37 A Bad Service

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Let me preface this by telling you that I am a real sucker for plov, and I eat plov in the

same place at least twice a week, and the plov center is called SamOsh, which's
become a sort of guilty pleasure for me. You might be wondering why, and that is
because they serve the most mouthwatering plov you can imagine but has a really
terrible service.

But, here's the catch - this place is always jam-packed. It's like the entire town knows
about their plov magic. So, just finding a table is a challenege in itself. You often end up
sharing a table with strangers, which can be cozy or chaotic, depending on your

Their service leaves a lot to be desired. I mean it's known for being lackluster, to say the
least. On one memorable occasion, I waited for my plov for what felt like an eternity. It
was as if they'd misplaced my order, and I was growing quite impatient. But I knew that
the reward would be worth it. Finally, when my plate of delicious plov arrived, I couldn't
have been happier. That was until I found a free table. Just as I was about to sit down, a
stranger swooped in and occupied the chair right in front of me. It was a little baffling
because there were plenty of other empty tables around.

Despite these regular service hiccups and the overcrowding, I keep returning. That's the
because of their incredible plov. That is true for most other regular customers they have.
preface: to provide context or a brief explanation before starting a discussion

a real sucker for: Someone who has a strong liking or craving for something.

guilty pleasure: Something enjoyable that a person feels slightly guilty about enjoying.

mouthwatering: Extremely delicious or appetizing.

here is the catch: A phrase used to introduce a drawback or complication.

jam-packed: Crammed or filled to capacity.

leaves a lot to be desired: Suggests that something is not as good as it should be.

lackluster: Lacking in excitement, energy, or quality.

to say the least: An expression used to downplay a situation's severity.

what felt like an eternity: A period of time that seemed exceptionally long.

misplace order: When a restaurant or establishment loses track of a customer's order.

grow impatient: Becoming increasingly restless or annoyed due to waiting.

swoop in: To arrive or act suddenly and decisively.

baffling: Puzzling or confusing.

service hiccup: A temporary problem or disruption in the quality of service.

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