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Mark Zuckerberg, also known as the co-founder and

CEO of Facebook was born in White Plains, NY, on May
14, 1984. It is said that at from an early age, he
showed a deep interest in computer and programming.
His parents even hired a private tutor to help him
further explore his passion for computers. And during
his teenage years, he created a messaging program
called "Zucknet," which his father used in his dental
office. After graduating in 2002, Zuckerberg enrolled
at Harvard University, and upon his time at the said
University, he gained a recognition as a skilled
software developer. He created programs such as
CourseMatch, which helped students choose their
classes, and Fareash, which allowed users to compare
the attractiveness of their peers. Facemash was,
however, closed down by the school administration.

It was that moment where Mark came up with an idea for a social network, called Harvard
connection by his fellow students. He initially agreed to help but eventually decided to work
on his own project called The Facebook. In 2004, Zuckerberg founded The company from his
Harvard dormitory with his friends Dustin moskovitz Chris hughes and Eduardo saverin.
Facebook was widely recognized and caught the attention of investors. In 2005, a venture capital
firm called Accel Partners invested $12.7 million in the company. Having said that, Facebook
expanded its user base by adding members from colleges, high schools and international
schools quickly collecting millions of users.

Mark Zuckerbergs` journey from a college dorm room, to becoming one of the world's tech
entrepreneurs showcases his determination, innovative mindset and important impact on the
digital aspect.

Finally, as a student, I possess three qualities that align to Mark Zuckerberg, namely, leadership,
adaptability, and an entrepreneurial mindset. To prove this, in the class, I have demonstrated
leadership by effectively guiding and supporting my groupmates during group activities. I am
also adaptable, where I am ready to embrace a change and find alternative solutions to
unexpected challenges. Moreover, I possess an entrepreneurial mindset, as evidenced by my
ability to identify opportunities for innovation and value creation, such as implementing a
successful digital marketing strategy for a school fundraising event. These qualities enable me to
lead, adapt, and think entrepreneurially, preparing me for success in both academic and
personal aspect.

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