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College of Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering

Introduction to Gas Engineering CHME 451
FALL 2011

Homework # 2
Due date: 11/10/2011

1) Define and write in short what you know about the following:
a. Absobent
b. Adsorption
c. Adsorbent
d. Amine
e. Atmospheric pressure
f. Cricondenbar
g. Cricondentherm
h. Retrograde
i. Joule-Thompson effect

2) Calculate the density for a gas mixture of the following composition at 122 oF and 127
psia using Katz correlation chart and Kay’s Rules

No. Component Mol%

1 C1 90
2 C2 8
3 C3 2
Total 100.0

3) Use the Katz generalization chart and Kay’s Rule to calculate the gas phase density for a
mixture of the following composition at 100 oF and 1500 psia.
a) with no correction for H2S and CO2
b) with correction of Tc and Pc for H2S and CO2

No. Component Mol%

1 N2 0.2
2 H2S 25.6
3 CO2 9.9
4 C1 62.9
5 C2 0.7
6 C3 0.2
7 iC4 0.06
8 nC4 0.09
9 iC5 0.04
10 nC5 0.05
11 nC6 0.26
Total 100.0

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