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Safety is a condition which gives you freedom from hazard, Risk, Accident

which may cause injury damage and loss to material and property damage and
even death.
The absence of risk of serious personal injury.

Anything that has potential to cause harm are called hazard.

Write some hazard at the construction site?

There are some common hazard at the construction site such as;
 Moving Object
 Slip , Trip , Falls
 Noise
 Work at height
 Manual handling
 Collapse of Soil
 Electricity
 Poor Housekeeping etc.

Risk is the probability of being harmed by any hazard.

Risk = Likelihood × Severity
Likelihood: Chance and Probability of hazard occurrence.
Severity: Consequences and impact of hazard.

Risk assessment is the method to systematically examine a job. Identify the

hazard evaluate risks and specify precautionary measures.
 Qualitative Risk Assessment
 Quantitative Risk Assessment
 Dynamic Risk Assessment
 Generic Risk Assessment
 Site Specific Risk Assessment

 Identify the hazard.

 Decide who might be harmed and how.
 Evaluate the risk and take precaution.
 Implement the precaution.
 Review and update if necessary.

JSA only specify hazards and precaution while risk assessment specify hazard,
precaution and risk associated with each hazard,

By Risk Matrix
1--------------6 Low Level Risk

8-------------12 Medium Level Risk

12------------25 High Level Risk

Risk Assesment
Company Name; A,B,C Completed By: SAYED WASIM Signature of Project Manager
Location : X,Y,Z Reviewed By: Dear Manager Signature of HSE Manager
Signature of HSE Supervisor
Current Risk Final Risk





Activity Potential Hazard Who might be affected Existing Controll Responsible Person Additional Control Responsible Person










Ensure follow the

Disk Breaking Follow manual
corect cutting
Flying Spark Follow Supervisors
Follow hot work
permit Instruction.

Fire procedure
Follow the main
Do not use the contractor advisor
machine instruction.
Use of Shock
Grinder withiout safegaurd
for Workers Supervisor Ensure PTW system
Wear Faceshield and 3 5 15 is following. 2 3 6
Cutting Electrcaution Supervisor Employees
a metallic Safety glasses and
rod other mandatory
Lack of PPEs
Do not place
machine down before
Lack of awarness the rotation stop.

Fire Extinguisher
must be there.

Fire watcher must be

Job safety analysis is the step by step analysis of a job to know about its hazard
and specify precautionary measures.

 Identify the job.

 Break down the job into steps.
 Identify the hazards in each steps of a job.
 Specify the precautionary measure.
 Implement the precautionary measure.

Uncertified equipment Operator should be certified

Untrained operator Use proper tag line for lifting

Uncertified Rigger Don’t come under the suspended load.

Falling objects Rigger should be certified by SA.

Lake of signal Use certified web slings & LMI.

Improper load rating All gears should be certified &

inspected prior to use.
Defective lifting gears
Lifting Operator should be qualified &
Activities Excessive speed trained.
loading Unsafe condition Use proper lifting technique
Personal injury Stop the work and follow site
unloading emergency procedure.

Stop all moving and electrical


Clear the access properly.

Proceed to emergency assembly point.

Return the PTW for cancellation.

Follow the instruction from HSE

It is a written authorization and documentation evaluating all the hazards in
specific activity and specific precautions to do the job safely.
There are four 4 types of work permit in Aramco
1. Hot Work Permit
2. Cold Work Permit
3. Confined Space Entry Permit
4. Equipment Opening /Line Breaking Permit

(Red Color)
This type of permit is issued for hot work such as welding, brazing, grinding,
cutting work. In this type of work there are probability of fire.
Need Stand By Man.
Periodic gas testing are required for hot work permit.
The frequency of gas test varies upto 4 hour.

(Blue Color)
This type of permit is issued for cold work such as sweeping, painting and
frame work installation.
Only hand tools are used for cold work.
There is no need of Stand by Man.
Its very low Risk activity.

(Green Color)
This type of permit is used in confined spaces such as Manhole, Excavation,
Pits and Tanks.
Need Stand by Man.
Stand by Man fill the log sheet when an entrant enter in the confined space.

(Yellow Color)
This type of permit is used to open equipment and pipelines. This is most
critical activity and required more supervision.
It is unwanted and unplanned event which can cause damage to property,
environment and even death to a person.

Any unwanted, unplanned occurrence is called Incident.

It is unwanted and unplanned event which does not cause any harm but it had
potential to cause harm.

Unsafe condition is a hazardous condition which could directly permit the

occurrence of an accident.

Any Violation against safety rules and regulation called Unsafe Act.
It is a documents from the contractor in which listed all the hazards of tasks and
precautions of contracted work.

(Method Statement /Safe Method Statement):

It Shows the procedure how to do the job safely.

HSE policy is a written statement of commitment by the top management of the

organization .Every company has a social and legal obligation to provide a safe
and health working environment to all his improvement to all his employees.

It is a joint meeting among workers representative and company management

which focuses on safety issues.

It is a Set of written instructions that describes in detail how to perform a

hazardous work safely.

It means the concentration of contaminant in the air in which workers can be

exposed for 8 hours a day and 40 hours in a week without any adverse effect.
H2S is less than10 PPM.

STEL means the maximum concentration of a chemical or toxic gases at which

worker can expose for up to 15 minutes without any adverse health effect.
H2S is 15 PPM.

(Immediate Dangerous to Life and Health)

The concentration of chemical contaminant at which if worker will exposed
then it will poses an immediate threat of life.
When H2S is above 100 PPM.
What is 5s in Safety?
1. Sort. (Removing unwanted material from the workplace)
2. Set in Order (keep equipment & material in an arrange way in workplace)
3. Sweep and Shine. (keep All equipment and work area clean)
4. Standardize. (Develop a standard for housekeeping)
5. Sustain. (Continual housekeeping by awareness and training)

What is 5ES of accident prevention?

5ES is a safety program that helps to prevent workplace injuries and accident.
1. Education.
2. Encouragement.
3. Engineering.
4. Enforcement.
5. Evaluation.

H2S also known as Hydrogen Sulphide. H2S is a toxic and flammable gas. It
smells like rotten egg at the concentration of 1ppm.
H2S is a colorless gas and heavier then air.

CO – Carbon Monoxide
CO2 – Carbon Dioxide
Both gases are colorless and odorless
CO is Flammable
CO2 is not Flammable
CO above 30 ppm harmful
CO2 above 5000ppm harmful

Material safety data sheet is a document that list information relating to safety
and health for the use of chemical.
It has total 16 part. Last part is safety related.

CSM stands for Construction Safety Manual. It has two volume

(Contractor Safety Administration Requirement)
(Work Site Safety Manual)
Flash back Arrestor:
It is a safety device which designed to stop a flam in its tracks.

Cylinder Color:
Oxygen Green
Acyteline Yellow
Nitrogen Blue
Argon Gray

The Separation of hazard called Isolation.

In Electrical we De-Energized
In Mechanical we De-Pressurized

(Lock out,Tag out)

LOTO is a safety procedure used to ensure that dangerous equipment is
properly shutoff and not able to be start up to the completion of work.
Hierarchy of risk control is a system for controlling risk at workplace.

To be in wrong place in wrong time someone is directly exposed to hazard and

may result in accident.
Example; 1.Standing under suspended load 2. In the way of moving machinery

 Stop work / Emergency Alarm

 H2S Alarm
 Gas Release Alarm
 Fire Alarm
 All clear Alarm
Fire is a chain reaction of 3 things Oxygen, Fuel, Heat called Fire.
CSM---- new edition-----Oxygen, Fuel, Heat, Chemical Reaction

A – Class Combustible material (wood, paper etc)

B – Class Flammable (oil , Liquid
C – Class Electrical
D – Class Metal (Zinc etc Chemical reaction)
K – Class Kitchen (vegetable oil , Fats)

 Water Fire Extinguisher

 Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher
 Foam Fire Extinguisher
 CO2 Fire Extinguisher
 Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher
By PASS Formula
P ----- Pull the Pin
A ----- Aim the base of fire
S ----- Squeeze the handle / trigger
S ----- Swipe Side to Side
Any work in which machine/ignition source is used.

 Fire
 Equipment failure
 Electrocution / Electric shock
 Improper material and cable management
 Damage cables / Tools
 Untrained fire watchman
 Expired fire extinguisher
 Hot surface
 Flying sparks
 Gas cylinder not properly secured
 Improper PPEs
 Using cutting torch without flashback arrester
 Electrical equipment without GFCI (Ground fault circuit

Hot work Requirement:

 Obtain permit to work.
 Fire extinguisher. ( with 3 meter )
 Trained fire watcher. (30 min stay at site after job finished)
 Remove all combustible material.
 Proper cable management.
 Use fire blanket.
 Area barricaded and display sinages.
 All equipment are inspected are color coded.
 Use dip tray for generator.
 All machines are properly grounded.
The Process of Joining of metal either by electrical or by gas is called Welding.

 Eye Injury
 High Noise
 Burn
 Electrical Shock
 Light Radiation
 Heat Radiation
 Fire
 Sparking
 Flying Sand

 Obtain Work Permit (hot work permit welding, brazing, cutting) GI 2.100
 All Welders and Brazers shell be certified.
 Remove combustible material around the work area.
 Fire Extinguisher should be available.
 A qualified fire watch should be present in hot work area.
(should remain 30 min after finish the work)
 Cutting, Welding, Brazing equipment shall be turn off when not in use.
 Cutting, Welding, Brazing shall not allowed in oxygen enrichment.
(oxygen not greater than 23.5)
 Maintain good housekeeping.
 Cutting, Welding, Brazing should be conducted in well ventilated area.

Stable Rock Natural Solid 90

Type A Soil Cohesive Soil 54
Type B Soil Less Cohesive Soil 45
Type C Soil Least Cohesive Soil 34
Excavation is a man made cut or cavity formed by removal of soil by
mechanically or manually is called excavation.
1. Manual Excavation 2. Mechanical Excavation

Trench is a narrow excavation whose depth is greater than its width.

 Cave-in
 Underground utilities not properly located
 Fall of person
 Fall of material and equipment
 Presence of toxic gases like H2S
 Lack of oxygen
 Slip , trip , falls
 Improper access and egress
 Vehicle movement near excavation
 Collapse of soil
 Accumulation of water
 Scorpions , Snakes etc

 Obtain work permit.

 Ensure excavation and pre-excavation checklist are fulfilled.
 JSA should be available.
 Identify underground utilities before excavation by GPR.
(GPR is detector device stands for Ground Penetrating Radar)
 If manual excavation check all tools are inspected or color coded.
 If mechanical excavation check equipment inspection
 Avoid vehicle movement near the excavation.
(within 2 meter the edge of excavation)
 Barricade the area and display warning sinages.
 Operator shall be certified by SPSP card.
 Provide proper access and egress. (every 25 feet)
 Provide shoring , benching , slopping to prevent collapse of soil.
 Excavated soil 2 feet away from the edge.
 Scaffolding at least 1.5 times depth of an excavation away from the
edge of excavation.
 Mechanical excavator do not use with in 3 meters of any
underground pipes , cables or other obstruction.
 If deeper then 1.2 meter consider as a confined space.
 If deeper then 2.4 meter must required engineering plan.
 If excavation more then 6 meter required we need a special plane
for it. Which is approved from CSD & LPD.

Any area which has limited access and egress.

The area which has oxygen deficiency .
The area which is not designed for human occupancy where entry and exit and
movement are difficult.
Example ; vessels , tank , manhole etc
Also an Excavation more than 1.2 meter consider as a confined space.

 Oxygen deficiency ( lack of oxygen )

 Presence of toxic gases like H2S , CO etc
 No rescue plane
 High noise hazard
 High temperature
 Fire hazard
 Limited access and egress
 Chemical hazard
 Dust hazard
 Slip , trip , fall hazard
 Poor visibility
 Poor lighting
 Poor ventilation
 Poor housekeeping

 Obtained valid Confined Space Entry Permit and relevant permit.

(hot work , cold work)
 JSA should be available.
 Stand by man should be their to maintain log sheet.
 Tripod should be available.
 Rescue plane should be available.
Rescue the entrants in the confined space by O.A.T.H method.
O – Ok
A – Advance give me rope
T – Take me up
H – Help
 Compressed gas cylinder are not allowed in confined space.
 Worker should be trained.
 Required proper supervision.
 Install proper sinages.
 To provide proper ventilation.
 To conduct gas test by authorized gas tester.
 LEL & UEL level should be zero.
 Oxygen should not be less then 20% and more than 23.5%.
 CO should be less then 35 ppm.
 SCABA should be available.
 Proper PPEs should be provided.
 Ensure proper Lighting.
 Ensure proper communication.
 Ensure proper ventilation.
 Maintain good housekeeping.

It is a temporary platform which is used to support man and material

during work at height.

 Mobile Scaffold
 Suspended Scaffold
 Defendant and independent scaffold
 Under hanging Scaffold
 Over hanging Scaffold
 Basket Scaffold
 Cantilever Scaffold

Sole board Base plat , coupler Transverse bracing

Post Longitudinal bracing Runner (ledger)
Transon Planks Closer drop bar
Toe Board Mid Rail Top Rail
Top Rail 38 inch – 45 inch

Mid Rail 19 inch – 23 inch

Toe Board 3 ½ inch

o Improper installation
o Loose coupler and others material
o Fall of person
o Fall of materials
o Overhead powerline
o Scaffolding erection
o Improper tie and bracing
o Improper guard rails
o Improper access
o Un even surface
o Collapse of scaffold
o Above 6 meter use without full body harness
o Uncertified scaffolders
o Poor supervision

 Obtain work permit.

 All Scaffolder must be competent.
 Scaffolding material must be sound as per standard.
 Avoid loose material on the platform.
 Correct guard rails system.
 Provide proper access.
 Scaffolding tag (Green , Yellow , Red)
Green – Ready to use
Yellow – Use with full body harness
Red – Work not allowed
 Safety net
 Up to 6 meter only supervisor will sign tag.
Above 6 meter supervisor + inspector both will sign Scaffolding tag.
 Wind speed upto 65 km/h.
Crane is a machine used for lifting heavy material/equipment.

1. Mobile Crane
2. Crawler Crane
3. Tower Crane ( Fixed Crane)
4. Overhead Crane
5. Jib Crane

The shifting of material from one place to another place called lifting.

 No lifting plane
 Uncertified Operator and Rigger
 Unstable Surface / Uneven ground
 Over loading
 Over turn
 Mechanical failure
 Load may collapse
 Working near powerline
 Fall of loads
 Bad weather (above 32kph)
 Damage or uninspected lifting gears
 Crane safety devises are not in working condition
Anti – Two block , LMI (load mount indicator)

Anti-Two Block
Anti-Two block is a safety device which prevent the hook/loads to touch the
 Obtain permit to work. ( hot work permit)
 Proper lifting plane.
 Crane operator and Rigger is certified.
 Proper communication Between Rigger and Operator.
 Crane is inspected and valid third party inspection sticker.
 Ground is level and stable.
 Area is barricaded and display warning sinages.
(keep away in lifting process)
 Restrict un authorized person entry.
 Tagline is used for suspended load.
(its better to use two tagline for control load)
 Safe distance maintain from powerline as per safety handbook.
 Stop lifting operation at 32 k/ph.
 Outrigger is fully extended (on mats).
 Load shall not be passed over workers.
 Operator cabin visibility. 360
 Wind speed minimum. 32k/ph
 Man basket minimum. 25 k/ph

 Tandom lifting are critical lifting.

 Tailing lifting , blind lifting are critical lifting.
 Night time lifting are critical lifting.
 Heavy lifting more than 40 tons are critical lifting.
 Near powerline lifting are critical lifting.
 Over Population lifting are critical lifting.

Overhead Power Lines

50 KV 10 Feet
50 To 200 KV 15 Feet
200 To 350 KV 20 Feet
350 To 500 KV 25 Feet
500 To 750 KV 30 Feet
750 To 1000 KV 35 Feet
 Synthetic web sling
 Wire rope sling
 Fiber rope sling
 Steel sling
 Metal mash sling

 LMI ( loud mount indicator )

 RCI ( Rated capacity indicator)
 LML ( Load moment Limiter)
 RCL ( Rated capacity Limiter)
 Anti-Two block
 Anemometer
 Boom angle or Radius Indicator
 Out Rigger Leveler

 Crane Operation 32 kph

 Man Basket 25 kph
 Scaffolding 65 kph
 Man lifting 28 kph
1 Helmet Z – 89.1
2 Glasses Z – 87.1
3 Respirator Z – 88.2
4 Shoes Z -47.1
5 Safety Harness Z – 359.1
6 Work Permit 2.100
7 Equipment Opening/Line breaking permit 9873.1
8 Hot Work Permit 9873.2
9 Cold Work Permit 9873.3
10 Confined Space Entry Permit 9873.4
11 Scaffolding 8.001
12 Excavation 1021.000
13 Gas Testing 2.709
14 Pressure Testing 2.102
15 LOTO 6.012
16 BLS (Basic Life Support) 150.002
17 Waste Management 430.001
18 Rescue Procedure 6.025
19 Abrasive Blasting 6.021
20 Marine and Offshore Crane 7.024
21 Heavy Equipment 7.025
22 Crane 7.026
23 Crane Man Basket Operation 7.027
24 Crane Lifting 7.028
25 Rigging Hardware 7.029
26 Inspection and Testing requirement 7.030
27 Heavy Equipment Services 7.031
1 Construction Safety Manual
2 Contractor Safety Administraion Requirment
3 Work Site Safety Mannual
4 Job Safety Analysis
5 Job Loss Analysis
6 Hazard Identification Plan
7 Contractor Site Safety Program
8 Emergency Response Plane
9 Lower Explosive Limit
10 Upper Explosive Limit
11 Threshold Limit Value
12 Short Time Explosive Limit
13 Time Weighted Average
14 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
15 Self-Contained Underground Breathing Apparatus
16 Air Purifying Respirator
17 Air Supplying Respirator
18 Basic Life Support
19 Chemical Hazard Bulliton
20 Consultant Service Department
21 Loss Prevention Department
22 Immediately Dangerous to Life & Health
23 Material Safety Data Sheet
24 Minimum Medical Standard Requirement
25 Permissible Explosive Limit
26 Personal Fall Arrest System
27 National Fire Protection Association
28 Safe Working Load
29 Last Time Incident
30 Safety Task & Risk Reduction Talk
31 Role Over Protective System
32 Method Statement
33 Safe Method Statement
34 Proximity Warning Alert System
35 Hazards Communication
36 Saudi Aramco Engg Standards
37 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
38 Chemical Safety Plane
39 Chemical Safety Report
40 Rotation Per Minute

 Survey
 Right of Way
 Piping Shuffling
 Stinging, Welding, Grinding, Cutting
 Excavation and Trench
 Lowering of Pipes
 Sandblasting , Coating and Raping of Joints
 Backfilling
 Hydro Testing
 Burming

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