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1:2 A cognitive These functions engage specific regions of the PFC (see figures 1 Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 2:6016 - 2:6577
neurobiological and 2), though they also involve distributed brain systems. There emocional
account of deception seems to be a prin- ciple to the cognitive architecture of executive
Evidence from control.
functional ‘Higher’ centres such as the PFC are essential to adaptive
neuroimaging behaviour in novel or difficult circumstances, while lower, slave
systems, implicating posterior and sub-cortical sys- tems, may be
sufficient to perform routine or automated tasks (e.g. riding a bike
while thinking of something else; figure 2; Shallice 1988, 2002;
Passingham 1996).

6:4 Assessing the elusive On the one hand, patients with VM-PFD may truly be spared from Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 2:5078 - 2:5224
cognitive deficits cognitive deficits and suffer from iso- lated emotional and emocional
associated with behavioral impairments
prefrontal damage a
case of a modern-day
Phineas Gage
6:8 Assessing the elusive We hypothesized that these multilevel executive-function tasks, in Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 3:634 - 3:863
cognitive deficits conjunction with error analy- ses, may be more sensitive to the emocional
associated with detection of cognitive impairment following VM-PFD than
ventromedial traditional executive- function tasks.
prefrontal damage a
case of a modern-day
Phineas Gage
7:2 Atlasing the frontal Classically, patient studies demonstrate that the prefrontal cortex is Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 18:5 - 18:229
lobe connections and critical to executive functions, and adaptive goal-directed emocional
their variability due to behaviors (Azuar et al. 2014; Burgess et al. 2009; Stuss and
age and education a Knight 2013; Volle et al. 2008)
tractography study
10:2 E.L., a modern-day E.L. executive function and behaviour, for the most part, did not Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 7:1564 - 7:1811
Phineas Gage deteriorate since his accident. E.L. has not expressed emocional
Revisiting frontal lobe neuropsychological problems in family, sex- ual, professional and
injury social life and did not present attentional dysfunction.
23:9 On the evolutionary The prefrontal cortex plays a key monitoring role in executive Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 2:359 - 2:613
origins of executive functions, but other brain areas are also involved (Elliott, 2003). emocional
functions Intact frontal pro- cesses, although not synonymous with intact
executive function- ing, are and integral part of it. A
23:48 On the evolutionary ‘‘Executive functions” is a relatively new term in the neurosci- Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 1:2381 - 1:3050
origins of executive ences. Luria (1966, 1973, 1980) is the direct antecessor of the con- emocional
functions cept of executive functions. He distinguished three functional units
in the brain: (1) arousal-motivation (limbic and reticular systems);
(2) receiving, processing, and storing information (post-rolandic
cortical areas); and (3) programming, controlling, and verifying
activity, depending on the activity of the prefrontal cortex. Luria
mentions that this third unit has an executive role. Lezak (1983)
referred to ‘‘executive functioning” to discriminate cognitive func-
tions from the ‘‘how” or ‘‘whether” of human behaviors.
23:49 On the evolutionary It seems that no laboratory test for exec- utive function taps into Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 2:4270 - 2:4477
origins of executive the ability to coordinate cognition and emotion, and in that regard, emocional
functions no executive function test has signif- icant ecological validity.
23:50 On the evolutionary ‘‘Emotional/motivational executive functions,” which is responsible Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 3:771 - 3:1192
origins of executive for coordinating cognition and emotion. That means, the ability to emocional
functions fulfll basic impulses following socially acceptable strategies. In the
last case, what is most impor- tant does not necessarily include
what the best conceptual and intellectual result is, but what is in
accordance with per- sonal impulses (e.g., Bechara, Damasio, &
Damasio, 2000)
23:51 On the evolutionary . From the point of view of the brain, metacognitive executive Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 6:7951 - 7:181
origins of executive functions are not necessarily correlated A. Ardila / Brain and emocional
functions Cognition 68 (2008) 92–99 97
with a further brain development; increased neural interconnec-
tivity may potentially support the increased complexization of
executive functions found in contemporary H. sapiens
34:9 Sex differences in the also found that vmPFC lesion patients’ emotional and autonomic Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 2:549 - 2:808
functional responses to emotional- ly salient photographs were severely emocional
lateralization of reduced or even non- existent, further reinforced by patients’ self-
emotion and decision reported lack of emotional reactions while viewing the images.
making in the human
36:1 Spiking Phineas Our model shows how another area, the nucleus accumbens Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 1:2862 - 1:3355
Gage A (NAcc), can serve to integrate cognitive information from the emocional
Neurocomputational VMPFC and the hippocampus with emotional informa- tion from
Theory of Cognitive- the amygdala. Consistent with A. Damasio’s (1994) somatic-
Affective Integration marker hypothesis, our model indicates that the VMPFC and the
in Decision Making amygdala interact to produce emotional signals (i.e., so- matic
markers) indicating expected outcomes and that these ex- pected
outcomes compete with immediate outcomes for amygdala output
36:2 Spiking Phineas GAGE shows that temporal coordination between the VMPFC Funciones Ejecutivas y Regulación 1:4029 - 1:4173
Gage A and the amygdala is a key component in eliciting covert emotional emocional
Neurocomputational reactions to stimuli
Theory of Cognitive-
Affective Integration
in Decision Making

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