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On New year eve’s at the Times square, Conrad was all alone roaming in the streets.

He had
been brought up in New York but this place never felt like home. Standing in the corner of
the street, he watched people walking and melting into the crowd, talking, clicking pictures,
brimming with life. He took out a joint from his pocket and was lighting it with a lighter
when suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Devi Vishwakumar dressed up in her
traditional clothing, Saree with an overcoat.
“Hi!! I didn't anticipate that I would find you here!” Said she with a witty smile.
It took him a while to recognise her.
“Oh Hi!” he said with a half smile with no intention of interacting with anyone at the
“How come you are all alone here?” she asked with curiosity in her eyes.
“I was born and brought up here. It was like a new year thing to come here with my mom.”
explained him. Putting the joint in his mouth he looked at her.
“That's so nice! Where’s your mom?”
“She died last year of cancer. So I came in remembrance of her. I kinda missed her.” He said
with a deep voice, avoiding any eye contact.
“I can understand how you must feel, I too lost my dad a few years back, and there's nothing
that can take his place.” She said with a sad nod.
“Do you miss your family?” asked Conrad.
“I always wanted to spend my new year’s eve here, but without my family I don't feel any
good.” concluded she.
Suddenly they heard people counting down, “...8..7..6..”
They promised each other to live their life to their fullest as they counted backward till the
New year.

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