible for their actions and bound to give an explanation, they are
a) employed
b) accountable
c) regulated
d) licensed

208) H.S care is performed:

a) in the morning
b) in the afternoon
c) before dinner
d) before bedtime

209) Which one of the following would be an example of supportive housing?

a) chronic care
b) long term care facility
c) outreach apartments
d) hospice care

210) Respecting and guarding personal and private information about another person refer
a) compassion
b) confidentiality
c) secrecy
d) jurisprudence

211) A sender, receiver, a message, and feedback are required for:

a) written communication
b) closed-ended questioning
c) incident reporting
d) communication

212) Someone who develops menus and special diets is a:

a) dietician
b) registered nurse
c) social worker
d) physiotherapist

213) When recording care-related data, all of the following are correct except:
a) use ink
b) ensure all writing is legible
c) include the time, date, and your initials
d) erase or white out any errors

214) The term ‘STAT’ means:

a) as soon as possible
b) within 2 hours
c) immediately
d) before the end of the shift

215) According to Abraham Maslow, love refers to a powerful emotion and is most necessary
to maintain the human need of:
a) self-actualization
b) self-esteem
c) survival
d) belonging

216) A resident’s vital signs are:

a) plotted or recorded on the flow sheets
b) confidential
c) always recorded daily
d) both a and b

217) Subjective symptoms are:

a) felt and described only by the client
b) observed by the PSW
c) difficult to recognize
d) related only to what the doctor determines

218) if you make a mistake when caring for a resident, you should:
a) Try to fix the mistake before anyone finds our about it
b) Blame it on the person who was helping you
c) Admit the mistake at once
d) Report the mistake only if it caused the resident serious harm

219) Health care that provides for a short stay (usually a day or a week) and is intended to
diagnose and treat an immediate health issue is:
a) Chronic
b) Palliative
c) Hospice
d) Acute

220) Professionalism involves:

a) Discussing a problem you have with a client in a cafeteria
b) Reporting to the nurse in charge each time you leave the unit
c) Waiting for someone else to answer the call-bell
d) Removing the call bell of a resident who is always ringing it

221) Which one of the following is responsible for the development and administration of
their own health care insurance plan?
a) Province
b) Municipality
c) Territory
d) Both a and c

222) Gender-related comments about an individual’s physical characteristics or mannerisms

including unwelcome physical contact, offensive remarks, or innuendoes would be
violations of the:
a) Regulated Health Protectors Act
b) Human Rights Code
c) Federal Health Act
d) Health Disciplines Act

223) According to Maslow, oxygen, water and food are:

a) Safety and security needs
b) Physiological needs
c) Self-esteem needs
d) Self-actualization needs

224) Which one of the following is not a considered a physiological need?

a) Oxygen
b) Food
c) Safety
d) Rest

225) The state of feeling worthy, valued, and respected is:

a) Compassion
b) Dignity
c) Assertiveness
d) Aggression

226) The state of well being in all dimensions of one’s life refers to:
a) Health
b) Stigma
c) Prognosis
d) Holism

227) When planning care for several residents, the caregivers should first assist the resident
who needs to:
a) Talk
b) Void
c) Walk
d) Dress

228) An assessment completed to determine the care needs and assistance with Activities of
Daily Living, for the specific client, refers to their:
a) Resident sheet
b) Admissions form
c) Unique number
d) Care plan

229) To demonstrate respect and consideration in meeting the needs of clients and families
of different cultural backgrounds, the PSW should:
a) Recognize that all people from a culture eat the same foods
b) Know that all people from a culture behave in the same way
c) Ask the client and family about their cultural practices and beliefs
d) Ask the client’s doctor about the client’s cultural beliefs

230) Values, beliefs, habits, likes, dislikes, and characteristics of a group passed from one
generation to the next refers to:
a) Religion
b) Traditions
c) Customs
d) Culture

231) A health care facility or community program for individuals dying of a terminal illness is
called a:
a) Hospice
b) Community wellness centre
c) Long-term health care facility
d) Rehabilitation centre
232) Temporary care of a person with a serious illness or disability that gives the regular
caregiver a break from their duties:
a) Respite care
b) Chronic care
c) Acute care
d) Palliation

233) Giving responsibility of non-controlled acts refers to:

a) Delegation
b) Assignment
c) Standing orders
d) Transfer of function

234) Which one of the following is a subjective symptom?

a) Skin breakdown
b) A temperature of 37.1oC
c) Pain and discomfort
d) A pulse rate of 79

235) Using culturally sensitive assistance helps to develop:

a) universal health care
b) recognition and respect
c) high expectations of caregivers
d) political correctness

Module: Cognitive & Mental Health Issues

236) An exaggerated belief about one’s own importance, wealth, or power is called:
a) An allusion
b) A delusion o persecution
c) A hallucination
d) A delusion of grandeur

237) The three meninges that surround the brain are:

a) Dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater
b) Ligaments, tendons, and cartilage
c) Veins, arteries, and capillaries
d) Neurons, dendrites, and electrolytes
238) A phobia:
a) A compulsion
b) An unreasonable fear
c) A symptom of depression
d) Common in people with dementia

239) Dementia often develops in persons with:

a) Angine pectoris
b) Bulimia
c) A.I.D.S.
d) Spinal cord injuries

240) A lack of regard for legal or moral standards, in the local culture or marked inability to
get along with others or abide by society laws is known as:
a) Antisocial personality disorder
b) Borderline personality disorder
c) Histrionic personality disorder
d) Narcissistic personality disorder

241) The fatty covering that insulates nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord is called:
a) The SA node
b) Axon
c) Electrolytes
d) Myelin

242) The brain is connected to the spinal cord by the:

a) Cerebellum
b) Cerebral cortex
c) Cerebrum
d) Brainstem

243) It is important to closely monitor a client with dementia because they:

a) May be more at risk of accident and injury to self and others
b) Shouldn’t mix with other residents
c) Must follow their doctor’s orders
d) Are not allowed to leave their room
244) Conditions that start with physical symptoms but will progress to dementia are:
a) Parkinson’s disease
b) Huntington’s disease
c) Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
d) All of the above

245) When a client talks of suicide intent, which is false:

a) Always take the person seriously
b) Report to your supervisor
c) Be a good listener
d) Use phrases like ‘things will work out’

246) When myelin is damaged, transmission of messages may be slowed or blocking resulting
in which one of the following conditions?
a) Parkinson’s disease
b) Huntington’s disease
c) Multiple sclerosis
d) Acquired brain injury

247) The fear of leaving home is called:

a) Agoraphobia
b) Alto phobia
c) Mania phobia
d) Arachnophobia

248) Dopamine is often found in low amounts in which one of the following disorders?
a) Parkinson’s disease
b) Huntington’s disease
c) Pick’s disease
d) Lewy body dementia

249) When assisting angry residents remember, refers to the principle of

ethics that asserts a Health Care Professional has an obligation to not inflict harm
a) nonmaleficence
b) jurisprudence
c) apathy
d) stigma
250) During the manic phase of Bipolar Disorder, your client Mary appears:
a) depressed
b) sleepy
c) stimulated
d) unhappy

251) Symptoms of depression:

a) are the same for everyone
b) may include sleeping all the time, overeating, not bathing and not going out
c) may include inability to sleep or eat and anxiety
d) both b and c

252) A person who craves food, consumes the food and then induces vomiting is suffering
a) anorexia nervosa
b) bulimia
c) schizophrenia
d) bipolar disorder

253) The regulates smooth muscle movement

a) cerebral cortex
b) cerebellum
c) thalamus
d) midbrain

254) Dementia is a feature of:

a) osteoporosis
b) Pick’s disease
c) myocardial infraction
d) rheumatoid arthritis

255) Preventing and managing aggression includes:

a) removing people from danger
b) removing potential weapons
c) encouraging clients to talk about their feelings
d) all of the above
256) A lack of interest, emotional well-being, enthusiasm or concern, which appears as
indifferent is:
a) empathy
b) sympathy
c) apathy
d) apraxia

257) Which one of the following medical conditions is characterized by a decrease in

spontaneous movement, gait difficulty postural instability muscle rigidity, a mask like
expression, and tremors?
a) cerebral palsy
b) Alzheimer’s disease
c) Parkinson’s disease
d) multiple sclerosis

258) A false belief of being persecuted or of being superior to everyone else is a:

a) hallucination
b) obsession
c) delusion
d) defense mechanism

259) TIA stands for:

a) trouble in alertness
b) temporary insane activity
c) trauma-induced arteriospasm
d) transient ischemic attack

260) A personality disorder:

a) is not as serious as an affective disorder
b) includes many different symptoms that are characterized by maladaptive
c) does not interfere with the person forming relationships
d) can be treated solely with medication

261) Cognitive impairment is:

a) present in all elderly people
b) a decrease in intellectual functioning
c) described as complete memory loss
d) reversible with the use of reality orientation

262) There are two types of strokes caused by:

a) hypertension
b) a blood clot
c) a burst blood vessel
d) both b and c

263) A client with Down’s syndrome is at increased risk for:

a) Parkinson’s disease
b) multi-infarct dementia
c) Alzheimer’s disease
d) Lewy body dementia

264) Having an appetite for non-foods or an abnormal appetite for foods such as flour, raw
potatoes, and starch refers to which one of the following eating disorders?
a) obesity
b) anorexia nervosa
c) bulimia
d) pica

265) Dementia exists:

a) in one form only
b) as a normal part of aging
c) as an irreversible brain disorder
d) in some clients who chronically consume alcohol in excess

266) Sun downing means:

a) it is bedtime
b) behaviours of dementia escalate in late afternoon and early evening
c) behaviours of dementia improve at night
d) the person is now in the third stage of Alzheimer’s disease

267) When a person is confused, which food substance is thought to increase restlessness,
confusion, and agitation?
a) fats
b) caffeine
c) dairy products
d) salt

268) Persons with Alzheimer’s disease:

a) have poor judgement
b) lose impulse control and have difficulty with communication
c) may wander or have hallucinations
d) all of the above

269) A higher rate of suicide occurs with:

a) First Nation youth
b) hospice residents
c) acute care setting
d) secondary school setting

270) is a serious behavioural and emotional disorder that can occur

in children and teens. A child with this disorder may display a pattern of disruptive and
violent behaviour and have problems following rules:
a) seasonal affective disorder
b) anxiety disorder
c) panic disorder
d) conduct disorder

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