Anatomi Paper

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Anatomy Paper

Abstract (100-250 kata)

Component Content
The background of the research 1-2 kalimat
Purpose 1 kalimat
Method 3-4 kalimat
Principal results 1 kalimat
Major conclusions 1 kalimat
Its contributions to the field. 1 kalimat
Body of Paper
Title: Online Learning Pandemic
Keywords: Keyword1, Keywords2, Keywords3, Keywords4, Keywords5

Component Content
Introduction 4-5 kalimat
1. What is Known? (Our understanding of
the world) 4-5 kalimat 1. Kalimat 1(SPOK)
2. Kalimat 2
 Hal Umum, tidak terbantah
3. Kalimat 3
 Bernada positif
 Mengerucut dr Kalimat 1- 5 4. Kalimat 4
5. Kalimat 5

2. What is Unknown? (What is the gap we 4-5 kalimat

want to fill?) 4-5 kalimat
1. Kalimat 1(SPOK)
 Problem 2. Kalimat 2
 Bernada negatif
3. Kalimat 3
 Mengerucut dr Kalimat 1- 5
 Gunakan linking words : But, 4. Kalimat 4
however, etc. 5. Kalimat 5

3. How and why? should we fill the gap? 2-3 kalimat

(Your rationale and purpose/hypothesis)
2-3 kalimat 1. Urgensi Research/pentingnya
2. Solusi yang diberikan/penawaran
 Cara menyelesaikan masalah2 di
atas dg cara yg unique (novelty) kebaruan Research
 Urgensi / kelebihan novelty 3. Tujuan Research

4. Research method 4-5 kalimat

Research design, 1. Research Design
Population and samples 2. Population and sample
Instruments 3. Instrumen/Procedure
4. Data Analisis

5. Result: What result did you get? 4-5 kalimat

1. Kalimat 1 tentang gambar/table
Hasil wawancara, hasil observasi, hasil 2. Kalimat 2 tentang gambar/table
dokumentasi 3. Kalimat 3 tentang gambar/table
 Jumlah Result (No.5) sama dg
jumlah Gaps (No.2) 4. Dst
 Bisu (no comment yet)

6. Discussion: How do the result fill the

 Compare to previous results
(Against, or support or in between)
 Theories accepted
4-5 kalimat
 Berbunyi, explain!
1. Kalimat 1
 Process of Answering Gaps
 Reference added 2. Kalimat 2
3. Kalimat 3
Menjawa GAP (Nomor 2) 4. Kalimat 4
1. Kalimat 1(SPOK) 5. Kalimat 5
2. Kalimat 2
3. Kalimat 3
4. Kalimat 4
5. Kalimat 5

7. Conclusion: What does this mean for 5-10 kalimat (± 300-500 kata)
us going forward? 1. Jawaban dari Tujuan Research
2. Kalimat pendukung poin 1
3. Kalimat pendukung poin 1
4. Kontribusi Research
5. Limitation Jika Ada

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