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Presented by:

1. Astrologo, Krishna Yvonne V.

2. Benasa. Lady Fiona T.

3. Biasca, Jeaneth

4. Cueto, Ma. Fatima P.

5. Padron, Jhian Francis V.

Presented To:

Dr. Leonardo G. Adap

College of Business Administration I. LEARNING OUTCOMES
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management 1. Identify the meaning of Tangible and
Intangible Goods
A.Y 2022-2023 2. Discuss the difference between
tangible and intangible goods.
3. Recognize and compare physical
goods marketing and services
Chapter III: How does Service/s Marketing
Differ from Physical Goods Marketing

1. Meaning of Tangible and Intangible Goods TOPIC 1: MEANING OF TANGIBLE AND

1.1. Tangible Goods
1.2. Intangible Goods
Goods- are characterized as something produced for
2. Difference of Tangible and Intangible Goods commercial sale, and by means of the usage of
products, customers' or consumers' demands are
3. Physical Products Marketing and Services satisfied. As all promotional actions center on the
Marketing product, which can be either tangible or intangible, it
counts as one of the basic aspects of advertising.
3.1. Physical Products Marketing Goods and services are terms used to describe
physical and intangible items, respectively.
3.2. Services Marketing

4. Difference of Physical Products Marketing

and Services Marketing

1.1. TANGIBLE GOODS dairy products that might degrade or
deteriorate over time.
What are Tangible Goods?

Tangible goods or products that can be touched, felt, • Non-perishable commodities, such as
and seen are referred to as tangible goods. These are canned foods and dry goods, have a long
items that can be felt by our senses and have a shelf life and can be kept in storage for
tangible presence. Vehicles, furniture, clothing, food, protracted periods of time without going bad.
technology devices, books, and other items are
examples of physical things. These items are
• Luxury goods include high-end apparel,
transferable from one person to another. Contrary to
jewelry, and vehicles that are pricey but not
intangible commodities, tangible goods are physical
essential for survival.
objects that can be handled or physically delivered to
the customer. Moreover, they are vulnerable to
• Vehicles and complementary products are
deterioration, breakage, and depreciation over time.
both tangible goods and a mode of
Businesses that sell tangible goods have a different transportation. Transportation by water, they
business strategy than businesses that provide include ships, boats, or canoes, while for
services. For instance, a retail company selling real transportation by air, include aircraft and jets.
goods may need warehouse and inventory These items frequently incorporate other
management, whereas a travel agency may be able to smaller tangible items.
function from tiny offices in relation to their size.

• Essential goods include things like food,

water, and shelter that are required for
What are the types of Tangible Goods? survival.

There are numerous categories in which tangible Examples of Tangible Goods

commodities might be arranged but these are just
some of the classified tangible goods of many. 1. Every item of clothing, including shirts, pants,
shoes, and accessories, is included as clothes.
• Consumer goods include items like clothing,
food, and home appliances that are bought
by individuals for their own consumption.

• Industrial goods include equipment,

supplies, and tools that are utilized in the
creation of other products or services.

• Durable Goods products that can be used

frequently and have a long lifespan include
durable things like furniture, automobiles,
and appliances. 2. Food: This comprises all forms of food
products, including packaged snacks, fruits,
• Non-durable commodities, such as food, vegetables, meats, and grains.
toiletries, and office supplies, are items that
are quickly consumed or used up and have a
short lifespan. The term "perishable goods"
refers to products like fresh vegetables and


3. All forms of home furnishings, such as

couches, chairs, tables, and beds, fall under
characteristics and benefits expected of it. It needed
the category of furniture.
to be convinced that it was worthwhile to pay for the
4. All sorts of electronic equipment, such as
caliber of service, your knowledge, and your
mobile phones, computers, TVs, and personal reliability. Selling services might be more
household appliances, fall under the category
of electronics.

difficult because there is no actual tangible item that

the customer can handle or see. Instead, you must
5. All forms of vehicles, such as cars, trucks,
establish a rapport and project a sincere sense of self.
motorcycles, and bicycles, fall under the In addition, customers receive value from it because
category of "vehicles." their needs and wants are met. This is also the
foundation of many enterprises, and they are crucial
for promoting economic expansion. Also, consumers
who purchase intangible commodities have access to
a variety of services that fall under many categories.

Types of Intangible Goods

• Health Services: Clinics and the medical
Intangible Goods treatments they offer patients fall under this
category of services. The characteristics,
These components lack the tangible features background, and accomplishments of each
associated with actual goods since they are non- healthcare organization are presented along
material. Another way of categorizing a product is with the hospital centers.
according to its benefits, whether it is something the
consumer uses directly to meet a long-term need or a • Educational Services: Included in this
daily need, something he is interested in owning to category are the courses and diplomas that
reap long-term benefits from, or something that educational institutions give to their pupils.
serves as the raw material for the production of Also, graduates have access to employment
another product. Intangible goods are categorized prospects.
using the criteria of effort and risk, where effort is
defined as the time, money, and effort expended by
the customer to receive the commodity and risk is
• Legal and Advisory Services: This area is
exclusive to legal firms, commercial and
defined as the product's failure or inability to deliver
customs clearing offices, and many other • Airline-provides air transportation:
businesses that advertise the services they Airlines offer this service. These services
offer to draw in the most customers. include air transportation for both people and
• Tourism Services: This category is one of the
most well-known since so many travel • Software: A digital good that offers clients
agencies, hotels, and tourist destinations value by giving them access to tools and apps
market the services they offer. that facilitate effective job completion. While
it is intangible since it cannot be felt or seen,
• Communication Services: Included here are it adds value to consumers' lives by
communication firms that offer deals and enhancing their productivity.
rebates on their own equipment and
technology. • Music: A non-tangible good, music offers
consumers amusement and emotional value.
• Entertainment Services: These It cannot be seen or felt, but it can be heard,
establishments sell and advertise the deals and it gives listeners satisfaction and value
and discounts they give, and they provide this through eliciting feelings.
kind of good in venues, clubs, and
restaurants. • Insurance: An investment service protects
against risks and unforeseen events. While it
• Financial Services: This category includes cannot be felt or seen, this intangible good
post offices and banks. These organizations nonetheless adds value to clients' lives by
use the principles of service marketing to giving them financial stability and peace of
advertise credit certificates in addition to mind.
deals on savings, accounts, and loans.
The economy cannot function without intangible
• Transportation Services: This group of goods, which are essential to satiating everyone's
businesses includes those who plan and direct wants and needs. A company sells a variety of things
construction projects as well as those that that fit into several distinct categories. Organizations
offer traffic signs and all other services provide a range of options to customers, and by
associated with traffic and transportation. meeting their demands and expectations, they are
These businesses promote all of the able to add value. The illustrations of intangible
exceptional services they offer. goods used in business that are covered in this article
provide readers a taste of the many offerings out
there for them to choose from.
Examples of Intangible Goods
• Education: Teaching is a service that people INTANGIBLE GOODS
may use to gain knowledge and skills. It is
intangible since it cannot be felt or seen, but What is the difference between Tangible and
it adds value to students' education by Intangible Goods?
enhancing their general quality of life and
preparing them for their future employment. Travel, freight forwarding, insurance, repairs,
consultancy, computer software, investment banking,
• Hotel Accommodations: Hotels and resorts brokerage, education, health care, and accounting are
offer hotel services. The housing, food, and examples of intangible things that can rarely be pre-
entertainment provided by these services. tested, examined, or tried out. In order to determine
what they're going to receive; prospective buyers are

typically obliged to rely on surrogates. Contrarily, These variations have important implications for the
tangible goods are things that you can actually see, firms that manufacture and promote these goods,
touch, and feel. Books, food, groceries, medicines, including distribution, price, and marketing plans.
and skincare goods are just a few examples of these Businesses may better serve their consumers'
products. They are distinct from immaterial goods requirements and develop more successful business
like insurance, consulting, health care, accountancy, strategies by recognizing the distinctive qualities of
and financial services. These products have physical and intangible items.
comparable qualities in common, like labeling and
The distinctions between tangible and intangible

Physicality: In comparison to intangible goods, Physical Products Marketing

which lack a physical form and can't be seen or
handled, tangible goods may be physically touched, It is the promotion of physical goods to the market.
or otherwise handled. For instance, a concert is an Building the brand and growing the bond that you
experience that cannot be literally held or felt, yet a have with your consumers. This marketing should be
car is a tangible product since it can be seen, handled, able to recreate the experience of engaging the actual
and driven. goods to the customer. However, presenting the
product is not only an easy task, since you need to
Perishability: While intangible goods are not have an in-depth knowledge about it to be able to sell
susceptible to physical deterioration or expiration, it. Consumers are enamored to buy items that they
tangible goods may deteriorate or lose their value could use that last long enough and the aesthetic
over time. Food products and electronics are appearance of it. This also ranges to products that
examples of tangible goods that can deteriorate over they couldn’t use but bring satisfaction to the buyers.
time and have a shelf life. In contrast, intangible
goods are available forever and don't have an How does Physical Products marketing work?
expiration date.
People working under the marketing field and
Production and distribution: In contrast to entrepreneurs should have a creative mind to make
intangible goods, which are frequently developed their product presentable. According to the American
and distributed through service processes, tangible Marketing Association, promotional materials
goods are usually made or produced in a physical should be high quality, sustainable and affect the
environment. Physical production procedures, such consumers’ buying behavior. It should create an
as manufacturing, assembly, and packing, as well as impact and stimulate a positive emotion to the
a possible physical distribution system, are needed to customer to be attracted to the physical goods. A sign
create tangible items. A number of delivery methods, of good marketing is when the product is established
including online or in-person, can be used to to the mind of the consumer. Physical goods
distribute intangible items, which need service marketing doesn’t stop at presenting the product, but
operations like consultation, training, or together with the brand. The products could be
entertainment. marketed using the digital space and tangible
marketing materials. With the non-stop
Ownership: While intangible goods are usually advancements of innovation, the market can be
shared or experienced collectively and cannot be reminded of the product through scrolling on their
owned in the same manner as tangible goods, they devices, watching TVs, listening to radios, and other
can be owned and acquired by people. People can sell, platforms. We also have physical advertisements
buy, and have such tangible goods, but groups or such as banners, flyers, billboards, brochures etc.
communities quite often use intangible products like Advertisements leave a message to communicate
entertainment or education. with the target audience. The message should be

clear, memorable and have its own charm. The information provided to the product should be
Additionally, the key to successful marketing is good credible since your product is part of the
planning and strategy. visualization of your brand. Suspicious content and
misinformation stain the trust the consumers have for
Strategies of Marketing Physical Products the brand.

• Know your target market 3.2. SERVICES MARKETING

Introducing a product wouldn’t be hard if the Services Marketing

business has a targeted market. Entrepreneurs should
conduct a target market research on their location to In simple terms, Services marketing is the act of
understand what their customers wants and desires. marketing and selling services, which is an
experience or an act that is largely intangible. A
• Authenticity service is the action of delivering or providing
something for someone. It is an experience that
Be authentic in the market. When selling similar consumers can only consume when purchased. Some
physical goods, your product should be able to appeal services can be tied to a physical product, however,
different from competitors. in those cases, the consumer is paying for the
performance or labor done by the provider, which is
• Reach your customers essentially intangible and doesn’t normally result in
ownership of any of the factors of production.
Don’t stay stagnant on one marketing channel. The
more marketing channel, the better. With moderation
The American Marketing Association defines
of the budget in hand.
services marketing as an organizational function and
a set of processes for identifying or creating,
• Perfect Pricing
communicating, and delivering value to customers
Determine the right pricing for your product. Pricing and for managing customer relationships in a way
attracts customers, most likely to new entrants of that benefits the organization and stakeholders.
products to the market.
How does Services Marketing work?
• Good storytelling
Services marketing refers to the application of
In marketing, you have advertisements that tells a marketing principles and strategies to the promotion
story to the audiences. These stories should entertain and provision of services. It involves creating,
and help buyers to buy the product repeatedly. A promoting, and delivering value to customers
good storytelling results to a good message and a through intangible offerings, such as hospitality,
good message influences change to the consumer healthcare, financial, transportation, and professional
behavior. services. In services marketing, emphasis is placed
on building and maintaining relationships with
• Gifts and Freebies as promotional items clients and delivering quality experiences that meet
or exceed customers' expectations. This involves
In an article of Better Marketing by Lewis (2020), it understanding the unique characteristics of services,
stated that these promotions increases the willingness such as intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity,
of buyers to buy the product and even repurchase the and perishability, and adapting marketing strategies
item. Consumers tend to think that products that to address these distinctions.
comes in bundles costs less than the actual price of it
together bought without promotion.

• Credibility

Unique Characteristics of Services finding your company by searching online. A
good website should be easy to navigate while
1. Intangibility is one of the main still having all the information consumers need to
distinguishing characteristics of services that enhance your marketability.
make them unable to be felt, tasted, touched,
or sensed, as how others would with physical • Utilize Search Engine Optimization
goods. The majority of consumers and businesses now
rely heavily on technological devices designed to
2. Inseparability refers to the interconnection be responsive to a user’s needs, such as mobile
among the service provider, the customer phones and computers. A tailored keyword
consuming or receiving the service, and other strategy like an Onsite SEO can be effective for
customers sharing the same service marketing your service to your targeted
experience. demographic by using keyword phrases to aid
search engines to direct your website on their
3. Heterogeneity is the variation in consistency search results.
from one service transaction to the next.
• Use Social Media Networks
4. Perishability means that services cannot be Social Media is an easy way to increase a brand’s
saved, their unused capacity cannot be visibility and knowledge base, make your
reserved, and they cannot be inventoried. information accessible to your target audience,
connect with your clients, significant influencers,
Strategies in Services Marketing and contacts, track your brand, and organize your
• Performing a Market Research
• Build Trust by Highlighting Real Social
Conducting market research provides you with a Proof
solid foundation for service marketing and gives When it comes to promoting a service, you’re
you a strong starting point for measuring your limited to words because you don’t have a
results. It allows you to know your target market, tangible product to present. Social Media
understand their behaviors and design a strategy Networks can be utilized to establish your trust
around their behavior, expand your knowledge in by building consumer’s opinion of you. Some
business procedures, which business sectors you information you can present are your customer
thrive in, and allows you to see which strategies testimonials, awards and merit badges, and
you need to employ to improve your marketing. excellent ratings.

• Make Use of Positioned Marketing • Employ the Service Marketing Referral

It’s necessary for a firm to identify a particular Referral marketing is a process where existing
industry niche where they can lead and be an customers refer other people to your services.
expert. Narrowing focus helps clearly identify This helps your business create a positive image
what you do and differentiates you from your and build a great reputation, resulting in a gain in
competitors. customers through word-of-mouth testimonials.

• Build a Successful Website • Performance Marketing

Websites are the main component of a service Performance marketing is a combination of brand
organization’s social presence, as well as a marketing and paid advertising which involves
companies’ information projection of their an affiliate and a retailer. This strategy helps you
knowledge and expertise in the market. It serves to market your service to many people within
as a valuable resource for the creation of brand your target market.
awareness and boosts the potential of clients

TOPIC 4: DIFFERENCE OF PHYSICAL customers and competitors are aware that the
PRODUCTS MARKETING AND SERVICES company will introduce something new.
Differentiation of Product Marketing and
Services Marketing • Majority of Consumers are Price
Conscious - It is incorrect to assume that if a
Product Marketing product's quality is high, people will be
prepared to pay any price because the bulk of
Product marketing is the practice of promoting consumers are price aware and will choose
tangible items, or anything that consumers can rivals' items even if they are of inferior
physically see, touch, or feel. In other words, the quality.
target markets you want to reach can see and
understand how the real things operate. The 4Ps of • Consumer Interests are Ignore -
marketing—product, pricing, place, and Customers' interests are ignored because they
promotion—can be used to explain product do not get the product they want, but rather
marketing. Therefore, the term "product marketing" the product that the company has
refers to the entire process, which begins with a conceptualized, as a result of companies
market study and ends with the delivery of the adding features to the product based on
product to the client and the gathering of their internal research rather than asking for
comments. Finding the right market for the items and customer feedback.
positioning them such that they receive positive
client feedback are the goals of this approach.

Services Marketing Services Marketing

The act of performing a task for someone in Advantages:

exchange for just recompense is referred to as
providing service. Since services cannot be felt, • No Inventory - Most of the time, services are
touched, tasted, or smelled, they cannot be defined in sold without any inventory. Instead of
the same manner as products since they are purchasing and selling things, you persuade
intangible. The biggest distinction between a product clients to benefit from your capacity to
and a service is this. Services are also consumed at simplify their lives.
the time of production and cannot be saved or sold • You're an Expert - You are an authority in
again. The term "services marketing" describes the your field if you built your service around a
actions taken by a person, a group, or a company to skill you possess. By improving that talent,
advertise the services it offers to its clients. The goal you can expand the scope of your company.
of services marketing is to provide customers with You eventually have to replicate yourself,
answers to their problems or difficulties. which is a drawback.

Product Marketing Disadvantages

Advantages: • Difficult Valuation - It's more difficult to

value your service firm than a manufacturer
• Quality over Quantity - The main benefit of or retailer. These companies have valuable
this marketing strategy is that businesses that inventory, equipment, and other tangible
use it prioritize product quality over quantity. assets. A phone and very little other
equipment are all you need to launch a
• Curiosity Factor - Since the company adds service business.
a distinctive feature with each new launch,

• Demand Cutback - Consumers typically cut III. CONCLUSION
back on services during lean economic times.
Services are sometimes viewed as extras To sum up, tangible and intangible products are two
while they concentrate on the things they separate kinds of things that vary in terms of their
need to exist and develop. physical nature. In contrast to intangible products,
which are non-physical commodities that cannot be
felt or seen, tangible products are tangible things that
can be handled, seen, and moved. The differences
Product Marketing Challenges and Solutions between the two categories of items are significant
because they have an impact on their production,
1. Product Positioning and Messaging distribution, and consumption processes. While
intangible goods frequently need specialized
Better research and understanding how people use equipment or technology for storage and delivery,
your product will help you fix this. Use beta testing tangible goods are typically simpler to store and
feedback, for instance, to identify the main move. While creating their product offerings and
advantages customers receive from your product. marketing plans, businesses must take these
distinctions into account.
2. Scaling Product Marketing Campaigns
On the other hand, both marketing of services and
Depending on your product and whether it's a new or goods have different qualities and characteristics that
established market, you'll want to specify what goes are distinct from each other. Both have challenges to
in each objective category. Your non-negotiable promote the product, but Services marketing has
objectives are those that you must reach regardless of services’ characteristics that tangible goods doesn’t
the circumstances. have intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity, and
perishability. Physical goods marketing can be about
Services Marketing Challenges and Solutions attracting your customers with the message of the
company through advertisements. While Services
1. Lack of physical character. marketing, it needs to build trust, maintain
relationships and prove there is value from the
Get the public involved. Positive word of mouth is intangible goods since it’s hard to communicate and
the best sales tool. A solid service marketing strategy display.
puts plans into action with the goal of generating
positive experiences that will increase customer trust
and revenue.

2. Variability

To limit the variances in service delivery to a bare

minimum, deliberate efforts must be made to train all
service staff. This typically entails strenuous training
sessions, promotional materials, and comprehensive
operational procedures that staff members are
required to follow at all times.

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