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Offshore Wind Energy Module

Assessment feedback

Group 12

Analysis (40%)
A reasonable assessment of locations starting at a
regional scale and narrowing quickly to a specific
location. A more detailed evaluation, comparing to other
locations, could be added.
A regular array layout is proposed and a range of turbine
spacings are compared in terms of wake loss, capacity
Layout factor and array cable length – a little more detail of this
evaluation would make the selection more persuasive. A
discussion of any other seabed features would be helpful
Combined wind resource data from multiple sources
using WindPRO to obtain a good estimate of the
Wind resource assessment expected wind conditions. A bit more discussions of the
limitations of the available data would be a good
Good coverage of water conditions (waves, tides etc)
although a bit more discussion of the implications of
Seabed and met-ocean these (e.g. turbine access) would be good. More
discussion of water depth and other features – cables,
wrecks etc, would be helpful.
The proposed turbine is described in detail and its
features explored. The reason for using an old model
rather than a more recent turbine is not fully explored.
Turbine selection
The choice of foundation type is discussed but the
characteristics of the propose site – water depth and
seabed structure - are not linked into this.
Cable types and voltage are discussed but the array cable
layout and export cable route are not discussed in detail.
Cable routing and grid
The offshore and onshore export cable route should be
considered in more detail.
The AEP is calculated using WindPRO but some discussion
Forecast AEP
of other losses would be a useful addition.
The course breakdown of CAPEX and OPEX is given but
not in much detail. It is assumed that all CAPEX will be
expended in year 1. The local market conditions are
Forecast LCoE
considered in terms of the wholesale electricity price but
the likely increase in cost for operating in a new market
are not discussed.
Construction plan The sequence of construction activities (at a fairly high
level) is considered and it is good to see a critical path
analysis conducted. The durations of the tasks included
are optimistic and some tasks (such a construction port
preparation) are not included. The proposed construction
port is identified but it is not demonstrated that it has the
necessary characteristics of deep water, storage space
The O&M strategy is generally sensible and appropriate
with reference to subcontractors and OEM service. Less
generic description of options and more justification of
Operations and Maintenance
specific decisions would strengthen this section. Two
O&M ports are named but it is not clear what each will
be used for.
Decommissioning, repowering and life extension options
ae considered and the steps in decommissioning
Decommissioning plan discussed. The timeline for the decommissioning process
could benefit from more explanation. Costs and benefits
for recycling are considered.
The major categories of environmental impacts are
outlined and basic mitigation at different stages of
Environmental impact assessment development are addressed. Local regulations are
considered briefly. A plan of surveys etc to be undertaken
as part of the EIA would be useful.
A number of stakeholder groups are identified and
prioritisation is mentioned but not completed in a very
Stakeholder Engagement plan sophisticated way. The approaches to stakeholder
engagement or mentioned but more specifics would be
A basic overview of some of the hazards likely to be
encountered but not treated in a very systematic way.
More use of relevant literature would strengthen this
Health and Safety plan
section, as would more discussion of the management
structures to support health and safety. Emergency
response is briefly mentioned.
Technical staff roles, experience, qualifications and
Staffing plan numbers at different stages of development are
identified. Non-technical roles are not addressed.
The major stages of development and construction are
identified and durations allocated to each. The times are
very optimistic and there is limited discussion of the
Project timeline sequencing of tasks and opportunities for parallel
activities. A Gantt chart for the overall lifetime (and more
detailed one for development/construction) would be a
valuable addition.
The chapters are generally consistent. More explicit
linking between sections would help the reader follow
Coherence (20%) the development. The balance between sections could be
improved with some being longer than necessary and
others being rather brief.
Use of data sources (20%) A good range of wind resource data is used and a more
limited set of other data sources. The interpretation and
limitations of the sources could be explored more fully. A
reasonable range of literature sources are used but more
extensive literature would give greater insights. More
specific referencing to the literature used should be
The organisation of the report is generally acceptable.
The style of presentation could be more consistent and
consideration should be given to the use of graphical vs.
Organisation and presentation (20%)
textual presentation of information. The standard of
English is generally acceptable although weaker in some

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