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Prepared By: Maricon G. Francia

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
 Discusses the nature of the different sports activities PEH11FH-IIa-18
 Explains the value of optimizing one’s health through participation in physical activity
assessment PEH11FH-IId-t-14
 Demonstrates proper etiquette, skills on sports and safety PEH11FH-IIa-t-12


Materials: Visual aids, powerpoint, speaker and ball.

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

 Greetings

A pleasant morning to everyone!

Good morning, Ma’am!
 Opening Prayer
Before we start, let us pray.
(1 student will lead the prayer.)
 Classroom Management
Before you take your seat, kindly pick up the
pieces of mess under your chair, and I will
give you 30 seconds to keep it in your bags or (Learners will pick up litter under their
throw it in the garbage. seats).

Now, please arrange your chair and sit

Thank you, ma’am!
 Checking of Attendance
Let me check your attendance today, ms. or mr.
secretary. Who are the absentees today?
No one is absent for today, ma’am!
Very good! I am glad that no one is absent

 Energizer
Now, everyone, stand up for our stretching
energizer because today we will have
physical activities to avoid injury or body
pain. (The learners will stand up and follow their
Follow me, and let’s count louder, 1 to 8,
each stretching.

How did you feel after stretching?

Ma’am, it’s light on the body and wakes up
the muscles.
Nice! What is the importance of stretching?
This helps increase flexibility and prevent
injury, ma’am.
Excellent! Stretching is very important; it is
the first step that we must do before
engaging in any activities.

You may take your sit (Students will sit down.)

 Review
At this time, let me test your knowledge of
our previous lesson with this ball. Pass the
basketball around the class while the music
plays. When the song stops, the last ball
holder will answer my question.

Are you ready class?

Yes, ma’am!
(The teacher will give the ball to the learners
and play music)

What is our previous lesson?

It’s about the types of passing in basketball,
Exactly! Let’s move on to the next question.
Please pass the ball around. (Student will continue on passing the ball
around the class.)

Next question, what is passing in basketball?

Passing in basketball is a way for players to
move the ball on the court between
teammates. ma’am.
Excellent! Go pass the ball and move to the
next question.

What type of pass that originates from the chest?

Ma’am, chest pass.
Very good! Go pass the ball!

What is a pass that is thrown with the same

motion however it is aimed at the floor? It is a bounce pass, ma’am!

Great answer! Pass the ball.

It is often used as an outlet pass.
Ma’am, it is an over head pass.
Excellent! This pass will allow you to protect
the ball from a defender who's getting too
close, by passing the ball under their arm.
It is the wrap-around pass, ma’am.
Good Job! I am amazed because you still
remember our lesson. This is proof that you
are ready for our next lesson.
Okay class let us have a game called “bounce
the ball, paste the letter”. Here’s the
instruction, since we do have 2 groups in our
class, each of you will bounce the ball 3 times
with one hand, then get the letter and paste
it on the board one after another. After you
paste all the letters, the remaining people of
the group will arrange the letters to form a
word which is related to our topic for today.

The first group to finish the game will be the

winner and will be awarded. Are you ready to
play the game class? Yes ma’am!

Ready, set, go! (The students will play the game)

Congratulations class! You all did a great job,

give yourselves a round of applause!

What word did you form? Can you all please


Very good! From the way you bounce the

basketball with your one hand upon forming
the word dribbling is related to our topic for
Our topic for today is about the Types of
Dribbling in Basketball.

Kindly read the the definition of dribbling in

basketball. Dribbling is a fundamental basketball skill
that requires hand-eye coordination, good
timing, and practice in which a player uses
one hand to continuously bounce the ball
on the court.
Okay, Dribbling helps you control the ball,
protect the ball from your opponent and
advance the ball to the hoop to score points.

Did you know that dribbling is known as ball

handling? and a player advancing the ball by
dribbling is known as a ball handler. A player
most responsible for dribbling is typically the
point guard.
Can you give a famous ball handler or point
guard in the PBA or NBA?
Ma’am, Stephen Curry!
Very Good! Here’s a trivia, according to the as of 2022-2023, Stephen
Curry ranked top 1 as the best point guard in

For us to know the different moves of

dribbling by stephen curry and other famous
point guard all over the world, lets further
discuss the types of dribbling in basketball.

Can you please read the first type of

dribbling? 1. LOW DRIBBLE - The low dribble is to be
used whenever you are closely guarded.
This type of dribbling simply entails keeping
the ball low to the floor and in your control.
As its name suggests, low dribble just means
that you must keep the ball bouncing low
nearest to the floor.

Now, I will demonstrate how to do the low

dribble. Watch and listen carefully.

 Extend your dribbling hand and arm

down as much as possible to shorten the
distance the ball has to travel.
 Keep the elbow of your dribbling hand
close in at your side.
 Dribble the ball on the side of your body
away from the defender.
 The palm of your dribbling hand is kept
over the ball.
 Don't watch the ball as you dribble.
 Look over the court and prepare your
 Use your other forearm to shield the ball
from the defender.
 While being tightly guarded, be careful
not to blatantly push or shove the
defender with your forearm.

Okay, who wants to experience doing the low

dribbling? (The student will do a low dribbling)

Excellent! Next type of dribbling is High

Dribble, kindly read. 2. HIGH DRIBBLE - The high dribble is used
when you are trying to move the ball up the
court very quickly. Typically, you will see
high dribbles after steals and during fast-
break opportunities.
Okay, to execute a high dribble, you must:
 keep your torso erect and push the top
of the ball forward, well ahead of your
 The bounce of the ball should reach
anywhere from between your upper
thigh to slightly above your waist.

Who wants to volunteer doing the high

dribble? (The student will do a high dribbling)

Good job! Can you please read the third type

of dribbling? 3. CROSSOVER DRIBBLING - The crossover
dribble requires dribbling with one hand,
then as you get close to your defender,
push the ball out in front of you, over to the
other hand, and exploding past him.
Okay, who knows how to dribble a
crossover? (a student will volunteer to do the
crossover dribbling)
Great job! Now, If your defender is making a
strong attempt to prevent you from going
right or left, using a crossover dribble can be

For example, if your defender is trying to

prevent you from going to your right, you
would perform a crossover dribble to your
left. To do so,
 flick the ball across your body from your
right hand to your left hand, while
simultaneously moving your right foot
across your body to your left.
 It is important to keep your body low;
your dribble should be no higher than
your knees.
 Accelerate past your defender by
pushing off with your left foot.

Next type of dribbling is Between the Legs,

kindly read.. 4. BETWEEN THE LEGS - The between the
legs dribble is used to go past a defender
who is overplaying you. If you are going left,
begin with rapid low dribbles with your
right hand. Take a deep step forward with
your left foot and flick the ball through your
legs to your left hand. Keep your body low
as you move forward to your left.
This dribble is a quick way to move the ball
from one hand to the other when you are
closely guarded or when being overplayed
and you want to change dribbling direction.

Let's assume you are dribbling with your right

hand and want to change over to your left.
 Keep your dribble low.
 On the last dribble you take before the
changeover, put your right hand laterally
on the outside of the ball and push it
hard between your spread legs.
 You left hand must be close to your legs
to receive the ball with the fingers
spread out and pointed to the floor.
 Continue dribbling with your left hand.

Now, who wants to volunteer on doing the

Between the Legs Dribbling? (a student will volunteer to do the Between
the Legs Dribbling)

Excellent! We are now in the last type of

dribbling, can you please read.. 5. BEHIND THE BACK - The behind-the-back
dribble begins as the outside leg is back and
just beginning to move forward, and the
ball needs to be dribbled all the way over to
the opposite hand. The key to an effective
behind-the-back dribble is to continue
moving forward rather than just dribbling
Okay, who knows how to dribble behind the
back? Can you please execute? (a student will volunteer to do the Behind
the back Dribbling)
Very Good! Now, if you want to change
directions while keeping a good view of the
entire court, a behind the back dribble can
be effective. If you want to move to your left,
begin dribbling with your right hand. To
execute this dribble you need to
 place your hand on the side of the ball.
 Step forward with your left foot while
simultaneously wrapping the ball behind
your back, across the back of your thighs,
and flick the ball toward your left hand.
 Be sure to plant your right foot before
stepping forward with your left foot.

So, those are the 5 types of dribbling in

basketball. Do you have any question before
we end our lesson? (questions raised will be answered)

Okay, remember class that it is important to

learn which type of dribble to use in a given
situation. With all these types of dribbles it is
important to keep your head up so that you
can see teammates when they have scoring
This time, we will play the game “pick me up,
dribble me up” I have here a box, inside this
are papers with words of the types of
dribbling in basketball. The 2 groups will
compete and demonstrate as to what dribble
they had pick up. The group with the fastest
and highest score with the correct dribbling
according to the given rubrics within 5
minutes will be the winner.

Score Description

10 pts
The group were able to follow and execute all
the types of dribbling in basketball.

8 pts The group were able to follow and execute most

Very of the types of dribbling in basketball with 1-2
Good noticeable mishaps.
6 pts The group were able to follow and execute the
Good types of dribbling in basketball with 3 – 4
noticeable mishaps.

4 pts The group were able to play volleyball but having

Poor great difficulty in executing the types of dribbling
in basketball .

2 pts The group showed no retained knowledge about

Fair the types of dribbling in basketball

Are you ready class?

Okay, ready, set, go! Yes ma’am!

Great job class! You’ve executed all the types

of dribbling as correctly as possible. (The student will play the game)

To sum up our lesson and let me test if you
learned something from our discussion thru a
question and answer portion,

This type of dribbling simply entails keeping

the ball low to the floor and in your control?
Ma’am, that’s a “Low Dribbling.”
Very good! It is used when you are trying to
move the ball up the court very quickly?
Ma’am, that’s “High Dribbling.”
Great! It requires dribbling with one hand,
then as you get close to your defender, push
the ball out in front of you, over to the other
hand, and exploding past him? Ma’am, that’s “Crossover Dribbling.”

Exactly! It is used to go past a defender who

is overplaying you. ? Ma’am, that’s “Between the Legs

Excellent! It begins as the outside leg is back

and just beginning to move forward, and the
ball needs to be dribbled all the way over to
the opposite hand. ? Ma’am, that’s “Behind the Back Dribbling.”

Good job! I am glad that you really

understood our lesson for today!

Now, what can you say upon learning the

types dribbling in basketball? Ma’am, I learned the proper and correct
way of dribbling the basketball. I will
definitely apply this learning into my
basketball journey.
Excellent! Im happy to here that from you
and may you continue to play, practice and
progress in playing basketball.

Direction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.
________1. Low dribble just means that you must keep the ball bouncing low nearest to the
________2. The high dribble is used when you are trying to move the ball up the court very
________3. The crossover dribble requires dribbling with two hands, then as you get close to
your defender, pushing the ball out in front of you, over to the other hand, and exploding past
________4. The between the legs dribble is used to go past a defender who is overplaying you.
________5. The behind-the-back dribble begins as the outside leg is back and just beginning to
move forward, and the ball needs to be dribbled all the way over to the opposite hand.

1. Make an audio-video presentation (AVP) per group on how to do these types of dribbling in
2. Do an advance reading about Basketball Shooting.

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