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Good morning everyone!

Today I will be presenting

my Science performance task, and my oral essay
about the skeletal system! For our model, this is my
skeleton. His name is Megatron, and he is a very
beautiful fairy.
What are the structure and components of the
skeletal system?
First off, what are bones?
Over 200 bones make up the skeletal system's
foundation. These bones are divided into four types
based on their shape and size: long, short, flat, and
irregular. Long bones like the femur and humerus
help with movement and support. Stability is
provided by short bones, such as those found in the
wrists and ankles. Flat bones, such as the skull and
sternum, protect important organs and allow for
muscle attachment. Irregular bones, such as those
in the spine and face, have specialized forms that
allow them to perform certain functions. There is
the axial and appendicular skeleton! But I’ll explain
them later.
Next, how are they connected?
Joints provide movement and flexibility by
connecting bones. Joints range from freely
moveable synovial joints like the ball-and-socket
joint in the shoulder to marginally movable joints
like those found in the spine to immovable joints in
the skull that give stability and protection to the
brain. And there’s more joints, such as the saddle
joints, candyloid joints, gliding joints, pivot joints,
and hinge joints. However, these are the main
joints. There’s so many more to mention!
They are connected with the help of ligaments,
which are strong bands of connective tissue that
link bones, provide stability and inhibit excessive
They are protected with cartilages, which is a
flexible and strong connective tissue that covers the
ends of bones at joints to reduce friction and allow
smooth movement.
How does it benefit us?
1.Structure and support: The skeletal system's
primary job is to provide structural support for
the body. Bones act as the structure for the
body, keeping it in shape and sustaining its
weight. The body would collapse if this support
was not present.
2.Protection: The skeletal system plays a major
role in safeguarding important organs. The skull
protects the brain, while the rib cage shields the
heart and lungs from injury. The pelvic girdle
protects the kidneys and bladder, as well as
your reproductive organs.
3.Movement: Muscles are connected to bones
through tendons, facilitating movement when
muscles contract and relax. The skeletal system,
in conjunction with muscles and joints, enables
a wide range of movements, ranging from
simple gestures to complicated acts such as
walking and sprinting.
4.Production of Blood Cells: Blood cells are
created in the bone marrow, a spongy
substance found in the core of some bones. This
marrow produces red blood cells and white
blood cells, which help the body's immune
system and overall health.
5.Mineral Storage: Essential nutrients such as
calcium and phosphorus are stored in the
bones. These minerals are released into the
bloodstream when they are required for
biological processes such as muscular
contraction and nerve transmission.

What are the parts of Megatron?

Let’s start off with the parts of the
There are three main bones in the axial
skeleton. And these are the following:
Skull - The skull is made up of 22 bones, the
most essential of which are the cranium (which
encases and protects the brain) and the facial
bones. It gives the head structure and protects
the brain and sensory organs.
Spine (Vertebral column) - The spine is made
up of 33 vertebrae that are classified as cervical
(neck), thoracic (chest), lumbar (lower back),
sacral (pelvic), and coccygeal (tailbone). It
supports the spine, protects the spinal cord,
and enables for movement and flexibility.
However, there are consequences if your
posture is still bad. Like scoliosis or
Ribs - The rib cage is made up of 12 pairs of ribs:
7 pairs of true ribs that are directly connected
to the sternum, 3 pairs of false ribs that are
indirectly related to the sternum, and 2 pairs of
floating ribs that are not attached to the
sternum. Ribs guard the chest cavity and aid in
breathing. They are also like shields to prevent
the internal organs from damaging.
The appendicular skeleton consists of basically
the rest of the bones. These are the following:
Shoulder Girdle - The clavicle (collarbone) and
scapula (shoulder blade) make up the shoulder
girdle. It provides arm support and muscular
attachment places.
Upper Limbs - The humerus (upper arm bone),
radius and ulna (forearm bones), carpals (wrist
bones), metacarpals (palm bones), and
phalanges (finger bones) are all part of the
upper limbs. These bones allow for a wide
variety of movements and activities.
Lower Limbs - The femur (thigh bone), patella
(kneecap), tibia and fibula (leg bones), tarsals
(ankle bones), metatarsals (foot bones), and
phalanges (toe bones) make up the lower limbs.
These bones give support, stability, and
Pelvic Girdle - The pelvic girdle is made up of
two hip bones (os coxae) that connect to form
the pelvic structure. It protects internal organs
such as the bladder and reproductive organs
while supporting the trunk.

Finally, what is the conclusion?

Each component of the skeletal system, from
the delicate skull that protects the brain to the
robust long bones of the limbs, contributes
uniquely to the body's form, function, and
overall well-being. They provide a magnificent
structure that allows us to stand, move, and
interact with the world around us.

And that is it for my presentation! I am

Summer, and thank you for listening!

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