HRM Prelim

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– The use of so many techniques sometimes leads to

PLANNING TECHNIQUES IN HR DEPARMENT the gathering of so much information. Then the

1. Skills Inventory techniques do not get to be applied effectively. This
– This approach involves the listing of all the skills makes the techniques serve as a trap rather than a
possessed by the workforce and they are made to means for action
related to the requirements of the organization. 3. Bias for the quantitative
– This technique requires detailed information of the – There are planners in HRM who sometimes make the
experience and training of every individual in the mistake of being drawn towards emphasizing the
organization. quantitative aspects of personnel management to the
neglect of the qualitative side.
4. Isolation of the Planners
2. Ratio Analysis – When top management has a low regard for human
– This is a technique wherein the personnel who are resource activities and for the HR staff, they give little
promotable to the higher positions are identified encouragement to HRP activities, ignore the plan and
together with their backup or understudy withdraw support for plan implementation.
– There should be a ratio that will ensure that 5. Isolation from Organization Objectives
promotions will not create any void. To accomplish this, – When HRP is pursued for its own sake or for a narrow
recruitment must support the backup requirements. At viewpoint of concentrating on HRD, the effort leads to
the same time, training must be done to develop the the formulation of a plan that does not interphase with
backup ratio organizational development
6. Lack of Line Supervisor’s Inputs
3. Cascade Approach – Any plan to develop the personnel and to improve the
– Under this approach the setting of objectives flows conditions of work must use the feedback from the
from the top to bottom in the organization so that line supervisors since they are the ones who are
everyone gets a chance to make his contribution handling the personnel in the organization
– This approach results in the formulation of a plan
wherein the objectives of the rank and file get OUR BASIC TERMS OF MANPOWER FORECASTING
included in the blueprint for action. The plan is then a ❖ Long Term Trend
participatory planning output – Long term forecasting is usually done for a period of
4. Replacement Approach five years or more depending on the company
– Under this approach, HRP is done to have a body of operations and customer demands
manpower in the organization that is ready to take
over existing jobs on a one-to-one basis within the
organization. This approach calls for year-round
acceptance of applications for possible replacements.
5. Commitment Planning Approach
– This technique involves the supervisors and personnel
in every component of the organization on the
identification of needs in terms, skills, replacements,
policy, working conditions and promotion so that
human resource in the organization may be up to the
challenge of current and future operations. The units
thus become conscious of their needs and aware of
the ways the human resource requirements can be
❖ Cyclical Variations
– This refers to reasonable and predictable movements
6. Success Planning Approach
that occur over a period of one year or more.
– The approach known as successor planning takes into
– This cyclical movement may be due to economic
consideration the different components of the old plan
conditions, political instability, peace and order, loss in
and increase them proportionately by the desired
customer demands, and societal pressures.
expansion rate stated by management. The cost of
– This variation typically last for one to five years.
doing the activities is likewise increased. Any new
concern is set up at a starting scale and viewed in
proportion with other comparable aspects of the
existing plan. This approach also enables the
personnel staff to get by without having to ask much
from management which, in turn, does not expect
much from the HR staff in terms of radical change


1. Over-planning
– A plan is likely to fail through an inherent weakness of ❖ Seasonal Variations
having covered too many aspects of personnel – This is a reasonable prediction change over a period
management at the very early stage of HRP in the of one year. This covers firms who manufacture
firm or government office seasonal products and hire temporary workers for
2. Technique Overload
temporary increase in demand, like Christmas and – It is a technique for the testing of alternatives on
other special occasions. mathematical models representing the real-world situation.
❖ Random Variations – The purpose of this model is to permit the human resource
– This is one occasion where there is no special pattern manager to gain considerable insights into a particular
and it is quite difficult to predict or determine. The HR problem before making actual decisions
practitioner must be careful in his manpower forecast
especially in the hiring of employees. Along this line, THE IMPORTANT ELEMENTS IN STRATEGIC HUMAN
temporary workers are hired instead of regular RESOURCE PLANNING
workforce 1. Organization Goals
– HRP process should be tied up with the organizational
HUMAN RESOURCE FORECASTING TECHNIQUES strategic goals. It must rest on solid foundation of
1. The Zero-Base Forecasting Approach information about sales forecasts, market trends,
– It uses the organizations' current level of employment technological advances, and major changes in
as the starting point for determining future staffing processes and productivity
needs. The usual reference point is the organizational – Considerable effort should be devolved to securing
structure pattern based on company production reliable data on business trends and needs in terms of
forecast on market and customer demands quantity and quality of labor as the basic input for
2. The Bottom-Up Approach human resource planning
– This forecast uses the progression upward method
from the lower organization units to ultimately provide
the aggregate forecast of employment needs. The 2. Human Resource Forecast
starting point is the number of current employees and – forecasting of human resource needs based on
the progress in operation requirements as the business strategies, production plans, and the various
company improves its operation to meet increasing indicators of change in technology and the
customer demand organization's operating methods
3. Use of Predictor Variables – utilizing data and reliable ratios in forecasting
– This method uses the past employment levels to – includes indirect and direct labor and adjusting the
predict future requirements. Predictor variables are same with productivity trends.
known factors that have an impact on employment. – result is the spread sheet of employees in terms of
Sales volume determines employment levels. numbers, mix, cost, new skills, and job categories and
– As production increases, demand for manpower numbers and levels of managers needed to
increases accomplish the organizations' strategic goals.
– It uses regression analyses to predict one item, which – is the most challenging part in the planning process
is known as the independent variable (current because it requires creative and highly participative
employment level) through the other item (sales approaches in dealing with business and technical
volume) that is dependent variable. uncertainties several years in the future.
3. Employee Information
LINEAR REGRESSION – maintaining accurate information concerning the
– A dependent variable is related to one or more composition, assignments, and the capabilities of the
independent variables by a linear equation current workforce
– The independent variables are assumed to "cause" the – includes job classification, age, gender, status,
results observed in the past organizational level, rate of pay and functions
– Simple linear regression model is a straight line Include the employee's resume - skills, education, training,
career interest and other important personal data that
could be used in the movement or transfer of employees
4. Human Resource Availability Projections
– estimating the number of current employees and
those that could be available in the future.
– By projecting, the past data about the size,
organization, and composition of the workforce and
about turnover, aging, and hiring, availability at a
specific future date can be estimated
– the result could paint the picture of the organization's
current human resources and how they can be
expected to evolve over time in terms of turnover,
retirement, obsolescence, promotability, and other
relevant characteristics
5. Analyzing and Evaluating Human Resource Gaps
– comparing what is needed with what is available in
terms of numbers, mix, skills and technologies
– This comparison permits the HR manager to
determine gaps and evaluate where the most serious
mismatches likely appear
This type of analysis should help management address issues – irrelevant data must be discarded.
such as: – Information must be updated from time to time to be
A. Are there imbalances developing between projected human relevant to current manpower needs and
resources needs and availability? requirements.
B. What is the effect of current productivity trends and pay – a manager must be able to rely on the accuracy of the
rates on the workforce levels and costs information provided.
C. Do turnover problems exist in certain jobs or age levels? d. Result-Oriented
D. Are there problems of career blockage and obsolescence? – the results from the information and the decisions
derived thereat must be both acceptable to
STRATEGY EVALUATION AND CONTROL management and the employees' concern
– The final component to the strategic management process – the end results must contribute to greater company
– The monitoring makes it possible for the company to productivity and employee's satisfaction
identify problem areas and either revise existing structures e. Time Bound
or strategies or device new ones. Emergent strategies – relevant human resource information is necessary for
appear as well as the critical nature of human resources in effective decision-making.
competitive advantage – the needs for timely decisions are crucial to the
effective management of human resources.
A. Emergent Strategies The absence of these characteristics reduces the effectiveness
– consist of strategies that evolve from the grassroots of of HRIS and complicates the decision-making process.
the organization and can be thought of as what the Conversely, a system processing all these characteristics
organization actually do enhances the ease and accuracy of the decision- making
– mostly identified with people in the lower level of the process.
management hierarchy
– it is usually the lower level rank and file employees AN EFFECTIVE HRIS ALSO PRODUCES AND FORECASTS
who provide ideas for new markets, new products and SEVERAL IMPORTANT REPORTS RELATED TO BUSINESS
new strategies being at the front line of operations OPERATIONS
– HRM should make sure that the information is a. Routine Reports
systematically arranged and should contain the data – these are human resource data summarized on
needed scheduled bases, like current manpower status,
B. Intended Strategies regular employees, contractual employees,
– results of the rational decision-making by top supervisors and managerial employees on a regular
management as they develop strategic plans payroll.
– a pattern of plans that integrates an organization's b. Exception Reports
major goals, policies and action sequences into a – this information may contain confidential data that are
cohesive whole available only for managerial decision-making and
– the new focus on strategic HRM role is directed needs immediate attention
primarily on intended strategies. – this may pertain to violations of existing rules and
– the task is to formulate business related issues procedures, policies and management programs
relevant to strategy formulation and then development c. On Demand Reports
of HR systems that can aid in the implementation of – management may demand some reports for analysis.
the strategic plan – this may pertain to productivity index, individual
performance records, and other information that may
HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM (HRIS) lead to downsizing, and other personnel actions
– any organized approach to obtaining relevant and timely d. Manpower Forecasts
information on which to base human resource decisions. – applies to predictive models based on specific
– an effective HRIS is crucial to sound human resource situations.
decision-making – this may cover increase or decrease in manpower
HRIS is designed to provide information that is – SMART requirements due to seasonal demand or increase in
● Specific customer orders.
● Measurable – HR managers must be able to provide timely
● Attainable information and ready manpower to answer the need
● Relevant of company operations.
● Time Based
Software Application for HRM
a. Systematic – the advent of the different HRM software applications has
– information must be systematically arranged and made the human resource managers' function for
contain the needed data decision-making just a click on the computer programs
b. Management-Oriented
– the data and information are essential tools for THE MAJOT HR FUNCTIONS ARE:
effective manpower planning, retention, development 1. Staffing Applications
and separation of employees – common applications used in the area of staffing
c. Applicable include the following:
– the data and information stored in file must be A. Applicant recruiting and tracking
applicable in making human resource decisions B. DOLE reporting requirements
C. Developing a master employee data base – One or more tasks performed in carrying out a job
D. Staffing applications for decision-making responsibility
2. Human Resource Planning Applications 5. Position
– this involves company specific application in – Collection of tasks and responsibilities constituting the
determining future employee turnover, growth rate and total work assignment of a single employee
promotion patterns, and other personnel movements 6. Job
– This includes the following applications: – Group of positions that are identical with respect to
a. Work-Force Profile Analysis their major or significant tasks and responsibilities
– work-force labor supply and demand – Maybe held by more than one person
analysis, or work-force profile analysis 7. Occupation
review. – A grouping of similar jobs or job classes
b. Work-Force Dynamic Analysis
– number of new hires, transfers and JOB DESIGN
promotions, number still needed in the – The process of structuring work and designating the
future and those about to retire, job specific work activities of an individual or group of
classification of employees for promotions individuals to achieve certain organizational objectives
and those departments that lack basic skills – It involves making decisions as to who, what, where, when,
for the job. why and how the job will be performed:
c. Human Resource Planning for Decision-Making
– this application pertains to information
about employees who are about to retire,
job classification of employees for
promotions and those departments that
lack basic skills for the job.
1. Specification of individual tasks
d. Performance Management Applications – Combination of individual tasks into specific jobs to be
– employee performance ratings, disciplinary assigned to individuals
actions, work-rule violations and the daily – The person specification is a description of the
productivity index could now be stored in qualifications, skills, experience, knowledge and other
the computer data base as bases for attributes (selection criteria) which a candidate must
management decisions possess to perform the job duties. The specification
e. Training and Development Applications should be derived from the job description and forms
– These are used primarily to track down the the foundation for the recruitment process
need for employees' training programs, – You will use the person specification as a basis for
courses to attend, certified skills, and your selection decisions at shortlisting,
educational qualifications. presentation/test and interview stages. Interview
– Career applications assess the employees' questions and selection tests should also derive from
career interests, work values, and career the person specification and be designed to elicit
goals more evidence on candidates against the criteria. The
f. Compensation and Benefits Applications person specification should also be used to write your
– These include payroll, job evaluation, salary advertisement for the position
survey, salary planning and analysis, 2. Specification of the method of performing each task
executive compensation planning and – Task analysis is the analysis of how a task is
management benefits. accomplished, including a detailed description of both
manual and mental activities, task and element
LESSON 3: JOB ORGANIZATION durations, task frequency, task allocation, task
complexity, environmental conditions, necessary
JOB ORGANIZATION AND INFORMATION clothing and equipment, and any other unique factors
1. Micromotion involved in or required for one or more people to
– Simplest unit of work perform a given task
– involves very elementary movement such as reaching 3. Combination of individual tasks into specific jobs to be
grasping, positioning or releasing an object assigned to individuals
2. Element – It involves allocating jobs and task. Allocating jobs and
– Aggregation of two or more micromotions tasks means specifying the contents, method, and
– Usually thought of as a complete entity such as relationships of jobs to satisfy technological and
picking up, transporting and positioning and item organizational requirements, as well as the personal
3. Task needs of jobholders.
– Consists of one or more elements, one of the distinct NOTE:
activities that constitute logical and necessary steps ✔ Phase 1 and 3 determine the content of the job, while
in the performance of an employee phase 2 indicates precisely how the job is performed.
– Performed whenever human effort, physical or mental The overall goal of job design is to develop work
is exerted for a specific purpose assignments to meet the requirements of the
4. Duties organization and the technology and that satisfy the
personal and individual requirements of the jobholder
– It means increasing job scope
TWO DIMENSIONS OF JOB DESIGN – Job enlargement is an increase in job tasks and
1. Job Scope responsibilities to make a position more challenging. It
– Refers to the number and variety of different tasks is a horizontal expansion, which means that the tasks
performed by the jobholder added are at the same level as those in the current
– The range of responsibilities you may have in a job. If position.
your job involves one task, it can be said that your job 3. Job Enrichment
is narrow in scope. If you have many responsibilities – Involves upgrading the job by increasing both scope
that require you to perform different responsibilities in and job depth
different areas of your organization, it can be said that – Job enrichment is a management concept that
you have a wide scope for your job involves redesigning jobs so that they're more
2. Job Depth challenging to the employee and have less repetitive
– Refers to the freedom of jobholders to plan and work.
organize their own work, to work at their own pace, To make this concept more usable, let's imagine you're a
and to move around and communicate as desired company manager and want to increase the satisfaction of
– Lack of this, leads to job dissatisfaction which in turn your staff. As you walk through the process of job
result to tardiness, absenteeism and even sabotage enrichment, you'll need to keep in mind these goals:
– Generally, it refers to the level of expertise you have in ● Reduce repetitive work.
a general job or field. ● Increase the employee's feelings of recognition and
METHODS IN JOB DESIGN ● Provide opportunities for employee advancement (as
1. Job Rotation in promotions into jobs requiring more skills).
– Periodically rotating work assignments ● Provide opportunities for employee growth (as in, an
– Also called cross training increase in skills and knowledge without a job
– Allows an individual to learn several different jobs in a promotion).
work unit or department and perform each for a Reason for Enriching Jobs
specified time period – The purpose of job enrichment is to make the position
– Job rotation involves an employee changing positions more satisfying to the employee. Overall goals for the
within the same organization and eventually returning company often include increasing employee job
to the original position. It can refer to different types of satisfaction, reducing turnover, and improving
rotations. productivity of employees
Task Rotation 4. Sociotechnical approach to Job Design
– usually takes place in jobs that involve a high degree – Merges the technical needs of an organization with
of physical demands on the body or a high degree of the social needs of the employees in decision making
repetitive tasks that can become extremely tedious. – This is another important approach to job design in
Employees are periodically removed from these which social and technical aspects of the organization
mentally stressful or physically demanding tasks to a are considered. Under it, jobs are designed according
less demanding task for a while to give them a break to individual needs and organizational requirements.
Position Rotation This approach thus considers the social aspects and
– the process of laterally moving an employee to technical system of the job. Peer supervisor
different positions, departments or geographic relationship, need for group work and creation of
locations for the purposes of professionally supportive environment are some key elements of the
developing the employee by exposing them to new socio-cultural approach of job design. Jobs are
knowledge, skills and perspectives. Position rotation created to deal with the situational demand for
can be further broken down into within-function technical and social needs
rotation and cross- functional rotation. Within-function Employer’s motivation
rotation is where an employee rotates between jobs – the most important factor in organizational
with similar levels of responsibility and in the same productivity. Various researchers have found that
functional or operational areas. Cross-functional employee motivation is the function of socio-factor.
rotation, on the other hand, usually involves a Furthermore, this approach considers both job-
sequence of positions, often with increasing levels of related technical systems as well as accompanying
job responsibilities. social forces of the job. It means it includes an entire
Advantage of Job Rotation job situation along with organizational and social
– Task rotation has some distinct advantages. It can factors while designing jobs. This approach leads to
increase job satisfaction because workers will be the development of self-managed work teams in the
exposed to various work tasks that will reduce organization.
constant physical or mental stress, which may create 5. Physical Work Environment
more motivation to continue in the position and – Involves factors such as temperature, humidity,
reduce turnover. Another advantage is the ancillary ventilation, noise, light and color which can have an
effect of cross-training employees for different tasks, impact on the job design
which will increase the flexibility and adaptability of the – Work environment should allow for normal lighting,
organization. temperature and humidity We all know that happy
2. Job Enlargement workers translate into better workers
– Involves adding more tasks of a nature similar to the How do you keep your employers happy?
– According to the latest Employer of Choice survey ● Analyzing the job and not the person to determine the
conducted by CareerBuilder Singapore, one of the top activities, responsibilities, and importance in relation to
reasons behind a candidate's career choice was a other jobs
comfortable work environment. This is next to ● Analyzing and predicting the changes that may occur to the
evergreen influences such as higher remunerations responsibilities of a job over a period of time for redesign
and better benefits. A great working environment is
more than just a spacious cubicle or cushy chair, so, METHODS OF JOB ANALYSIS
what are the factors contributing to it then? ● Interviews: She would interview the person who is currently
A. The Office Is like a Second Home on the job to understand the everyday tasks, roles, and
B. Health Matters responsibilities.
C. Open or Closed? ● Questionnaires: She would use the Position Analysis
D. Fostering an All-Inclusive Spirit Questionnaire, or PAQ, to assess activities, mental
E. Beyond the Physical processes, output, interpersonal relationships, and job
6. Alternative Work Schedules context.
– As the modern workplace becomes increasingly digital
in nature, employees have begun calling for work JOB ANALYSIS
schedules that better fit their scheduling needs. The – the process of determining and reporting pertinent
days of working Monday through Friday from 9 to 5 information relating to the nature of a specific job
may not be gone, but flexible work arrangements – The determination of the tasks which comprise the job and
mean that employees have greater freedom when it of the skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities
comes to setting a schedule. required of the jobholder for successful job performance
– Offering an alternative work schedule is a prime
example of employee recognition and is a great way to USES OF JOB ANALYSIS
demonstrate trust in loyal and hardworking employees. ● Job definition
Let's take a look at some of the more popular ● Job redesign
situations and why they appeal to employees. ● Recruitment
a) Condensed workweek ● Selection and placement
– Condensed workweeks allow employees to ● Orientatio
work fewer hours on some days and longer ● Training
hours on other days ● Career counseling
b) Flextime
● Employee safety
– Flextime also spelled flexitime, is an
● Performance appraisal
arrangement that an employee to alter the
● Compensation
starting and/or end time of her/his workday.
Employees still work the same number of
scheduled hours as they would under a
– one of the key responsibilities of human resource
traditional schedule
management professionals. Now, you'll learn about job
c) Job Sharing
specifications and job descriptions and why they are
– Job sharing or work sharing is an
important to human resource management.
employment arrangement where typically
two people are retained on a part-time or
reduced-time basis to perform a job
– is a written statement that describes a job that may involve
normally fulfilled by one person working
a group of separate organizational roles. The description
full-time. Since all positions are shared, this
includes such things as purpose, duties, responsibilities,
leads to a net reduction in per-employee
scope of work and working conditions
A job analysis helps a company to gather detailed information
– a written statement of the minimum qualifications and traits
about the responsibilities and skills required for a job, as well as
that a person needs in order to perform the duties and
about the outcomes and work environment
undertake the responsibilities of a particular position.
Specifications are developed as part of the job analysis
Carmen met with the senior administrators of her company to
understand what the expectations were. She learned that the
purpose of a job analysis includes:
● Deciding on an appropriate method to conduct the analysis
1. Job Description
- observation, interview, or questionnaire
– Written synopsis of the nature and requirements of a
● Documenting the employment procedures at the company
so that the information can be utilized for training, appraisal,
– Explains what the job and what the duties,
and compensation
responsibilities and general working conditions
● Identifying the correct parameters required for fully 2. Job Specification
understanding the responsibilities of the job and selecting – Concentrates on the characteristics needed to
the right person for the job based on qualifications and perform the job
experience – Describes the qualifications that a person holding a
job must posses to perform the job successfully
– Costing of each job attaching to it, its monetary value – These are commonly used by many groups and
– Job rating or job evaluation consist of various task techniques at different
– Used for designing a pay structure stages
Initial Phase
● Consist of the use of sheet provided by the
LESSON 4: RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PLACEMENT organization and the resume of the applicants
which is also called bio data or curriculum vitae
RECRUITMENT PROCESS ● The application form provides the employer the
1. Know the position and the needs socio demographic information about the
– Know the position and the needs- Before the HR applicant and is most needed to determine
department can start looking for a potential employee, whether he should undergo more screening
they need to know what the company is looking for in a ● The latter indicates the gender, age, nationality
new candidate. This means understanding what the and religion of the applicant
goals and future aspirations are for the company and ● During the reception of the applicant, the
how the new employee will fulfill these. receptionist or the secretary takes note of the
2. Design a description of the job former's physical appearance, fitness, voice and
– One way to attract potential candidates is by creating speech.
a job description that is accurate but also captures Middle Phase:
their attention. This means explaining what the roles ● Employment and psychological tests are
and responsibilities will be for the new employee. It is administered and the results are the main
also important to create a description that contains subject of the in- depth interview with staff
words that will make the posting come right up when a member of the HRD
candidate does an online job search. ● Investigation of the applicant's previous history is
3. Develop a team Announce the position conducted
– A team is often put together to help with selecting ● For managerial positions, some organizations
candidates for interviews. This allows more than one send representatives to interview the family
perspective so that the best prospect employees are members particularly by the spouse.
chosen. Final Phase:
4. Announce the position ● Consist interview with the HR manager, with the
– This is the step when the actual position is posted. head of the department that has requisitioned
online job searches, in print, and/or through social for an employee.
media. position might be posted on ● This selection process is widely used in spite of
5. Narrow down applicants its flaws
– After potential employees apply for the job, the next ● Thorough Physical examination is conducted only
step is to sift through all of the applications in order to towards the end of the entire process since this
narrow down the number of candidates to consider. is an expensive step.
This creates a small, more manageable list of possible ● A final interview with top management of its
employees. representative although not required, is
6. Interview candidates suggested.
– When a small list is created, it's time to interview those
candidates. This is when a company gets to learn
about the candidate and the candidate gets to learn
more about the position. b. Atypical Methods
7. Choose a finalist – The uncommon method used the following
– After interviews are completed, the final candidate is techniques and tools.
chosen. This is also the step when the references of Organizational brochures/catalogue
that candidate are checked to ensure that the – Guides the applicant with their decision making
individual is the right fit for the company. on whether to go through with their application or
8. Hire and complete the process not
– When the references are checked, an offer is Job description and specifications
presented to the potential new employee. If they – Screens out those not interested and decrease
accept the offer, the recruitment process is the time, effort, and money spent in screening
completed. many recruits.
Group Dynamics
– The applicant is requested to perform some
A human resources manager has the ultimate say in who gets activity/task with the facilitator taking a very
the job. Learn how to understand the recruiting and selection unsuspicious stance and nothing their
process, where the best candidates are chosen pronouncement attitude and behavior.
The Assessment Center
A. Screening – Consist of a very extensive procedure for
– It is the process of lifting the good applicants from the identifying and evaluating abilities for applicant
host of recruits. in various organizations
– It is limited to the number of individuals
– This method is used by highly trained ● Time for selection- The employer officer must be
management specialist with heavy orientation on given sufficient time to recruit and evaluate the
behavioral sciences. records of applicants and to arrive at a sound
– The main objective is to obtain specific decision as to the right man for the vacancy
evaluation for development purpose. o "Hire in haste, and repent at leisure"
b. Selection Step Three: Recruiting Qualified Applicants
– Gets the best among the screened applicants – The process by which prospective applicants are
– The process of determining who from among the induced to apply to the company in order that the
job applicants should get the job qualification for the present and anticipated
The Importance of selection is that it can spell the vacancies can be evaluated through sound
differences between its success or failure to get screening selection procedure.
productive and satisfied personnel. It also involves – The employment officer must continually look for
deciding kind of employees needed with the use of job prospective applicants until he reaches the
analysis. sufficient number from whom he can pick the
PROCEDURES: right man for the right job
Step One: Study the different Job in the Company and – He should determine the most productive
writing the Job Description and Specification sources of qualified applicants
– This requires the knowledge of: – Other source of applicant employment is the
● Exact nature of the job to be filled company file of unsolicited applications, direct
● Duties and responsibilities contacts with applicants, newspaper
● Steps taken to perform those duties and advertisements, placement offices in colleges
responsibilities and universities, etc.
● Tools and equipment used Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring the
● Working conditions under which the specific job best-qualified candidate from within or outside of an
is performed organization for a job opening in a timely and
● Amount of authority delegated to the job cost-effective manner. The recruitment process
incumbent. includes analyzing the requirements of a job,
● Supervision involved in the job attracting employees to that job, screening and
● Requirement of the job selecting applicants, hiring, and integrating the new
● Environment of the job employee into the organization.

Job Analysis is a primary tool to collect job-related STAGES FOR RECRUITMENT IN HUMNAN RESOURCES
data. The process results in collecting and recording – There are several important stages that most organizations
two data sets including job description and job use when recruiting employees. The recruitment stages
specification. Any job vacancy cannot be filled until include:
and unless HR manager has these two sets of data. It ● Job Analysis
is necessary to define them accurately in order to fit – The human resources representative needs to review
the right person at the right place and at the right and analyze what they need the new employee to do
time. This helps both employer and employee in the open position. From that analysis, the
understand what exactly needs to be delivered and representative needs to build a job description, which
how. describes the essential duties of the job. The
Both job description and job specification are representative also needs to set minimum
essential parts of job analysis information. Writing qualifications, and define a salary range.
them clearly and accurately helps organization and ● Advertise the open position
workers cope with many challenges while onboard. – The search begins for applicants through networking,
● Job description- tells what is done on the job, advertising, or other search methods in order to find
how it is done, why it is done the skills involved applicants who match the job requirements.
the tools and the equipment used in doing it ● Screening applicants
● Job specification-Specific qualifications required – Screening involves testing skills and/or personalities.
of man who is to do it, such as the following: It also includes the assessment of the applicant's
amount and type of experience needed to motivation and their fit with organizational
perform the job, special training, skill and requirements through the interview process.
physical demands, special abilities and aptitude, ● Finalizing the job offer
age, physical qualifications and other – The applicant is offered a job, which includes a
requirements. compensation package. Once the candidate has
Step Two: Requisition of new employee accepted the offer, the organization helps with the
– Line supervisor or the department head introduction of the new employee.
concerned should accomplish a formal
requisition form, indicating the facts and SOURCES OF QUALIFIED PERSONNEL
information about the vacancy to be filled. A. Internal Source
● Personnel Requisition Form -describes the – If an organization has been effective in recruiting and
reason for the need to hire a new person and the selecting employees in the past, one of the best
requirements of the job. It is also a good idea to sources of talent is its own employees
attach a job description to the personnel Job posting and Bidding
requisition form.
– A method of informing employees of job vacancies by 8. Electronic Recruitment
posting a notice in central locations and giving a – the use of internet to recruit
specified period to apply for the job
✔ Provides greater motivation for good performance – Organizational Recruitment programs are designed to bring
✔ Provides greater opportunities for present employees a pool of talent to the organization. From this pool, the
✔ Improves morale and organizational loyalty organization hopes to select the person most qualified for
✔ Enables employees to perform the new job with little the job. The very important questioned faced by the HRD, is
loss of time what method of requirement supplies is the best talent pool.
✔ Promotes inbreeding REALISTIC JOB REVIEWS
✔ Creates political infighting and pressures to compete – way of providing complete information, both positive and
✔ Requires a strong management development negative to the job applicant
✔ Create a homogeneous workforce WHO DOES THE RECRUITING
B. External Source – In the most large and middle size organizations, the Human
– Organizations have their disposal a wide range Resource Department is responsible for recruiting.
external sources for recruiting personnel – in small organizations, one person, frequently the office
– Needed in organizational that are growing rapidly or manager normally handles the recruitment function in the
have a large demand for technical, skilled or addition to many other responsibilities.
managerial employees
✔ The pool of talent is much larger – these are all the positive features and benefits offered by
✔ New insights and perspectives can be brought to the an organization to attract applicants.
✔ Frequently, it is cheaper and easier to hire technical, 3 MOST IMPORTANT ORGANIZATIONAL INDUCEMENTS
skilled, or managerial employees from outside – Organizational Compensation System
Disadvantage: – Career Opportunities
✔ Attracting, contracting and evaluating potential – Organizational Reputation
employees are more difficult
✔ Adjustments or orientation time is longer ALTERNATIVES TO RECRUITING
✔ Morale problems can develop among those 1. Subcontracting - is the practice of assigning, or
employees within the organization who feel qualified to outsourcing. Part of the obligations and tasks under a
the job contract to another party known as a subcontractor.
2. Overtime - is the amount of time someone works beyond
TYPES OF EXTERNAL SOURCES normal working hours. The term is also used for the pay
1. Advertising received for this time.
– The placement of help wanted advertisements in daily 3. Temporary help
newspapers in trade and professional publications, or 4. Employee leasing - is a contractual arrangement in which
on radio and television the leasing company, also known as a professional
2. Employment Agencies employer organization (PEO), is the official employer.
– They provide an up to date list of unemployed Employment responsibilities are typically shared between
persons. State employment agencies also provide the leasing company and the business owner
free service for individuals seeking employment and
for business organizations seeking employee. Step Four: Reception of Applicants
3. Temporary Help Agencies – Job applicants has the opportunity to know more about the
– people working for employment agencies who are organization
subcontracted out to business at an hourly rate, for a – Some applicants are eliminated by means of “preliminary
period of time specified by the business. screening” or “sight screening”
– Employee-leasing companies provides permanent
staffs at customer companies. Step Five: Application Form
– Application from may vary from an inexpensive
mimeographed one-page sheet to an elaborate
4. Employee Referrals multi-colored from printed on expensive paper
– organization involves their employees in the recruiting – It covers the personal background of the applicant, his
process. health data, education etc.
5. Campus Recruiting
– the recruitment activities of employees on college and Screening
universities campuses. – Screening is the process by which the applicant is
6. Executive Search Film interviewed and classified under two categories- those to
– Firm that specializes in the recruitment of executives be given examinations and further interviews and those who
– Invites applicants, makes preliminary interview and should not be considered at all.
submit short list to the requesting organization for final ● The first interview is preliminary and its purpose is to
decision. eliminate those applicants who are clearly unqualified
7. Professional Organizations
● The applicant form is an important tool in the selection – measure job skill through work-sample tests
and hiring procedures as it gives vital information g. Vocational interest tests
about the applicant which are relevant to the job for – tests designed to discover the patterns of the
which he has applied. employee interest a thus suggest what type of work
● It serves: may be satisfying to the individual
⮚ As a guide when interviewing the applicant h. Dexterity and manipulation tests
⮚ As a basis of eliminating applicants with – these are given to applicants for jobs requiring manual
unfavorable personal data skills, specially the use of fingers
⮚ For matching the qualification of the applicant i. Personal tests
⮚ For checking on the applicant's school records, – used in measuring personality characteristics which
references and former employers are considered to be the basis of success in the job
⮚ As part of the employee's permanent record for – their purpose is to measure the emotional maturity of
communicating with the employee or his family the individual
⮚ As the applicants proceed from one step to
another, some more may be eliminated in the Step seven: Checking the applicant’s work experience school
process records and personal reference
– determine the types of job formerly done by the applicant
and how efficient his performance was
– many indicate the applicant’s “can do” and “will do”
Step Six: Testing
– The purpose of testing is to measure the applicant's ability. Step Eight: Interviews
– These are given to supplement the interviews and also help Purpose
make an objective comparison among applicants. – To find out how well qualified the applicant is for the
– Psychological tests should not be used as the only basis for vacancy
employee selection because they have their own limitations. – To give the applicant the information he needs in order to
– They can only help in determining the ability of the decide whether or not he take the job if offered to him
applicant and the time of the test. – To create goodwill for the company
– Tests however, have the advantage of objectivity over other – Types of interview
selection tools. 1. Directive interview-
– this ask for specific information. The questions
PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS that are used in business and give more emphasis on the habit and character
industries may be classified into: traits of the person
a. Intelligence, mental ability or alertness tests – this type has the advantage of providing uniform
b. Aptitude tests procedure for all interviewers, is time saving for
c. Achievement tests the interviewer, and reduces the interviewer's
d. Interest tests bias by the use of printed questions
e. Tests on personality or temperament – its disadvantages, however, are the constant
f. Dexterity tests note-taking which may disturb the applicant and
made him cautious in responding to the
AMONG THE EMPLOYMENT TESTS OFTEN USED IN questions, the questioning is stereotyped so it
CHOOSING APPLICANT ARE: loses flexibility spontaneity; the interviewer pays
a. Mental alertness tests more attention to the question rather than to the
– also known as intelligence test, verbal reasoning tests interviewee
and personal tests 2. Non directive interview- are unstructured and flexible,
– they are widely use in personnel selection and include more conversation than a standard
– they measure the person's ability interview.
– they also indicate ability to visualize relationships of 3. Group interview- this is conducted by panel or
objects or space, to think ahead or to judge accurately committee of three or five interviewers sitting as a
b. Clerical aptitude tests panel
– this measure the individual speed and accuracy in 4. team method- a team of three interviewers may
dealing with similarities and clerical relationships interview an applicant separately and then compare
c. Shop arithmetic tests notes afterwards
– measure how well an individual can work out The interviewers take note of the following:
mathematical problems that come up frequently in the a. Emotional maturity
shop b. Dependability
d. Mechanical aptitude tests c. Self-confidence
– Measure mechanical abilities or skills, either natural or d. Attitudes toward jobs
acquired. e. Creativeness
e. Space relation tests f. Attitude towards other person
– measure the ability to visualized a constructed object g. Value system
from a picture or a pattern h. Critical attitude
f. Proficiency, trade or achievement tests
– measures the individual's proficiency on the job or The first interview is called preliminary screening, the second
trade in which he has had prior experience or in which evaluates the applicant, considering his "can do" and "will do"
he is actually engaged at the moment
traits, his potential abilities, the result of tests, and the danger
signals", and the last interview is called hiring and placement.

Step Nine: Matching the applicant with the job

– This involves the matching of the qualifications of the
applicant against the requirements of the job as indicated
in the JS and JD
– This will enable the employment officer to determine if the
applicant can perform the job satisfactorily
In the selection of the right employee for the job, the following
are to be consi
a. Age
b. Education
c. Experience
d. Appearance
e. Health
Final evaluation of the applicant:
a. "Can do" traits
b. "Will do" traits
c. Potential abilities
d. Danger signal

Step Ten: Final Selection of Immediate Supervisor or

Department Head
– To consistently and efficiently implement the hiring policies
of a firm, the function of employee personnel must be
centralized in the personnel department
– Some firms use the "rule of three" in the final choice of the
applicants This removes the objection to the centralization
of the hiring process through the personnel department

Step Eleven: Physical and Medical Examination

– Such Physical and medical check-ups add to the probability:
– That the new man is fit to work
– That the firm will be protected from claims for disability or
sickness which may be aggravated during his employment
– That the health of the present employee is safe-guarded
– That the accidents will be avoided or minimized
Step Twelve: Hiring
– When the candidate has passed all the selection
requirements and is chosen, he is finally sent to the
personnel department for the hiring process

c. Placement
– The determination of the specific branch, department,
division, section, or unit where the individual is to be
assigned for work
Factors in determining work assignment
1. Requisitioning office
2. Branch
3. Department, division, unit, section
The job performance rating from should include the extent
to which the worker has been currently placed.

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