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Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167

Discriminating depositional environments of sands from modern

source terranes using modal analysis
J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga*, W.W. Dickinson
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Earth Sciences, PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand
Received 14 April 2000; accepted 15 December 2000

Composition of modern beach, dune and ¯uvial sands from the Gulf of Mexico coast, and the Kapiti and Foxton Coasts, New
Zealand, were compared in order to establish petrological criteria that discriminate between depositional environments and
subenvironments. The three areas were chosen because of their different sand compositions. Sand from the Gulf of Mexico is
quartzofeldspathic to feldspatholithic. Sand from the Kapiti Coast sands is feldspatholithic and sand from the Foxton is
lithofeldspathic. Using a con®dence level of 95%, petrographic data were plotted as bar charts for each environment (beach,
dune, river) and for each subenvironment (inshore, foreshore, backshore of the beaches, stoss, crest, lee face of eolian dunes,
upstream and mouths of the river). The best discrimination of beach, dune and river environments was achieved for the Gulf of
Mexico sands using Q±F±L and Qm±K±P plots. Terranes with multiple source rock types such as the Gulf of Mexico enhance
petrological discrimination between sands from beach, dune and river subenvironments and environments. In terranes with few
rock source types such as the Kapiti Coast, only the river sands can be discriminated from those of other environments. The
single rock source of the Foxton Coast allows little petrological discrimination between the beach, dune and river sands.This
study examines compositional differences between beach, dune and river subenvironments and environments, and the degree to
which these differences are dependent on the variation of rock types in the source terrane. The study also shows the usefulness
of Q±F±L, Qm±K±P and Lv±Lm±Ls bar charts. The discrimination among beach, dune and river sands is partly due to grain-
size variation. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Sand; Con®dence level; Beach; Dune; River

1. Introduction analysis (Ingersoll, 1990; Molinaroli et al., 1991)

and classic ternary plots (Dickinson and Suczek,
The petrography of modern and ancient sand has 1979; Dickinson and Valloni, 1980; Critelli et al.,
been widely used to address the relationships between 1997; Le Pera and Critelli, 1997) have also been
source terrane and sand composition (Ingersoll, 1978; reported. However, compositional differences
Dickinson et al., 1983; Basu, 1985; Potter, 1986; between the inshore (breaker zone), foreshore
Ibbeken and Schleyer, 1991). Methods of provenance (swash zone) and backshore (dry zone) of the
determination of sand using discriminant function beach, the stoss, crest and lee face of eolian dunes
and mouths and upstream of rivers have not
been studied. In this paper, we follow a new
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.J. Kasper-Zubil- approach to distinguish between beach, dune and
laga). river subenvironments and environments in terms
0037-0738/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0037-073 8(01)00058-6
150 J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167

of their mineralogical components by using simple

bar charts. We show compositional differences
between these sandy environments by using Q±F±
L (total quartz, feldspars and lithic fragments), Qm±
K±P (monocrystalline quartz, K-feldspars and
plagioclase) and Lv±Lm±Ls (volcanic, metamorphic
and sedimentary lithic fragments) charts with con®-
dence level bars at 95%. This approach considers sand
suites derived from three different source terranes:
quartzofeldspathic to feldspatholithic sands from the
Gulf of Mexico, feldspatholithic sands from the
Kapiti Coast, and lithofeldspathic sands from
the Foxton Coast in New Zealand. In this paper
we: (a) establish sand compositional differences
between beach, dune and river environments
supplied from different source terranes, (b) the
relationships between sand groupings and source
area compositions and (c) the usefulness of Q±
F±L, Qm±K±P and Lv±Lm±Ls charts to discrimi-
nate sandy depositional environments supplied
from different source terranes.

2. Study areas

2.1. Gulf of Mexico

The area is located in the western part of the Gulf of

Mexico at (198 25 0 ±198 48 N lat; 968 20 0 ±968 27 0 W
long) (Fig. 1). The length of coast is about 60 km and
Fig. 1. Gulf of Mexico Coast study area.
its beaches are classi®ed as transgressive and wave-
dominated (Boyd et al., 1992). Surface water currents
have a northward component in summer with an aver-
age velocity of 4.5 cm/s. In winter, the currents (Negendank et al., 1985), also distributed in the
reverse their direction and ¯ow to the south with an central area of the coast (Fig. 1)
average velocity of 6 cm/s (FernaÂndez-Eguiarte et al.,
1992a, 1992b). 2.2. Kapiti and Foxton, New Zealand
In areal extent, migrating dunes dominate over
nonmigrating, vegetated dunes, and wind direction The Kapiti and Foxton Coasts are located on
has a permanent impact on the dune morphology. the southwestern side of the North Island (408
The ¯uvial network in the area consists of ®ve 32 0 ±408 54 S lat; 1748 58 0 ±1758 12 0 E long)
seasonal streams and three perennial rivers. (40±408 28 0 S lat; 175±1758 30 0 E long) (Figs.
The sedimentary terranes are dominated by 2 and 3). The area has more than 95 km of sand
Tertiary and Quaternary alluvial deposits. The and mixed gravel-sand beaches with coastal dunes.
volcanic units comprises Miocene-Pliocene ande- The beaches studied were the Whareroa, Peka
sites of calcalkaline composition (Cantagrel and Peka and Otaki beaches on the Kapiti coast and
Robin, 1979) that extend to the central area of the Foxton, Himatangi, Moanaroa, Whangaehu and
coast, and Pliocene basalts of alkaline composition Wanganui beaches on the Foxton coast. Whareroa
J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167 151

Fig. 3. Foxton-Wanganui study area.

Fig. 2. Kapiti Coast study area.

beach is accreting whereas Peka Peka and Otaki dunes have been described as contemporary vegetated
beaches are eroding (Gibb, 1978). Observations embryo/foredunes systems which run parallel to the
suggest that the coast is retreating in Foxton beach (Wright, 1989).
while south of Foxton the coast is prograding. The ¯uvial network sampled on the Kapiti coast
The cycle of erosion and accretion along these includes the Otaki rivers, and the Whareroa and
beaches is episodic and not periodic and it Mangaone streams (Fig. 2). Along the Foxton
is in¯uenced mainly by storm surges (Gibb, 1978). coast, the Manawatu Whangaehu and Wanganui
The inferred net sediment transport along the beaches rivers and the Kaikokopu stream were sampled
according to the observations from April 1974 to June (Fig. 3). The coastal plain from the Whareroa to
1975 is southward (Gibb, 1978). The longshore the Otaki Beaches is covered by Holocene dunes
currents have mean velocities of 0.1±0.3 m.sec 21 and lies at the foot of a post-glacial sea-cliff cut
and maximum velocities of 0.6±0.9 m.sec 21 (Gibb, in Triassic greywacke (Kingma, 1967). The
1978). However, there is also evidence of a northward Foxton coast is in¯uenced by Pleistocene shell-
longshore drift component affecting the Whareroa beds, marine-volcaniclastic sands, limestones,
Beach (Gibb, 1978). The Kapiti-Foxton coastal conglomerates having greywackes, quartzite and
152 J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167

Table 1
Graphic mean size, sorting and petrography of the beach, dune and river sands from the Gulf of Mexico. Q ˆ total quartz (monocrystalline and
polycrystalline quartz); F ˆ K-feldspar 1 plagioclase; L ˆ rock fragments; Qm ˆ monocrystalline quartz; K ˆ K- feldspars; P ˆ plagioclase;
Lv ˆ volcanic; Ls ˆ sedimentary lithic fragments; Mz ˆ mean grain-size, s ˆ sorting, x ˆ average, sd ˆ standard deviation

Sedimentary environment Mz s Q F L Qm K P Lv Ls

Beach n ˆ 12
Inshore 2.03 0.39 34.8 18.0 47.2 48.8 15.8 35.4 83.0 17.0
Inshore 2.04 0.39 45.4 11.6 43.0 66.9 4.3 28.4 84.0 16.0
Inshore 2.26 0.52 31.7 22.5 45.8 41.1 4.4 54.5 55.0 45.0
Inshore 1.72 0.39 14.0 18.4 67.6 16.1 1.8 82.1 91.0 9.0
Foreshore 2.38 0.25 56.7 19.6 23.7 66.3 7.1 26.6 74.0 26.0
Foreshore 2.12 0.41 48.7 14.2 37.1 62.0 12.7 25.3 72.0 28.0
Foreshore 2.54 0.32 18.2 22.3 59.5 22.2 1.4 76.4 75.0 25.0
Foreshore 1.99 0.59 19.3 24.1 56.6 21.7 5.2 73.1 70.0 30.0
Backshore 2.09 0.40 34.7 36.0 29.3 32.3 22.6 45.1 78.0 22.0
Backshore 2.03 0.50 50.7 20.0 29.3 52.3 5.8 34.9 70.0 30.0
Backshore 1.99 0.59 2.7 17.2 80.1 3.4 6.4 90.2 69.0 31.0
Backshore 2.44 0.43 22.6 35.0 42.4 11.8 3.9 84.3 50.0 50.0

Dune n ˆ 12
Stoss 2.08 0.33 43.2 24.0 32.8 52.4 2.1 45.5 65.0 35.0
Stoss 2.24 0.25 53.2 14.7 32.1 70.0 3.2 26.8 77.0 23.0
Stoss 1.57 0.70 25.6 26.8 47.6 29.8 4.2 66.0 75.0 25.0
Stoss 2.24 0.41 24.0 35.1 40.9 25.3 0.9 73.8 90.0 10.0
Crest 2.30 0.33 40.7 29.2 30.1 43.3 8.6 48.1 71.0 29.0
Crest 2.28 0.27 61.1 20.1 18.8 68.5 6.5 25.0 72.0 28.0
Crest 2.56 0.72 28.9 50.3 20.8 29.8 0.8 69.4 75.0 25.0
Crest 2.45 0.38 40.5 52.1 7.4 41.9 10.0 48.1 70.0 30.0
Lee 2.45 0.37 61.6 20.7 17.7 69.1 5.9 25.0 67.0 33.0
Lee 2.35 0.30 65.6 16.3 18.1 74.8 10.8 14.4 77.0 23.0
Lee 2.57 0.41 41.5 26.2 32.3 48.7 4.3 47.0 75.0 25.0
Lee 1.99 0.72 42.4 19.6 38.0 51.7 6.0 42.3 75.0 25.0

River n ˆ 9
Upstream 21.06 0.88 2.7 23.0 74.3 2.9 6.8 90.3 97.0 3.0
Upstream 0.75 1.72 4.8 44.4 50.8 2.8 9.4 87.8 91.0 9.0
Upstream 21.57 0.84 5.5 36.9 57.6 5.5 ± 94.5 92.0 8.0
Upstream 20.92 1.87 1.3 9.9 88.8 1.3 7.9 90.8 90.0 10.0
Mouth 2.49 0.38 26.3 22.8 50.9 32.1 4.2 63.7 90.0 10.0
Mouth 2.17 0.50 24.5 18.5 57.0 35.1 4.4 60.5 70.0 30.0
Mouth 1.38 1.03 7.9 15.3 76.8 10.4 ± 89.6 97.0 3.0
Mouth 20.77 1.65 8.8 8.8 82.4 11.7 ± 88.3 90.0 10.0
Mouth 20.75 2.44 8.3 18.2 73.5 8.9 4.3 86.8 94.0 6.0
x 1.64 0.65 30.2 24.3 45.5 35.2 5.8 59.0 78.0 22.0
sd 1.20 0.52 19.2 11.5 21.2 23.4 4.76 25.2 11.5 11.5

andesites clasts, volcanic ash layers and Holocene ¯uvial (n ˆ 20) sands were sampled from the Gulf of
sand dunes (Lensen, 1959) (Fig. 3). Mexico (March±April 1997), and the Kapiti and
Foxton coasts (September±November 1999). Only
the uppermost centimeter of sediment was collected
3. Methods from the inshore, foreshore and backshore of the
beaches, the stoss, crest and lee face of the dunes
A total of 101 beach (n ˆ 42), dune (n ˆ 39) and and the mouth and upper reaches of the rivers. This
J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167 153

Table 2
Graphic mean size, sorting and petrography of the beach, dune and river sands from the Kapiti Coast. See Table 1 for symbols. Lm ˆ
metamorphic lithic fragments

Site/sample Grid a Sub- Mz s Q F L Qm K P Lv Lm Ls


Whareroa R26 Inshore 2.59 0.44 27.1 15.1 57.8 50.0 10.0 40.0 41.0 15.0 44.0
Beach 2597 Foreshore 2.69 0.33 26.4 24.4 49.2 36.0 ± 64.0 27.0 14.0 59.0
Sample WB1 56 Backshore 2.26 0.49 13.0 27.0 60.0 15.6 ± 84.4 17.0 12.0 71.0
nˆ5 Stoss 2.59 0.26 39.0 15.5 45.5 58.1 1.3 40.6 36.0 10.0 54.0
Crest 2.74 0.18 37.5 30.0 32.5 42.3 1.0 56.7 35.0 9.0 56.0
Whareroa R26 Inshore 1.96 1.08 28.0 9.5 62.5 66.1 ± 33.9 27.0 9.0 64.0
Beach 2607 Foreshore 2.65 0.24 30.0 18.0 52.0 51.3 ± 48.7 35.0 11.0 54.0
Sample WB2 56 Backshore 2.24 0.42 16.1 20.1 63.8 39.4 4.5 56.1 38.0 20.0 42.0
nˆ6 Stoss 2.13 0.60 19.2 16.7 64.1 41.1 10.7 48.2 16.0 17.0 67.0
Crest 2.03 0.36 19.3 19.8 60.9 42.7 2.9 54.4 34.0 20.0 46.0
Lee face 2.13 0.59 14.4 22.4 63.2 39.1 ± 60.9 22.0 18.0 60.0
Whareroa R26 Inshore 2.41 0.35 15.0 16.5 68.5 41.1 ± 58.9 39.0 22.0 39.0
Beach 2617 Foreshore 2.38 0.39 16.5 24.0 59.5 28.3 3.0 68.7 32.0 11.0 57.0
Sample WB3 57 Backshore 2.35 0.48 5.5 30.0 64.5 11.7 1.5 86.8 14.0 8.0 38.0
nˆ5 Stoss 2.54 0.32 8.5 43.5 48.0 9.3 2.1 88.6 34.0 13.0 53.0
Crest 2.65 0.28 5.1 47.2 47.7 6.0 2.0 92.0 30.0 7.0 63.0
Peka Peka R26 Inshore 2.47 0.31 12.1 17.6 70.3 28.6 2.0 69.4 37.0 15.0 48.0
Beach 3968 Foreshore 2.57 0.23 12.1 29.6 58.3 23.4 1.3 75.3 24.0 9.0 67.0
Sample PP 32 Backshore 2.65 0.22 2.1 39.3 58.6 3.8 ± 96.2 22.0 16.0 62.0
nˆ6 Stoss 1.17 0.26 11.0 30.5 58.5 20.8 ± 79.2 14.0 17.0 69.0
Crest 2.69 0.20 6.0 33.5 60.5 9.5 ± 90.5 16.0 11.0 73.0
Lee face 2.60 0.24 7.4 31.6 61.0 17.8 1.4 80.8 25.0 26.0 49.0
Otaki S25 Inshore 1.90 1.42 6.0 3.5 90.5 56.3 ± 43.7 12.0 20.0 68.0
Beach 4698 Foreshore 1.45 0.40 10.5 11.5 78.0 32.4 ± 67.6 18.0 12.0 70.0
Sample OTK 72 Backshore 1.29 0.33 3.0 10.5 86.5 16.0 ± 84.0 27.0 14.0 59.0
nˆ5 Stoss 1.39 0.45 8.5 5.0 86.5 44.4 ± 55.6 19.0 9.0 72.0
Crest 1.63 0.38 5.0 14.5 80.5 17.1 ± 82.9 35.0 8.0 57.0
Whareroa R26 Mouth 2.57 0.26 10.0 38.5 51.5 18.8 2.2 79.0 67.0 4.0 39.0
Stream 2607
Sample WSM 56
Mangaone R25 Mouth 20.18 2.17 13.5 15.5 71.0 32.6 ± 87.4 17.0 6.0 77.0
Stream 4428
Sample MSM 59
Otaki R25 Mouth 1.27 0.55 2.5 7.0 90.5 6.7 ± 93.3 7.0 8.0 85.0
River 4748
Sample OBM 73
Whareroa R26 Upstream 2.99 0.57 3.5 9.5 87.0 17.0 ± 83.0 12.0 5.0 83.0
Stream 2607
Sample 57

Mangaone S25 Upstream 2.85 0.41 4.0 5.0 91.0 12.0 1.0 87.0 16.0 4.0 80.0
Stream 4418
Sample MSU 62
Otaki River S25 Upstream 1.05 1.16 7.0 2.5 90.5 28.6 ± 71.4 10.0 6.0 84.0
Sample ORU 4619
nˆ1 10
x 2.14 0.49 13.3 20.6 66.1 29.2 1.5 69.3 25.9 12.3 61.8
sd 0.68 0.40 9.9 11.8 15.3 16.8 2.6 17.5 12.2 5.5 13.7
Topographic maps 260, S25 1:50,000.
154 J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167

Table 3
Graphic mean size, sorting and petrography of the beach, dune and river sands from the Foxton Coast. See Table 1 for symbols

Site/sample Grid a Sub- Mz s Q F L Qm K P Lv Lm Ls


Foxton R22 Inshore 2.37 0.52 26.5 13.5 60.0 55.5 ± 45.0 57.0 2.0 41.0
Beach 978 Foreshore 2.63 0.24 31.5 25.5 43.0 41.4 ± 58.6 23.0 14.0 63.0
Sample FB 806 Backshore 2.43 0.36 22.0 35.0 43.0 26.3 ± 73.7 23.0 10.0 67.0
nˆ6 Stoss 2.74 0.28 12.0 30.5 57.5 20.8 ± 79.2 32.0 9.0 59.0
Crest 2.70 0.27 21.0 43.0 36.0 20.8 ± 79.2 10.0 6.0 84.0
Lee face 2.74 0.22 7.0 28.0 65.0 12.5 ± 87.5 14.0 8.0 78.0
Himatangi R22 Inshore 2.89 0.36 13.0 34.5 52.5 12.7 2.5 84.8 38.0 3.0 59.0
Beach 991 Foreshore 2.60 0.23 13.0 47.5 39.5 9.5 1.0 89.5 24.0 6.0 70.0
Sample HB 900 Backshore 2.57 0.27 8.5 51.5 40.0 5.5 ± 94.5 11.0 6.0 83.0
nˆ6 Stoss 2.61 0.29 15.0 36.0 49.0 15.3 ± 84.7 25.0 8.0 67.0
Crest 2.55 0.31 16.5 43.5 40.0 16.4 ± 83.7 21.0 4.0 75.0
Lee face 2.50 0.41 10.5 37.0 52.5 5.1 ± 94.9 13.0 5.0 82.0
Mona Row R22 Inshore 2.11 0.66 13.5 29.0 57.5 20.6 1.3 78.1 66.0 2.0 32.0
Beach 989 Foreshore 2.71 0.25 15.0 47.5 37.5 17.4 0.9 81.7 19.0 10.0 71.0
Sample MRB 009 Backshore 2.46 0.32 14.0 59.0 27.0 9.9 ± 90.1 30.0 10.0 60.0
nˆ6 Stoss 2.50 0.57 7.5 46.0 46.5 2.1 2.1 95.8 52.0 6.0 42.0
Crest 2.26 0.57 5.5 59.0 35.5 15.4 15.4 69.2 35.0 3.0 62.0
Lee face 2.52 0.42 5.0 52.0 43.0 1.9 ± 98.1 46.0 6.0 48.0
Whangachu R22 Inshore 1.16 0.61 4.5 41.0 54.5 2.4 ± 97.6 88.0 1.0 11.0
Beach 893 Foreshore 2.06 0.38 8.0 60.5 31.5 4.7 0.8 94.5 62.0 5.0 33.0
Sample WhB 271 271 Backshore 2.03 0.41 4.5 89.0 6.5 2.2 ± 97.8 53.0 3.0 44.0
nˆ6 Stoss 2.16 0.43 4.5 88.0 7.5 2.2 ± 97.8 49.0 7.0 44.0
Crest 1.83 0.46 3.5 87.5 9.0 2.2 ± 97.8 72.0 2.0 26.0
Lee face 2.08 0.49 2.0 74.0 24.0 2.0 ± 98.0 79.0 1.0 20.0
Wanganui R22 Inshore 1.31 1.24 2.0 24.0 74.0 5.9 9.8 84.3 89.0 1.0 10.0
Beach 792 Foreshore 1.42 0.44 8.5 46.5 45.0 12.3 7.6 80.1 67.0 1.0 32.0
Sample WnB 382 Backshore 1.69 0.51 6.0 64.5 29.5 4.4 1.5 94.1 81.0 3.0 16.0
nˆ6 Stoss 1.09 0.50 3.5 56.5 40.0 3.4 ± 96.6 70.0 3.0 16.0
Crest 2.09 0.44 9.5 54.5 36.0 9.9 1.3 88.4 62.0 4.0 34.0
Lee face 1.50 0.51 4.0 72.0 24.0 2.0 ± 98.0 72.0 2.0 26.0
Manawatu R22 Mouth 2.72 0.56 16.0 26.5 57.5 23.1 ± 76.8 11.0 5.0 84.0
River 905
Sample MwR 792
Kaikokopu R22 Mouth 2.70 0.22 15.0 37.0 48.0 13.9 2.3 83.8 17.0 6.0 77.0
Stream 992
Sample HS 905
Sample Ksu R22 Upstream 0.84 2.24 7.5 40.5 52.0 9.8 2.2 88.0 15.0 ± 85.0
nˆ2 006
Whangaehu R22 Mouth 1.51 0.52 2.0 44.5 53.5 1.1 ± 98.8 83.0 2.0 15.0
River 894
Sample WhR 275
Wanganui R22 Upstream 3.12 0.52 12.0 27.5 60.5 12.7 ± 87.3 12.0 7.0 81.0
River 845
Sample 300
x 2.50 0.48 12.1 45.7 42.2 12.1 1.4 86.5 43.5 4.9 51.6
sd 0.57 0.35 10.3 20.1 15.8 11.6 3.2 11.9 26.2 3.2 24.3
Topographic maps 260, S23, S24, R22 1:50,000.
J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167 155

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)
Q inshore n= 14
foreshore n= 14 BEACH n= 42
backshore n= 14

stoss n= 14
crest n= 14 DUNE n= 39
lee face n= 11
mouth n= 11
RIVER n= 20
upstream n= 9

F inshore

lee face



lee face


Fig. 4. Q±F±L discrimination group at 95% con®dence level for beach, dune and river subenvironments for the entire sample set (Gulf of
Mexico 1 Kapiti 1 Foxton). Q ˆ monocrystalline 1 polycrystalline quartz, F ˆ K-feldspar 1 plagioclase, L ˆ lithic fragments, volcanic,
metamorphic, sedimentary. Shaded bars show statistically separated subenvironments. Beach n ˆ 42, dune n ˆ 39, river n ˆ 20.

was done to avoid the heterogeneity effect in sand per slide) for the Q±F±L and Qm±K±P components
laminae which also increases the sorting values (Franzinelli and Potter, 1983). The grain types include
(Pettijohn et al., 1972). The samples were dry-sieved total quartz (Q) subdivided into monocrystalline (Qm)
and grain-size parameters (Table 1) were deter- and polycrystalline quartz, total feldspar (F) subdivided
mined according to Folk (1980). Subsamples were into potash feldspars (K) 1 plagioclase (P), and lithic
impregnated and thin-sectioned for point counting. The fragments (L), subdivided into volcanic (Lv), meta-
standard method of point counting was used (200 grains morphic (Lm) and sedimentary lithic fragments (Ls).
156 J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)
Qm inshore n= 14
foreshore n= 14 BEACH n= 42
backshore n= 14

stoss n= 14
crest n= 14 DUNE n= 39
lee face n= 11

mouth n= 11
upstream n= 9 RIVER n= 20

K inshore

lee face


P inshore

lee face

Fig. 5. Qm±K±P discrimination group at 95% con®dence level for beach, dune and river subenvironments for the entire sample set (Gulf of
Mexico 1 Kapiti 1 Foxton). Qm ˆ monocrystalline quartz, K ˆ potash feldspars, P ˆ plagioclase.

The data were normalized to 100% for the Q±F±L and difference between means of two data sets is
the Qm±K±P ternary diagrams and bar charts. An addi- signi®cant (Ingersoll, 1990; Molinaroli et al.,
tional point count of 100 grains was used to distinguish 1991). Data from the three coasts were combined
among volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary lithic and plotted on Q±F±L (Fig. 4), Qm±K±P (Fig. 5)
fragments (Tables 1±3). Con®dence levels of 95% and Lv±Lm±Ls bar charts (Fig. 6) to distinguish
for the point counting data are shown on bar among subenvironments.The data sets from each
charts to discriminate between subenvironments study area are plotted on similar bar charts to
or environments. Ternary plots with standard identify parameters that discriminate among
deviation polygons may fail to indicate if the beach, dune and river environments (Figs. 7±9).
J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167 157

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)
inshore n= 14
Lv foreshore n= 14
backshore n= 14
BEACH n= 42
stoss n= 14
crest n= 14 DUNE n= 39
lee face n=11

mouth n= 11 RIVER n= 20
upstream n= 9

Lm foreshore

lee face


Ls foreshore

lee face


Fig. 6. Lv±Lm±Ls discrimination group at 95% con®dence level for beach, dune and river subenvironments for the entire sample set (Gulf of
Mexico 1 Kapiti 1 Foxton). Lv ˆ volcanic rock fragments, Lm ˆ metamorphic rock fragments Ls ˆ sedimentary rock fragments.

4. Results coarse sands and the river mouth sediments are

poorly sorted, coarse sands. Gulf of Mexico sands
4.1. Gulf of Mexico are feldspatholithic to quartzofeldspathic
(Q30F24L46; Fig. 10(a),(b)).
The textural parameters (Folk, 1980) indicate that
all the beach and dune subenvironments are 4.2. Kapiti Coast
composed of well sorted, ®ne-grained sands, the
upstream river samples are poorly sorted, very The grain size distribution (Folk, 1980) of the
158 J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)
Q beach n= 12
A river n= 9
dune n= 12

Gulf of Mexico

L beach


B beach n= 12

dune n= 12
river n= 9

K beach

P beach

dune river

C Lv beach n= 12
dune n= 12

Ls beach river n= 9

Fig. 7. Discrimination at 95% con®dence level for the Gulf of Mexico beach, dune and river sands. (a) Q±F±L, (b) Qm±K±P and (c) Lv±Ls.

samples indicates that inshore sediments are moder- poorly sorted, medium-grained sands and moder-
ately sorted, medium-grained sands, whereas the fore- ately sorted ®ne-grained sands, respectively. Overall,
shore and backshore samples are well sorted, the Kapiti Coast sands are feldspatholithic (Q13F21L66;
®ne-grained sands. In the dune pro®le, the stoss Fig. 10(a),(b)).
sediments are well sorted, medium-grained sands,
and the crest and lee face sediments are well to 4.3. Foxton Coast
very well sorted, respectively, ®ne-grained sands.
The river mouth and upstream sediments are The inshore sand is medium-grained and moderately
J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167 159

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)
A Q beach n= 15
dune n= 12
river n= 6 Kapiti Coast
F dune
L beach

B Qm dune n= 12
beach n= 15

river n= 6

K beach

P beach

C Lv dune n= 15
beach n= 12
river n= 6

Lm beach
river beach

Fig. 8. Discrimination at 95% con®dence level for the Kapiti beach, dune and river sands. (a) Q±F±Lm, (b) Qm±K±Pand (c) Lv±Lm±Ls.

well sorted; the foreshore and backshore samples are river mouth sand is well sorted and ®ne-grained
®ne-grained and very well sorted and well sorted whereas the upstream sand is poorly sorted and
respectively. In the dune pro®le, the stoss, crest and medium-grained. Overall, the Foxton Coast sands are
lee face sands are well sorted, and ®ne-grained. The lithofeldspathic (Q13F46L41; Fig. 10(a),(b)).
160 J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)

A Q beach n= 15

dune n= 15
river n= 5 Foxton Coast
F beach

L dune

B Qm beach n= 15
dune n= 15
river n= 5

river beach


C Lv dune n= 15
beach n= 15
river n= 5

Lm beach

Fig. 9. Discrimination at 95% con®dence level for the Foxton beach, dune and river sands. (a) Q±F±L, (b) Qm±K±P and (c) Lv±Lm±Ls.

5. Discussion showed no effects of grain-size fractionation. This

check was made because size fractionation may
5.1. Grain-size and compositional trends occur as sand grains settle in the epoxy resin before
it cures.
The impregnated samples used for point counts The grain-size and compositional trends for the
J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167 161

beach, dune and river sands are shown in Figs. 11 and are other lithics (McBride, 1996) and consequently
12. Only small grain-size variations across the beach- tend to concentrate in the inshore environment
dune pro®les are observed despite signi®cant compo- (Carranza-Edwards et al., 1994; Carranza-Edwards
sitional variations (Fig. 11). This suggests that the and Rosales-Hoz, 1995).
compositional modi®cations of beach and dune The Qm and P ®elds of the Qm±K±P bar chart
sands are not grain-size related. (Fig. 5) show signi®cant differences between the
In contrast, signi®cant grain-size and compositional inshore and backshore. The inshore tends to concen-
modi®cations in river sands are observed in the three trate grains which are resistant to abrasion such as
areas (Fig. 12). This suggests that compositional monocrystalline quartz (Fig. 4) whereas the backshore
differences are grain-size related between the river is in¯uenced mainly by intermittent wind action
sands. Hence, the discrimination among beach, dune which assists the preservation of more labile minerals
and river sands is partly due to grain-size variation. such as plagioclase.
The Lv±Lm±Ls bar chart is less sensitive than either
5.2. Petrographic composition of subenvironments the Q±F±L or Qm±K±P bar charts in differentiating
sand from different subenvironments. However, inshore
The Q±F±L bar chart for all samples from the three sands have more volcanic lithic particles than do those in
study areas shows an abrupt separation between the the foreshore and backshore (Fig. 6).
river mouth and upstream sand in the Q-®eld, and
between the inshore and foreshore sand in the L- 5.3. Regional differences in composition
®eld (Fig. 4). Quartz trends for all of the sand samples
are similar, except for the ¯uvial subenvironments. When grouping the Q±F±L, Qm±K±P and Lv±
The river mouth sand has slightly more quartz-rich Lm±Ls ®elds by region, several trends become appar-
particles because this area is in¯uenced by longshore ent. In the Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 7(a)), a distinction
currents, deriving beach sand with more stable between beach, dune and river sands is observed in the
components (Pettijohn et al., 1972). Quartz grains Q and L ®elds (Fig. 7(a)). The Q ®eld separates river
are more resistant to the high energy of the river sands from the beach and dune sands. Depletion of
mouth environment. Hence, river mouth sediments quartz particles in the ¯uvial sand of the Gulf of
are more quartz-rich than upstream sediments. Also, Mexico is partly due to the scarcity of this mineral
maturation along the main river channel occurs during in the basaltic and andesitic source rocks (Fig. 1).
transport. These observations accord with those of When con®dence level bars are plotted on the L
Critelli et al. (1997), and Le Pera and Critelli (1997) ®eld (Fig. 7(a)) the dune sands have lower L, suggest-
who found that downstream sediments are closer to ing that wind is unable to concentrate higher density
the composition of quartzofeldspathic beach sands. In volcanic lithic grains (Pye, 1994). The river is richer
contrast, upstream sands are richer in feldspars and in lithic fragments because of its proximity to
lithic fragments than the river mouth. the source rock compared to the beach and dune.
The clear distinction between inshore and foreshore The composition of the beach is halfway between
sands in the L ®eld (Fig. 4) re¯ects the abundance of the lithic-poor dune environment and the lithic-rich
volcanic lithic fragments in the inshore of the beach ¯uvial environment. The Q±F±L bar chart is a good
environment (Fig. 6). Volcanic lithic fragments are discriminator between beach, dune and river sands
more resistant to abrasion in the breaker zone than that have a quartzofeldspathic to feldspatholithic

Fig. 10. (a) Q±F±L plots of beach, dune and river sands from the Gulf of Mexico, Kapiti and Foxton Coasts. Filled circles and squares are beach
and dune sands from the Gulf of Mexico respectively. 1 are river sands from the Gulf of Mexico. Open circles and squares are beach and dune
sands from the Kapiti Coast respectively. * are river sands from the Kapiti Coast. Shaded circles and squares are beach and dune sands from the
Foxton Coast respectively. X are river sands from the Foxton Coast, (b) Polygons represent the average and ^1 standard deviation of sand
samples. Filled polygons represent beach, dune and river sands from the Gulf of Mexico. Open polygons represent beach, dune and river sands
from the Kapiti Coast. Shaded polygons represent beach, dune and river sands from the Foxton Coast. Squares are the average of all the samples
for each area.
162 J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167


+ +
x x
x *
* + +*
+ + + * **
F + + L

B Dune n= 12

Dune n= 12

Beach n= 12
Gulf of Mexico
Gulf + Kapiti + Foxton
n= 15 Dune
n= 12
Beach n= 15
Beach n= 15 Kapiti
River n= 5 River n= 9
Foxton River n= 6

J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167 163

composition such as the Gulf of Mexico sands (Figs. 7 Mexico (Fig. 7(b)). Dune sands tend to be enriched in
and 10(a),(b)). quartz because it is selectively concentrated by the
The Qm ®eld on the Qm±K±P bar chart also sepa- wind (Kasper-Zubillaga et al., 1999). This was also
rates the beach, dune and river sands of the Gulf of observed in dunes from the southern Mexico active


Lithic s





Mean grain-size

INSHORE n= 14 STOSS n=14 CREST n=14
Kapiti Coast Foxton-Wanganui Coast Gulf of Mexico

Fig. 11. Graphic mean size and compositional trends for beach±dune pro®les of the three studied areas.
164 J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167

increases downstream towards the coast (Le Pera

and Critelli, 1997).
100 For Gulf of Mexico sands, only volcanic and sedi-
Lithic s mentary lithic fragments are plotted because these
sands are depleted in metamorphic and plutonic rock
fragments (Fig. 7(c)). The river sands are enriched in
volcanic lithic fragments but depleted in sedimentary
lithic fragments with respect to the beach sand,
50 re¯ecting their provenance from basaltic and andesitic
rocks. Also, sedimentary lithic fragments have a very
low potential of preservation during river transport
(Pettijohn, 1975).
The Kapiti Coast sands are supplied from a lithic-
feldespathic source terrane. The Q±F±L bar chart
50 Feldspar (Fig. 8(a)) shows an overlap for all the subenviron-
ments, but the Q±F±L ternary diagram, in this case,
separates the beach±dune±river ®elds (Fig. 10(b)).
Unlike the Gulf of Mexico where quartz is enriched
in dune sands, the Kapiti Coast dunes are poor in
quartz and rich in lithic fragments (Fig. 8(a)).
However on the Qm±K±P and Lv±Lm±Ls bar charts
(Fig. 8(b) and (c)), the river sands separate from those
30 of other environments.
Quartz The lithofeldspathic sands at Foxton (Fig. 9(a))
show an overlaps for all the samples except for the
river sands when plotted on the Q±F±L ®eld. Like in
the Kapiti Coast samples, poor separation between the
different environments at Foxton sands is due to the
Mean grain-size low quartz content.
5.4. Comparison of regions

1 RIVER The beach, dune and river sands of all samples are
MOUTH n=11
0 plotted on the Q±F±L, Qm±K±P and Lv±Lm±Ls
UPSTREAM n=9 charts (Fig. 13). The mean hypothetical composition
of the Gulf of Mexico 1 Kapiti 1 Foxton sand is
Kapiti Coast Q19F30L51 (Fig. 10(b)) which is feldspatholithic.
Foxton-Wanganui Coast The Q±F±L chart discriminates the river sands on
Gulf of Mexico the Q ®eld and beach, dune and river sands on the L
®eld. Comparing Fig. 7(a) to Fig. 13 shows that discri-
Fig. 12. Graphic mean size and compositional trends for river sands
mination of the sands in the L ®eld is not enhanced
from the three studied areas. See Fig. 11 for symbols.
when data from the three areas are combined.
When data are combined on the Qm±K±P chart, the
margin (DõÂaz-GarcõÂa 1984; Carranza-Edwards et al., con®dence bars of the beach and dune sands overlap
1988) and Egypt (Frihy et al., 1999). In contrast, river on the Qm ®eld (Fig. 13), and only river sands can be
sands are enriched in plagioclase as shown on the P discriminated. This is an effect of combining samples
®eld (Fig. 7(b)) because they re¯ect the initial compo- with high F and L values which prevents discrimina-
sition of the source rocks. Mineralogical maturity tion between beach and dune sands on the Qm ®eld.
J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167 165

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)
beach n= 42
dune n= 39
river n= 20

F beach

L beach


Qm beach n= 42

B river n= 20
dune n= 39

K beach
river P beach


C Lv beach n= 42
dune n= 39
river n= 20

Lm beach

Ls beach


Fig. 13. Discrimination at 95% con®dence level for the Gulf of Mexico 1 Kapiti 1 Foxton beach, dune and river sands.
166 J.J. Kasper-Zubillaga, W.W. Dickinson / Sedimentary Geology 143 (2001) 149±167

Table 4
Separation of beach, dune and river sands from different sand compositions. Q ˆ total quartz (monocrystalline 1 polycrystalline), F ˆ feldspars
(K-feldspars 1 plagioclase), L ˆ rock fragments (volcanic 1 metamorphic 1 sedimentary), Qm ˆ monocrystalline quartz, K ˆ potash feld-
spars, P ˆ plagioclase, Lv ˆ volcanic rock fragments, Lm ˆ metamorphic rock fragments, Ls ˆ sedimentary rock fragments. Words in bold
typeface are the best environments separated within the ®elds

Mineralogical components

Locality/sand type Q F L Qm K P Lv Lm Ls

Gulf of Mexico river ± beach/dune/river beach/dune/river ± river river ± river

(feldspatholithic to
Kapiti Coast (feldspatholithic) ± ± ± river ± river ± river ±
Foxton Coast (lithofeldspathic) ± ± river ± ± ± ± ± ±
Gulf 1 Kapiti 1 Foxton river ± beach/dune/river river ± ± ± ± ±

The combined Lv±Lm±Ls chart shows no discrimina- Acknowledgements

tion of beach, dune and river sands (Fig. 13). Indivi-
dual regions give a better discrimination of beach, This research was carried out during a postdoctoral
dune and river sands by lithic components (Figs. 7(c) fellowship at the School of Earth Sciences, Victoria
and 8(c)). University of Wellington, New Zealand with funding
Table 4 highlights the environments discriminated from CONACyT (Mexico's Council of Science and
in each study area and the components that contribute Technology, Project no. 990227). We thank Stewart
to each discrimination. Sands from the Gulf of Bush for thin sectioning and Neil Hartstein for ®eld
Mexico are differentiated on the Q±F±L and Qm± assistance. Comments and critical review by A.C.
K±P charts due to the quartz enrichment effect in Morton and S. Critelli were most appreciated.
beach and dune sands. Only the Kapiti Coast river
sands are discriminated on the Qm±K±P and Lv±
Lm±Ls charts because they re¯ect local provenance.
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