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Serrano, Franz Jezreel M.


The Republic Act 10844, also known as the Department of Information and Communications
Technology Act of 2015, is a landmark legislation that aims to promote the development of
information and communications technology in the Philippines. This law establishes the
Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) as the primary agency
responsible for planning, developing, and promoting ICT in the country.

In my reaction paper for R.A 10844, I believe that this law is a significant step towards
harnessing the potential of ICT to drive economic growth and improve governance in the
Philippines. The establishment of DICT will streamline efforts to bridge the digital divide and
ensure that all Filipinos have access to affordable and reliable ICT services.

I found an article titled “DICT launches National Broadband Plan" which highlights how DICT is
working towards providing high-speed internet connectivity across the country through its
National Broadband Plan. This initiative will not only boost economic development but also
enhance communication and information sharing among Filipinos. Overall, R.A 10844 is a
crucial piece of legislation that will pave the way for a more connected and digitally inclusive

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