Critical Role of School Heads in Responding The Needs Gen Z and Gen Alpha Learners

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School of Education

Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Leadership and Management

A.Y. 2022 – 2023

Student: DANTE M. HALLASGO Semester: First

Email Address: Group: Jamero Group
Program: MAED-ELM Batch: 3 .
Module: MAED 200 – Foundation of Educational Leadership and Management
Faculty: Dr. Dennis Prince Germano

1. Write an extended essay of at least 500 words about the critical role of school
leader-managers in responding to the needs of Generation Alpha and
Generation Z learners, in view of a highly disrupted environment. Support your
essay with at least three related literature published between 2019 - 2022.


Leader-managers play a critical role in responding to the needs of Generation Alpha

and Generation Z learners. These generations are digital natives and have grown up
in a world that is vastly different from the one that their parents and grandparents
experienced. They have unique learning needs and expectations that require a different
approach from leader-managers.

In this essay, I will explore the critical role of leader-managers in responding to the
needs of Generation Alpha and Generation Z learners. I will begin by defining who
Generation Alpha and Generation Z are and their unique learning needs. Then, I will
examine the leadership styles and strategies that are most effective in responding to
these needs. Finally, I will conclude by discussing the opportunities and challenges that
leader-managers face in responding to the needs of these learners.
Generation Alpha and Generation Z:

Generation Alpha and Generation Z are the youngest generations in our society, born
between 2010 and 2025 and between 1995 and 2010, respectively. They are digital
natives, meaning that they have grown up with technology and social media as an
integral part of their lives. They are also diverse, global, and socially conscious, with a
strong sense of individuality and a desire for purpose and impact.

These learners have unique learning needs that require a different approach from
leader-managers. They are accustomed to instant access to information, personalized
learning experiences, and interactive and collaborative learning environments. They
also have a short attention span and require frequent and varied forms of engagement
to stay motivated and focused.

Leadership Styles and Strategies:

To respond to the needs of Generation Alpha and Generation Z learners, leader-

managers need to adopt a leadership style that is flexible, collaborative, and adaptive.
They need to be able to create a learning environment that is engaging, interactive,
and responsive to the needs of their learners.

One effective leadership style is transformational leadership, which focuses on

inspiring and empowering learners to achieve their potential. Transformational leaders
provide a vision for their learners, set high expectations, and provide the support and
resources needed to achieve their goals.

Another effective leadership strategy is to use technology and social media to enhance
the learning experience. Leader-managers can use online platforms and apps to create
personalized and interactive learning experiences that allow learners to engage with
the material in a variety of ways.

Finally, leader-managers can use collaborative learning strategies to engage and

motivate learners. Collaborative learning encourages learners to work together to solve
problems, share ideas, and learn from each other. It also provides opportunities for
learners to develop social skills and build a sense of community.

Opportunities and Challenges:

While responding to the needs of Generation Alpha and Generation Z learners presents
many opportunities, it also poses significant challenges for leader-managers. One of
the biggest challenges is keeping up with the rapid pace of technological change.
Leader-managers need to be able to adapt to new technologies and social media
platforms to provide effective learning experiences for their learners.
Another challenge is managing the expectations of learners who are used to instant
gratification and personalized experiences. Leader-managers need to find ways to
balance the need for personalized learning experiences with the need for a structured
and rigorous learning environment.

Finally, leader-managers need to be able to create a learning environment that is

inclusive and supportive of all learners, regardless of their backgrounds or learning
styles. They need to be able to provide support and resources to learners who may
struggle with the pace or structure of the learning experience.


Leader-managers play a critical role in responding to the needs of Generation Alpha

and Generation Z learners. To effectively respond to these needs, leader-managers
need to adopt a flexible, collaborative, and adaptive leadership style that incorporates
technology, social media, and personalized learning experiences. They also need to
be aware of the challenges posed by the rapid pace of technological change and the
diverse needs and expectations of their learners.

Ultimately, the success of leader-managers in responding to the needs of Generation

Alpha and Generation Z learners will depend on their ability to create a learning
environment that is engaging, inclusive, and supportive. By doing so, they can help
prepare these learners for a future that is increasingly complex, global, and connected,
and help them to realize their full potential as individuals and as members of society.

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