Kumbhamela Prayag2025

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Maha Kumbh Mela 2025

Maha Kumbh Mela is a mass Hindu pilgrimage of faith in which Hindus gather to bathe
in a sacred river. It is the world's largest religious gathering. It is held every third year at
one of the four places by rotation: Haridwar, Prayag , Nasik and Ujjain. Thus the Kumbh
Mela is held at each of these four places every twelth year.The rivers at these four
places are: the Ganges (Ganga) at Haridwar, the confluence (Sangam) of the Ganges
and the Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati at Prayag, the Godawari at Nasik, and the
Shipra at Ujjain. In Prayag every six (6) years it is celebrated in the month of January-
February when Jupiter is in Aries or Taurus and Sun and Moon are in Capricorn during
the Hindu month of Magha. In the year 2025, beginning from 13th January to 26 th
February; all this will once again be the centre of attraction and attention from world
over. Estimates suggest that in the Kumbh Mela held in Allahabad in the year 2019,
nearly 24crores took a bath at the occasion and if the forecasts are to be believed, the
next one in 2025 will garner an even bigger gathering than the previous one. i.e.
The sana dates are :
Makar sankranti, 14 th jan. 2025 ( ist sahi snan)
Mauni mavasya, 29th jan. 2025 (2nd sahi snan)
Basant Panchami 3rd feb. 2025 (3rd sahi snan)
1.Tent Acoomodation with shared toliets (per day per person charge Rs 500)
2. VIP accommodation with attached commode( per day per person Rs2000)
3. Two meals and One Break Fast Sattwik Food
4. Daily Kriya Yoga Guided Meditation in Morning and Evening
5. Kriya Yoga Deeksha For New Persons Dates to be announced:
6. HH Satsanghs live from kumbhamela Dates to be anounced:
7 .Satsangs by Other Residential Acharyas daily schedule to be anounced:
8.Daily participation in seva activities in the camp includes annadan seva, handling
Galleria, helping camp maintenance and cleanliness etc.
7. Participate in Homa Ritual Date to be Anounced:
8. Facilities to purchase ashram publicationns of books and Gaushala products
Mela Checkout date 4th Feb 2025

Proposed HH stay in the Camp from January 18th to Ferbruary 3rd. For 16days.
All bookings and contributions to be done in advance i.e by December 31st 2024

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