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Once upon a time, there stood two trees right in the center of a forest. One was a Fig
Tree and the other was a Mango Tree, the mango tree was gentle and jolly by nature.
Every autumn, the birds would come to peck at its fruits, sparrows would build nest in
his branches and the swallows would sing for him, the tree happily welcomed all the
birds and sang with them, he was a generous tree, he would offer shade to passersby
and stand strong when the wind came to pay a visit. But the Fig Tree was not generous
at all, he always cared too much about his look , he was too proud of being taller and
greener than the Mango Tree, he never let any birds rest on him and dropped dry
leaves on anyone who would try to sit under his shade.
The wind: What are you so proud of? Every tree has its own shade!
The Fig Tree: Really? Then why do they have to sit under my shade? You know why?
Because not every tree has a shade as grand as mine!
The wind: Talking to you is of no use.
Suddenly son bird wants to rest on the Fig Tree
The Fig Tree: Hey! Go away! Go to the Mango Tree over there! You all are messing
with my hair style!
The wind: You don t have hair!
The fig Tree : All right! Then you are messing with my leaf style! Are you Happy?
The mango Tree: Come on, Fig! They only want to build a nest! You never let birds sit
on you.

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