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Holland's general analysis

1. General condition
On January 23rd, we interviewed a Dutch (Holland) tourist who was walking leisurely
along Jalan Malioboro. He is Robert Celmens, 45 years old. Actually, Robert has lived in
Indonesia for five years, with the aim of continuing his studies and teaching at the ITB
Campus, Faculty of Engineering. Apart from liking traveling, he is also a lecturer in
electrical engineering at Gajah Mada University. He first came to Indonesia in Bandung
and spent his time studying and continued to become a lecturer at UGM.
Robert is someone who is friendly and nurturing, so we felt very helped and without
resistance. Robert explained that what he saw in Indonesia were all Indonesian people
with a positive vibe. According to him, it is very charming, because his home country
does not have the same culture as Indonesia.
2. Differences between Indonesia and Holland
A) Personality
We asked Robert as a tourist from Australia what he thought about Indonesians. The
answer was very pleasant, he felt comfortable with the kindness of Indonesian people, felt
that people really accepted him well. He saw everyone working hard here, he also
explained that in the Netherlands everyone is hardworking, but in Indonesia apart from
working, the population also has a very balanced balance between work and family. It
warmed his heart.
Robert also noted that the Indonesian people were very enthusiastic. In terms of students,
according to him, their goal is the same as gaining knowledge.
B) Food
Smith explained that he really likes spicy food, in his native Netherlands his favorite food
is sassy. He really likes fried rice, and was very happy when he could try fried rice in
Indonesia directly. He also likes the taste of spices like Rendang, and his favorite is the
rendang he bought when he was in Jakarta.
4. Language
We asked if he studied Indonesian. He answered directly with several words in
Indonesian such as good, delicious, thank you and How are you. Even though he has been
in Indonesia for five years, Robert has never studied Indonesian. In the Netherlands he
uses English so Robert doesn't use other languages in his daily life. Because he is also a
lecturer, it was very easy for us to communicate with him, he helped us when we had
difficulty pronouncing something and explained clear answers to us. He also didn't feel
confused by what we said. He understands that we are students studying but dare to try.

Analysis of interviews and questionnaires

Based on the results of interviews with answers to the questionnaire, we can analyze the
opinions of foreigners regarding students in Indonesia.
1. Robert felt that we were very good at carrying out the lecturer's assignments.
2. He saw that we were trying very hard to communicate and thought we should improve
our English again.
3. Even though the student's goals are the same as in his country. But he saw that
Indonesian students were more cheerful and enthusiastic
4. Even though English is not our mother tongue, Robert understands and understands all
the questions we have asked.
5. We are good enough according to him.

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