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I'lcase ltli'l'UItN 'l'lllS IIOOK
When you have I'rnished the course.

KANDA GAiGO Career college

-.r.4.B, 2-13-9 Lrchikanria, Chiyoda ku,
Tokyo 101-0047 TEL:03-3254 7100

Rachel Appleby, Mark Bartram & David Grant

Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to You could start by showing various advertisements on videc

. or in magazines. Ask what they are for and if students think

talk about advertising
they work. Students discuss the questions in pairs or small
. talk about obligation, necessity and permtssion qroups before whole-class feedback. For the final statemeni
. interrupt and arzoid being interrupted ask students if they think any of the controls on advertising
. control the discussion in meetrnqs. are too strict / not strict enough in their country. You could
refer them to the 77p on the second page of this unit sectior
as the terms advertising and advertisementwtll be used
repeatedly throughout this unit section, so the differences
The world of advertising has been transformed and the abbreviated forms will be useful.
lundamentally by the lnternet revolution. To reach their
target audrences, companies now have to advertise across
an ever wider range of medla as thev seek to fol ow their Working with words
existing or prospective customers ln their increasingly
Exercise 1
dtverse reading, tstening and vier,ving habits. This has
both advantages and disadvantages: it can make it Students read the question and discuss it in pairs. Elicit
easier to communicate a targeted advertising message answe[s lrom the whole c ass and write them on the bc"
at exactly the moment when a customer ls thinking of You can then refer to this list rvhen you get to 2.
buying. On the other hand, the choice of media is norr,r
Exercise 2
so vast that a lot ol careful thought and planning s
needed to find the right mix - as weL as a certain amount Students read the text and compare answers in pairs be' .
of luck. ln additlon, there is an inevitab e backlash from whole-class feedback. lf you have Internet access, you c
many consumers fed up with the fact that advertising show students an advertisement for Orabrush and ask why
now foilows us everywhere. For example, apps to block they think the campaign was such a success. (The term'vi
online ads on computers or phones are commonplace, video'may come up in conversation. Point out that they'll
and certain cities have moved to stop or limit outdoor looking at viral videos in more detail in the Talking point.)
advertising, as seen in lhe Lartguage in work sectron of Possible answers
this unrt. The advice is to use social mecjia, but to make sirre that yor-
Thls urrit locuses f rst of ail on the vocabulary of choose the right media for your auCience, to add value wlil
advertising and promotion. lt then qives students the special ollers (this r,vill get peop etalking) and to use humc-
chance to talk about advertising aws around the wor d,
Practically speoking and Euslnes.s cornmunication focus Exercise 3
on useful expressions for asserting yourself in meet ng:, Students discuss the question in palrs, then share their
leading to a final role played rneeting r,vhere students with the whole group. Students may come up with similq
decide on a promotional campaign ln the Talking point ideas to those in the'Context'section at the beglnnino :'
they get to ta k about the phenomenon of viral videos Teacher's Book notes to this unit. lf not, you could feed
and plan a viral marketing video of their own. in to the discussion and ask students what they think.

ffiEffiffimre Ask students to think about a com

they know something about and the different types of
promotlon they have seen before and since the use of
the lnternei.

Exercise 4
Students match the phrases and definitions lndividual,;
then compare answers in pairs. Follow up with w
feedback. You may like to elicit or point out the
. we genera ly use advertislng when a company pays
for lt: we we publicitywhen it's free, or the compar.. .
mentioned in the media.
. the adjective from awarcness is aware'. we are aware
product means we know that it exists
. target can also be a verb: we target a particular aud
. boost is similar to increase but is a faster action.
Some languages use the same word for last and latest.
test their understandlng, ask what are the last and latd

52 Unit 9
-: of a vre I known prodLrat. l,he /alesi - th6 ngv,rs5l, Students then read the six forms of advertising. Check their
:aent up to no\,v The iast imp res nothinq wi fo ow, understanding with questions, e.g. What happens v'/hen you
- d ro gL -
click on a cltck ad? V/hat's the difference berween a t:'r.-€.
and rta)n-targeted enatl? Vt/hot searctt enQine ric',,o,1 152.)
- - i!A/ers
: - itew bus ness
St!dents work ln pairs and decide rryh ch iori'rs tlr:, :,, ' :
recommend for the con-rpanies ln 6. Drscrrss ideas a- a
, - ,a:es
. group, encouraging students to give reasor-rs
... psbllciry
"d.-- oo po.1:
Possible answers
,'r:toutlt Al methods could be rrsed, however, thefollornrlng iright
: isrQet audience
be best:
. )icLtr latesl ranEe Ollrce supp res: c ick ads, targeted emarls, search eng nes
Hea th clubs: socia rnedia (connectinq through'friends'/
:.:a U l'ltS
contacts), ciick ads, advei'tising boards on location, search
engrnes, promotiona events, (to be ab e to offer something, and
, : se 5 'take a friend')
- nternet sen,ice providers: social nredia, click ads, targeted
-raS.. l.he aorreCtlvord. Check lhelr ans,,\.o.S
emarls, search engines (all online spaces)
: -ts work rn parrs tc asI and a!s\,,\]eI th-a
.:1. ieedback brelv i,,rith the rnrho e clct5s
Exercise 9
: ,rt .-
) 9.2 Students rsten to the speakers descr bing how they
advertrse. Students compare answers in pairs before who e
a -:
. _:-. ctlr c ass feed back. Ask them what tlrey tlrln k of the methods.
::-a!', reaah
Speaker 1:digital advertising boards at sports stadiums, clrck
-:r practice an ir o. p oo'. 1 ga 1.'
' 'i 'eed more practice , go lo Practice file 9 on 5peaker 2: targeted emarl can rpa gn l'/vice a yeai, gettir'rg
- :'the Student'sBook. rr,rebsite onto first page of search engine
Speaker 3: promote compan,v on Facebook and Trnritter. Free
le6 outdoor exercise class once a month in the surrmer
E-.= playing the recording, ask students how the
:i: ;f business mentioned advertise in their country Exercise 10
I -*:.,'choose their Internet service provider? Were
lf students are not aware of how their company advertises,
'-r=-::d by their advertising? Then listen and check they cou d either find this out for the next lesson or research
, il :^ :he whole class.
another company as indicated below lor pre v/ork learners.
Students discuss in pairs or groups, preferab y with someone
from a different company. Monitor for correct use of target
anguage. Then, invite students to ta k about any partlcu arly
. - ers] interesting campaigns they heard about from other
stud e nts.

::;l*;;.:;:::i:,:li:iAsk your students to do some research

: ,rcents undeIsr.ood quit-. a ot the llrst outside the c assroom: students research'best advertising
r arsw-or the quest ons before stenirql campa gns'on the nternet, then report on their flndings
': recordinq again and el [hern [ompare in c ass.
=':,re checklnqr with the who e c ass.
Further practice
:- i ,i15 Download and photocopy Unit 9 Working with words
:lieTs the sarne serrilres ior the sarre ;--rrce. worksheet f rom the teacher resources in the Onllne p ractice.
. .:ar sports Jor,'ers ir,,tth ; specr.:l ofl'er lor

.r they are erpensr,",e bcca.tse it's a small Language at work

- disco;rts cn 50 cl:fferert
.'reyr 61f,'1 l-.ig
Exercise 1
--r r- a to\'\/n rrhere noboc[, kitew lhern.
Students discuss the questions in pairs. Discuss as a group
.. -cnth ol classes to pecp e inrlro biir!l
what kind of changes they talked about. Who thinks their
town/city has changed for the better, or worse, and why?

Exercise 2
: =,:ercise, refer students to the 7jp on Students read the text, and compare answers in palrs. Ask
- -: ihem also about how this word is them to vote on whether it's'a good ideai 'not a bad ideai or
: , jrlous forms advertising, adverlj5ement 'not a good idea'; use this as the basis for a brief discussion.
"',-:- :2ment (British English), advert. lf most of them choose one of the first two options, ask how
the city can compensate for the loss in advertising revenue.

Unit 9 53
Exercise 6
Lomplete tf e t3sk rn parrs
Answer Students read ihe messagPs and
street advertising now' help rruith the
The city doesn't have commercial .
L"f",. t"H"f class feedbacL They ma'v need (NB they
f"fi"*,.q tn,ougno,t the store' non'refttndable
insurance (they learnt
Exercise 3 i"u,na ,.lrra tn lJnrt 5'l cartcellatron
iintcrliled fliqhr ln Unir l, btll
to the correct meanlnq' posters aad prosecuted'
Students match the verbs in bold
.;J;.. compare with a partner' Check wlth the whole Suggested answers
buy today
.turr.No,uthatincertalnlanguagesthe'notpossible'and i-it-t -" get a 300/b discount' but you have to
'not necessary'notions are often expressed with the
same You have to pay cash or
to pay by cheque
clear between -c You aren't allowed
verb, so Lt's important to make the
bY card.
don't have ta / (1on't need to and can't
/ aren't ailowed lo Note 4 You don't have to pay for delivery if you spend more
potnt don't have a
,l']u,,*o gaps at the end ol t.le Language €1 00
you want to be
what verbs would fit there' : have a refund lor thls tlcket lf
uurf, ,n th-e text Students discuss Vou
protected, you have to take cancella|on
Answers * You aren't allowed to / can't adver-tlse
i have to / need to
3 don't need to Further Practice
3 can /1are altowed ro)
lf students need more practice'
go lo Practice file 9 on
4 arent allowed to I {cant)
page 1 23 of the Studen t's Book'
ii"," *o missing verbs are'are allowed

Exercise 7
Grammar reference Students read the instructions Check
the vocabulary They
rHlrf O spend a few minutes thinking which question .
on page 123 ofthe Student'sBook' out the formation --
L ,"t, appropriate for each item Point
*flaveyoalo 'i :
Exercise 4 ttl" qr"riion, (students may want lo say
work in pairs io
advert slnq J,lf u f.* examples if necessary Students
) 9.3 Students Ilsten to people discussin,g of the modal verbs
listen again at unr*.rrt-,u questions Encourage use
tf.r..f unt*"rs quickly as a group Don't from 2.
this stage. ask
ffi lf students are from the same country'
online and to report
ffi;;arch a dlfferent country
*3 *1sl back on what theY find out'

Exercise 5
sentences with verbs
ffi un,, tnink students need more practlce
in this area'
) 9.3 Students try to complete theeven ri
in their
from 3. Point out to students that
if they don't ;k;;; to discuss other rules and regulations
can complete laws for under-1 Bs'
,"rn.rb"r, the verbs from the listening' they lorn,r,.r. fopics could lnclude:
comolete the .;a election,, driving (both cars t:d T:t,9-:??;
thu," ,"nt" ln a logical way Students ""0.q countries / visas NB
then compare
,.ni.n.., lndividually, answers ln pairs. Listen Ot,"i.:rg alcohol, travelling io other yl
are acceptable 1n
again to check answers wlth the
whole class' pausinq after ftfut" ,Jr" you choose topics which
each target sentence' local teachinq context'

For the second part of the task'

students need to refer more
tJ tf'," g"n.,ul point that each speaker
is makrng' rather E Further Practice
(sentences 5-8 are facts, not
tr']un tr-]i indivldual sentences resources in the online
t" t's difficult to respond to them) You could refer
\ *oi**nrrrfrom the teacher
students back to the statements
in 4 and ask them why each
;;.i"t that opinion e q Slalemen t c: outdaor
look unattractrve artd qet
PracticallY sPeaking
isn't attracttve because btllbiorrls
again if necessary They
i,iq;qr:, r:ruy year-Play the recording Exercise 1
lt is sometimes
coulddiscusstheiropinlonsa5agroup,orinpairsfirst. ) 9.4 As a lead-in, ask the class why \
necessary to interrupt somebody
who ls speakinq
tr have to impolite to do rhis?
} don't need to Playthe recordins and let lugent,s
familiar with I
need to #i;il;t-ltais teeouack students
may give flroIe ce .:
have to advertising and the use of cookles
For othe"
5 aren'i allowed to unr*.,r, id tl-,.ir. opintons on the subject
# are allowed to, can't u.."p, minimal answers and move on to the next
? don't have to
S can -ir'liy't. answers
on the
t don't have to i talk ng about tarqeted advertising
rnove straight on to the
EffiqHfl#"if;+ You may prefer to this
3 TheY don't agree
come back to
controlled practlce Ln O Vou could then
po"t berore 'ne l 'o'D'a

54 Unit 9
:, =rCiSe 2 Exercise 2
'I - ients isten and number the phrases Check ) 9.5 You may need to explain or e icit the meanings of
, . :lck v with the whole class after stening sentences I -5 before students can match them with a I n
particular, they may not understand the lo owing terms:
- :3 ri2 *l . catch - hear
o get aff the sublect - talk about a different subject
se3 . cover - dealwrth
-- . ::tivity with the wholeclass. Play the recording
. lh not with you = I don't understand what you mean
I -'
-:cessary to allow students to hear the expressions . 't 1 .O d^. r Oe tl e ^.lc -t QO rt.
.:-::,:. pausing aftereach expression is used. . be more specific - give more deta
. rnave r:n (to) - change (to a new sub1ect)
-r :c . carne back to - return to (a subject discussed before).
Students match A and B lndividually, then compare answeTs
in pairs. Play the recording again and pause after each
:n " ::ooses the same subject to talk about. Give matched pair of sentences to elicit the correct answers.
;- : -:h time to think individually of three or four Answers
. : :-=: the discussion goes on long enough for them
--: ::rases from 3. They may tend to let each other tf ic je 4d 5b +a

:-: -t interrupting: encourage them to interrupt Refer students to the Key expresstons, and check they
:' ;: ::ssible, even if it means being a Iittle impolite. ,r d^r.Laro 1e pn d 6..
with a stronger student, with rhe teacher to mark rhe main stressed
ffiEj.-l#"€E-l.t,I*E:i= Ask students
: : _'t,
words on the follow-up sentences a I (and stressed syllables
'cu may like to introduce a game element by in the case of words wtth more than one sv lab e).
tr:-:s to give themselves a point each time they
' :-: larget expressions. Answers
+ Can we sum up what we've aqICC_d?
* Could you be mcre specific?

communication c What was the last figure?

d Can we move on to the next pointT
m * Can we come back to that laterT
{ We need to discuss our new marketinq campaiqn.

Exercise 3
:: much) and explain that controlling Students use the se|terces as prompts. Encourage pairs
i661y5 of this section) is an important to come up rvith alternatirre responses in each case. Get
. - -: these problems. feedback on diflerent possible answers with the whole class.

m Ask the students what they think the Possible answers

;n: :e with meetings in companies. i 5orry, l'm not wrth you. Can you be more specific? Do you
want to recruit more people?
3 \A/e're getting off the subject. Can we come back to that later
if we have time?
, -, .ou d break the ilstening into three 4 Sorry, I didn't catch that. What was the second figure?
- -.s to compare answe[s after each I No, think we've coveTed recruit.nent. Can we move on to th€
- .: complete I,he notes. Get feedback next point?
-. : a ass. * No, I think that's everything Can we surn up what we've

Further practice
--:.5 millron
lf students need more practice, go to Practice file 9 on
j 'Or d ^ -dio Co^ page 122 of the Studen t's Book.
uO Oo Cla

Exercise 4
Refer students to the meeting agenda. lf you have at
I . -.1lc, Poland, Hunqarv least four students in your class, ask them to prepare
for the rneeting in pairs by discussing their reactions to
., .:les lorecast the proposals and thinking of ideas for the advertising
',,-: mediacampaiqn campaign.
Form meeting groups of four to six students. Divide large
groups into separate meetings. Don't appolnt a chairperson:
the idea is that everyone can control the discussion.

Unit 9 55
Monitor for correct use of the sentences from thls
section' Task
rhythrn and intonation' Stronger
including natural stress,
Exercise 1
groups could be encouraged to include interruptinq Ask them to
Divtde students into groups of three or four'
Lnguug. from the Practtcally speaking section o-f this
unit: a
plan for' When
qui"ctr rJcap of the expressions will be useful before starting' think about what company they are going to
at the end they've made their choice, note them a I on the
Bring common mistakes to the students'attention
Ask the student to declde which company
of the meeting and ask them to self-correct' #,:"-S,H:."1P=if5=i$
they want to focus on, and what the video wi I be about
With several groups, ask each group to summarlze at
n scuss their ideas, and suggest some of your own lf the
the end. at home'
student ts self-mottvated, they could do this task
ffi This activity works perfectly well as a two-
and then present it to you next lesson'
p"r-; discussion, but in your preparation, you could
include some information which will prompt the student Exercise 2
use the target language for this section, e g some (invented)
some Students decide on a sub.lect for therr vrdeo
statistics which they will have to ask you to repeat'
deliberately unclear arguments or a deliberate digression'
Exercise 3
Avoid being the unofficial chairperson: let the student move will follow'
Students dtscuss which of the five tips they
things along.
Exercise 4
Further Practice
communication Students plan their video together, and give timings'
Download and photocopy Unit 9 Business
the teacher resources in lhe Online practice' Encourage them to map it out on paper like a story
Monitor and give help with vocabulary or ideas
to the
correct thelr use of language unless it's not clear
Talking Point students, but make a note for later work'

Discussion Exercise 5
Each group chooses a spokesperson to
present their
Exercise the of the class Encourage listeners to
1 video plan to rest
As a lead in, ask studentswhy some vjdeos on Youlube get give feedback, e.9. on an idea they particularly like or any
fewer than a hundred views, and others several million Write suggestions theY have.
their ideas on the board. Students then read the five tips; ask
are srmllar to their own'
: Proqress test
them which of the ideas mentioned IJnit 9 Progress fesf and 5pr
I oo*itoua and photocopy
Deal with any vocabulary problems in the text' in the Online p ractice'
E from the teacher resources

Possible answers
people talk
Similar: traditional and online adverts are both short;
to interest the viewer straight
ubout good advertlsements; need
friends; qeonle
Different: people often share online vid"os-with
but are
are more iikuty to close an online video belore it flnishes'
the end Online adverts can
more likely towatch a TV ad until
unaouruga you to click, and qo to a site, or take actron'

fffiffiS As an alternative lead in, tell students they are

going to answer two questlon s"What is a vtral vrdeo? Why
you think some videos'go viral?fhen ask them to type
the terms'top viral videos'and'top viral marketing
give them
YouTube and to watch a selectton from each to
you have no
an idea of how to answer the two questions' lf
lnternet access, this could be done in advance at home'

Exercise 2
more or
Students discuss in pairs which tips they thlnk are
less important. Encourage alternative ideas'

Exercise 3
Students drscuss what sorts of videos they shar'^
feedback, you could askthem to give reasons'

56 Unit 9
-'='r'lgW Exercise 3
Students read the words for taiklng about logos, and put
, - olthis Vtev,rpotnt ts company loqos. ln thts
them into the categories. Do the first word together.
- ' , students begin by listening to people
. rrhy company ogos aie important, then Answers
. Jeo which examines the [o e co our plays in How it looks: small, modern, round, bright
.. ,.,ot 1ogos, before finallv desiqninq a nerv ioqo Where you see it: van, website, supermarLet, packaging
How it makes you feel: optimistic, excited, happy, safe

ffi Ask students which words they could use to

describe their own company or college logo.
- - r start by showing, or drawing on the board, one
-_:'loUS logos, and asking students to guess what
Exercise 4
rhey represent. Students then discuss in pairs what
, :gos they know, and how important they think Students work in pairs and look at the colours. Ask them to
suggest which types of businesses use which colour. Elicit
. -sk them to show, if possible, and discuss their one or two to get them started (e.9. car manufacturers,
, :r college logo, in terms of colour and design, and
- drinks com panies, etc.).
Exercise 5
Q OZ Before playing the video, ask students to read the
information in the table so that they know what to listen out
-en play the video. Ask students to make notes
for. Then play the video. lf necessary, play it a second time,
. Reassure students that they do not need to pausing after each colour section.
:il of what the speakers say, but to try to pick out
Students check their answers with a partner, and then check
: rts only.
the answers together.
::aker two (Mark) does not answer the third
T happy
='-: 'either speakers'comments or opinions are ]
: :-:'own. Discuss as a group.
5 gooo
: - S't/ef S 4,7
5 car companies
Speakerl lSpeaker2 i 6 lnternet search engine
"^--..--*=-- --"- f.=='*'
f€ due (fo L) f aS Io A q-it'
-: eserl loo,. to re unoerstdno ng d- VIDEOSCHIPT
'-:'eel .1d \oJ \\ant d oLic{ glar ce of They're all around us. We see them every day.
. . .-'eaLe loi iwitl^ r o.t' wl-ar the conpary On cars.
-. :rpa1y. is aoou. On packaging.
. :an be (make it) formal, j Something On the sides of vans.
-^. less serious t thatyou can On the front ofour ocal shops.
,=s:gn (mark) which is i immediateiy On the shelves of our shops.
' ool c or .r-etapl-61 661 "ecoor'ze o1 a van ln our homes.
. read : that passes you on
r immediate On our phones.
': ,, ^aL vour corpdny lhe srrpel. We even wear theml
-, ,)s ro. 's ver.
iur r) vcry 5oret
iu |cL r'ro
I 19 il'ha
rdL Logos are everywhere.
,r r'. I - vo r, ^ead.
..". ---... : - ,,
So what makes a logo powerful?
-=:cmpany (Vantiv) i The company Colour is a key factor
,:: not have a design Colours send a message and create an emotiona response. Colour
; (Lincoln college)
.'r',. so the logo is only also says something about our business. Let's take a lookat some
! has a crest: three
reindeer, a shield ogos to see how they use colour.
- -:d with a particular I and three stars For most people, yellow is a bright and optimistic co our. lt makes
us feel warm and happy inside. So brands like fast food restaurants
little star use yellow on their signs and logos, Jt says to customers:'Heyl We're
a happy place to bring the kids and have funl
:cwerful. Red can Another colour that's popular with fast lood restaurants is red. Red
is an exciting colour which you often see on burger bars but of
. wrth finance
-=,1 course . ..
- -.,-siclered saie Red can a so mean danger or there's an emergency, so you'll see
red ogos lo'nedical conpd.l e).
Of course, you can use colour in a logo to say something
completely different about a product. For example, imaoine you

Viewpoint 3 57
to let rc Tne sanre exercise can be used with a one-to-
are setling asoftfizzy drlnk.Youd probably have a red logo
everyone know how exciting life becomes when you drink thls one student. time is an issue, you could ask the student to
product. choose just one logo to design
But what happens when everyone wants afizzy drink with less
sugar in and you have to make your product healthier? Simple' Exercise 9
Just turn your red logo into a green logo. After all, green sends the
Students present thelr ideas to the class. Remind them
message that the product is clean and good for you'
before they start to use the phrases from 6 to help
So green is also good if you're an energy company, or maybe sell
organic food. Another colour that's healthy is blue Now earlier we lnvite feedback from other class members on the suitability
saL that logos for medical companies are often red That's usually of the colours chosen and the design, and how the logo
when they are involved with first aid or emergencies Btlt we woLrld make them feel, as customers.
associate blue with safety and reliabillty so blue is popular with the Students could find simi ar companies onllne i'
pharmaceutical industry and with lT businesses.
therr own tlme and compare those logos with the ones th€
You might think blue is a bit boring, but even less exciting than
blue is the colour grey. Who uses grey as a logo?
Brands that produce technology use grey to emphasise how
Further video ideas
reliable their Products are.
You can find a list of suggested ideas for how to use video
A classic timeless grey or silver logo is also the choice of many car
the class in the teacher resources inlhe Online prqctice'
companies because it represents strenqth and performance'
But what if you want your product to say your company s many
thlngs to many different people? Maybe you're an lnternet search
engine that everyone uses.
lhe answer ls slmPle.
Think about it. What does your company logo say about you and
your business?

ffiffiffi Ask students if thelr company or college logo

fits into the colour categories described.

Exercise 6
O the video again, ask students to read
OZ Before playing
the sentences and check their answers with a partner' Then
play the video again. Students check their answers agaln,
then check them with the whole class.

1 makes. feel
I saYs
3 mean
il sends, message
5 good
6 associate, popular
7 represerls

Exercise 7
You could deal with these questions in two stages, as each
one could promote a lot of discussion.
Glve students time to read the questions, and perhaps make
a few notes, and then pair them off with a new partner to
discuss the questions.
Discuss a few of their ideas as a group, and find out how
closely the logos they know resemble the information in
the video (in the table in 5), or whether there are significant

Exercise 8
Students work in small groups.They should imagine that
they are going to design a logo for each of three companies'
lf you are short of time, each group could focus on just one
of the companies.
Tell them first to look at the pictures, and descriptions, so
that they understand a bit about each company. Then give
them time to discuss the logo and draw a sketch.
They should use the information in 5 to help and give them

Viewpoint 3

- nit content Starting point
- :rrd of this L.;nlt, students urlll be able t:o Elicit ideas for 1 from the whole class, then ask them to
discuss 2 in pairs. Before answering 2,you could brainstorm
.ocut environmental protectioI
a list of problems on the board, and then ask students to
.rcut probable luture results put them ln order of urgency. Check the pronunciation
--clarification (including stress) of envlronment'. /rn'vatrfinmant/ and
- fcrnral presentatron.
' e nvi ro nm e ntal /rn, varren'ment1/.

Working with words

. af Envtranmerr will be relevant to all business
. eadeTsand manaqers now realize that financla Exercise 1

. re ations benefit from a much greener Ask students what information they can think of which is
r -. IC business, so n-rost companles, both large stored on computers, e.g. personal and public data, files, etc.
: , now usually address their environmental Then ask them to work in pairs to answer the questions. Elicit
- . s. Partly this is because consun'rers are Less and a few ideas briefiy from the whole class.
'.:r to use a company whlch has a reputation for
Suggested answers
. . -qreen, so a company wil lose business unless lt I Personal data; corporate (from companies) data; government
. rs environ mental ly-friend
ly. ll you type'making data.
;-.-.en'into an lnternet search engine, you will 2 lt is usually stored on huge servers (main computers whlch
-: , blllion hits. connect several computers connected in a network),
:: our attitude to qreen issues is cu tural. For
,3r-rt, 3 They require a lot of energy, and could be costly to produce
. ':'lhern European countries such as Germany and r un.
. '' rave traditionallv been at the lorefront of
: 'ress green; developing countries have taken Exercise 2
, .rCabie vierpoint that restrictions on output Students read the text, connpare their answers in 1 and
- rr are going to hit them hard;ust as they answer the question.
--rarket share. So your students are likely to
Check students understand generate (v) - to produce or
-- ,rg viewpoints, depending on where they create sth; (bomb) ,hnm/ shelter (n) - a place of protection
r - -r tlhat bustness they are tn.
from rain, danger or attack; extract (v) - to remove or
the opporturity to discuss
:-]es obtain a substance from sth., e.g. by uslng an industrial or a
. i ssLres,,r,,ithin the business world and to chemical process.
- -rD! ary in that fleld. t also gives a basrc
r tlre language of presentations and gives Answers
In Helsinki. the servers are kept cool under water in the Baltic
-: . rance to practise. They wlil also practise
. - :.rtlon. The unit ends \Nith a Tclkinq paint Sea, and the heated water is then used to heat homes.
At Google, the energy for big data servers comes from
: r scuss u,rays of qettinq peoir e to change
'-e better to benefit themselves, and/or
lo't P'' P'l J o ''
Exercise 3
Students work in pairs and discuss the questions.

ffi Ask students if these ideas could be

implemented in their own countries, or companies, and

Exercise 4
Students work individually, then compare answers in pairs.
Check answers with the whole class.

Unit'10 59
Exercise 7
Answers whlch
) 10.'l Students work in pairs and listen aga n to note
: enero\'aon;urnption verb-noun comblnations ln 5 are used You cou d suggest
,: lea)'aleC
: raLl5eU they tick them off as they hear them Check the answers
wlth the whole class
" eco friend ysou[ces
: rerewable Answers
i.. thro\\ 3wa_Y
1 recycle metal cans, reduce waste
.i Fossil iue s t pollute the envrronment, consume (less) electricity
5 reCuce Po11utlo. 3 throw awaY food, reuse glasses
'.i (-arbon emisslons ,i reduce emissions, Po ute the air
l:i Global i,varrrinq

Polnt out that vve sornetlrnes Lise ,'€L/5€ af d re'y'i' Further Practice
lf students need more practice, go lo Practice file 10
on page
lnt..rchanqeab y. Note that r€ ls a pref x meanirg'a(laif
the follotn.,'tng vvolcl5: r€Lr5e, recyclt:,lcrr€11', but not or'l I'dLl" '1
24 of the Student's Book.

Exercise 5 Exercise 8
Students discuss the four lnitiatives Ask if any of them are
Alter students have done lhe exerclse n pa rs' e"oura'le
them to derrelop theLr answers by using one each ol' place in their own places of work or study, and/or whether
the other veTb-noun colnbinations ln a seltence abor-lt they would be feasible. What rnight the disadvantages
thernselves or thelr working/study en\"/lTonrrent of each?

Answers Exercise 9
.i; fossii fuels Students should form pairs from different companies
petrol possible, and find out what their partner's company does'
;. lvarmtng 'l
flffi For questions and 2, stud"nts sho- -
'i emlsslons
i; enerqy ;i;t; their place of study They could write a letter to tl^ = :
prlncipal, suggesting new green initiatives the school co-

ffi take.

Refer students to the 7?p about the word green'Canrhey

Some students (e.g. French-speaking) may confuse
it to describe thelr place of work or study, product or
the meaning or spelling of the following consumption'
cu stom e r, cu stom, costu me - or one they know?

You could suggest they check their dictionaries to E Further Practice

10 Working with words
check the meaning, as well as to find other words in the Download and PhotocoPY lJnit
in the Onllne
word fa mi ies, e.g. con su m e (v), co n su m e r (n, person),
I c
worksheet from the teacher resources

consumption (n, oblect). Suggest they also check which

part of the word is stressed, \.e. consumer buI customer'
Language at work
ffi verb-
Exercise 1
tew io:'
Ask students to work in pairs and write down two Stuclents answer the questions in pairs' Elicit a
to give reasons'
noun combinations they want to remember'They should from the whole class, asking them
then write down an example when they would do this'
phrase' e g' Possible answers
or this would happen, but without using the
Students mtght come up with issues relating to price'
My brother cycles to work every day because he doesn't
rcutes, capaclty (nunrber of peop e who can be tran
ro... (pollute the environm enl), We have three big boxes
in a cutpboard in the kttchen to ... We put empty cantainers
and packaging in them, and then we take it all ta a
pe r/p asti c/g ss) Exercise 2
co ect i o n p o n t. ecy cle
(r pa aI I
II i

) 10.2 Tell students they are going to hear a discus,

Give students flve minutes to prepare their situations' and
about the costs of trams and electrtc buses, as well
then askthem to pair up with another pair' Each pair reads many passengers each can carry. Askthem to llstei',
of their situatlons and the other palr tries to guess
out one numbers and comPlete the table'
which verb noun combinatlon it refers to'
Write the table on the board Ask the students for t-=
responses and fill ln the table.
Exercise 6
wi hear lour short ertracts that Answers
) 10.1 Te I students they
correspond to the lour pictures. let students compare Trams Electri c

anslveTs in pairs, then checl< with the whoLe class

Start-up costs/km (€): €l 9-22m €3m

Answers 7,000 3,00f

No of passengers/hour
ji3 !1) i.-4 i=1 l

Running costs/km (€): €7

Unit 10

EillE{t:lM Ask srudenrs if they have changed rheir mind Exercise 6
rcr: -: which idea they prefer, and if so, why. Students read the instructlons about introducing green
initiatives and discuss their ideas with a partner. They should
.-:ise 3 then decide which they would choose. Encourage them to
L , I - lents under ine the correct u,rord indlvidual y, have reasons for their answers.
:-:re answers in pairs.Then play the record r g
--.r'r to check. Confirm the answers rvlth the ffi Students could discuss the situation at
their school or college.
- -
":rs Give each pair of students a new green initiative, e.g. be
^.l,,,e io Photocopying is only allowed on Fridays.
- -t We should encourage people to work from home, and have
meetinqs on Skype.
Everyone must use their own mug at work; company mugs
, , -^
:: +A are only for visitors.

: : to t\e Lanqttaqe ooinf and ask therr to decid.^ They should write it at the top of a piece of 44 paper, and
- 3 match each ru
-.s tl'r e. then write a full sentence with the result of the initiative.
Then pass their paper clockwise round the classroom:
each pair now thinks of the next result. Contlnue rotating
: I llr,l 3
. the pieces of paper for four or five sentences/resuits, then
pass the papers back to the original pair to read. Which
green initiative is the most interesting, or most effective,
.-::-at if the iFstructure comes in the second part of and why? What are the consequences?
-r:-:e, we do not need a comma between the two
Further practice
Download and photocopy Unit 10 Language at work
lr-'ilnar reference
worksheetfrom the teacher resources inthe Online practice.
rcrts need more information, go to Grammar reference
qe r25 of the Sfudent's Book.

E5 Practically speaking
'-: r :'< in pairs to consider ways to improve their Exercise 1
:r* '- r :lem that, in each case, they are talking about Pre teach clarification making something c eaTer or
,. - :;:ling something. Listen out for use of tenses as
easier to understand. Then elicit lrom the c ass their ideas
il,rl i- I f necessary, prompt and remind them that we
about things to say if you don't understand something in a
I -": .- , use will in the if clause. meeting.

Possible answers
:-:r if we improve public transport? 5orry, what did you say?
I stop using their cars, so there wlll be lewer
Could you explarn, pleaseT
.-:s lf we do that, there'll be less pollution.

Exercise 2
=- lf we lmprove public transport?
:'money, so we' need to tncrease ttcket > 10.3 Ask students to read the sentences, and then listen
for the correct answer.
-: iular with the pubiicl
-- ;f we create more cycle lanes? Answer
lo to work by bike, and lt wlll make the i the who e cornpany
E next: year
*i aa n't
-:'students, or those who linish ear y, i part olthe day
up with thelr own ideas and results,
-:ir conversations to add a follow up Exercise 3
: . ln Other suggestions cou d include: ) tO.f Siudents isten again and complete the questions,
ln inner-city traffic to e.g. 10 km per
' -rr the city at: weekends; creating more Answers
- :sed roads, etc ! Do you mean
i Sorry, did you say
:: ice i So, are you sayrng
- cre practice, go to Practice file 10 on page ,i What do you mean by
'-' : Book.

Unit 10 61
Ask students to decide whrch words are Answers
:, r r-r. and are stressed, in each phrase. Encourage them ?e Eg 3f 4a Sb 6c ?'h 8d
.. .ach complete question out oud. Model this, or play
= ..:r rg again, pausing after each question. ffiffi Ask students to focus on the numbered
phrases and to underline the stressed words in each phrase.
Answers For example:
'1 i:
;",o1 mean lh here toda)t to tellyou about .. .

I i:i'',. did you 54y

i i:. ai-e you sayinq l'll come to ...
i r'iL do you mean by Then ask students to repeat the phrases, paying particular
attention to the stressed words. Model the pronunciation
Exercise 4 yourself, or play the recording and pause at the appropriate
- =--:nstrate the flrst one with one student first. Students
,'- r- AB pairs. Encouraqe B students to use different Exercise 4
. ^':r.s lor checklng clariftcat on. 1l necessary, flrst work
Explain e-billing. Explain also that bill can be both a noun and
r with the c ass to make comp ete sentences with
-: : -es, e g VVe need to reduae our €nerg)/ cansumptrort next averb - to send someone a bill for something. Check the
pronunciation of secure /st'kjuo(r)/, and security
.,' .'.'€ must improve the results for recycling, elc.
n the questions with two a ternati\ es,
Remind students that the notes are only notes, so they need
--a.r-. sJre students use contrastive Stress correctl,v.
to fill them out wlth any necessary grammar words, as well
): you rneon the twent.v-first or ttte tttirty-ftrst of October? as using the expressions in 3 and lhe Key expressions.
just the factor)r?
- -.e you saying the whole contpany, or
Suggested answer
:.trf , did you say fiiPglor trfty? lh here today to rellyou about the switch in o!r company to
' 'r|.e sLrre students swap and each have a turn at asking lor e-billing.
: :r ilcetlon, Listen out for correct use of phrases. Firstof all,l'lltelLyou about some olthe advantages and
disadvanlages. startwiih the advantages. For example,
You cou d ask stronger students or fast finishers
customers can vrerr,r bi11s at any time of the day or night ln
.: ri- rk of two more ideas, and think ol r,ryhat they wou d addition, e bi ing Ls faster and cheaper than sending brlls by
--:a to c arify, e.g. We're ttavtng o team avtay day on Thursday. post. Addltionally, e billing helps the environment because
: . tl'r Thttrsday,.oiTuesdoy) it saves on paper and plastrc bags used for collect ng waste
paper. Mynextpotntconcerns the disadvantages: if we switch
to e-brllinq, we'il need special secure softtn,are, and not all
Busi ness communication customers have it. ln addition, some customers are strll worrled
about secur tlr.
Exercise 1 5q Io sum up, there are pros and cons, but I be leve the
et studerts dlscuss the questlon in pairs, then check their disadvantages can be overcome.That brings me ro tl-re end of
ta1k. Thank you for listenlngl
Ceas r,r,ith the who e ciass.

student gives iheir (part of the)

i,E1i.i+;ti-il:f,.:j As each
Possible answers
presentation, their partner ticks off the phrases they hear
Greer policies can save money (by recycling goods or cutt ng
c ;s) and increase profts / raise atryareness ofgreen ssues Compare notes at the end to see who used the most
:mcng staff / make the company envlronmenta l,v frtendll, to the ph rasesl
public r more attractive to job applicants / create a feel-good
:actcr amongst the staff / help cut carbon emissions / reduce air ffi Have students working as A or B and plan

together: Student A could present the topic (sublect)
and the advantages, and then Student B presents the
Exercise 2 disadvantages and the conclusion.

> 10.4 P ay the listening once for students to compare the r

Further practice
:t ol advantages lrom 1 . Then play the istening again and lf students need more practice, go to Practice file 10 on
,.I them to comp ete the notes. Check answefs with the 1 24 of the Student s Book.
'. i-ro e Class.
Exercise 5
- energ,v, profits
Students work in two groups: Group A and Group B. They
? envrronment, busrness should work together in groups to help each other and
3 employer prepare their presentations. When they are ready, pair t
4 regulations up A+B, for them to give their presentations to each othe'.
Llsteners should write down the topic of the presentatior
Exercise 3 and then llst some of the advantages and disadvantages
> 10.4 Students match the beginn ngs and ends of the they hear: they could then use thls information to ask the
5entences from the presentation, then listen aqain to check presenter a question afterwards.
their answers (or read the audlo script on page 153).

62 Unit 10
-or their presentations and, afterwards, ask them to self- Task
. -=:r rf you hear any incorrect use of language: you cou d
: lcorrect examples on the board. Exercise 1
.]. Students read the ist. Encourage them to come up with
Group A could discuss the advantages
r sadvantages of taking holidays without going at least three ideas for each action. Alternatively, you couid
. - -sing the following ideas: ticket prices, distance, a ocate one activity to each pair. Alter five minutes, ask
- -:iions, times, tiredness, etc. Group B couid discuss students for a few examples of each initiative. Check they are
, : r-r y pub ic transport during the week and for work using the conditiona forms correctly.
- ,/ate cars), using the following ideas: cost, time, ffiffiffi Students could ta k about the situation
--'ence, carbon emissions, etc. where they study.

The student makes one, two or a of the

Exercise 2
: : cns. You take notes on both content and
- r irs used, and the student then compares your notes ln turn, each pair presents their idea to the group. Give them
time to prepare, remlnding them to use phrases from the
= st of key expressions. f appropriate, they could
Buslness comrnunicatlon section, as well as the language lor
' : .rls at home for next time.
talking about results from the Longuage at work section.
':ner practice
- :ad ffi You could take two ideas each, and then
and photocopy Unit 10 Business communication compare and discuss them. The student could then write up
-:et from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
the suggestions for one of the ideas as a mini-presentatlon,
using phrases from the previous section.They cou d then
king point present it next lesson.

- ,,trrite nudge on
the board and e icit or give the Progress test
-:re to push somebody gentiy, in order to get Download and photocopy the Unit 10 progress tesf and their behaviour; to persuade). Demonstrate Speaking tesf from the teacher resources in the Online
' =aning (to push somebody gently, especially
. icw), then explain the meaning here.

-. .: to the text and The Golden Ru es of Nudging,

:',, understand. Then ask them to read the text
- ^ich rules the Speed Camera Lottery follows,
- o{- tl- e r cho ces.

' ,:'scuss in pairs any possible disadvantages of

. -:'a Lottery. Discuss their ideas as a c ass.

. r :cmeone would need to be paid to do the job.

- -rink of other examples of nudging in

. . r. getting people to use less electricity, by
. =!in peoples homes for each individual
: - ., nloading an app which donates money for
: -sers walk or run, to motivate people to do
: ^e app generates money from advertlsing.)
, ,:lass.

, rether they think nudging works better

. - ments. Encourage them to give reasons

Unit 10 63

:= :-.-:::-.1': r":

Unit content Starting Point

By the end of this unlt, students wlll be able to 2 in pairs.
. talk about corporate hospitality
. talk about corporate event facllities
. ask about food on a menu
Working with words
. r'ra(p '^ I'lalron ald otFe' '. Exercise 1

Students discuss the questions Encourage

thern to come u

with a list for each answer.

Corporate enterrai nment has expa nded considerably Possible answers
wrn over the
in recent years. Althouqh the idea of companies'r'r'ining i to recognlze and thanir them for their lo,iralty' to
area of loyalty, to encourage new business
and dinrng'their clients ls well established, thls other
spawned lts owl-l companies who : the entertalnment may be cheaper than offerinq
business life has now new customers may be more
dlscounts or benefits,'old'and
exist simply to provide entertainment and hospitallty their products/services and not those of a
into two inclined to use
services for business people.The etrents fall
those used to build competitor
categories: the first type of event are
with people outside the
and iernforce relationships
company - usually clrents, but aLso setvice
prov ders' Exercise 2
ln 1'
agents, writers, and so on.These tend to be soc!aL and Students read the text and compare their answers
s[orting events (often involving a lot of eating and
Stadlum in loMon has Answers
irinking): the new Wembley or
T to improve relationships with their custoTners' suppllers
18,000 corporate seats (of a total capacjty ol 90'000'
and be sure of their loyalty
stafl to give them a good time
i e. ZOqa).fhe second type of event
is provlded for the
the future
to promote team building it can be
company's own staff, usually 3 Companies consider it good value for money;
often lnvolve games Ilke
and increase mottvation.These cheaPer than offering a discount'
problem-solving activities such as murder
paintballing or
Check students understand ,vi'^ at'pi't'/
VtP /
mystery weekends
abbreviation for'Very lmportant Personi and to sponsor'
in itself'
Corporate hospitality is notnr a massive industry
boosted tn recent years in the UK by the 2012 Olympics' fffi Ask students if they've ever been involved
or clle
the Queen's Diamond lubilee, the 2014 Comtronwealth either
entertainment, as a
is no doubt
-y corporate
Games, and the 201 6 Rugby World Cup There What do, or could, thelr companies offer for a
and appreclate it' event? Which clients would they invite?
that the recipients of hospitality enloy
although whether it makes much dilference to clrents'
food and
decision making is another matter' ln any case' Exercise 3
person's life' based '
drink are an important part of the business Students work in pairs to discuss the questions'
the class ''
ln this unrt, students will start by talklng about
corporate the information in the text You could divlde
people ar
entertainment. Most contact between business and ask one group to consider the event otganizers
from different companies will involve food and drlnk' other to consider ordinary people'
and the language to dlscuss it wrll be immedlately
lnrriting and Answers
uselul. Within this context, the language ol a large nurn:'
and students Event organizers: Advantages:They can sell
acceptlng or declining an invrtation is key,
income ls more guaranteed'
of tickets at hlgh prices;
take-away expressions to help -isadvantagei
are given"a nurnber of they risk being labelled'elitist'; corporate -
Ialkingtpoint at the end of the unlt
them with it. The pay inore and maY expect more'
involves discussing the dlfferences between
corporate corpora--
brAinury people: Advantages: Higher prices for
hospitalitY and briberY clients may be used to'subsidize'ordinary ticket
may get the best seats'
Djsadvantages: corporate clients
it may be vJry difficult/impossible to get tickets for

Exercise 4
taklle' ai -
Students work individually to complete the
compare answers in pairs. Do the ftrst one togethel' -
answers with the whole class'

64 Unit 11
- nSW€IS ffi
Ask students to list other collocations with these verbs.
nformation Details
Possible answers
i. :cmpan)/ Banco de Santander.
ho d + a party, a meetlng, a reservation, office, an opinion, a

-: -5 Leadrng VlPs from banking conversation

rn;orld arrange + a meeting, a party, a conference, a loan, an
: : tile Premrum seat + champagne have + an appointment, an argument, a break, a chance, a
+ 4-course meal conversation, a look, a party
Camp Nou Stadium entertain + friends, guests, the audience, the crowd
book + tickets, f ights, a restaurant, a hotel, a court (for tennis)
FC Barcelona vs Real N,4adrid accept + a proposal, an offer, a bribe, the job, money, advice

Exercise 7
Students decide which phrases match the collocations in 6.
Check the pronuncration of these words:
''venjn:/; Check the answeTs with the who e class.
-= budget /'btd1rt/; package /'prktdg/, and
.:-lents to say them out loud together, focusing on the Answers
.-d word stress. I have a great time
3 aacept an invttatton
3 entertain clients
' :..ldents complete the tab e with information from
ri arrange a trip
5 book a venue
=,ker, and discuss their answers with a partner * hold an event
- d draw the table on the board and ellcit students'
Refer students to the 77p about the difference between
custc)met and c/ienr.The main difference re ates to whether
you buy a product or a service Ask students to give you
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 examp es of when they are a customer, and urhen they are a

c ient. You could prompt by mentionlng financia or dental

his employer, big a big German bank
: :1y electronics company
services, or buying products on lne or on the high street.

Its top salespeople its ViP c lents

Further practice
lf students need more practice, go lo Practice file 1 1 on page
'r,,,e-star hote in Brazil Tristan ond lsolde alLa 1 26 of the Student's Book.
Scala, Mllan
Exercise 8
aii mea s and day trips first class plane
trcket, opera tickets, Students work in pairs to discuss the questions. Grve them a
accommodation few minutes to work on their own first. Encourage them to
use vocabulary from the text and phrases from 6.
-,,,,o hour convention, atour ofthe opera
: rrrp to Salvador da house, five-course :trif.Hr=-E:: Students swap palrs and tel a new partner
::ia, riding quad bikes dinner about thelr erperence or dream event.
:- a deserted beach
Exercise 9
'- : t€s (n) four whee motorbikes with large Students work in small groups to plan a corporate event.
-.; 'adj) (of a place) with no people in it. Point out that the type of company and the natur e of

t j. students which of the two events they

lst as a corporate client and why
the guests wil impact on the size and type olevent:
motrvational events tend to have more games and fewer
cu tural activities, while events forV Ps are high status (and
budget). Give them frve minutes to plan an event using the
crrterla Groups report back on their discussions brief y. Listen
:E^is match the verbs and nouns, and then listen
out for vocabulary and use of verb + noun co ocations.
You cou d give students a fixed budget to
work with, and then discuss which group comes up with the
: 3 1i c (e is also posslble) i'i b best eventl

igSH'E*f€5=*:E=:+ lf students are at school or co lege,

you could suqqest they plan an event lor visiting teachers or
professors from a broad.

i*="ffi You cou d suggest the student pians an event

at home, and presents their idea next time. Alternative y,
brainstorm optrons together, ask the student to choose the
best ones and then present the idea.

Unit 11 65
Further practice Answers
Download and photocopy Working with words worksheet 11 : Flow rruclr
from the teacher resources in the Online practice. i: lolnr much
i .lc\,! man)/
ii ilo\r,i n-an)/
Language at work :r i-i there
; Are tlrere
Exercise 1
.j ls there
Students discuss the question in pairs. Eliclt a few ideas lrom :: Ar,. there
the whole class, asking them to give reasons. 'l; 5 i[-.s..
:i: low n- lch
Possible answers
Sporting events are popular with many people, probably more
so than, e.g. a night at the opera. Such errents are sometirnes
Exercise 6
difficult to get trckets for, and tickets can be expensive, so it can > Te students to isten to th-. l.oLrr guide ta king abc
be very special to be invitedl edor ard note down the answe[s to the questiol

5. ihen p a),the istening f necessary, Qlay it unu n ,o,-,t

Exercise 2 aiter i.he Tele,.rant inlcrmation. Iist the numbers l-]0 or . ,
board, e rcrt the ans\,,!ers lrom the students, and write tl.r.
) ll.ZThe students will hear two short conversations,
on rhe board. Find orit i,^,rhich oieces of lnformatlon SLr-c. :
Ask them to read the questions, then rsten and note the
thenr, and rr, hy
an swe 15.

: 150,C00 crtps
Conversation the host ls still waitlng for two guests to
1: No,
arrive. She orders four bott es ol mineral water and an oranqe
": l8,0CC bott es

juice. -l 125,C-r0 portions of lce creanr

,* r5,000 bananas
Conversation 2: lt's 1 p.m.The quest wants to buy some
o-. : \'es, ihere is.
-or eni ,fo'le c- ri Yes, theres a bank.
lr '/es,
w th bocks and videos
Exercise 3 No, there aren't; only ortside the grounds.
) tt.Z Students listen again to complete the questions. ? No, there isn't, bL-rt there ls he p on the website.
Check the answers with the whoie c ass.
1:i f27 mlllion
Answers .; .'::, ,.,., Ask students tvhat events
in their own c
: A e Tnere d be suitab e lor corporate hospita ity.
; How many
.3 s there Further practice
4 How much lf students need more practice, go to Practice File 1 1 c'
5 s there page 127 ofthe Student's Book.

Exercise 7
Exercise 4
Students work in pairs to complete the left column o'
Siudents comp ete the exp anations ialie Languaqe paint.
the table. Remind them to choose a country. Give the-
Check answers with the rr,,ho e c ass. Refer students to the
flve minutes and make sure they both write down the
77p about how to describe drinks as countable: ask if they've
'had a coffee'today, or'an orange juicel When they go out to information (this will be needed in 8). You could
them to include something different to attract clients d
a cafe, urhat do they usually order?
a hotel on a boat or underground; each room has a
Answers terrace; breakfast 500 m high;jungle trips, etc.). Mo- -
! Countable and check they comp ete all the information. For
; Uncountable students, demonstrate the activity by discussing as a
:,: co!ntable, lnccurtab e fi rst.
'! roLrntable, uncountab e
: corntab e ffi Elicit one or two ideas as examples for
hand column for your student, and then, without
Grammar reference each fill in the left-hand column with different in
lf students need more information, goto Grammar reference This is preparation for 8.
on page 127 of the Student's Book.
Exercise 8
Exercise 5 Re-pair students.They should use the question s
Before doing this exercise, ask students if they have been to to find out information about their partner's hote.
Wimbledon to see the tennis, or if they know what it's like. students time to check how to ask the questions.
Then ask them to complete the questions. Do the first one make this a phone caii, ask students to sit back-
together. Check the answers with the whole class. Students listening should note down their partne'.
information on the right. Listen for correct use oi:
forms, and countable and uncountable nouns.

66 Unit 11
Exercise 9 ffi'ffim Askyour students if they have been in a similar
-rdents return to their original partner to con'lpare restaurant situation, eiiher asking for or giving advice on a
'--rmatjon and decide if they want to change anything. menu. Do they have a favourite restaurant where they like any changes with the whole group, with reasons. F-ind taking friends or colleagues and sharing ldeas about the
. ,,vhrch pair has the most suitable hote for specializing best food there? lf so, what makes it special?
-lrporate hospitality and why. Give feedback on use ol
- -- rate anguage.
Exercise 5
Students work in pairs to have a similar conversation. Make
Further practice
sure one student is the'expert'who knows the restaurant.
I cwnload and photocopy Unit 1 1 Language at work
Give feedback on their use of phrases. You could put the
:rksheetfrom the teacher resources inthe Online practice.
questions and responses (without the food items) on slips of
paper, give a set to each pair, and ask students to turn them
Practically speaking over when they use them in their conversation.

ffiffi Make the activity into a role-play. Arrange the
':rcise 1
tables to make a 'restaurant'and appoint a student as the
- - .s discuss the questions brlelly in pairs. Then discrss waiter. Ask the waiter to be quite slow, to give the'diners'
, :'the answers as a group. time to discuss the menu and make small talk while they're
: : ssible answers waiting. Use the role-play to recycle functional language:
'e nnenu, ask the person you are with, ask the waiter
making requests (UnitB) and showing interest (Unit3).
':;criptions can be nrsleading, there are too many good
. lc choose from, etc.

:: ='CiSe 2 Business communication

) I -.< students to read the questions and then lrsten for
'-ration. Check the answers with the group. Exercise 1

Ask students to read the three situations and decide how

- -:,,,ers
they could make an offer to each person. Accept all answers
-:r knows the restaurant.
without correcting, as invitations and offers will be focused
- . - 3oses: Parma ham, spaghetti carbonara, ice cream
on later.Try to elicit that what you offer, and how, depends
: :- oos€si tomato and mozzarella salad, lasaqne, rce cream
on who you are talkinq to, i.e. how formal, informal or
neutra l.
. . se 3
[ - ' ,:rts match the questions and responses, and Exercise 2
, ' .o check. Checkthe answers with the,,llhole ) tt.S Students listen and match the conversations to the

. :"5 Answers
:a 4c al hlr) d4

Ask students to underline the stressed Exercise 3

-luestions and responses. Do the first one
I = ^: out that we usual y stress key information > 11.5 Students listen again to the conversations to
complete the invitations and responses. They then match
:.:r', for emphasis, other words are stressed (e.g
the invitations to the responses. Check the answers with the
: -. .,'ou in 3). Play the listening again for them to whole group.
-:=as, Get the students to repeat the questions
. ':crsing on the stressed words. Answers
'ere? You must try the Parma ham. 1 e Would yor :ke to, inv'lal:on

' t d Would you like me to, good

- :izzas like? They're not bad, but I recommend 3 c Woulo yo.l, love
4 b Do you lancy, great
. 'aving? lthink l'll have the lasagne. 5 a Shall l, asking
':commend? I thinkyou'll ltke the ice cream.
Exercise 4
Students decide which conversation is less formal. Elicit their
- -r cup what they think. You could point ort ideas, with reasons. ln the more formal expressions, point
.r -restions is often much more lndirect in out that we use Would you like (to) . . . /to make a suggestion
. ord osing face and being embarrassed. for the other person to do something, and Would you like me
:-S"/ef to .. .? for the person speaking to do something.
, = ask such
quest ons in order to maintarn
- -. especia y v;hen eating lvith co eagues in
The speakers know each otherwell in conversatiofi 4.
, , rlcns. We dcn't want to order something
lnviting: Do you fancy +-ing, Sha1l I get you ...
. lr.rt j!dge negatively
Responding:That would be qreat, Thanks for askinq, but . ..

Unit'11 67
ffi Hiqhlight how intonation helps you sound ffi Students could decide on a set
polite: demonstrate this by contrasting an example invitation of guidelines for a company to ensure their events are
with very flat intonation. Model the invitations, or use the 'hospital ity' and not'briberyl
listening, pausing after each one. Get students to repeat
them with appropriate polite intonation. Task
Exercise 5 Exercise 1

Give the students a few mlnutes to read the situations. Students read the situations and decide if they are bribery or
Check they know the following: Madame Butterfly is an opera hospitality. Alternatively, allocate one activlty to each pair.
by Puccini; Picasso was a 20th century Spanish palnter. Check the fol lowi n g: to d on ate', to ap ply fo r; I au nch /ltlrut i /
In pairs, students take turns to make appropriate invitations pa rty, d esiq ner (watc h).
and offers, and either accept or decline. Ask students for reasons for their opinions. After five minutes.
ask them for feedback on the situations.
Possible answers
f Would you like me to make some more copies? ffi Check students are aware of the different
3 Do you fancy going to see Madame Butterflf word stress on these words: compglttive, competition.
4 Would you like me to drive you to your hotel?
5 Shail we,/ Do you want to stop for lunch? Exercise 2
S Do you want/Wouid you like me to help you?
Students read the expert's vlew of the situations in 1 and
? Would you like to go to a Picasso exhibition?
compare it to their own. What do they think of the verdicts?
Further practice ffi You could take one or two situations each, anc
lf students need more practice, go to Practice file 1 1 on page Lhen compare and d:scuss your views.
1 26 of the Student's Book.
Progress test
Exercise 6 Download and photocopy Unit 1 1 Progress test and
Students could work with a new partner. Refer them to the fesf from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Key expressions. Point out that when we decline an offer, it's
usual to give a reason. Encourage students to use different
ways to invite their partner and respond appropriately
(formal or informal). Monitor their conversations and,
afterwards, ask students to try to self-correct if you hear
any incorrect use of language: you could write incorrect
examp es on the board.

Further practice
Download and photocopy Unit 11 Business communication
worksheetfrom the teacher resources inthe Online practice.

Talking point
As a lead in, u,rrite bribery on the board and eliclt or give its

Exercise 1

Students read the text and, in pairs, think of eramples.

Possible answers
Bribery: paylng extra to an indrvidual at a company; g r, ing
them a gift or special treatment; exchanging spectal favours
between nd ivid ua ls at d rfferent co r'o pa n les.

Not bribery: lnvitlng clients to an event (e.9. a conc.'rt), taking

them for-dinner, etc (Severa ideas have been dlscussed earlier
ln this unit )

Exercise 2
[et students discuss this in palrs. El cit some of their ideas.

Exercise 3
Encourage students to give examp es with reasons.

68 Unit 11
Unit content Starting point
-: end of this unit, students will be able to Students read the questions E icit ideas for I lor each
, . .. about perlormance category lrom the vrrhole c ass, then ask them to discuss 2 in
pairs. f students need prompting lor 2, yor-t cou d eliclt how
, - -r about how long and when you have done things
a teacher's performance s measured (e.9. through leedback
' : :ompler numbers lrorr students, colleagues, exarr success).
, =.:iibe performance trends.
Possible answers
'i a company: profit r'oLrtput // value (net worth) / reputation /
: r ntext stall turnover
a sportsperson: speed ,/ scores / con-rpetltion against other
-.rV performance part ol business life.
is a key
competitors / net worth
- ral measures of a company's perlormance tnclude
a government: staie ol the econorny / wea th olthe
, .:ies and (in the case of a public company) population / cr me slatistics ,/ contentment ol the people /
.-: prlce. However, these in themselves are no nrmber ol people em grattnq,/ prison populalon / press
, ,:rceived as sufficient. Even the most successful comment
, - :s need to address the fie d of corporate
' ::r riy, so a brand leader like Coca-Cola, in its
=;;,,.ri:,;::,r;'iE,r::.:i.:J Students could answer the questio rs
::ro't, not only talks about revenues and sales, but based on a 1ob thev have had or one they v,rould ike, or
-sses ihe issue of health and obesity, and talks kn orrv.
- .ompany's involvement with health educat on
^:s. Environmental perlormance, as we have
:.'ous units, is another area where many Working with words
.. ;rave become acute y aware: for example,
Exercise 1
=::stte, Ford make rnuch of the fact that their
- .,,:lham, UK, won an award for environmental Students rank the dillerent lvays of measuring company
: -.': 3rd innovation. These factors, rather than performance Stronger students cou d add to the list.
., . iave become a potential asset.
Exercise 2
: idents n,ill discuss
and learn key vocabulary
You may rvish to pre teach the fol owlng . socially resportsible,
- :1,-rating performance. Connected with this
- , - of how we describe performance, and, in ethni. ninarities and disabied.
. .'rqes in performance, through statistics and StuCents read the text and say which categories in 1 are
' , -.srness isone where numbers and trends Answers
, :dred, and some language for describing hcrr; much money rt makes, ho,",,'green rt is, v,rho it employs,
=:isely and approximately, is presented o. oto i . te
' -ds with a decision-making game which
- ' j to put into practice the lanquaqe ol
Exercise 3
Students work ln pairs to discuss the quest ons.

Exercise 4
Students go back to the text and conrpiete the sentences
with the r,vords and phrases in bold Check the ansrr,rers y,iith
the who e group.

":,,vorkpiace dlv..rsit),
i socially responsil-.le
i perforrn wel
i1 reputat on
:i rnanage, costs
* safety record
.i achleve, sales tarqets
i envlronnrental oerformance

Unit 12 69
Check, or ask students to use thelr ffi
-. :-aries to check, the individual sounds and stress ln the Students draw a llne across the page and write the
', : . n g w ords. o ch eve / :' t..! :'; /, p u to o n /,r':?.\ r:' t: i.i :"/,
.'l i i re t t z
adlectives in 7 along the line from'good'on the l'^ft to
:isity /ri'r't'''.:ls.:i i/; safety /'-;+ittil. Encourage them to
-.:oeat 'bad'on the right (answers: excellent > encouraging >
the words, as a group, with the appropriate sounds averal)e > satisfoctory > rlisappointing > poor) What other
:nd stress. adjectives could they add? (Possible answer: autstanding,
brilliant good fatr adequate, overage, bdd, terrible, awful')
Exercise 5
Students should be palred with a partner trom a different ffiffi After they have read lie Tip, ask stud"nts if
company if possible They drscuss the relative importance of they know any simtlar pairs of words. (Possible answeTs:
the factors in 4. f ri g hte n ed/f r g hte n n g, excited /excit n q, bo red/b o r i n g,
t i r

g, d ep res sed/d ep res q,

i nte r ested/ nte rest n g, ti red/tt
t ri n s r n

ffi+ffi Students could dlscuss a company

amazed/amazing, embarrassed/embarrassing ) Ask students
whrch they know well. An alternatlve would be for them
to wrte sentences to show their meaning
to research a company out of class, find the answers to the
questron in 5, and bring therr findings back to c ass' Further practice
lf students need more practice, go to Practice file 12 on pagt
Exercise 6 1 28 of the Student's Book.

) 12.1 Students listen and say which of the factors in 4 is

berng evaluated. As this activity practlses listenrng lor gist, Exercise 9
don't pre-teach vocabulary at thls point. Students wilL need some thinking time before they start
speaking. They choose three of the topics and tell their
Answers partner about performance using the words in 7'
! workplace dtversitY
3 safety record Students re pair to explain their answers. Llsten out for, a' -
3 performing well give feedback on, accurate use of vocabulary from 4 andT
,i envlronmental Performance ffiffi the first two topics, students co!
For ,

S manaqinq costs discuss a company they know well or their place of studr

Exercise 7 Further practice

Download and photocopy tJnit 12 Working with words
) 12.1 Students read the sentences and try to guess, or'
worksheetfrom the teacher resources in lhe Online praci :''
remember, the missing urords to complete the sentences'
Then the,v Listen again to complete the sentences with
the adjectives. Check the answers with the whole class f Language at work
necessary, check students' understanding olthe fo lowing:
target; to promote; the darling of sth; incrdent. You cou d point Exercise 1

oui that the audio says'We haven't achleved our target of > 12.2Ask students to read the questions first; then p '
less than I00 accldents per yearl This ls a common structure reco rd in g.
used in spoken English, whereas in written form we would
tend to say'fewer thanl Answers
1 ,1oy oo r wo'" in Dub" .

Answers 3 LioneL arrived in 2012; Raul arrived three years ago'

t disappointing
3 encouraged Exercise 2
3 excel ent
4 poor > 12.2 Ask students to listen aga!n and to underline '- =
5 satisfactory,average correct form ofthe verb, You couLd ask stronger stuc:-
try to underline the correct verb first, before listenin:
ffilffiH*ffi Checkthe word stress on the following: that you may need to remind students of the terml' -
6 6pDa:nl,nA "n,Ort,OQ;^g a Dt enl lt. tO' lAt\ . A. a'Ag" past simple and present perfecf. Check the answers witl^
and ask students to repeat the words. whole class.

Exercise 8
jtions Check t opened (past simPle)
Students match the adjectives in 7 to the defln i had (past simPle)
the answers with the urho e class. Reler students to the Ilp I has increased (Present Perfecfl
about adiectives end ng in -ed and -tng, and the examp es' 4 've been (Present Perfect)
5 moved (past simple)
1 satislactorY
t average
3 encouraged
4 disappointing
5 excellent
4 poor

70 Unit 12
: ierCise 3 Exercise 6
r. i ,, , t, Ask students to read the Ilp before they clo thrs exercise. As
=.ts chocse the correct optlon in the I cngur;,
-:''r an example to liluslrale it from 2. thisis the llrst time they have r-rsed the question form of the
present perfect, students may need a model on the board:
: rswers
Ho:,nr long + ttas/have + subject - past porticiple?
'' srmple (sentences 1, 2 and 5)
-j.nt perfect (sentences 3 ard 4) You could ask a stronger student to read out the examp e
:: isentence 3) question and grve the answer. Do this exercise tn t\,vo stag.'s
:antences 2,4) first, forming the questions, and then asking and arsvler ng
them in parrs.
,.1-::-3i1 lf the students are having problerns vllh for/
' :ad out the following ist ol time expressions and ask
- r put up their left hand if they would use for, and their How long has Dubar rnvested rn services? S nce the ear y

' .hey wou d use since: 1 990s. / For orrer 25 years.

3 How long has the government allowed non-nationals to buy
.' minutes, the doy before yesterday, ten o'clock thts property? 5ince T 999 / For over I 5 years
; an hour, the end of last yeor, three days, twenty years 4 When dld the Mall of the Emirates open? n 2005.

- -i lver5
i low long has Pa m lumeirah had resrdents? Since 2006. / For
over ten years.
. - "rinutes, an hour, three days, twenty years
5 How lonq did ittaketo burld the Burj KhalilaTower? Sixyears.
-, i6, the day belore yesterday, ten o'clock this morn ng,
? When did Dubal win the riqht to hold Expo 2020? ln 2013.
- ,r ri last year

il;:lij:jjiE:li,i.i-i.l,: Make sure students pronounce ttas/have

: -ruld point out that although we can use for with w th a weak lotrs /1;.:::t/ and /1;,::',, /, the;r 31's used tn their
' . srmple and present perfect,we usually use :ince
strong form /i;=l/ aad /:rr.i:i'l when in an abbreviated
- : esent perfeaf on y.
ans\r/er, e g. Ies, it has, or in a yes,/no question: Have you
-'.mmar reference got ...? Give students exatnp es of both lorms and get them
,-:nts need more information, go to Grammar reference to repeat them.
. := 129 of the Studen t's Book.
Further practice
. se4 lf students need more practice, go to Practice file 12 on page
1 29 of the Student's Book.
:rk in pairs and make sentences us ng the
, - n the tab e.The;r may need to consult the audio Exercise 7
, . ge 1 55 of the Studen t's Book. Note that some
-:,,, lvant to Llse the present perlect continuous Students work in pairs, and use questions with How long
and When with the appropriate tense to find out things
: :ee the ',terbs working and increasing in the tab e
they have in common. Model the conversations first: ask a
':ss started rn 2al2 and sales have been rncreosrnq
student: How long haveyou been in this room?The student
rccept these sentences ifthey are cor-ect.
answers (for example): Since 1 I a.m.You reply lt/le too! We
:: answers have one thing in common. Students read through the list
,anyr [35 had a sales office in Dubailor X years / and formulate questions in their heads. Then they ask and
- -: business has had more encouraging results srnce answer questions.
. .'r'red rn Dubal ln 2012. He's lived ln Dubai forX To give them more practice with the two tenses, ask
students to report back to class using both, e.g. We have both
-:r Dubai for three years. Rau 's family arrived in
worked for KAIE for two years. / We both lived in our last flat for
.. fami y has lived in Dubai for a year.
. Raul's
morc than five years.
Stronger students, or those who finish early, can ffi Students choose those questions
:ome up with similar sentences about their own relevant to them, or change the questions about work to
relate to their studles. You could also add these ideas to the
list. be in your present class? finish your last school? have your
.i present camputer? start learning English?, erc.
. - Cents urhat they knov', about Dubai.
-: inforrnation about: Dubai and answer th-^ Further practice
Download and photocopy Unit 12 Language at work
.,- :i students cou d use a dicticnar,,r lor tnll.
worksheetfrom the teacher resources inthe Online practice
: i:SW€IS
'; to bulld the first non oil econom_v ln the G'lLl.
, .l r -l- p o
-:rerciai srtes, i1 has opered L-rp ts tradrng
::o sel propcrty to non natlonals. Aithcuoir
. r'rt, still Eeneratinq 2!',r olGDPl rrore rs being
- rther actr'/itres.

Unit 12 71
Practically sPeaking Business commun ication
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
let students dlscuss the question in pa rs Students may f rst
> 12.3 A fun lead-in could be to ask students lf they know
want to name the most popular cars, and where they are
the five different ways to say the number 0 1n English'
(Answer: zero, nouqht,'Ol nrl (as in footbalL games: 2-0 = from. They may also want to discuss what they understand
tennis: 15-0 = fifteen-love) Explain that by'best'l ihu," tor" of thelr ideas with the whoLe class
two-ni ), /ove (ln
numbers are problematlc ln English Students study the Possible answers
(They will
nLrmbers for a few mtnutes and try to say them The following countrles should probably be on the
list in terms
probably frnd this difflcult.)Then they listen and check of quantity: iidia, China, Japan, the United States' South Korea'
*four ttundreds to order them lnto the top three
Make sure students don't use the plural Germany Students could tr1'
or say "one po int thtrty nlne. You could tell students that cou ntries.
in ln terms of 'best'cars, the following issues could be taken rnto
zero ls aLways acceptable ior the ftgure 0, especiaLly per hou0' tc'
conslderatlon: horsepolver, acceleratton (O 50 km
Amerlcan English etc Other countries to include her=
speed, safety, fuel elficlency,
could be Br tain, Sweden and ltalY
one point three nine Per cent
nought point oh t,hree three Exercise 2
one hundred and two
> 12.sTeach/Elicit the word trend and (horrzontal/verilcc
seven thousand four hundred and sirty-seven whrc'
nine hundred and six thousand flve hundred and seventy
axls Students speculate as to whlch line represents
country.They then listen and check'

Exercise 2 Answers
Stuc]ents read the sentences, and check their answers
T China

3 Japan
Answers 4 GermanY
We use a point before a decimal and a comma to show
thousand. Ask the students if they are surprised by tl-=
? We sa.v'ncught'before the decimal and'oh'alter the declmal =:,ti#,i;E:FiEi
resu ts, and if so, whY
B We use'and'ln British English after'hundred'(but not ln
Amertcan English). Exercise 3
i \. sa) a6, L 1;rggr 'eOd o e' t afto''l e oo', p pr. '-
toL'cl , e o oi. L o.d . 'ol ll
. :S
> 12.5 \lLCta L\

Exercise 3 Answers
Upward: rise, 9row, increase
> 12.4 Students lsten and complete the table Write therr
Downward: decrease, drop, fal , decline
answers on the board, and check they say them correctly' No change: remajn stable

Nikkei: + 0.6396 - up nought polnt six three per cent Exercise 4
FTSE lOO: '58.74 points, = down fifty-eight point seven four
Students ask and answer questions about the
grapl :
per cent in pairs.
DAX: - 0.,l79/o = down nought point one seven
Dow Jones: 343.,13 points - down three hundred and Note that for thls activity, students will need a few '
forty-three point one three pornts to describe dates, e.g. in the ninettes, rn the noughttes' ' '
flfty erght Q00A), between Qaail and QAl0,
from Qal0 rc Qal :
Nasdaq: 4,958.47 - four thousand nine hundred and
end of the (noughtles). You could also teach 'r l
point tour sev-^n the start /
probablv . verb lor the fr rlr-rte.
Exercise 4 Check students know the past simple of these lrreg- '
3' rise, grow, fall (rose, grew, felt).
Students use the table to practlse saying the figures in
One student speaks; the other listens and corrects
Exercise 5
Make sure students swap and each have a turn at asking trends
Elicit one or two ideas about recent car market
clariflcation. Llsten out for correct use of phrases'
pairs you have a
then ask students to discuss this in lf
you couLd
A+,iffiF.Ef#.+ Do the activlty in the same way' bttt nationallty 9roup, put students from the same coL- '

together iitit to plun their answers; then re-pair tl --

(e g. ways of saying'0')' and ask the
lntroduce a few mlstakes
student to sPot theml ,oraon" from another country. lf students have -
about their local car market, they could research '-
students to find the most rec"nt stock
tflAEi:ii+E:?*,? Ask
for homework, and then present their ideas in the
market figures online or in a newspaper, and compare the
what the change ls, and the percentag'o dttference Listen to what they say, and note down example' -'
both good and tncorrect language, specifically t:
(they may need calculators for this!)'
descrLlng change, and tenses Afterwards, ask r" =
correct if you hear any incorrect use of language:
write incorrect examples on the board for group cr

72 Unit 12
ffi lf you are from the same country as your When the students start the activity, make sure that one
student, you could suggest they choose a different country person in each group is keeping a record of their score
to research cars, if they choose to do this task at home. (see page for a score for each answer). Check that the
students are takinq time to discuss each option before
Exercise 6 moving to the next.
Draw students'attention to the prepositions in each lf needed, pre-teach to promote (box 3), injured (6) /'md3ad/,
sentence. Then ask them to guess which country each to collapse (6), to outsource (7).
sentence refers to. They then write their own sentences.
They do this individually, and then get their partner to guess. Exercise 2
Monitor, and check specifically on correct use of verbs for At the end, each group calculates their final score, and
describinq change and tenses, and prepositions. discloses lt to the class.

ffi You could work individually, representing a
1 USA different company each, and taking indivldual decisions,
1 Japan and perhaps intentionally make a different choice on sorne
3 Germany squares. You could challenge the student to give a reason for
each decision they make.
fffi Ask students to write down three sentences
,cout the graph in 2, including the country, but where one Progress test
:lece of information in each sentence is incorrect.They read Download and photocopy L)nit 12 Progress fest and Speaking
fest from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
"e sentence to a partner, who has to find out which item is
^:orrect, and then correct it.

Further practice
' ;tudents need more practice, go to Practice file 12 on page
-8 ofthe Student's Book.

Exercise 7
:-' ,his exercise, students may have to find the graph
:.':r-e class or for homework. lf this is not possible,
.- : students have no knowledge of thelr company's/
-- -airy's performance, ask them to draw a fictional graph
'--=xample, a company's profits 2000-2015) and give
- - another student to describe. Students study the Key
:,- ':-.sions before they start; highlight partlcularly the
: - -')es for Referring to a chart: these will make their mini-
- :i:ltation more focused, and audience-orientated. Give
'-::ack on use of tenses, ways of saying numbers, verbs for
=- -' cirq chanqe, ard prepositions.
-- student brings in a graph they have found (e.9. on
:- = rternet). Shuffle the graphs, and redistribute so thai
:=-- siudeni has a new graph. Students describe their
-n :raph to the class, or write a description and put
: -: ln the wall next to the graph. Alternatively, when
lr :, ^ave wrltten the description, separate the writing
Tr - -1e graph, numbering the graphs, and labelling the
i::.ctions a, b, c, etc. Students read all descriptions and
rr":-:^ ihem to the graphs.

: - ':her practice
- -ad and photocopy Unit 12 Businesscommunication
-::t from the teacher resources in lhe Online practice,

k ing point
i: I

r is fairly self-explanatory, so allow students time

, l',
: --: instructions. Explain that they will win or lose
::-;rding to their decisions, and the total number of
--=.. gain wlll show their company performance, both
-. :'sales and profits, but also in social responsibility.

Unit 12 73
Preview 5 Yes (anrl Yes Yes Don't know
use digita (sometimes,
The topic af this t is G ree n business. I n th is
V i ewpoi n
tre rsio n s depends on
Viewpaint,students begin by llstening to people talking
to Save qua ity of
abouL how environmen[ally friendly they think their
pa per) product)
company ls. They lhe.r watch a video with the Managing
Director of the company Edible Oil Direct. Finally, they
role-play a situation about biofuel, how it works, and what 6 Yes Yes (a Yes (most of Yes
its benefits are. qreen fairy it, but some iar-rorlat ca1ty,

leaves iights eft tur'n of; at

Exercise 1
you a on at night ir p.n . and
chocolate time) soiretlnre5
You could start by asking students how environmentally
il1,ou I'eir,r; rd
friendly they are, and what they do to be'greenl Elicit a few sr,alltch rIceriv,.s to
ideas. everl,th ino t'l liCLll,JQ-'
Then ask students to read the quiz, and check they off ) th is)
understand, Glve them two minutes to complete lt

Answer ffi
Mostly'Yes' answers means the com pa ny is environ mental ly- You could ask your students to create their own
friendly. questionnaire and then ask and interview others in the
class.The questions could be set out in a slmilar way
re Pre-work students can take the quiz to those in 1, or could be a'how often'type of quiz.
to find out how environmentally-friendly their school or For example: Do you switch off your computer at the end of
college is. the day?: Always, sometimes, rarely, never.

Exercise 2 Exercise 4
Ask students to askeach other questions from the quiz, and Check students understand edtble (adt):fit or suitable to be
then to compare their answers. Elicit any strong differences eaten; not poisonous.
between them. Students match the words and phrases in bold in sentenc=
I -8, to their definitions, a-h. Do the first one together.
Exercise 3
Q ot Students watch the interviews and listen for how the Answers
four speakers answer the questions. iC, a -':d r:b -ts::h;g ;il
Ask students if any of the speakers'comments or opinions
are similar to their own. Elicit their ideas. Exercise 5
Q 0Z Before p aying the video, ask students to read tl^e ,
questions. Each section of the video will answer one of
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 the students should put the questions in the right order.
Yes (Paper, Yes Yes ( ots ot Yes (Paper, Students check their answers with a partner, then check
bottles, d itle re nt food v,raste, the whole class.
coffee, tea blns) lood
bags) packaging) Answers
Don't know
Part I d
2 Don'i Yes Don't knovv
Part 2 e
know (probably)
Fart I b
3 Yes (Bus, Yes T e5 Yes (Cycle Pdrt 4 a
bicycl..) (Cycle (rncentrves scheme to Part 5 f
to work for train and help pay ParI l. c
scheme, bus tickets for bike,
brcyc e and buying subsldized
loa n, bikes) bus passes) VIDEO SCRIPT
bike racks) What we do here is we retail cooking oils, all types, to the
4 Don't Don't Don't knorr,r Don't know trade. We then, when those oils are finished with, we collectd
(probab y, oils, we bring them back here, we refine them and we turn.
kno,,v know
especra y into a biofuel which ls sustainable lor all types of applications
brg things) that is the company in a nutshell so to speak.
Basica y we are very much into the renewable energy anc --=
company was based on a closed-loop philosophy and that c

74 Viewpoint 4
loop represents something that has a starting point and has a
finlshing point, in other words a complete cycle. 2 biofuel
3 loop
I wanted to get involved with something that was going to help
4 finishinq
the environment, which was going to help, like CO, emissions, so
5 sustainable
ihat was my first stage, and the starting point was selling edible oil 6 low
which eventually would turn into a biofuel.
I seven
The fuelthat it's going to be, the biodiesel as we call it, is very much
I flve million
sustalnable and in fact it lowers the emissions levels, there's hardly
10 15
any COr. lt's also a very good lubricating factor for engines and the
11 g"een
sclvent within that biofuel cleans engines and therefore it really ls
:3mething for the future or we hope it is, anyway.
, Exercise 7
from the, obviously the, the environmental side which
,',/ell, apart Students inltially work lndividually. Divide them into As and
: on the emissions and the low CO/ it's the benefits, it helps the Bs. Ask them to read thelr part and give them a few minutes
.ocket as well. The government have allowed a differential on duty to plan what they want to say. Monitor and help as needed.
:'2Op and therefore that 20p ls passed onto the consumer.
When they are ready, ask students to work in AB pairs.
,',e've been going now for seven years, just over seven years, and Students A should siart. Student B should listen and note
. been rapid growth.You know starting from me ln a little van down anything extra they want to ask. Then, as appropriate,
:= vering oll, we're, we're now approaching a five million turnover they should ask Student A their questions. Remind B
::'annum.That going to grow next year. We employ 15 people
is students that they should reach a decision on whether they
:- l we're hoping to introduce another two. want to work with Edible Oil Direct or notl
Monitor and note down any good use of language,
: -ianges are happening a the tirne with the business, since especially vocabulary from this Viewpornt.
-'-st started and lthink it's very much the changes are pushing
. . rer than us pushing the changes. One of the things that When students have finished, first ask what decisions they
- ':ed to do is to try and convtnce the OEMs, which are the car reached, and why. You could also elicit from A students what
' -.'acturers and the truck manufacturers, that biodiesel is a they found easy or difficult in persuading their partners to
. ^ab e, c ean fue . work together.
: - : so looking to expand the busrness, the buslness needs to
. -: and again, it's not a question of us pushtng to expand it,
ffi you have a weaker group, you could ask all
A students to work together to prepare a presentation, and
. ::rnq pushed to do that. We've bought a premises which
welL over 14,000 square feet, so we're ab e now to
all B students to work together io prepare questions.
:e a new biodiesel line which the extra demand from next
'-' rlofuels, from our major customers, and also to portray a Exercise 8
. -age of our buslnesstothe ikes oftheOEMs.Sothefuture Let students work individually for five to ten minutes to
: < bright and lt looks green. prepare a short presentation about thelr own company, or
a company they know well. Tell them to make brlef notes to
i .'cise 6 help them glve their presentation.
] " : -:iore playing the video again, ask students to read
. -fhen play the video again for students to complete ffi Ask the students to thlnk of a company

"'Iary. they know well to give their presentation. They could search
for information on the lnternet if necessary.
. : .heck thelr answers with a partner, and then check
- ,:rs together. Exercise 9
: ,'/ant to deal with any vocabu ary students bring
Put the students into pairs to give their presentations. The
:.ering trade (n)'. the industry which provides
student listenlng to the presentation should take notes and
- :rinks (for meetings or social events); lubricating ask follow-up questions at the end.
something which helps parts of a machine move
' :alvent (n): a substance, especially a Liquid, that I Further video ideas
to use video in
- .3 another sullstance; differentlal (n): a difference I Vou can find a list of suggested ideas for how
' - rnt, value or size of something OEM. Original I the class in the teacher resources in lhe Online practice.
- . Manufacturer.

-G Stronger students could be encouraged to try

= Japs before they watch again,

Viewpoint 4 75
Unit content Starting point
By the end of thls unit, students will be able to E icit ideas for I from the whole class, then ask them to
dlscuss 2 in pairs. E rclt some of their answets, wlth reasons.
. talk about globaL issues
. make predictions
. link ideas together Working with words
. make predictions and lorecasts.
Exercise 1

Students dlscuss the sentences. Note that'consume'

Context (sentence 3) is about genera water use, not how much
The intersection between g obal issues and business water we drink. Eliclt some answers from the group
practice ls becoming an increasingly important facto in inc uding reasons why, but don't confirm which are correct
decision making. ln the past, the world of business has at thls stage.
been accused of'hiding their head in the sand'when it
Exercise 2
comes to g obal issues, but this may not be possible in the
future, especially if precious resources start to run out. F-or Students read the text and compare their ideas from 1. Ellc
r,vh..ther the,v rr, right or not, and why.
example, water runnlng short wlll have a massive irnpact
on ail areas of everyday life, including business. Without Answers
water neither small business nor major global industries ': - partly due to th.. rislng demand
can function. Water is often taken for granted but if not i TrL-re a lot of rr,rater rs used in production
properly managed, its scarcity will directly affect growth -i True (because of 'vlrtual'water). most peop e are probabi'
and job creation. not aware of how much water \ /e aonsume
.1 lrue
With technological developments happening faster, it
may be that technology can provide (part of ) the answer
i False - the problem of tr,rater ts a global tssue
in rryater resource manageme nt; this could include, for
example, ways of managing efflcient water use, providing Exercise 3
solutions lor water pollutron and the collection of Str-rdentswork rn pairs to discuss the questions. Prompt
rainwater, and methods for re-using waste weter. them to consrder rssues ai home, as lvell as at work or
Some students will also see an ethical side to global co leqe. Discuss some of their answe[s as a c]ass.
issues. For example, on an everyday leve1, is it right for
Possible answers
an office or schoo to have a water cooler that consumes
I\,'lanufacturnq could be at lsk rf there is a \ /ater shortage.
electricity to cool the water, and plastic for the cups? At Agrculture will be hit directly, which could allect internat , .
a higher level, is it ethlcal to adopt industrial processes trade A lack ol clean water, or ways to treat pol uted \ /ater
which use a lot of raw materials? Companies that can could resu t in disease.
show they are addressrng these concerns may do better Every,611s can become more conscious and work towards ,:-
with the'ethical consumer'and hence also improve the more efficient with water. Nattonal and international strate :: .
bottom line. are necessary, and investment rs needed for water lnfrastr . -
and management.
ln this unit, students will talk about global rssues before
moving on to look at the language of making predictions,
:l..lEj.i..:.1i,1:'.':."= Ask students to use their dlctionar;-
in both a general and a business contert. They will also
check the individua sounds in the lo owing: shorta;.
discuss future trends in the workp ace. The Talking aornt
/- ;:;:; i:i;./ , threat /;:ir.:t /.
deais with how consumers can help to make a difference
and become more involved in supporting global causes. Ask students to go online and find othe
statlstics/facts relating to g oba tssues, and then rep
to the class

Exercise 4
Students go back to the text in 2 and match the l"'':
bold to the definitlons

- lswers Answers
' t -.: ihreat 1 affects
- larf anal ;: run out of
-i get worse
. al'l5ls :,: torecast
:: .,o1-1 q rolYth 1, threaten
i - :loi'taqe !.: estimates
...-- ,iar.e
: r-Ltpy i'::)i:!!.4!.:Ask students to work in pairs, and to choose
three of the words above ar'rd use each one in a sentence to
, r, f heck \,vor.J sIress and ask str]Llefts to talk about the r own lile or close environment, e.g.They've
': . ",ord5: serloi-is Ihrecti risinC (ierand, tc!, J ,r,f forecast that unertployment in my country will rrse ta 9% next
-' t, Wboi at'ist,, S:tti;Uiittton qror',iih. tvotet' i.'1 -, t- year. Climate chonge threatens rnany crops.
. -,
j e, :,,it] le r 5 up eL..
Refer students to the Irp about using gelwith comparative

- \p 1
adjectlves. Ask them to think of one new example each,
e.g Brectd and rnilk get more expensive every yeor. I think my
:'h in pairs to discuss ncrtUri r€sorrces. StrLdenr:s
Ertaiisl t is getting better!
,.s ,,,^ihat th.^y kng\,"i about hov,r these rescL,Lrccs
. - -t thel r,vltal coL- r-tries us-. lherl and ,,th.rt fcr. Further practice
lf students need more practice, go to Practice file 13 on page
- _.:o I 30 of the Students Book.

dents listen out for the numbers and what each

ro. Elicit their answers. Check vocabulary, e.q. Exercise 9
'i) andvehicle. Students work in pairs to discuss the sentences in 8 and
answer the questions. Ask them to work alone to think about
:'s their answers, and then in pairs try to come up with one
,' : 5,'roi'taqr th;t !"rouid ead :c : 40i1(,., pi'lae
solution for each issue. Students could re-pair to explain
'-:;e their answers. Listen out for accurate use of phrases from 4
ln ine pr ce of oi
of totaL orl tc plocr ae pet'o ,.'i:rs
-r. ot of oi used to prr-.drce ole reh c e ffi Ask students to work in pairs or small groups,
- ., j'ria!e decrease in petrcl ccnsui'r'plici:
each one representing a particular country, e.g. China, lndia,
-. .o remaln stab e the USA, a country in Africa, a country in Europe, etc. Ask
..-i of years for rril-lch r'rre have gas them to think about what the most important issues are,
and what action that government could take.
! :

ffi Students could do sorne online research at

r Jse their cJlcllonaries to iind other' home to find out what their country, or a country oltheir
. '!l to thes.' lar-r'ri irD5: (rri..ri) l0 pror,/L.ii.-, lo choice, is doing to address the issues in 8.They could report
-:,. r,riher-o the 5Ire55 i5 on eaah .,!ord.
back to the group rext time.
. -':ilts l-o say each t',;orcl oud.
. 'tci/5t in. person), aUl:tsi: f n oblecti, Further practice
Download and photocopy Unit 13 Working with words
worksheetfrom the teacher resources in the Online practice.
:= :'cducer, production, produced

=,."5qa:! :?i+3pl::: :".ry Language at work

Exercise 1

sten again to complete the sentences Write the title of the text on the board and check students
understand. To guide thelr discussion, you could give them
the four sub-headings from the text before they start talking.
Students discuss the question in pairs and then feed back to
the group.They then read the text and decide ifthe changes
in the text are similar to the ones they suggested.

( onpe-ir'o oerwetr- ousinesses wil be st'orger: Ta^age s

may need to restructure their companies; retirement at 75;

ddopr'rQ worLp'ace o o derwo'k^'s; nore'ler'ble worlirg
hours; employees won't need the jr own desk; more space for
e words in italics with a verb or phrase
meetings and leisure activitres.

Unit 13 77
ffi Ask students to consider a job they
Exercise 2
to have ln two years'time, and how this might
Check th e fol lowi ng: ta restr u ct u re, wo r kf o rce, f l exr bi l rty'' l e rs u
change after 10 or 15 Years.
/' i * _:s(: ) I a ct iv it t e s.

Students choose the correct answer and read the text

to Further Practice
check. Download and photocopy tJnit 13 Language at work
Refer students to the 7ip on short forms of wil/ Practise
the worksheetfrom the teacher resources inlhe Online
they can distinguish it
pronunciation of won'l and make sure
from want.
PracticallY sPeaking
1 may Exercise 1

? might not Students match the sentence halves Check thelr answers
: will together.
6 won't
;c:a 3b
Exercise 3
Students compLete the explanations ln the Lartgttage
example from 2 Exercise 2
about making predictions, and add an
Students decide on the functlon ofeach sentence' and
Answers check thelr answers together.
'tr r,vil/, senterrce 3

t may, mlght, sentence 1 Answers

3 moy not, might not, sentence 2 :5U
4 will not/won't, sentence 4 i and
3 but

Grammar reference
lf students need more information, go lo Grammar reference Exercise 3
in 2'
on page 131 ofthe Student'sBook. Students add the linking words to the categories

Exercise 4 Answers
Focus students'attention on the tabie, and ask then.r
to make : ln additlon - add more rnformation
predictions about the typical workplace in 2030 Encouraqe i Therefore = show a result
3 However - show a contrast
them to try to use all the modals iisted. NB point oLrt the
difference in meanlng and word stress betweer: ernplo)ter
ln 2Ba Exercise 4
and employg. Elicit one or two suggestions, e 9
many iobs will be part ttme. ln 2Ba, management po:ittons Students work in pairs to think of ways to complete =
might not be eosY to find. predictions using linkers from 2. Elicit an example first' '
People witl work fewer hours, . . . so they'll receive
a lower ::
Exercise 5 . . . and they may do a second iob;
but they wtll work r ' '
> 13.2 Students rsten to a talk about the typical workplace from homi. Listen to their ideas and check they use th:
in 2030, and tick what the speaker's predlctions are ln the linki ng words correctlY.
table ln 4. Check they know ta exceed /tl' ii:i'i/ and se/f-
ffi Students pair up with another pair of st
and compare thelr Predictions.
Many jobs will be Part'time. ffi
Management positions may/might not be easy to find *rJuntt could work in pairs or small groups to make:
More people will *rork from home' of predictions about their own company, or a con'::-
Colleagues may/might see each other less often' they know well, for ten years from now They coulc ' - -
Office buildings will not/won't be used in the same way' detaits, e.g. how many hours people will work, wl'
Employees may/might not want to stay ong wlth the
same colleagues'"
jobs will be done by computers, how
company. communlcate wlthout travelling to r'eet, etc
Employers will need to ofler better workinq condLtions'
Jflpo r'' 'l'd\ -r iohL o o\ cr''e 'Lre J 'iL ps'

Many employees may/might decide to take career breaks

Business communication
Further Practice
Exercise 1
lf students need more practice, go to Practice File 1 3 on
page 1 31 of the Student's Book. lntroduce the topic of teleworkrng, and discuss the
together. Students work in pairs and discuss the ' -
Exercise 6 and disadvantages. Elicit some of their ideas'
Students flrst make pred ctions about therr own iobs using
the ideas given, and the modal verbs in 3, and then compare
in pairs to see if there are any slmrlaritles Give feedback on
accurate use of the verbs (wlll ntay, mtght and the negatives)

Unit 13
will / definitely won't / is likely to / is unlikely to / probably will /
Possible answers
probably won't
= eworkrng is r,vorkinq at home, but stal,ing Ln touch with work
':.'phone/emarl, etc.
Possible answer
Employee I Company definitely won't ) is unlikely to > probably won't > hopefully won't
, hopefully will > is likely ro > probably will> deflnitely wi L

Advantages don'l rr,;ast-o

Er-np oyees r,,;.rst.. The cornpan,v-
time commuting;they doesn't need Point out that hopefully will/won't is subjective, so doesn't fit
can be more f exib e to provide naturally with the phrases above.
and comlortable so much
in their work workspace and Exercise 4
arrangen'rer'rts; they can car parking; it
Students work ln pairs to rephrase the sentences, using the
get a job even rf they can increase
word ln brackets. Ask a student to read out the example.
live somewhere remote. , productrvity
Check the answers together. NB we use (un)likely ro + verb
) isadvantages Employees can leel How can the with the present tense of be, but probably and definitely
isolat-.d; it is more con-r pa ny with will/wont. lf students need more practice, ask them to
diffrcult to meet cirents; monitor write two or three true sentences about themselves e.g. lh
it rs rnore dillicult to performance? unlikely ta get a new job soon. / I definitely won't work at this
bulld a'team'; how can
company for more than a year.
the employer monitor
performance? Suggested answers
2 We'll delr:tely save mo'rey.
- .:
StLtielts n-a;,r ng"ai a lt-t e irore
* Hopefully, I won't work in the evenings.
4 You'"e lirely to t nd ir diff'cuh ar flrst.
g and he p r,,,lth lcicas ii lhey f 3vs rro \,!or'..
5 orobao v won't work from ^one.

- -se2 Exercise 5
: . : -r:relts lstci to the dlscrsslcr. cf :re le..irork;r-i-r Give students tirne to read through the ideas. Students work
in pairs to role-play the situations, and ask for and make
. . -J ioltpare thetr rcleas. i 1i91, 'rle a 5l cr r.,f
predictions. You could elicit the answer to the example
: ,i.r il tic[ oii lhe cr-es tlre\, l-i]arr'
question, and a follow up question. Remind them to use
',:rs the target language: (un)likely, probably and definitely. Gwe
i -: :alr-irle erl:ployee a[e tilat tl-.el- 'r.,i fee i lrott feedback specifically on the target language from this
. . rcl l'aop e r, worklrl i-orn l-or-r'e. ,i\,dr,ar.t.:ges fcr'th-- section.
.rci-. tl.e fai_t tlrar
._ liirrks t re aolnpafv wi ;diie

-:tinq, lighiirq [osts, ei.., arrr] be ab e to rr r. r r r ,-\, ffi Ask students to considerthe same
oiilce sp.rcr; orocluc:icr. usrr;i \r lloes up ; l,l:t,. I
bullet-point issues relating to an online course, where they
., :s to' iir.. ellrpi.Jy,.es ar,. th;i ti]e ,r,
,.'''31,'i oft..r see learn from home, and perhaps only'meet'other students
,.-,-r--s.Thi. llranagei clotsr t st anv d sadvar-ta!es for on ine.

Further practice
EEI students if any of them are already
Rsk lf students need more practice, go to Practice file 13 on page
: : teleworking. Are they able to do any of their 1 30 of the Student's Book.

:- home? What, for them, are the advantages and

Exercise 6
Make sure the students understand that the objective of
se3 this activity is to practise the language from this section. Ask
i:-:ents them to read the Key expressions. Give them plenty of time to
listen again and complete the sentences
think about the scenario and to come up with ideas. Ask the
class if any students use video-conferencing at the moment,
and what its advantages and drawbacks are.
Students pretend to work for the same company, and
discuss the proposal from Head Office.
While students are discussing their ideas, make a note of
cnt common errors, focusing on the target language of this
unit; brlng them to the attention of the class at the end:
you could write them on the board and ask students to
correct them.
cwing: running costs; scheme /skilm/; to rent;
rlantri/. I!lllEiMiim You could award points to students for every
time they use one of the key expressions, or you could put
l'aw a cline scale on the board (a long Iine the expressions on cards for students to turn face down after
lrt). Write won't al the far left end, and r,rzrl/ they use each one.
- end. Write these phrases randomly on the
.. siudents to place them on the cline: definitely mllli?IiffflTilEilE:H
Ask students to imagine they work
for the same company. They could consider first what

Unit 13 79
equipment they have, or need, what business trlps they Task
currently make, and whai training is currently in place.Then
ask them to think about what effects the cut-backs will have. Exercise 1

Students work in pairs or small groups to plan a cause

Further practice marketing campaign, based on the ideas given. Give them
Download and photocopy Unit 13 Business communication six or seven minutes to do this, and prompt with help if
worksheetfrom the teacher resources inthe Online practice. needed.
ffi Students could choose a company
Talking point they know, and pretend they work for it.

Write cause narketing on the board and try to e icit from ffi Work together with the student on planning a
the students what lt means. Then ask them to read the first cause marketing campaign, or, alternatively, ask the student
paragraph. Elicit any ideas or examples of cause market ng. to plan one at home, and then evaluate it together next
Students then read the three examp es. Check they time.
understand the fo owing . slogart,to donate, stereatype,
initiative Exercise 2
Before students present their ideas, discuss how to evaluate
Discussion the campaigns, i.e. what results do you want to achieve a) for
the for-profit company, b) for the non profit organization, c)
Exercise 1 for the beneficiar es, erc.
Students read the quest!on and discuss their answers Each pair or qroup should choose a spokesperson to presenl
their ideas to the class. Students then discuss which one(s)
Possible answers
islare likely to be the most successful and why. You could
(a) good PR: it makes peop e think the company has good
base this on the results each group aimed to achieve.
corporate soc al responsibility (CSR); the company is advertised
through activitles consun-re[s carry out; they may attra.l and Make a note of any incorrect language; put these on the
reta n austomers and employees, and attract new in,,,estors and board for whole-class correction.
customers, as peop e may prefer dotng business wtth companies
lvho support a good cause.
ffi Ask students to search online for other example-'

(b) lt saves them having to do some fundraising and raises their

of cause marketing and report back to the class next time.
profile; the activrties he p raise awareness of important causes;
Progress test
they help people contribute indirectly through takrng pdrt in or
Download and photocopy Unit 13 Progress test and
buying something
test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Exercise 2
You could ask pa rs or groups ofstudents to choose one ot
the companies and thlnk about why the compan es chose
these causes. Share thelr ideas with the group.

Possible answers
TOMS:This campaign highlights the rssue of the haves and have
nots. for every item bought, the buyer knorvs they're helping
one other person in need.
Unliever:This campargn suggests, ironically, that cosmetrcs do
not necessari y make peop e beautifu; however, all consumers
rvho buy such products are interested in caring lor their ooks,
-oo tl o d O rr. -bo q.
Genera Mrl s: Food is rn everyone's house, so these products
tarqet a huge range of users, many of r,vho wlll be interested ln
educatronal resources.

Exercise 3
Students \ /ork in pairs to find simi arities and dlfferences
between the compan es. Share ideas as a qroup.

ln each case, the company is raising awaTeness of a soctal issue;
in the first and third examples, the companies are actively giving
something to someone e se (a sir-nilar item, or one related rn the
first; 1 0 cenis per box top in the second)

Exercise 4
Students discuss their preferences. Discuss [easons as a

I roLrp.

80 Unit 13
Unit content Starting point
: l,'rl be ab e to Elicit ideas for I from the whole class, with reasons, then ask
.he end of this unli, students
. them to discuss 2 and 3 in pairs. Elicit some of their answers,
-.: k about lint.. maIa!,]erll-oIt
encouraging them to give examples (as ong as this doesn't
. .oecLrlate and discL-iss coi'rsEtqLterlces r,ls ng the secotrd
embarrass anyone).
-,rnditrona l

Remind students that we ase always, sometimes ard

. ,: k aboLrt deaclllnes
never before the main verb, but after the verb be, e.g.'1'm
. :gctlateconcltl-iols. sometimes late for meetings';'l neverfinish work on ttmel

#:!.l=EEiFffiffi Replace the sentences in 2 with the

Context fo lowlng
. organize my study time well.
: ress thinking, and large nun.rbers of experts, . have a lot of interruptions while l'm studying. OR l'm
. '-panies and websites have sprung up to help us with easily distracted when I study or work.
,:me of these undoubtedly provide useful advice, . When I have assignments to do, hand them in on tlme.
- , =cially on how to deal wrth modern technology,
,r, although it supposedly makes our lives easier and
,ier, often clogs them up with emails and texts. From Working with words
. -:-udents'point of view, especially if they are pre-work
:' -]-s, time manage[nent has an extra significance Exercise 1

: -:,.se it is useful for their study as well as their work. Wite muliltashng on the board and eLlcit the meaning. Ask
. = s also a cultural element. Some cultures, for Do you have to multitask in your job/studies? Then ask students
, -r,-le, approve of somebody who works long to answer and then discuss the questions rn pairs.
. \,vhrlst others will see them as inefficient and
Exercise 2
.:ly time-waster. Also, traditionally (and perhaps
. ,,,pica1ly), we tend to dlvide cultures into those Students read the text and find the answers to the questions
, =:ime and punctuality are important and those in 1. Check keyboard. Note that in British English we say
: treople are more relaxed about it.This divide has schedule /'!*'33=:tr/, but in American English /'sk*:rl5ull/.
-: more signilicant as business becomes giobal,
= can end up working with colleagues of any 'Eb;b 3a
-.,rnd area ln this unit is negotiation. Different
Exercise 3
:: negotiate differently, and it ls not the case that
Students discuss their own habits and situatlons, and
::.-'rn norm of working towards a compromise is
compare them ln pairs. Discuss some of their ideas with the
. -.'rly accepted by all.
'-'se topics should provide a good starting point for whole group.

,ral erchange if you have a suitable class And in Exercise 4

' :is, we could ask the qurestion: does an individual Students choose the correct words to cornp ete the
. .rtiiude derive mainly from their cu ture, or sentences.
' :m their own personality? This unit helps the
, .o explore these questions. They will also learn Answers
and practise what the;r have learnt T was-e
-,t tlre unit in the Tdlking potnt on work-life
; p.d.t yoLr scl edu
tr allow
: e,ougf,dpaotir-e

ffiF,3-iff#5{E lf students have trouble differentiating between

save time and spend time, gtve these examples. save ttme is
the opposite of wastetime, e.g.'We'll take a taxi to save time.
Lt's fasterthan the bus Spend lime is using time for a specific
purpose, e.g.'l spent an hour doing my homeworklAsk
students to write a sentence to illustrate each meaning.

Exercise 5
Students work in pairs to make sentences using the phrases.
Elicit one or two first to help. When they have finlshed, e icit
some examp es from the group.

Unit 14 81
Further practice
Possible answers
lf students need more practice, go lo Practice file 14 on page
When you don't meet deacilin.'s, your customers aren't happy
O .. "t..r rg. .er.r l
r-i Or t te. 1 32 of the Student's Book.

You save tlrne \!hen you take a plane lnstead of a traLn

Exercise 10
I spend time rlatchlng TV every evenlng
Give students time to think how they use their own ttme,
out what different rvays students use to
i,!ii+ti"i:i;:11!i= Find and how others use their tlme. They then compare n
meet deadlines and save tinre, They could share these wlth pairs and discuss how to manage their time bett-^r. List.'n
the groupl out for good use of phrases from 4 and 8. Share the best
suggestions wlth the group. Give feedback on good use
Exercise 6 of phrases; any which need correcting could be corrected
Students couLd work with a new partner to discuss ttme together as a grouP.
management. Encourage them to use the ldeas isted, E Further practice
perhaps deciding on whrch issues cause the most problems' € Download and photocopy Unit l4Workingwithwords
Eliclt an erample first, e.g l often hove a lot of phone fl worksheetfrom the teacher resources in lhe Online
irtterruptions. This means that I can't always meet deadltnes.
.{ii.jjifi;iiil[i.:'+.:1.:il Ask students to think about therr own
tlme management, tasks and deadlines, and interrupllons'
Language at work
doing assignments, socia media (e.g. Facebool
e.g. ), iami y
Exercise 1
commitrnents, etc.
Stuclents read the questions. Discuss some of their answe
as a group, with reasons, e.g. What made their ttme abroac '
Exercise 7
enjoyable? lt/ould they ltke to work abroad and why / why r -
) 14.1 Students listen and match the speakers to the
Discuss the same questions but ab:
sltuations in 6. Ask students if any of their dlfficulties with {ffiffi
studying. i.e. Have you ever studied abroad?
time management are stmilar to those they heard. Check
students klcw agenda a list of items to be dlscussed at a
Exercise 2
meetlng. -
> 14.2 Students read the two questions, and then liste '
Answers answer the questtons.
Speaker 1: meetings
Speaker 2: administratrve tasks Answers
5p'rle . : cli-', r.. d."d ^' 'i Yes
ped .r l: o tor e . re iuP o,l: t Cn y for a short time

Exercise B Exercise 3
) 14.'l Belore p ay ng the listening, ask students to try to > 14.2 Before playing the listening aga n, ask studer -,
remember what words are missing. Then play the recording trv to underline the correct option. Then play the rec:
again for them to complete and check the sentences Refer Check the answers together. Point out that in sente '
students to the 77p about in llme and an ttme, highllghting both rnlghr and ,,vould are grammat cally poss ble ==
the different focus. Ask then-r to write a sentence lot each be ow)
ph rase.
Answers I l'd, lrved
'i late
* wculd, offered
E save
3 was, mtght
3 run out 4 wanted, wou dn't
4 take, a11otry
5 last Exercise 4
* ahead Students read the sentences in 3 again, and choc.-
Fln the correct words to complete the explanations :
{i waste, slows Language ponr. Refer students to the 77p on mr9' - '' '
Ask students to write a sentence to illustrate tl-= -
Exercise 9 each word
Students work in pairs to write the phrases from 4 and 8
under the correct headinqs. Answers
! imag nary, iuture
Answers : past, lnflnitive
Good: pian your schedule, allow tlme, save time. enough t me, t can
arrive ahead of time, in tlme, on time, meet deadlrnes
Bad: waste time, rr-tn out of time, leave untilthe last mlnute, slow Grammar reference
you down lf students need more information, go to G

on page 1 33 ofthe Student's Book.

Unit 14

ixercise 5
-r:nrs complete the questions rr,rith the correct form of Conversatlon 1: finish a report
- :rbs. Check the answers together. Point out that we Conversation 2: send a quotation, send the .esults for..lune
.lse would in the'if'clause.
Exercise 2
i n swers
-:J, would you choose > 14.3 Before listening, ask il students can remember the
phrases they heard. Then p ay the r-.cording again for them
:rld you say, asked
-- - d, would interest to match l-7 to a g. Check the answers together.
.s, would you spend
-;id you be, didn't exist ':g lf:e :ib 5a +d ic
r'.'r have, would you be
Point out tlrat in these phrases, we usua y
I , :rcise 6 link sounds, e.g. soon os possible./.r-.::.-;;,:lrr.t:t';:ti.!:-.=l/. Point

- work in patrs to ask and answer the questions in 5

.s out a so wlrlch word we stress, .e.
:Je the
use of might where appropriate. [isten out a, .oO a'Oos\l:-; .hen o o oLme.tOhto,trov.belot--
'are use of second conditional sentences in the enUrf next week
- . Give feedback on good eramples; you cou d rrvrite
..rkes yoLt hear on the board and ask students to Exercise 3
: -em. Students decide which two phrases do not give a deadline,
: and then order the others, lrom the [nost to the ]east urgent.
-'ther practice
'- r.nts need more practice, golo Practice File l4 on Remind them to work from today as Wednesday. You could
.33 he p, as foliows: by means'on or befbre'and rs used rr,,ith
. ofthe Student's Book.
specific times or days/dates; on is used with a day or date;
..-:Se7 lvlfhin means rnside a period of time.
==i-in, ask students about attitudes to time and Answers
:-=rity in their country. Write c/ock time and event time 4 (as soon as possible) and 7 (rvhen you have time) do not eJive a
= : card; ask them what they thin k the ph rases mean. specriic deadline.
.- j read the text and answer the questions in pairs. \,lost to least urgent: right away, by Friday, on Monday, withln a
' r'scussing the questions, be ready for some lively week, before the end of nexi week
-:.s: some students may object to cultural stereotypes
Exercise 4
rise 8
Students work in pairs, taking turns to ask for things in
:-rj .'/ork in pairs. Student A turns to page 139, sentences 1 5, i-rsing the words in brackets.Their partner,
:- :age 142. Askthem to read the task examples B, responds using a dillerent time expression. Model first, if
., rake surethey understand thatthey need to necessary. Before starting, check they can form the correct
t -:siions using the second conditional from the phrase with the word tn brackets. l=or stronger students,
-:=:^ given. suggest that they use d fferent ways to start each request,
--t., ;ndersta nd quotation, irritable and checkout. e.g. Could you / Cort you / l'd like to / I rteed io .. ., etc.
' ': :'swer the questions first for themselves, and then Give feedback on correct use of t me e.pres:tons, as wellas
r" r:'-ne[, noting down both sets of answers.They conditional sentences, if students use them.
;:s .: page 140 to add up their score, and compare
*:' Possible answers
-:ave time to discuss results with the group. Ask 3 Can/Could ycu send methe report bytheend ofthe day/
- --=:: they think the quiz is for defining their use
belore the end of today?
-l Can/Could you confirrn the meeting by the weekend / by the
N Stronger students could write an extra quiz end ofthe week?
-r three answer options. They could then ask the * l'd like the budget lrgures belore the end olthe month /
;-:,.jer ihl5. before the end olthe year.
* I need to see the new product right ar,vay.
Ef practice * Can/Could we have a meeting on Thursday?
iia: and photocopy lJnit 14 Language at work
esfrom the teacher resources in lhe Online practice. lJil:ii*E;I*;i?,e.i. Students can use the prompts in 4,
or make up thelr own ideas for dead ines, e.g. assignment,
essay, tutorial, seminaq etc.
ca Ily speaking

:: -, could ask students if they are flextble

::d ines. F icit some examples. Students
,rlve[sations and anSwer the ouestton.

Unit 14 83
ffi E.=i.ffi== Ask students to listen to the conversation
again and mark the sentence stresses, e g. l4le have an rssue
Ask students to look up the following verbs to find out the
with deliver)/.
verb patterns (including prepositions). The answer may
be in the grammar information in the dictionary, or in the
examples. Do the first one together. ! We have an issue with deliver),.
1 waste time ? Basicallv, we've got a lorr,v dnvers'strike here.
2 succeed 3 Would it be OK if we sent them by traln?
4 Yes, that mlght be possible.
3 plan (v) 5 What rf we transoorted them by train to the border?
4 propose ' l-aJJl \o.t,' ,d o orl-o Pi t ter i?
5 offer (v) I
think we could do that.

B That rnrould allow us to get the parts to the factor.v ln time.

6 agree t Would you ag1ee to pay the extra cost?
Answers i* Sorrv, that wouldn't be acceptab e.
1 +-ing/+on+-ing
2 -in+ ing
Exercise 4
3 +to+verb/+on+-rng !
4 +ro+verb/+-ing Students decide which phrases in 3 have which lunction. -

5 +to+verb the flrst one as a who e c ass. Check the answers toqlether
5 + to + verb / +thdr+ subject + should/would, etc. Answers
Then ask them to choose three verbs and use them to 1,2
write three sentences about their own sltuation, e.g. / := 3,5
succeeded in passing my exam! / I plan to study / on studyng
in the UK. + 5,9
t /1
s t0

Busi ness commu n ication

Give the class one word from a sentence in 2 as a prc^-:-
lntroduce the topic of sa es and supp iers. Students read the to elicit the sentences. Students must produce the
question. Discuss some oltheir arswers as a group. sentences using the word. Then they do th. ,.
in pairs. You could also ask students to add an appr::
Possible answers
gesture each time they use one of the phrases, e.g. ic
Dellverres are Late; supp ers run out of stock; the companl,'has
technica proble[os, etc. reject a solution, they shake their head; to agree, thei
etc. NB gestures can be culturally sensitive, so this \','
a itt e rrore
:r;:;:,iii:.::it:a:i.l!!.: ;.i':,.''':ii Students may need need carefu I i ntroduction.
promptinq to thlnk about al the th ngs lnvolved ln
supp yirg goods, e.g. staff, matertals, transport, etc., before Exercise 5
coming up with ideas. Before doing this exercise, students will need pract':=
phrases in 3. Refer them also lo lhe Key expressions.
Exercise 2 ::
Tell students they will be discussing the supply of
> 14.4 Check the lollowing: macttirte, tool, manufacturer. processors. They study the situation in 5, and think :r
Students read the instructlons, specu ate about the to use the sentences from 3 ln the new contex-. =
problem (and soiutions), and then isten and comp ete the students could write their ideas down first; alte
inlormation. Point out the use of basicallv ro introduce an divlde the class int:o ttryo: al student As \,\'or'i - -
expla nation. Bs together: they plan what alternatives to offer ;'-;

Answers You could elicit or demonstrate the conversatic^ :'':

Problem: a crry drivers'strike Luca won't be able to deliverthe board first, without giving all the answers, e.g.
order on trn-re. A We have an issue with delivery. Basically, -
Frrst solutron: sendrng the qoods by train
probleml, etc,
Drsadvantage: the oi-der tn,/on't arrive ln tlme tbr productton.
Second sclutlon: train to the border, where a orry from Hans-
B Yes, that might ..., etc
Dao. .6. ,ol1 I lpr t - o. Students work in pairs to negotrate accor-. .

Wlro will pay: Luca's cornpany, the supp er i n stru ctio ns.
To give further practice, and he p incre":= ' ,.
Exercise 3 students to do the actlvlty again, swapping c:[
> 14.4 Belore pLa.ving the lstening, ask students to try to and roles. Give feedback on the phrases for re:
match the sentences halves.Then they listen aqain and appropriate sentence stress and use ofs=,-'-
check their answeTs.
Further practice
Answers lf students need more practice, go to P':: ..
-e. .id 1l .la ig 4h ?) +e :rb :+l' 'l
32 of the Student's Book.

84 Unit 14
: ,.ercise 6 Task
'students lothe Key expressions and check stress and
'ation again.Then ask the students to work in AB pairs Exercise 1

:o read the relevant information. Check vocabulary and Students work ln pairs or small groups to read the questions,
-hey understand the situation. Stress that the aim of and come up with answers to improve the work-life balance
'eqotiation is to come to an agreement! Students then of employees. Remind them to add any extra ideas of their
- ir-e usrng the expressrons. own to the list. Monitor and make a note of good examples
. '.'eaker group, ask pairs ol A students to work of ianguage use, as well as any that need correcting.
- -='to p an what they want to say, and B students to ffiffi Students could choose a company
' sars to anticipate what A wi ask and to think about they know, or an ideal company, and answer the questions
':spond. based on this.
' . ng feedback, focus first on the outcome of their
.. :r; students are likely to be interested in how other Exercise 2
-_,i ltiated, and who was the'best'negotiator. Then Each pair or group chooses a spokesperson to present their
.- :ack on their use ofthe target language. ideas to the class. You could then discuss which ideas would
:-'ther practice be most successful in ensuring a suitable work-life balance.
- :ad and photocopy Unit 14 Business communication Glve feedback on their ideas, as well as on accurate Ianguage
use, and any which needs correcting.
-'-.etfrom the teacher resources inthe Online practice.
ffi Stronger students could consider the effect of
the measures they introduce on the cornpany: they could
king point consider issues such as costs, staff needed to run children's
,':'< life balance on the board. Elicit from the students activities, office space and job-sharing, etc.
:*:.,' understand by it and what their own work-life
Progress test
:= . like.
Download and photocopy Unit l4Progress tesf and Speaking
;:-s students on the infographic, and elicit briefly one fest from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
: -:'rments and opinions on what they understand.
--lents understand HR and to sacrifice.
llidilr]f.ffi you have students who are at school
::'= ask them to think about how they manage their
i-: :lsure time.

rqEF l
ii"': l ::JSS in pairs what they can learn about working
- -:':3 from the statistics. EIicit some ideas from the

: ^ t\'Vef S
-:rl.a is taking up far more ol people s time
I - '- v lfe is suffer nq, as regu ar sit dor,vrr
- rnfrequent. Socrai lves a so suller, as work
:, arla ni.

. .l'ls with the sltuation in their ol,vn

,raqrne what the statlstics would be.

' . the qroup lor why we are busler now,

, -: r to colne up with one more reason.
" - ,,:lS
, : probably much tougher than rt Llsed to
' -owadays such a thinq as a'job tor lile'; this
- -'r e are ,,villing to work harder ln order to
, - r add tron, many jobs are nou,/ done by
, -': q.-] cklv online, so more jobs are under
, =..c] to '',,,ork more, and work harder, ancl
- .:r-e busler.

Unit 14 85
Unit content Starting point
Briefly elicit one or two pleces of informatton for questlon

By the end of this unit, students will be able to then ask students to discuss both
class, and
lrom the
. talk about personal development and tralning questions ln detai wlth a partner' f students need
o give advice using modal verbs promptinq, you could use yourself in the role of a teacher tc
. qive and respond to posiiive feedback gi eo'eo I oo or-olF
. rake dld raspor d o 'loqo tior s, Dlscuss answe[s as a grouP.

iiiili-Fjtiii:;1i ::::i:::it:E Encourage students to think about

about training
Context a lob they rnrould like and what they know
lmprovement in the form of personal development
arrdTraininq is a t<ey issue tn business today Since the
students will, by definition, be undertaking a training Working with words
course of some kind, it should be an area of relevance
to then't. Staff changes and tut nover aTe more frequent Exercise 1

than in the past, and one path to finding better iobs and Write coccn on the board and eliclt what students
gaining pronrotion is through gaining extra skills The understand by it They should be familiar wlth a sports
iompanies that offer this are more likely to reiain staff' coach, r,rrho trains therr team and encourages them Eliclt
Some companies may complain that they train the stait, a few ldeas from the group on what they thlnk a btrsines:
who then leave. But the alternative is not training them coach does.
and then they will leave. Or, worse, they'll stayl
Professional development (i e. the developnrent of Exercise 2
technical skills to do with the job) has always been seen Students read the text and compare with their answers ' -

as the responsibility of the employer, but increasingly 1. Check students understand impressive'
personal development is, too. Thls is linked wlth the need
Suggested answer
to motlvate staffthrough setting and achieving goals,
A business coach helps managers imprcrre their performanr=
appraisals to check progress, and giving constrrrctive
Specilicallv, they he p set goals and achterre obiectlves The" -'
feedback on performance. Many managers are not tralned r-npror,,e an tndlvldual's pronrotlon prospects, and help floi : :
to do these tasks, which can cause problems. them. A coach also gives feedback and helps identily trarn;'.r -

These tssues are explored in the unit, which also gives the further develop skllls
students the language and tools to give advice, suggest
solutions, and reassure colleagues in difficult situations Exercise 3
fheTalking point atthe end of the unit allows students to sotne '
Students dlscuss the questions in pa rs. Discuss
revrew some of the important grammatlcal points from
ideas with the who e groLlP.
the course.
Exercise 4
Students match the trlords and phrases in bold in the '
2 to definrtions 8.I
i take a steP back
: motivate
ii CeveloP Your skills
i. imProve ),our Performance
5 set goa s
+ achieve your objectit'es
? improve your prolnotlon prospects
;:i give feedback
i,i;"iff:f;l-I:rti.,:ij.rj.i# Ask the students to underllne the '
stress ln each Phrase

Unit 15
Exercise 7
take a step back ) 15.1 You could lntroduce th s listenlng by asking in
rnotivate what situations managers meet employees. Ask for some
oe elop To r' .1' : examples lrom their otryn businesses How many of the
improve 1i6g1 pertormance meetrngs are accldental and how many p anned?
set qoal5
Students read the situations, and isten to match the extracts
achieve your objectrves
to the situations. Check they understa nd artnud appratsal.
rmprove your promotion prospects
give feedback Answers
+3 i:l t)
Exercise 5
Students complete the sentences wrth words and phrases Exercise 8
'rom 4. Then they ask and answer the questions. Focus on ) 15.1 Students listen again and identily rvhat Scott is doing
.he Irp and the dlfference between goa s and objectives. wrong. Then they ook back at the list ol courses in 6 and
-sk each student to think of an example of their own for decide whlch courses he shou d take and why. You might
-ach word. ,,^/ant to pornt out that the language used is verv dtrect, e.g.

conversation l,'vou never told me thatl Advise students that

': mottvate th s anguage rnay not be approprlate in a bustness cor'rtext.
: set, goals, achieve
a '6eg[6e[
.1r I Conversation l: lle dldn't make the objecl ves clear a
rmprove, promotion, prospects year ago.
:l take, step back Conversation 2: He didn't tel the team tn adt,ance what he
.-: objectives, achreve or set (or skrlls, develop)
r,vanted from them for the meeting.
'' Cevelop, skrlls (or improve, performance) Conversatron 3: He doesn't have time to reaC a proposal that
^d- OOtr.p. I - ^:-19
.,.--=::Eii.iii:f-iii,1T:.iL Change rhe quesrrons ro: I Possible answers
,that things you to study hard? CoLr[se 2:to express himse f more clearly (conversations 1

and 2)
-. the start of this course/year, did you any
Course 3: to speed read and deal wlth emalls more effectively
What are you doing to try and them? (conversaiion 3)
- rrnr often does your teacher -
you on ,vour Coui'se,1: to set c ear goals and give better feedback
-?.-.rlormance? - (conversations 1 and 2)
, -. you think traininq would be the best way
- to
i :refson's ? What other ways are there to Exercise 9
' :,ie uQ in the company? Students work in pairs.They should read the questions and
-en the best time for somebody to
is a share thelr answeTs about which courses they thlnk would
from their;ob? be good lor them, and why,. They could write their reasons
ai new would you ike to - in your- down. E icit some of thelr answe[s and discuss as a \,vhoie
.onal or academic life? group. Give feedback on corect use and pronunciation of
: ! y6; done any training cou[ses -recently to phrases trom 4.
at school or col ege? How have these courses !:iiii;fr.ii,i.l;,,ii:;,#ilii;i!,i# Brainstorm a list of short courses the
- -'d you? - students have been on, or heard about and considered,
--:ii lrom the group anything particularly and write these on the board Then ask them to discuss the
.,- rg they questions in pairs.
lound out about each other.
+-1f,f;r-qj.i:Li lf your students haven't done, or don't p an to
:: ='CiSg 6 do any training courses, ask them to assess the courses tn 6
:'.S nrdtCh the training cou[se tit es to their and say which could be usefu for them in their studies or at
- . cns. Check their ansvvers with the who e group. work.

Further practice
, i irg stress Download and photocopy Unit 15 Working with words
-rrcatlcn ski ls
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
- -:nagement
f q ernployees
Language at work
Ask your students lf they have done any courses
Exercise 1
-rose listed and, if so, how useful they were
f your class has a ot of lnrork experience, )/ou .ou d ask them
''r er practice to exchaf qe experiences ol apprarsa s and decrde ',"rhat
makes a good or poor one
='ts need more practice, go to Practice file 15 on page
' ' 'e Student's Book. Students read the advice as il the gaps are not ther.', and
sayilthey aqree or not. (Note that some of the poirts are

Unit 15 87
actualy the opposite of what is advised in 2.) Brlelly discuss time to read through the advice, and monitor for vocabulary
some oltheir answe[s as a class. problems.
Students read the sentences and decide what they thlnk of
Exercise 2 the advice. Don't let them discuss the ideas yet, as that is the
> 15.2 Students listen and compare the speaker's advice focus of 6.
with their own opinions from 1. Check the answers rrylth the
C ASS. Exercise 6
Students discuss the ldeas in 5 using modal verbs from 3.
Focus on correct use of modaLs. Make sure they contract the
negatives and pronoun ce mustn't correctly. Use their reasons
E Yes, especrally if they are shy to check they have understood the concept of each modal.
4 Yes
5 Yes Exercise 7
* Yes Students read the profiles. Ask students if they know
anybody in a similar situation. Students discuss the advice
they would give each person in pairs. Make sure they use the
Exercise 3
modal verbs from 3 when they are talking about advice.
> 15.2 Students isten again and complete the advice ln 1
with the correct modal verb. Check the answets with the Exercise 8
class. ll students ask you for the meanings of the verbs at this
> 15.3 Students listen to the experts and compare their
point, tell them you wi study this in the nert activity.
answers in 7.
Answers Answers
: SNOUIC]N I Marek:
3 mustn't Shou'd r,y to take some ho day ard sperd tire wiLh ^is lam; y
3 couLd Needs to work on his management skills
4 should Sho;ld ask lor trairing i'r time manage'renL ano ranaging
5 should people
i: rnust Could hire a persona coach
Must talk to his team
i,+;=;i;;::;iii-+.;= Make sure students don't pronounce the Shou d set clear goals for hls team
middle /i/ in mustn't. Klaudia:
Should talk to her boss
Exercise 4 She couid ask him how to improve her promotlon prospects
Students read and complete the sentences in the Language 5he cou d speak to the CEO, but she shouldn't do tlrls
polnr using a modal verb from 3. Refer students to the I/p immediately
She could say she m ght leave
bor on haveto and,,rusr. Ask students to wrlte their own
two sentences, one lor an'outside'request, and one for
somethrng they personally be ieve rs important. Drscuss Further practice
lf students need more practice, go to Practice file 5 on

some oltheir examples as a group.

1 35 ofthe Student's Book.
Point out that the question form for both verbs ts usuallv
with hrve to, e.q. Do you have to wear a uniform? Exercise 9
Answers Give students time to read the list, choose two topics ard
; must come up with some advice. Students then ask their
] should for advice on how to do these things.Tell them they shr
3 coud formulate the problem properly using the prompts e.g-
4 shouldn't feel motivated in my current job, and I need some advice ut
! mustn't to increase my motivation.The other student listens and
advice using the modal verbs. Encourage use of all five
i-E-{.#iiiiiliii* You could extend the Irp to talking about the from 3.
difference betmeen don't have lo and musfn't, where there is
a clear distinction in meaniaq.'/ou don't haveto do something ffi lf you have students from different places

means it is not necessary but you can f you want. fou work, you could ask them to talk about a colleague
mustn't da samethtng means it is not allowed or strong y know and ask for advice on how they can do their
inadvlsa ble. lf students are from the same company, this is prob;
Grammar reference
lf students need more information, go lo Grammar reference Further practice
on page 1 35 of the Student's Book. Download and photocopy Unit 15 Language at wo*
worksheetfrom the teacher resources in the Onl,-.
Exercise 5
Note that the answers to this exercise are highly subjective
and could provoke interesting discussion. Give the students

88 Unit 15
Practically speaking Business communication
Exercise 1 Exercise 1

Students read the tuations, and decide what they could say
s Ask students what ideas they have for motivating employees
as a response. Ellcit a possible response for the lirst one, and or college students, e.g. a suggestions box. Elicit other ideas
then ask students to work in parrs and come up with other from the group. Students read the three ideas for motivating
a lte rn atives employees. Ask them which is best for them Elicit one or
two ideas from the group. Then ask students to discuss them
Possible answers
in pairs. Elicit any other ideas which help motivate them.
e Thank youl/That was really interesting / really enjoyed your
talk ffi Ask students who are studying at
* Thank you. lt s mostly fine, bur it would be good tf yol . . / it college to think of what motivates them to study and do
stlji needs a bit of work on it. course work. Answers could include, e.g. the prospects of
r: This is ercel ent. /Thank you very much. / l'm rea y pleased
getting a good/better job; getting good grades and resulrs;
with what you've done.
learning about new topics and areas of work, etc.

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
> 15.4 Students isten and match each conversation with ) tS.S Pre-teach defective - having a fault or faults; not
:re of the situations in 1 perfect or complete. Students listen to the conversation
about team motivation and put the points in 1 in order.
:a ;c 3b Answers
a2 &3 sl
,=.=-=:E:E*= Ask studenrs if rhey have been in any olrhese
rations recently, givlng feedback on something. What was
Exercise 3
:rd what drd they say?
)> lS.S Before playing the recording, ask students to try and
:.-=J{.{#fft#;i-i=.;lt4 f students are at co lege, ask them match the suggestions and responses.Then students listen
-ey have recently been given
feedback on any of their again to complete the sentences, and check their answers.
.sework. What dld their tutor sav? Was it appropriate?
' /Why not? Answers
€c ?d 3a 4f 5e 6b
: xercise 3
> 15.4 St:udents listen again and comp ete the phrases in
ffiffi Ask students to decide which word (or
parts of words) in both the suggestions and the responses is
Siving feedback, and in B for responding. Encourage stressed, e.g.
-lts to practrse the conversations with a partner Wh)t don't we start with motiystlon? Good id1a.
. ,-: students understand to hlre and sales rep You could explain the value of their work. ye; that might work.
-:entative). You could potnt out that using a person's You should alwa)ts give feedback. WelJ lh not sure abaut that.
= vhen grving feedback makes it much more persona I sugaest you send each person an email. yc; tha* not a bad
.:t !ropriate.

- ^ swers What about introducing a team project? I don't thinkthat would

'r,ed, helpful, job, done, had, track, just
-: hear, bad Shall we talk about how ta pulthem into oractice? Yes. Let's do
" ,l:=-i3HF;.il Point our rhar we use ntonation to make
. < sound positive and encouraging. lf necessary, Exercise 4
= istening again and ask students to mark which Students decide which group the responses belong to.
.'d phrases are said ata hiqher pitch (usinq a wlder Check the answers. NB lhar3 not a bad idea is actually
. :n), and which sound more friendly. Encourage positivel
- iepeat the phrases, stopping and starting the
: at appropriate times.
Ve.v oos,tive b, c
Quite oos tive d, I
rcase 4 A l'rtls P6t., ta a

=- -s work in pairs, taking turns to give and respond to Vo'v reqaiive e

.::< in siLuations l -/.
--Jback on good use of phrases and
appropriate Exercise 5
:n. You could elicit a suitable response to your
Refer students to the Key expressions, and check the stress
" = -.r from the studentsl
and intonation of the expressions. lf necessary, model them
and get the students to repeat them after you.
Students work in pairs, taking turns to use the six situations
in the box to make suggestions, and respond, using the Key
expressions. Model an example with a strong student.

Unit 15 89
Give feedback specifica1y on the phrases for maklng and Give feedback on thelr rdeas, as well as on accurate
responding to suggestrons, using appropriate intonation. language use,

Further practice Progress test

lf students need more practice, go to Practice file 15 on page Download and photocopy Unit 15 Progress fesf and Speaking
1 34 of the Student's Book. fest from the teacher resources in lhe Online practice.

Exercise 6
Students work in pairs. They will be considering ways to
I plo.e Offipar1, ^ Ol..a'O'.
Refer them again to tie Key expressions. Then ask the
students to work in AB pairs, and to read the re evant
information. Check they understand bonus.
When giving feedback, focus on accuTate use of phrases
from the Key expressions.

ffiffiFffiEffi.# Students cou d think about a company

they know well, or consider how to improve staff motrvation
at the co lege where they are studylng.

F-or quick revision here, or at the beginning of next
lesson, put a few id-.aslsuggestions on slips of paper.
(These could be work related, or not, dependinq on
your students, e.g.'Let's meet up on Saturday at ll for
an extra hour of Engllshli or'What about keeping in
touch between classes on emaiL, in Englishli or'What
about having a dress-down Friday, when everyone can
wear jeans to work?') Askthe students to stand up n
two lines, in two teams. Give the first person in each
team a suggestion each, and ask them to read it out
to the second person in the line: that person responds
negatively (but politelyl) and adds an alternative
suggestion. The third student responds in the same way,
and so on, down the line. Encourage students to use a
range of phrases from the Key expressrons.

Further practice
Download and photocopy Unit 15 Business communication
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Talking point
The objective of this game rs to practise the anguage and
ski ls which the students have learnt ln this book.You may
wish to ask students to revise this belore they start the game
Students read the rules. Check they are fami iar with'heads'
and'tails'when using a coin. Emphasize that the aim of the
game is to rev ew language and skil s from the book.
You wi probably find that students comp ete the tasks rn
the squares reasonab y we , but without necessari y using
the anguage from this book. ln these cases, it is up to you
whether you nsist on them doing so, perhaps by ooking it
up in the second copy ofthe Student's Bookas suggested.
As they play, mon tor and he p with vocabulary queries.
For leedback, you could keep a'hot card'for each student
or pair. As they p1ay, write down errors on their hot card,
and at the end, give them their hot card for drscussion and
correctron. f you have a large class, ask students to monitor
each other's mistakes, and fix a penalty of 'two squares back'
for anybody who makes a mlstake. f students disagree,
for examp e about correct pronunc ation, they ask you to

90 Unit 15

Preview Exercise 4
Students discuss what type of company they work for,
The topic of this Viewpoint is A successful partnership. In
and consider whether the advantages and disadvantages
this Viewpoinr, students frrst watch people talking about
mentioned in 3 are true for their company.
ihe type of company they work for. They then watch a
,,rideo with Colin Goepfert, the Learning and Deveiopment fffiffiffi Ask srudents ro rhink of a company
Coach at lohn Lewis. Finaily, they discuss how they could they know well, decide what sort of company it is, and think
ntroduce a partnership scheme, sinrilar to that at John about what its disadvantages or advaniages may be.
-ewis, into their company.
ffi Stronq students could be asked to think about
other advantages and disadvantages.
Exercise 1

-. ents first match the types of conrpantes to their Exercise 5

='in itio n s. Ask students to match the words and phrases in bold in
' :l out if any of your students works lor one of these sentences 1-7 to definitions a-9. Do the first one together.
_ -rpany types. Students check their answers with a partner, then check with
Answers the whole class.
- I a 3d 4h Answers
1d ? e 3c 4F 5g $a 7b
ixercise 2
' -r:nts work in pairs and thlnk of an example of each Exercise 6
-traf y type Discuss sorne
ol their ideas as a qroup. Q OZ Before playing
the video, ask students to look at the
Then play the video again for students to order them
i <ercise 3
as they watch.
) Ct Students read the first column in the tab e, anc ther
Students check their answers with a partner, and then check
- rhe video They should make notes abolt .,i,har
the answers together.
: ir-st)/s. f necessary, p ay the video aga n, pausing after
You may want to deal with any vocabulary students bring
. Pea ke r.
'. .rat each speaker ansv/eTS the first qLtestion and then
up, e.g. in the region of means approximately (and is not
geographical). Other vocabulary that they may not be
='s about both the advantages and disadvantages. familiar with: profit, proportion, annual pay, shareholder,
jents if any of the speakers'comments or opinions
dividend, bonus, market rate.
- ar to their own. Discuss answe[s as a c]ass.
- - swers A3 B4 C1 D2
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3
(Sarah) (Timi)
(The John Lewis Partnership is one of the {JK's leading retail businesses.
- :e of Soie trader Pub lc NGO (Non- Colin Goepfert is the Learning and Development Coach at John Lewis)
- -pany cor-r'l pa ny Governrrentai
Organrzatron) i The lohn Lewis Partnership came into being in 1950. We've
Cha rity now got in the region of 78,000 people who work in the John
Lewis Partnership. lt includes about 32 department stores up
":.3ntages Doesn't ha,",e Held to Being ab e
and down the country, over 250 Waitrose supermarkets plus our
to answer to a higher to make a
lnternet business. We have a production unlt up in Lancashire,
anyone else sta nda rd difference to
near Blackburn, and also we have a farm ofabout4,000 acres in
- she has full have to be people around
Hampshire where we grow and produce a lot of the milk and
control. carelul with the world.
app es and mushrooms that we sell in our Waitrose supermarket.
reven ue,
We have partners, essentially most other businesses would refer
to them as employees or staffi we call them partners because
expenses to
they are all partners ln the true sense of the word.They all have
ensure growth
responsibilities and share in the benefits of our business. That
of stock va ue.
doesn't mean when they join us on day one they get one share of
Only her Difficuit to D fflcult to get John Lewis, it means at the end of the year, when we've worked out
that is think long other people our profit for that year, every partner would receive a proportion of
responsible term. to understand their annual pay as a percentage. So whether you're a Saturday,only
for this Decision nrhy he ping partner or the Chairman, you would all receive the same per cent
company. making is other people rs of your pay as your bonus, so that's almost like the dividend that
sometimes rmportant. you would get if you were a shareholder in other business. We call
compromtsed. them partners because they all have a part to play in our success
and sharing that.

Viewpoint 5 91
Like any business, we have to be successful and therefore we have Exercise 9
to make a profit. Because we don't have any externaL shareholders Students read the three options, and then tick the one that is
we don't have to produce a dividend to keep other peop e happy.
closest to their own optnion. They then compare the jr ideas
We have to make the profit and we want the profit to be sufficient
with a partner, Qivlng reasons, Discuss some of their opinions
to enable us to continue doing what we do. And what we do is
to look after our partners in the terms of the employment and
with reasons as a who e class.
the benefits we offer, because we be ieve that if you look after the
Exercise 10
partners, they will therefore look after the customers; look after the
customers, they wil look after your profit, and we have what we Students could work with a dlfferent partner for these last
call the partner-customer-profit cycle and that's what we ive and two exercises. They are going to discuss introductng a similar
work to. partnership scheme lor their own company. Give them time
Other ways that we kind of measure our success, obviously, is to read the three points.They should then discuss, and take
turnover, because the turnover feeds directly into the bonus, but notes on their answers and ideas. You cou d also encourage
we also look at the feedback we receive from outside bodies - students to adapt the scheme ifthey have others ideas they
Which reports,Verdict reporls, the customer service groups that are think wou d work, e.q. about training or taking time off.
available - and we regularly, between John Lewis and Waitrose,
Monitor students as they work, and help if needed. Remind
feature in the top two or three companies for those, again for us
really important. them to consider how they wi I measure success and
We like to always pay the best rate for the right level of calculate bonuses.
performance. We're constantly looking at the, at what we call the
ffiffitTiiffiFEffi'fiE# students could think of a company
market rate, which is what the going rate for a particular job is, but they know well, and discuss how the John Lewis scheme (c
within our pay structure every partner has the opportunity to work
a simi ar partnership scheme) could work. They could thinl
their way up.
about a company where friends or lami y work.
We have a very comprehensive training package called Honzons,
which has a huge amount of resources, courses, books, videos,
DVDs, coaching sessions that partners can sign up for to help them Exercise 1 1

achieve the best in their performance. We have the bonus that Students work together to give the presentation. One
we've mentioned earlier which was last year about 1B%0. student could present the overall pLan (first point), while
We also have in all of our workplaces subsidized dining, a minimum the other explains the employee benefits and how the.v
of fou r weeks'paid ho iday rising to six weeks after ten years, we MEASUTC SUCCESS.
have a final salary non-contributory pension scheme. We offer
Encourage others in the group to ask questions for
something called long leave - after 25 years of continual service
a partner can actually take six months off, lully paid, to just go
and get away from their normal work regime and just experience When they have all finished, vote on the best scheme. Yc-
something different. could come up with your own criteria, or suggest giving
So wete constantly trying to find new ways of making the ife of points based on how easy it would be to impleme nt, hc,"
our partners fuller and enable them to do more than they perhaps the employees will benefit, and/or how easy it will be tc
would do. Pay's important, but to us, pay is just one part of partner MEASUTE SUCCESS.
development and partner growth, and we hopefully have a pack
that's second to none. Further video ideas
You can find a list of suggested ideas for how to use
Exercise 7 the class in the teacher resources in the Online pract -.
Students work alone to match the titles I 4 to the
s ides in 6.
Students check their answers with a partner, and then check
wlth the group.
:C ?D 3A 4B

Exercise 8
Q the video again, ask students to read
OZ Before p aying
the questions. Stronger students could try to answer them
before they watch. Then play the video again lt necessary,
pause the video alter the information is mentioned.
Students check their answers with a partner. Then check the
answe[s together.

i Yes
i Yes
5 Don't know
* Don't know
?' Yes

92 Viewpoint 5
Unit 1 Exercise 3 Language at work
2e 3a 4b $c
Working with words Exercise 1

Business com munication 3 studred I called

Exercise l 3 built I didn't publish
2f 3b 4e ic 6a Exercise 1 4 had 1S started
-i calling 7 back 5 became iI made
Exercise 2 :i This S Does 6 spent 12 created
3 based $ products n afraid I give 7 wrote
3 operate 7 produce : ta k.. '1fi help
* subsidiaries S competitors * ask Exercise 2
5 employees 3 did you have 5 did they stay
Exercise 2 iunch S did she join
Exercise 3 .: speak nq 6 phoning 3 did you see 7 did you spend
3 exporter 7 provide i leai,e ? cailing {. did Raul leave I did you send
3 subsidiaries I operates + 0o I You're welcome
4 products 9 services l; about I Speak Exercise 3
5 based 1S produce t was 4 don't, decided
5 specialize Language at work 3 works, came 5 didn't, speaks
3 wasn't, didn't 5 doesn't, was
Business communication Exercise 1

' o o ,' LO .
Exercise 1 :j You arel't /
encrneers vis tinq
Unit 4
,,lhat id) ] i/vtere (f ) ;i ,,,Vho (.j L - l. .o, ;
.'rlhat (a) * y/nv (b) ri 't t leat,ir-to Working with words
Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 1
:Xe:=ia,.=! .:rb:;d :: :c =f aa 6e ;a ::t i.. :if i.:h j.j 5a
5 :=
Exercise 3
Language at work I have 6 are becoming Exercise 2
] work 7 are opening Iol Ito 4lor iWith
q dte oot inq I get
Exercise 1
2is ', have
1; buy g are trying Business Gommunication
! specialize I specializes
I starts g Exercise'l
5 ,vorks I0 work
Unit 3 ?q ib 4h i.: +e -jc i:f
i ltart
Working with words Exercise 2
Erercise 2 Across:
l:ces5 e dolO i does 4 Exercise 1 ] hatre * appointmert ;i iate
c )cyou t areg j does B .i he pfr l ,
pretty Down:
-zve7 g does 1
i I
popular ..1 n\,,trnq .: help ji e se :. wav
I .2 h arrlve 6 + quality S original .=: n ice
5 re iable 1S extremeiy
l,=rcise 3 * value Language at work
. I does $ doesn't, does
* don't Exercise 2 Exercise 1
2 phone 3 value 4 reliable jb
5 money 6 quality =b,€a -=b i,a:=l-- -za
:.r n !1: n
1it 2
Business communication Exercise 2
rking with words i-i When drd the compan)i start?
Exercise 1 ] ilow many people does the .or-pan\,
':ise 1 Order of sentences: I 574B63g2 employ?
5 staff - Do yiou ha,,,e .: lot of competticrs r. the
. 'nent * consultant Exercise 2 L.-]SA7

7 client 3 We wanted 5 Finally il llow much cher,virq qum c'c Aarerriars

3 We did this by 1 SnOWeO eat I
4 First S the ma.lority * Who nte y61.11- n-tain C;storrersT
5 Then we asked I we recommend
5 organizer
6 supply
7 consultation
Practice file answer key 93
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
Unit 5 ? One key 5 another issue is .t she's v stt ng l'm going to call /
adva ntage 6 ld go for J \A/e're not l'll call
Working with words 3 I like the idea 7 it's preferable havlng / \A/e're l'll check
S are more suitable not !oinq tc * he isn't going to
Exercise accept
4 I'm not sure have
?d :1 a gc 5f 6b 4 I'm rreetln.-q s l'll give
i l' ask i+ are startlng / are
Exercise 2 Language at work going to start
? report a prob err 5 response times Exercise 1
3 offer a so utlon $ get feedback
4 make a comp aint I have told
o have /'ve asked
Unit 8
3 have not / I has /'s said
haven't found IO have / 've lost
Exercise 3 Working with words
f :
qr.1er,rr disaount '* reP aaernelt 4 has become 1T have not /
5 lssue * credlt'"'oucher 5 has /'s been haven't had
6 have eft t? have not / Exercise 1

/ nave nor / haven't made 1 process/shiP 6 enquire about/

Business communication haven't recruited 3 check/guarantee check
4 shipment/order ? orders/goods
Exercise 1
Exercise 2 5 ship/deliver
Sentenceorder': 5 5I4 I l0 3 7 9 2 2 Haveyou h 6Didg
3 Have you ever b 7 been a Exercise 2
Exercise 2 4 Did you have d I did you send e Across:
3 l'm not very 5 we can offeryou
5 Hasc 4 place I ordered $ guarantee
ha ppv 6 check t0 track
? i'nr sorri' 7 sorry for Down:
4 'nr alralcl I l'll deal with
Unit 7 1 deliver 3 Process 5 check
6 enquire 7 quoted
Language at work Working with words
Business communication
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
: more profitab e 6 more
? hand baggage 7 airline charges Exercise 1
3 ne\,vest professional
3 delayed flights s baggage ?b 3h 4g 5c +.:a ?d
,? nearer 7 worst 4 self-servlce allowances
5 most popular I biggest
check tn I seat upgrade Exercise 2
I better
5 weight lG missed ? could ? go ahead
restri ctions con nection 3 show * just
Exercise 2 6 security scan 4 ofcourse * sorr;r
?T 6 T 5 asK !fj Would
3 F. lt's the easiest 7 F. lt's the least
Exercise 2 $ mind
to use. popular.
2 extra 3 middle 4 cancelled 5 free
4T & F. lt's easier to
6 excess Language at work
5i lt offers slow-^r use than Teslo's.
dellvery than Exercise
Business communication 1

? The invoice was sent YesterdaY.

Exercise 1 3 Over a thousand guests were
Unit 6 ?c 3a 4h 5d 6b 7f 8e the event.
sj 'rsi 4 The post is collected at I0 a.rn.
Working with words Exercise 2 5 The software is written / was
? Would 7 afraid by olr enqineers.
Exercise 1
3 Sorry I what 6 The meeting was cancelled
? advertised * candldate 4 free s fine the strike.
3 expelence ? lntervlew 5 suits IG shal I

t qua fcaton * reference 6 Does 11 that's Exercise 2

-i skl s l given/was
rs 5 ala -
given/will S wa5
Exercise 2
3 6
Language at work given 7 WAS
qualified advert/ 3 were asked B is
E recruitment advertlsement Exercise 1 4 are processed
.i shortList ? experienced ? she's going to 7 l'm going to
5 skllled I interviewed
3 aren't going S She's playing Exercise 3
4 l'm going to I won't be ? An email was sent to a

Business communication 5 he's visiting I0 'm meeting the dePartment.

6 r'll be 3 The money was stolen (b)'
Exercise 1 4 The staff were informed
2 issue 3 exPensive 4 go decision (by the heads of
5 Another 6 suitable 7 sure

Practice file answer keY



Salaries are drscussed with ennp oyees Exercise 3 Exercise 2 iiiili
ind ivid ua ily
i po utron, petro, esS water, ? Wou d you ike to take a break?
The key to the safe is kept in his desk.
consum ption e ectricity t Do you fancv seeinq a footba gamel
3 qlass, p astic, the env ronment, e Shall I reserve a tab e?
Unit 9 newspa pe15 c ties, rivers ;r Would you like to v sit the new factor.v
Business communication tj Wou d you ike me to meet vou at the
Working with words a irport?

Exercise 1
Exercise 1
?, 'm here today 7 to sum up Exercise 3
i: target audrence 4 new business 3 'l come
3 advertisrng ,5 word of mouth
I that brings me ? Thanks for the 3 ver,v good of
{ let'5 slart \,^/ith I Thanks very * l ke r^ne to 5 asking, but ii be qreat
campa gn 6 free publicity 5 My next poir'rt much
Exercise 2
* Jastly 10 As I said before Language at work
2 offer 3 conduct 4 increase S boost
Exercise 2 Exercise
6 reach 1
2 start 3 overview 4 look S Then Countable: shop, reservation, hote, event,
Exercise 3 6 finally I all I tell per SOn
j search eng nes 4 targeted ema ls Uncountable: nformatton, rl0neV,
:: advert s ng 5 promotional Language at work entertarn nrent, ll ggage, acconrmodation
boards eventS
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
2 agree,'ll have 6 don't print,'li use i ar.. 6ls
Business communication 3 will he say, asks I 'll use, Ieave -q Are 7 much
Exercise 1
4 don't improve, I won't pay, waits 4 rla nv I was
'll lose I will it take, go 5 some I many
=.3a 4b If Sh f i fir 5 won't
j rtr t* accept, 10 don't decrease,
doesn't know will continue Exercise 3
jan 6a
Exercise 2
- Exercise 2 i Ar.. 7 some
didn't catch that ? r,ve can ccme 3 will it cost
|ot with you
back to that
I won't be - ditv I much
iculd you be * r,ve've cor,ei.ed
4 decide '10 drive is
rore specilic
5 don't sell 11 look
everl,th ng
.Lot Ao5t,o g 6 'll save tt il see

. me of
ar t,^io
to the next point
eon 7 will consume 13 will increase Unit 12
-'eettngl Sdo 14 rises
F$ can we sun-l
,,e're off
gettinq up what lve,ve
Working with words
-e subject aqreed
Unit 11 Exercise 1

;f :h 4a Ig 6c 7b 8d
Language at work Working with words
Exercise 2
Exercise 1
Exercise 1 salety r'ecord, environmental
- -..;dents'own answers.
2 venue 3 guests 4 budget excel lent performance,
Exercise 2 5 host company 6 package 3 perform well, average
encou raginq good reputation,
,l lo I have/Do I 5 need to/have to 4
Exercise 2 sat slactory, excellent
:r€e d 6 can, aren't
? had 3 arranged socialli
ras tolneeds to,
4 entertains workplace
allowed 5 booked S accepr responsible
are allowed 7 don't have, can't 5 poor, manage
d ive rs ity,
rm lallowed
Exercise 3 CO5tS
i host compary ? budget
3 entertarn I guests
it 10 4 held * book
Business communication
5 venue 1* arranged Exercise 1
ing with words * accepted TI had ifrom,ito,f by $to *by ?to
sel Business communication Exercise 2
, 3e 4h Sa 6b 7c Sf ? r se i: rematnecl stacie
Exercise 1 'j 'oll.o , ro
? Wou d you i<e to jorn us for lunch? .. .r lta
' ,:n emissions 6 reduce pollution 5 Sha I get you a trcket for the concert? (" l- :.-t :j -,.o
,a warming 7 eco lriendly € Thanks for asking, but 'm not free
fue s * throw away 5 Would you like me to book a tab e? Exercise 3
€ Would you like a glass of water? Students' o,,vn a ns\,ve[s
, -mption
7 Do you fancy golng to the cinema?

Practice file answer key


I Language at work Language at work Exercise 2

t had 7 wouldn't,

Exercise 1 Exercise 1 i wou d, had didn't pay
i worked
've 5 I developed :: \ ./e' I flnishthe report today. ,,t need,' S Will, send
3 years * lor four years
for several -: The manager may notr/ might not be in 4 were, rryou d I knew, h tell
4 was ? eft her clflce rlqht now. 5 gave, might work 1S don't, will be
The secretary maylmight know when S 'f nish,vrrorks
Exercise 2 the meeting is.
E \tVhen did she jo n One Step Fitness? 5 I won't get the job I applied for.
3 llow ong \{/as she Assistant Mana.-cer at 6 rrey may nor / rr'ghr roL give us a oay Unit 15
One Step Fltness? rise this year.
$ How cnq has she been a manaqer? 7 He won't go on any more business trips. Working with words
5 Where dld she work lrom 2005 to 2010? $ The staff maylmight be more
S How lcng has she been respons b e for motivated. Exercise 1

sales growth? !e il,tb id 6 h(orc)

' ror I god l.\oraL..a oor- Exercise 2 i c(orh) * a
Cothing? ii'be ? won't find
ii How lcnq has she been n the sports i won't fee * wi improve Exercise 2
and fitness industry? 4 w errst s might/may i feedback S motivate
i may/migh1 s5-. not be :l deve op, skil s 7 achieve
+ \,vcn t.i may/ 3* might/may 4 step back I improve
Unit 13 m ght not apply 1 set goa s (or
Working with words
Unit 14 Exercise 3
Exercise 1 ? motlvate 5 skills
Across: Working with words i feedback 6 achieve
i deve opment 4 change 4 deve oP,/ mPro,",e 7 prospe-Ls
Down: Exercise 1

i shortage I demand *r threat ;h:b +d:ic 6a 7e 8g Business communicat i o nr

4 crrsis 5 growtl-r
Exercise 2 Exercise 1
Exercise 2 i satre 7 leave +l *7 ':6 ,:1 +

" e5li-atr O p )'ao o i !al-real! e & run tu8

+ threatens * run 4 eat,e I ahead
1sp..rl tS time Exercise 2
Business communication I i,'.,:s.e i f./avbe r,ve =
shou d set
Exercise 1 Business communication .E How aboL,t +

i Do you thlnk the s tuatlon r,vi imcro,",e? aski n g

3 t hope \,ve won't have to close ihe Exercise 1 =! Sha n,e think
factorv +l 36 ;-1 ri9 t) i5 *10
4 The staff rnrlll def nitely support the :: ,, I I I a
Exercise 3
decislon. + srre, think 2 i
5 Are the new rules ikely to affect us? Exercise 2 i lets6 :
* Unemployment probab y v/on't 3 Oh dear. tiVhat's the prob em exact y? d might, don't 5
decrease b-.tore 2025. 3 Basica y, ordered 50 dricks but you
3 We're un lke v to have more free tlme n sent me chickens. Language at work
the luture. l'm sorry. Would you agree to keep the
chickens? Exercise 1

Exercise 2 5 No, l'm afraid I couldn't accept that. d

3 ikely to find a 5 definlte y won't $ WouLd it be OK lf we delivered the i + don't thlrk :
substitute for oll go up ducks today? : ,
= =.ouC
3w Probab 1r be ""r rloPefu Y, we'l Yes, that would allow me to have them
affected flrst develop for the weekend. Exercise 2
4 are lrke y to rlse OK, l'll send them today. ''-[ i

dramat cally 3 coud :

Language at work 4 shou dn't !
Exercise 3 5 should
i are -3 Hopefu y € uri 5 probaby Exercise 1
* lkev i didn't know 6 they could start
,,^tou d you think 7 might they do
a bout B could only read
€ they wou d give I we would
fou nd recommend
themse ves

96 Practice file answer key

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