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The Scientific Method is Dead-Long Live the (New) Scientific Method

Article in Surgical Innovation · July 2005

DOI: 10.1177/155335060501200218 · Source: PubMed


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Richard Satava
University of Washington Seattle


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Surgical Innovation

The Scientific Method is Dead-Long Live the (New) Scientific Method

Richard M. Satava
Surg Innov 2005; 12; 173
DOI: 10.1177/155335060501200218

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Surgical Innovation, Vol 12, No 2 (June), 2005: pp 173-176 173

The Scientific Method is Dead-Long Live the

(New) Scientific Method
Richard M. Satava, MD

The scientific method has been the mainstay of scientific in- 1. observing a particular biologic or physical phe-
quiry and clinical practice for nearly a century. A new method- nomenon,
ology has been emerging from the scientific (nonmedical)
community: the introduction of modeling and simulation as an 2. developing a hypothesis about the cause of the
integral part of the scientific process. Thus, after the hypoth- phenomenon,
esis is proposed and an experiment is designed, modern sci-
entists perform numerous simulations of the experiment. An 3. designing an experiment to prove the hypothesis,
iterative optimization of the design of the experiment is per-
formed on the computer and is seen in virtual prototyping and 4. conducting the experiment to collect data,
virtual testing and evaluation. After this iterative step, when
the best design has been refined, the actual experiment is con- 5. analysis of the data to determine if the results
ducted in the laboratory. The value is that the modeling and prove or disprove the hypothesis, and
simulation step saves time and money for conducting the live
experiment. The practice of medicine should look to the tools 6. reporting the results.
being used by the rest of the scientific community and con-
sider adopting and adapting those new principles. The amount to which a particular basic science
Key words: scientific method, modeling and simulation, virtu- or clinical research study adheres to this process
al prototyping and testing. determines the level of credibility which the med-
ical community trusts the conclusions of the study
and thereby tacitly certifies the acceptance of the
conclusions as part of the practice of medicine.
edical and surgical practice derives its validity Recent attention to evidence-based medicine has
through the scientific rigor with which the ob- derived the levels of credibility of the evidence
servations are made concerning the diagnosis and that is assigned to a given clinical or basic science
treatment of patients. Over time, the proving of the study (Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine
truth of these observations is what is referred to as Levels of Evidence).1 This is the current status of
evidence-based medicine. This proof is valid only if it using science to support our daily clinical practice
adheres to the conduct of experimentation within of medicine.
specific rigid guidelines. This is a very stringent This methodology, the scientific method, is not
evaluation process that has resulted in the creation, unique to medicine. As a matter of fact, the health-
building, and verification of what is now defined as care field has only recently fully embraced this
the scientific method. The process can be summa-
rized as: methodology, which has long been the cornerstone
of all of science-taking the many observations of
daily living (including sickness and health) and in-
tellectual curiosity through this academic exercise
to determine fundamental principles by which to
From the Department of Surgery, University of Washington improve our lives and our understanding of the
Medical Center, Seattle, WA. world within which we live. However, the general
The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views scientific community has been taking a new ap-
of the author(s) and are not to be construed as official, or as proach to scientific inquiry, once again leaving med-
reflecting the views of the Departments of the Army, Navy or Air
Force, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or the icine and surgery well behind modern scientific
Department of Defense. practice.
This is a declared work of the United States Government and as To understand the profound changes that are
such is not subject to copyright protection in the United States.
Address reprint requests to Richard M. Satava, MD, FACS,
occurring at the most fundamental levels, a moment
Department of Surgery, University of Washington Medical of historical perspective through the example of
Center, 1959 Pacific Street NE, Seattle, WA 98195 (e-mail: medical research and practice will help explain
what appears to be an emerging trend in scientific
©2005 Westminster Publications, Inc., 708 Glen Cove Avenue,
Glen Head, NY 11545, USA. research.

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Medicine in Antiquity The (New) Scientific Method

For the initial 2000 years or more (2500 BC to 300 There are two interesting aspects of this microhis-
BC) of recorded history, health care was provided tory:
through mythology and "authoritative" proclama-
tion by the local medico-religious leader (shaman, 1. Although a preceding approach to science was
medicine man, physician). Classical Greece, with replaced, it usually took some of the older prin-
Aristotle, Plato, Hippocrates, and Socrates, among ciples and extended them into a powerful new
others, added observation and deduction but main- tool: the scientific method did not discard obser-
tained the importance of tradition and religion vation of phenomenon but instead incorporated
(with little formal methodology to observation or the empirical method (evidence) as a component
evidence) in the teaching and practice of medicine. of the formal methodology, and
This is the classical phenomenologic approach to 2. The new method existed in nonmedical science
science: observe, describe, and record a specific long before it emerged in medicine.
phenomenon. However, there was no further un-
derstanding of the underlying principles, nor Hence, this immediately prompts the question
whether there was a cause-and-effect relationship "what are the other scientific disciplines doing in
or correlation. their approach to research today?"
This persisted even into the 17th century until The process of the new scientific method has
Bacon, Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and others who were been alluded to by scientific savant Stephen
unhappy with the Aristotelian approach ushered Wolfram in his book A New Kind of Science.4 The au-
in the Age of Enlightenment and proposed the sci- thor repeatedly refers to the power of modeling and
entific method. This introduced the important simulation and the importance of an iterative opti-
principle of establishing an inductive method of mization of the model. Build the computer model,
meticulously observing events and basing research add the data from a real world experiment, see if
and clinical practice on a structured approach that the results match real-world expectations, change
is evidence driven. It would take more than 300 the input data to more closely approximate the
years to untangle the enormous religions and tra- model, and run the next iteration. This is continued
ditional trappings that continued to intertwine until there is concurrence with the evidence of real-
with science. world results.
Stefan Thomke also emphasized this process of
iterative optimization by his hero, Thomas Edison,
in his book Experimentation Matters.5 Like Clayton
Medicine in the Industrial Age Christensen, his colleague in the Harvard Business
While the final rigorous formal scientific method of School who defined the term disruptive technologies
hypothesis-driven research was emerging for non- in his book The Innovators Dilemma,6 Thomke has
medical science, it was not until well into the late 19th focused upon the importance of not only the cre-
century Industrial Age that medicine began to em- ativity of new technologic ideas but also the itera-
brace this approach. One of the early advocates was tive proof of the scientific method that gains the ac-
the surgeon Nicholas Senn,2 who espoused these prin- ceptance by the scientific community and public at
ciples for the medical community in 1908; the metic- large.
ulous description of wounds and diseases became the The result is that world of science has (un-
basis (evidence) upon which diagnostic and thera- knowingly) changed the scientific method to in-
peutic decisions were made and "... the blind faith in clude an additional step between designing the ex-
ancient authorities and the handmaiden of ignorance, periment (step 3) and conducting the experiment
superstition, ..." was relinquished to empirical science (step 4). This step is 3A: model and simulate, by re-
to deduce a logical approach to therapy. This was an peated iteration to optimize the design of the ex-
enormous step forward for medicine-from mysticism periment, and then proceed to conduct the experi-
and apprenticeship to science-and presaged the ment (Figure 1). This appears to be the (new) sci-
transition to the hypothesis-driven scientific method entific method, or perhaps it should be designated
with experiments and clinical trials that are specifi- the simulation method of science. However, to what
cally designed to prove a cause-and-effect relation- practical ends should this new idea be embraced is
ship between treatment and results.3 a matter of opinion.

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The Scientific Method is Dead-Long Live the (New) Scientific Method 175

Medicine in the Computer Age this area of computer representation of our patients.
The military has a research project, the Virtual
In every industry except health care, the researchers Soldier, which is taking the first steps toward creat-
(and frequently designers, manufacturers, and other ing such a computerized patient (or soldier). This
practitioners) are taking this additional step to any computer model, called a holographic medical elec-
idea or problem by creating a computer model of tronic representation or holomer, actually exists in
the device, service, process, or even concept and the computer (and on the soldier's electronic dog
simulating the results on the computer through it- tag) as an information surrogate for the soldier. The
erative optimization. This is most commonly re- holomer is also a visual electronic health record.
ferred to as modeling and simulation and includes
virtual prototyping, computer-assisted design and
computer-assisted manufacturing, virtual testing
and evaluation, predeployment planning, and mis- Medicine and the Simulation Method
sion rehearsal. The purpose is to conserve the con-
sumption of expensive resources that occurs with Once it is learned how to approach our patients
the creation of many intermediate physical products from this radically new perspective-viewing their
as well as to drastically reduce the time for the test- holomer representations in "information space" on
ing and evaluation of every physical product or ser- a computer-it will be possible to catch up with
vice that has been constructed. Of course, the con- the rest of the scientific community and extend be-
ventional wisdom "time is money" is very applicable yond the traditional scientific method to the new
here. Only after the computer is used to optimize simulation method and rapidly expand our capabil-
the best design is the product built or the service ities. Today in patient care, if each person had his or
provided. her own holomer, it would be possible to simulate a
Health care has no computer representation of treatment option before prescribing a medication.
its "product," the patient, although the emergence For example, a patient with an arrhythmia could be
of total body scanning provides the first step into given a virtual dose of digitalis to see if the ar-

The Simulation Method

Hypothesis l Study Design Experiment Results Reporting

Hypothesis Study Design odelng & m Experimentw- Results Reporting

Figure 1. The simulation method or the (new) scientific method.

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rhythmia would resolve, and if not, the dose could simulation. Although this is not directly part of the
be adjusted until the holomer's arrhythmia ceased. scientific method, it simply illustrates the broad ap-
Or for a complicated surgical procedure, the sur- plication of modeling and simulation and attests to
geon could rehearse the simulated surgical proce- the profound changes that are occurring.
dure on the patient's holomer before operating on There is a growing awareness in the medical
the patient. Any errors in drug dosage or surgical community of the power of simulation, but this
technique would occur to the holomer, not to the awareness remains mainly within the realm of re-
actual patient. search and therefore gets very little support or at-
Today in clinical trials of a new drug, device, tention by clinicians. Research projects such as the
or procedure, hundreds of patients are subjected Digital Human, Medical Simulation and Training,
to a new, unproven treatment and compared with and Virtual Autopsy have yet to catch the attention
controls over a short fixed time of usually 3 to 10 of policymakers and instill an enthusiasm for this
years. In an analogy to other disciplines such as emerging revolution in science. Even as the elec-
weather, aviation, and manufacturing, why not cre- tronic health record slowly inserts into the daily
ate a database of deidentified models (holomers) of practice of medicine, so too will the other powerful
a million different patients, conduct a clinical trial new information and business tools migrate.
over 50 years of time, and simulate the results in Modeling and simulation (the simulation method)
one weekend on a supercomputer, with no risk to will gently merge into clinical practice just as supply
any patient? The purpose is not to do away with chain management and just-in-time-inventory have
clinical trials or basic scientific research but rather become critical processes in efficient medical man-
to dramatically decrease the resources and time de- agement. The time will eventually come, it is simply
voted to conducting numerous experiments on the a matter of how long does medicine wait until it re-
road to a final experiment that provides the conclu- joins the rest of science.
sive results.
The principles of the scientific method have
served us well for long period of time; however, the
new technology and methodology that exists today References
and is being used by others in the scientific com-
munity can leverage off the traditional scientific 1. Anon: Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine: levels
method to the simulation method and elevate sci- of evidence. of evidence.asp;
entific inquiry to an even more productive plateau. Last accessed May 15,
If the remainder of the scientific community em- 2005.
braces modeling and simulation, so too should med- 2. Senn N: The dawn of modern military surgery. Surgery,
icine, whether in daily practice or in rigorous clini- Gynecology and Obstetrics, 477-482, 1908.
cal research. 3. Satava RM: Days 2 and 3 of the dawn of modern military
The use of modeling and simulation in medical surgery: the sequel to Senn. J Am Coll Surg 200(3):316-
320, 2005.
education and training has not been addressed be-
cause it is not traditionally considered part of the 4. Wolfram S. A New Kind of Science. Champaign, IL:
Wolfram Media, Inc, 2002.
direct practice of medicine; however, simulation has
5. Thomke S. Experimentation Matters: Unlocking the
been critical to all other industries in training their Potential of New Technologies for Innovation. Boston:
personnel (especially military, transportation, etc). Harvard Business School Press, 2003.
Surgical simulators and other medical and proce- 6. Christensen C. Innovator's Dilemma: When Technologies
dural simulators have been developing over the past Cause Great Firms to Fail. Boston: Harvard Business School
2 decades. Flight simulators have been around for Press, 1997.
more than 70 years, and now the surgical commu-
nity is learning of their importance and has devel-
oped technology to adapt simulation for surgical ed-
ucation and training. As already indicated, simula-
tion can be introduced into the daily practice of
medicine, so too should education, training, and as-
sessment become a continuum with medical prac-
tice. In the future, life-long learning and mainte-
nance of certification will be transparent as part of
clinical practice, in a great part due to the power of

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