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In every government, there is Public Administration which implements the development

programs for the welfare of the people. Here in the Philippines, Public Administration has its
structures, functions, and the different parties that can be affected. Public Administration and
politics must go hand in hand to bring social order, remove corruption and bring more
accountability in order to achieve development goals and in doing so, there will be a change in
the society.

Government agencies must work together to address and promote socio economic
challenges and sustainable development to ensure nation building process and the well being of
the Filipino citizens. Public Administration comprises the national, regional, and down to the local
levels. Here in the Philippines, there are various government agencies that are tasked for specific
and different functions such as education, health and others. In the regional and local levels, they
must ensure the effective implementation of the policies and programs to cater to the different
needs of the community.

Public Administration in the Philippines continuous to adapt to many variables that may
contribute to the nation building process which would benefit the Filipino people who rely on the
government. In the course of public administration, there still are the challenges like the
longstanding issues of corruption, bureaucratic red tape and inefficiency concerns. The
government though has implemented reforms to address such concerns, emphasizing
transparency, accountability and public/ client participation. There are also efforts to modernize
the administrative processes to enhance the delivery of public services.

It is concluded therefore that Public Administration plays a crucial role in the nation’s
development. Public Administration in the Philippines and the continuing efforts to improve its
effectiveness in the government and its service to the nation clearly denotes that yes, Public
Administration does exist though it is always faced with challenges and reforms, its always for
the whole Filipino people.

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